In the time it had taken the waiter to rush from Qingyuan Tavern to Ji Manor, the chief of the Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency, Feng Yuntian, paid a visit to the Zhu Manor.

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Ji Manor was the wealthiest household in Shengjing City. The second was the Zhu family, where the Second Mistress of the Ji family originally hailed.

Upon entering their front door, Feng Yuntian was led by a servant to the reception pavilion in the front yard. The servant then hurried off to notify his master of the guest’s presence.

Although the Zhus were not as wealthy as the Jis, their wealth was still significant enough to rival a state. The reception pavilion was filled with furniture of Nanmu wood inlaid with gold, screens of jade, incense burners of pure gold with peony carvings, valuable paintings, and palace lanterns. The place exuded luxury.

Within ten minutes, the patriarch of the Zhu family, Zhu Hecheng, emerged wearing a long turquoise robe. His face was fair and beardless, and it was clear he was in good health. His voice was louder than an average person’s as he said, “What an honor it is to have Shopkeeper Feng visit us.”

Feng Yuntian stood up immediately. “Greetings, Shopkeeper Zhu. You’re much too kind.”

Zhu Hecheng sat in the main seat and smiled amiably as he asked, “Is there any particular reason for your unexpected visit, Shopekeer Feng?”

Feng Yuntian stepped forward and said with a respectful smile, “I have a favor to ask of you, sir.”

“What is it?” Zhu Hecheng picked up his teacup and took a sip.

“You’ve probably heard of a certain Qinglong Bodyguard Agency that recently started business in Shengjing City. Both the Ji and the Chen families have become major clients of theirs. But to be honest, how capable can a newly established bodyguard agency be? They even came to us yesterday and asked if we had any extra miscellaneous assignments we could pass on to them. Since we’re all in the same industry, I wanted to show my support and handed them ten wagons of foodstuffs to escort. Unfortunately, when my deputy manager did a random check on the goods this morning, he realized that they had all been replaced with rocks and sand. They had exchanged the foodstuff for rocks and were intending to pass them off as the real thing. It was fortunate that the deputy manager discovered their ploy; however, the men from Qinglong Bodyguard Agency refuse to admit to it. They were completely unreasonable and beat up everyone we sent. I have no idea who reported the case, but right now, their chief has been locked up. I was worried they might taint the truth in front of the magistrate to get out of trouble. So, I was hoping you’d put in a word for me with the magistrate. After all, both of you are old friends. As long as you vouch for us, our agency will be as good as vindicated.”

As he spoke, he put two banknotes on the table. With a charming smile, he continued, “These two banknotes are a token of my sincerity. Ten thousand taels are for the magistrate, and the other ten thousand is to compensate you for your trouble.”

“Shopkeeper Feng, you’re being too kind. There’s no need to stand on such ceremony.” Zhu Hecheng glanced at the banknotes and chuckled.

He was a sly old fox who’d been in the business a long time and could naturally figure out what Feng Yuntian was hinting at.

If Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency had indeed been cheated, because they even had evidence to show for it, bribing the magistrate would be superfluous. It was apparent they had deliberately framed Qinglong Bodyguard Agency intending to destroy this new competitor of theirs.

He had seen plenty of schemes like this before.

Feng Yuntian pushed the banknotes a little closer to Zhu Hecheng. “It’s what I should do. I can’t make you go through that trouble all for nothing. When everything is settled, there will be even more gifts of gratitude coming your way.”

Zhu Hecheng smiled plainly. “All right, then. Since you think so highly of me, I shall pay a visit to the magistrate on your behalf.”

“Yes, thank you. Thank you for making the trip, sir.”

When Feng Yuntian left, Zhu Hecheng kept the banknotes and ordered the carriage to be brought around. He headed to the government office immediately.

After Su Jiu was brought to the government office, she was temporarily detained in prison, awaiting the officer to present the case to the magistrate and for the magistrate to come to a decision.

The prison was unbearably dank and dirty. The moment she stepped in, several heads stretched out, and they stared at the new inmate with lifeless expressions. At the same time, they were all gloating inwardly that an additional person had come to share their doom.

Some stretched their hands out and grabbed blindly at the jailor’s clothes, screaming at the injustice of their capture.

This place… was hell on earth.

Chang Huan guarded Su Jiu tightly and ensured that none of their hands touched her at all.

“All of you, get back!” the jail warden yelled as he lashed his whip at the multitude of outstretched hands.

They soon came to a cell, and the jailor opened the door before pushing Su Jiu and Chang Huan in. “Get it!” he ordered.

