Yan Luqing was stunned for a while.

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“So you…… didn’t click in to see what was repaired?”

“No.” Makabaka sighed with disappointment, “I just took a look and was kicked out by the protection program soon.”


The conversation then ends here.

Yan Luqing thought about what Makabaka said before going to bed at night.

Her intuition is quite accurate, and she also believes that this AI with a mental disability, who belongs to her, should not lie to herself.

So, why do these appear?

Why do so many bugs appear again after the bug has been repaired?

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However, with her extremely limited amount of information, it is impossible to come up with anything for this kind of thing. Yan Luqing fell asleep while thinking about it in her mind.

The next morning.

In the car that is driving to the school, Yan Luqing is still immersed in what Makabaka had said. With her forehead pressed against the car window, she combed through all the things she had experienced since she crossed through.

Then she discovered that Gu Ci was indispensable in all the most vivid memories she could think of, and he was there in every scene.

The closer the two of them got to each other, the more deeply she remembered it.

She is too preoccupied to notice that the driver temporarily stepped on the brake because there is a wild cat crossing the road ahead.

Until a hand suddenly stretched out beside her, supported her forehead, and pushed her head back from the edge of the window to the other direction——

Then Yan Luqing felt a strong inertia leading her to lean forward.

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When she regained consciousness, Gu Ci also withdrew his hand. The touch on her forehead disappeared and he glanced at her flatly: “What are you thinking of?”

There is a little bit of an educating tone in this remark.

However, if he hadn’t helped to push her head, Yan Luqing would probably have slammed into the glass window because of inertia.

She straightened her hair in front of her forehead, “…Thank you.”

The wild cat crossed the road, and the car smoothly hit the road again.

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Gu Ci didn’t answer her thank you.

Instead, he smiled lightly, looked at her and said: “Owner, I’ll be leaving in the afternoon.”

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Yan Luqing turned her head around blankly: “Yeah, you already told me yesterday.”

After looking at each other for a moment, Gu Ci opened his mouth again and said with a steady voice: “Do you have nothing to say?”


Nothing to say?

Of course Yan Luqing has something she wants to say. From last night to now, she already has a lot of things that she wants to say to him. She wants to tell him everything she knows, and wants to tell him what Makabaka had said, and let him analyze it all

But in the end, all she said was: “Then… I wish you a smooth business trip.”

Gu Ci stared at her for a long time. His black and white eyes looked extraordinarily clean in the early morning. He made a ‘tsk’ sound and said quite suggestively: “I thought I would hear something different.”

Yan Luqing opened her eyes wide.

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She doesn’t know why, but Gu Ci’s expression made her feel that she had a moment of crooked thoughts.

The so-called ‘something different’, is it the ‘I will miss you’ that is always said before saying goodbye?

Turned speechless by her own thoughts, Yan Luqing hurriedly returned to her senses and said: “How can there be so much to say…”

“And we already talked when you reported yesterday, right?” She paused, “It’s just two days of not seeing each other.”

He will leave on Friday and return on Sunday.

“It may not necessarily be two days. The fastest is——” Gu Ci stretched his voice, “just more than thirty hours of not seeing each other.”

More than thirty hours of not seeing each other?

Doesn’t he find it ambiguous? Do they meet anywhere and anytime in the villa? He was so busy! Yan Luqing still remembers when he didn’t even come out to watch TV the other night.

Besides, they don’t sleep together either. So, is sleeping time not counted as time?

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