Chang Huan had been shoved violently. He spun around intending to strike back, but Su Jiu pulled him away.

The warden locked the cell door behind him and pranced out of jail.

Su Jiu turned around. From the small flickering flame of the candle, she saw about a dozen people who were suffering together in this cell. They lined the walls of the cell. Every corner had been taken up. When they looked up at saw Su Jiu and Chang Huan, their eyes burned with lust.

They looked like ravenous wolves that had just found a young lamb.

At the center sat a burly chap. His was bald with enormous ears and a fleshy face. He was gnawing on a blade of grass and resting one arm on his hiked-up knee. He sized up Su Jiu with a menacing look, his mouth broken into a taunting grin. “What have we here? Two little chickens were ripe for the plucking! They even look like women, with that smooth skin and soft flesh!”

A man in rags crawled over to him and said with a charming laugh, “Boss, these two look good. Let’s take our time with them. It’ll be no fun if we’re done too soon!”

The brute glanced at him disdainfully. “I don’t need you to tell me what to do.”

“Of course! Of course!” the man balked.

The brute looked up at Su Jiu, and asked, “Boy, do you have any money with you? If you’re able to offer me some silver, I’ll allow you a few days of comfort.”

The expression on Su Jiu’s face did not change. She didn’t even spare him a glance as she walked to a corner. She looked at the person sitting there in the eye and said, “Could you please move a little to the side? Give us some space.”

The moment she spoke, the dozen or so people in the cell burst out laughing in unison. They guffawed uncontrollably as if they had just heard the funniest joke ever.

“Boy, the seating positions in this cell aren’t random. You must first offer some money to our boss, followed by a few days of service. If the boss is satisfied with you, only then will you get a place to sit,” said a shifty-eyed man between chuckles.

Chang Huan swept his gaze contemptuously over the crowd and, with a snort, asked, “Whom are we supposed to serve? Let me do it!”

“Our boss!”

“How?” Chang Huan asked.

The brute stuck his legs out and removed his shoes, revealing a pair of dirty and smelly feet. With a laugh, he said, “It’s been a few days since my feet have been washed. I want you to lick them clean!”

Chang Huan laughed scornfully and slowly walked up to him. He crouched down in front of the brute and reached out to hold his ankle. Looking up with a smile, he asked, “This foot?”

Chang Huan was a good-looking man, to begin with. Now, in the gloomy shadows of the jail cell, he looked exceptionally clean and pleasant. The brute’s eyes shined with eagerness as he sniggered gleefully, “Yes. Now lick…”

Snap! The sound of the bone-breaking in two resounded clearly within the walls of the jail cell.

Before the brute could even finish his sentence, he raised his head with a loud howl of pain. His fat leg foot been broken into two and was pointing upward in a bizarre angle, with the surface of his toenail in direct contact with his leg.

The entire jail suddenly went silent. Su Jiu folded her arms and stood where she was. With a smile on her face, she asked…

“Would any of you like to avenge your boss? Feel free to step right up.”

On the other side of the wall, Ji Yuxian entered the government building. His first action, however, wasn’t to find the magistrate but to go to the prison.

He walked through the doors at the same time that Zhu Hecheng reached Magistrate Lin’s backyard.

When the guards at the gate saw it was the patriarch of the Zhu household, he assumed an unusually courteous mien. He led him to the reception pavilion at the backyard. “Please have some tea while I notify the magistrate of your presence,” he said.

“Thank you, kindly,” the head of the Zhu family said as he put a small silver ingot in the guard’s hand.

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The guard grinned immediately. “Right away, sir!” he replied.

Zhu Hecheng waited for ten minutes in the reception pavilion before the magistrate of the capital, Lin Wenting, entered. He was dressed in his official garb and exuded an air of authority.

Zhu Hecheng got up and bent forward in a respectful bow. “Greetings, my lord.”

Lin Wenting took a step forward and held him up with both hands. With a warm laugh, he said, “Brother Hecheng, please do not stand on ceremony.”

The two men sat down, and a servant brought them some tea.

“I still have our unfinished chess game from two days ago in their exact same positions,” Magistrate Lin said. “Are you here to finish the game with me today?”

Zhu Hecheng smiled casually. “Not at all. I’m here at the behest of someone else who would like to ask a favor of you, magistrate.”

“What is it about?” Magistrate Lin asked.

“Is there a youth by the name of Su Jiu who is currently locked up in your prison?” Zhu Hecheng asked.

Magistrate Lin nodded his head. The officer had just reported the case to him. He had caught wind of this and was about to get someone to investigate.

“It’s a small case. The Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency has written proof bearing their acknowledgment. With such concrete evidence present, why do you need to trouble yourself with an investigation? Qinglong Bodyguard Agency committed fraud. Just lock them all up,” Zhu Hecheng said with a laugh.

A knowing look flashed in Magistrate Lin’s eyes. He smiled as he stroked his beard and asked, “Was it someone from the Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency who asked you to come? Although they have evidence, there’s still something fishy about the whole matter. If I do not conduct a thorough investigation, it’ll be hard to appease the masses.”

Zhu Hecheng smiled and put the banknote for ten thousand taels of silver on the table. “This is a small token of appreciation from Shopkeeper Feng of the Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency to you. Please accept it.”

Magistrate Lin glanced at the value indicated on the banknote, and the look in his eyes deepened as the mystery surrounding the case came to light in his mind. He could almost be sure that this had been a trap set up by Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency, and that Qinglong Bodyguard Agency had indeed been framed.

“If I do so,” Magistrate Lin said with a frown, “it will be hard for me to appease Qinglong Bodyguard Agency!”

“If they aren’t appeased, you may go ahead and send someone to investigate the case. The outcome just has to remain the same!” Zhu Hecheng said.

In other words, if he took the money, he was still allowed to carry out an investigation. He simply wasn’t allowed to reveal the truth.

Magistrate Lin understood it right away and nodded with a smile. “Please help me pass the message to Shopkeeper Zhou that I value evidence above all. Since he has the agreement in black and white, there are no other considerations to be had. I will definitely give him justice.”

That statement had been worded flawlessly. Even if somebody had eavesdropped on the conversation, they wouldn’t have been able to identify any problem with it.

But Zhu Hecheng understood the underlying meaning, and said gratefully, “I thank you on behalf of Shopkeeper Feng, my lord!”

“Brother Hecheng, you’re being too polite!”

“My lord, I know you’re busy, and I shan’t hold you back any longer. I will take my leave now.”

“Let me send you to the door!”

The two men exchanged knowing glances as they stepped out.

Inside the prison, when Ji Yuxian said he wanted to meet Su Jiu, the head warden’s heart plummeted to his stomach.

To condition the inmates to be obedient, the wardens had all new prisoners sent first sent to the Special Cell to be taught a lesson by the most hardened criminals. By the time the prisoners were removed from that cell, they would be wholly docile and, at times, even cooperate without the use of torture. Their only wish would be to change a cell.

Today, he had his subordinate throw Su Jiu and her companion into Kui Er’s cell. Kui Er was the vilest criminal in the whole prison. By now, the two weak-looking youths had probably already been tortured beyond recognition.

The head warden asked tentatively, “May I know how those two people are related to you, sir?”

“They’re my friends,” Ji Yuxian replied simply.

The head warden began to panic but had no choice but to steel himself and lead Ji Yuxian in.

Upon entering the prison, a horrible stench wafted over. The deeper they walked into the prison, the darker it became. The inmates in the cells lining both sides of the walkway were screaming their injustices at the top of their lungs, creating an eerie cacophony of desperation.

Ji Yuxian frowned, and his expression grew taut as he quickened his pace.

When they reached the outside of the cell that Su Jiu was held in, all the inmates were standing in a crowd with their backs to the door, blocking out the sight of whatever was going on inside.

The head warden’s heart skipped a beat. Damn it! There was no telling what Kui Er had done to humiliate the two newcomers! Was Ji Yuxian going to lose his temper when he finally witnessed it?

“What’s going on? Make way! Open the door!” the head warden bellowed, and a jailor rushed forward to unlock it.

When the prisoners heard the commotion behind them, they all turned their heads to look. The expression on their faces wasn’t one of pleasure at enjoying a good show. Instead, it was an expression of fear. Furthermore, all of them were, in one way or another, sporting injury.

“Make way! Make way!” the head warden demanded.

The group parted in the middle, creating a path from the door to the center of the cell. When the individuals outside the cell looked at the situation inside, they were all stunned.

Everyone in the cell was standing, with the exception of Su Jiu and Chang Huan, who were both seated at the innermost wall. In front of them was a very ugly-looking inmate lying face up on the ground. Squashed beneath him was another person, and that person was Kui Er.

Kui Er was bracing himself with both arms on the ground. His head was facing the feet on the man on the ground. That man had removed his shoes, revealing a pair of blackened feet that smelled like they were rotting.

Kui Er held himself up with all his might. Any closer and his lips would end up kissing that repulsive pair of feet. However, given the fact that he was fat, and one of his legs was broken, his face had turned red and swollen from the exertion. Cold sweat poured down his face.

Upon witnessing this sight inside the cell, the few individuals outside were dumbstruck.

“What is going on?” the head warden demanded chillingly.

Kui Er suddenly fell to the ground with a crash, with his lips planted right on the other man’s feet. He regurgitated and almost threw up. Crawling towards the head warden, he wailed, “Head warden! Please! I beg you to transfer me to another cell!”

Ji Yuxian looked inside and smiled when he saw Su Jiu sitting with perfect composure.

Su Jiu noticed the man. She got up and dusted the dirt off her butt. With a smile, she walked over and remarked, “You’re finally here!”

As soon as she made her way over, the prisoners at the side of the wooden fence immediately pulled back, leaving her with a wide berth.

In the dark jail cell, the young lady’s smile was dazzlingly bright, like a full moon in the clear night sky.

Ji Yuxian reached his hand in through the wooden fence and gently stroked the young lady’s face. “Are you hurt?” he whispered.

Su Jiu’s eyes gazed at him brightly as she shook her head lightly.

The man smiled at her and nodded his head. The look in his eyes was gentle as he said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here.”

Naturally, Su Jiu wasn’t afraid at all. But hearing that tone of indulgence from the man at that moment made her nose ache with unshed tears. She bit her lip and nodded her head obediently.

Chang Huan stood behind Su Jiu. As they watch the two individuals gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes, an unidentifiable emotion flashed across his eyes, and the spark in them slowly dimmed.

Uncle Yu had come along. He reached out and placed a gold ingot in the hand of the head warden and said with a smile, “Please transfer them to a cell that is a little cleaner.”

The head warden’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw the gold ingot in his hand.

There were times when he had received a few pieces of silver, at most, from those who had come to visit the prisoner. And those few had been considered very wealthy. The Ji household, however, had given him a gold ingot at one go! A gold ingot was something he’d never be able to earn even after spending a lifetime overseeing this jail.

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The head warden cupped the ingot with trembling hands and smiled in shock. “Of course! I’ll get someone to see to it right away!”

With that, he turned around and instructed the jailor, “Hurry! Transfer these two gentlemen to another cleaner cell, and bring a new set of blankets for them!”

Kui Er and his group of inmates cheered in delight when they heard that

This King of Hades was finally leaving!

Su Jiu was quickly transferred to a clean and quiet cell. There was a wooden bed with a new set of bedding inside. There was even a night table with some coarse ceramic bowls and a tea set.

It was chilly inside the jail, and the head warden had someone bring in a furnace, just for them.

In jail, this was about as good as got.

Ji Yuxia took off his black fox fur coat and wrapped it around Su Jiu. “Wait for me. I’ll bring you home soon!” he whispered.

Su Jiu raised her eyebrows. “What do you intend to do?”

At present, the other party held the agreement bearing Ah Shu’s fingerprint, setting the odds firmly against them.

“Don’t worry. I’ll have my ways!” Ji Yuxian said to her as he trailed his warm hand down her cheek before turning to walk out.

Su Jiu watched as the aristocratic image of his back was slowly swallowed up by the darkness of the prison. Her heart was at peace. She didn’t know how Ji Yuxian intended to rescue her, but she firmly believed that he’d succeed.

She knew that Master An and Ah Shu were taking action at that very moment too.

Magistrate Lin was surprised to hear that Young Master Ji was seeking an audience with him. Zhu Hecheng had just left, and Ji Yuxian was now here. Two of the wealthiest people in the city visiting him on the same day was a rare occurrence indeed.

He wasn’t here for Su Jiu as well, was he?

Laying his documents down, Magistrate Lin rose and made his way to the front hall. The moment he entered, he smiled and said, “Long time no see, Eldest Young Master.”

“Greetings, my lord.” Ji Yuxian bowed his head slightly. His bearing was calm, and he carried himself with an aura of dignity. “Eldest Young Master, please don’t stand on ceremony.” Magistrate Lin replied. “Please have a seat.”

A servant appeared immediately with tea.

“What brings you here in the middle of your busy day, Eldest Young Master?” Magistrate Lin asked with a smile that reached his eyes.

“Well, I have a friend who runs a bodyguard agency but was framed and is currently imprisoned. My friend’s body is weak and won’t be able to endure the cold and the hardships in there. I implore you to please conduct your investigation as quickly as possible and prove my friend’s innocence,” Ji Yuxian said without beating around the bush.

Alarm flashed in Magistrate Lin’s eyes, and he asked, “Are you referring to the youth by the name of Su Jiu?”


Magistrate Lin laughed dryly. “I’m afraid this case isn’t so simple,” he said. “I just looked through the details. Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency has their evidence in black and white. May I ask what you have to prove Su Jiu’s innocence?”

“A lot of points don’t add up. As long you send someone to investigate, you’ll definitely find a loophole. I hope you will get to the bottom of this and conclude this case before the day is over.”

Magistrate Lin chuckled. “I’m flattered by how highly you think of me. But even if Su Jiu were innocent, I will need time to investigate. Eldest Young Master, you are making things difficult by expecting me to conclude the case before nightfall.”

Ji Yuxian looked at him plainly, the corners of his lips turned up scarcely in the barest hint of a smile. “In other words,” he said, “you are refusing to do me this favor?”

“No, not exactly. It isn’t that I’m refusing you. Rather, I just can’t do it.” Magistrate Lin’s tone was icy.

Ji Yuxian nodded his head lightly and abruptly changed the subject. “I have something else I’d like to ask you about, my lord.”

“Please go ahead.”

“There’s a shop on Zhuque Street called Yuxiangzhai specializing in antique calligraphy. I have an interest in that area too, but I heard that the goods in that shop are exorbitantly expensive. An ordinary inkwell costs upward of 50,000 taels of silver. I’m a merchant myself, but I can’t seem to make out the reason for that. Would you happen to know, my lord?”

Before Ji Yuxian had even finished his question, Magistrate Lin’s complexion changed immediately, and he turned his head.

Magistrate Lin owned Yuxiangzhai—but of course, under an alias.

The items he sold were nothing more than gifts from his subordinates or contemporaries–calligraphy paintings, stationery, porcelain vases, and jade accessories from his home. Most were everyday items that held no real value, and all were sold in his shop. Anyone who had a favor to ask of him knew the true purpose of that shop and would buy a painting or inkwell without asking the price. Upon parting with tens of thousands of silver ingots, they would leave.

It was actually bribery in disguise. In colloquial terms, it was a palm greaser.

Through this shop, Magistrate Lin had accumulated countless amounts in bribes.

The fact that Ji Yuxian had brought up Yuxiangzhai out of the blue meant that Ji Yuxian knows the shop belonged to him. Magistrate Lin began to panic at the thought that he might have some other damning evidence.

Although Ji Yuxian was only a merchant, he held considerable status and power in the country. Many of the high-ranking officials had interactions with the Ji family. If Ji Yuxian exposed Yuxiangzhai for what it indeed was, Magistrate Lin’s career as an official would be over.

The current emperor hated corruption and bribery, and the possibility existed that Magistrate Lin could even be executed.

A sheen of sweat appeared on Magistrate Lin’s forehead. He smiled courteously and said, “I’m busy all day with official matters, and rarely have time to go out onto the streets. How am I to know the reason for that? However…”

His tone suddenly turned saccharine as he continued, “…speaking of Su Jiu’s case just now, I suddenly thought of a way to solve it. I shall send someone to investigate Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency right away, and prove Su Jiu’s innocence before nightfall!”

In the choice between ten thousand taels of silver and a man’s own life, the answer was obvious!

Ji Yuxian nodded his head approvingly. “Thank you, my lord. I know you’re a busy man, and won’t hold you back any longer. I’ll come back later in the afternoon to pick Su Jiu up.”

“Very well!” Magistrate Lin replied with a smile.

Ji Yuxian bowed his head slightly and left.

Magistrate Lin walked him out for a few steps, and as he saw the figure of Ji Yuxian’s back disappear into the distance, his face darkened. The Eldest Young Master of the Ji Household was impressive indeed, and not to be underestimated!

After a moment’s thought, Magistrate Lin called a guard in. “Go to the prison and notify the jailors to treat one of the prisoners by the name of Su Jiu with proper courtesy.”

“Yes, sir! Right away!”

Magistrate Lin then called for the captain of the guards. “Take your men to Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency and investigate the case of the foodstuff escort. Remember, you have to find evidence of the fact that Yuanzheng Bodyguard Agency framed Qinglong Bodyguard Agency. Once that is done, have Feng Yuntian, and everyone else involved rounded up and brought here.”

“Yes, sir.”

This was the first time the captain of the guard had received such instructions—to find evidence that Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency and framed someone. How was that even possible?

Wouldn’t the knowledge of whether they had framed someone only be known after an investigation?

Moreover, three other cases were ahead of this one that the government office was dealing with. Reasonably speaking, it should have been another four days before the investigation regarding Su Jiu’s case started. Why was he in such a hurry?

Of course, his job was to carry out orders, so he didn’t dare to question his superior. He hurried to do Magistrate Lin’s bidding.

Magistrate Lin headed toward the inner hall, but before he could reach the study, he heard a guard announce, “The Great General of the Northern Guard is here!”

Nangong Shu?

Magistrate Lin was stunned. What on earth was going on today? Why were esteemed guests lining his doorstep, one after another?

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Nangong Shu was a Great General of the second rank. He couldn’t have come for a mere commoner who ran a bodyguard agency, could he?

Magistrate was feeling perplexed but didn’t dare to delay and hurried out to greet his guest.

Nangong Shu had already entered and was dressed in a green robe. His posture was straight, and he gave off an authoritative and imposing vibe. Just by standing there, the people around him could feel his commanding presence.

Magistrate Lin bent forward in a respectful bow. “Greetings, Great General! May I ask what instructions you have for me that you came all this way personally?”

The expression on Nangong Shu’s face was stern, and he replied gravely, “There is indeed a reason I came today.”

“Please go ahead, General!” Magistrate Lin bowed at the waist as he led Nangong Shu to the reception pavilion.

Nangong Shu sat on a chair, and Magistrate Lin naturally did not dare to take the master seat. Instead, he sat on the chair beside Nangong Shu and asked with a respectful smile, “May I ask what instructions you have for me?”

“I heard that Su Jiu, the Chief of Qinglong Bodyguard Agency, is being held in prison. Is that true?” Nangong Shu’s chiseled featured took on a chilling look as he asked the question plainly.

Magistrate Lin’s heart skipped a beat. Nangong Shu was indeed here for Su Jiu too!

Who on earth was Su Jiu that she was under the care of both Ji Yuxian, the richest man in Shengjing, and a Nangong Shu, a general of the second rank?

Magistrate Lin smiled wanly and lowered his head as he replied, “Yes. The prisoner was just brought in. Something’s fishy. Su Jiu hasn’t been questioned, but I have made arrangements for that individual to be well taken care of.”

Nangong Shu nodded his head lightly, “I have questioned the people in Qinglong Bodyguard Agency in detail. They were indeed framed. I would like to request that you prove Su Jiu’s innocence as soon as possible and release that individual!”

Magistrate Lin hurried to nod his head. “Of course. I understand. I have already sent someone to Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency to obtain the evidence. I will conclude the case before nightfall and have Su Jiu released.”

“Good. Since you say that, I can rest assured. Additionally, I’d like to trouble you to make sure Su Jiu is well cared for.”

“Please do not worry, general!”

“I won’t keep you any longer. I’ll come back in the evening!” Nangong Shu rose from his seat.

“By all means.I shall see you out.” Magistrate Lin assumed a subservient attitude as he walked Nangong Shu to the door.

He waited for Nangong Shu to leave before whirling around immediately and instruction, “Hurry! Deliver some tea and snacks to Su Jiu in prison! And make sure to add some warmers. We mustn’t allow her to freeze! Ask if she has any other requests and ensure that they are all met!”

The guard stared at Magistrate Lin, stunned by his instructions. Was Su Jiu the magistrate’s great-grandmother incarnate?

He’d never even seen the magistrate treat his own mother so considerably.

Magistrate Lin glared at the guard and gave him a swift kick. “Why are you daydreaming? Get busy!”

“Yes! Yes! I will get to it right away!” The guard hurried off to do as he had been instructed.

Magistrate Lin sighed heavily and headed to his backyard. He suddenly recalled the banknote for 10,000 taels of silver that were still hidden inside his robe. It had now become an object of contention.

If he sent it back now to Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency, he was sure they wouldn’t take it well.

Magistrate Lin frowned deeply as he considered his options. From behind, he heard the sound of running footsteps followed by the huffing and puffing of a guard who was out of breath.

Magistrate Lin’s throat went dry, and he asked in a trembling voice, “Who is it time?”

“His Highness, Prince Rui.”

Magistrate Lin was about to be driven crazy.

But he couldn’t afford to lose his mind now and hurried out to greet the visitor.

This time around, every individual in the government office, from the paralegals and administrators on top, all the way to the guards and errand boys at the bottom, came out to greet Prince Rui.

“Greetings from this humble servant, Your Highness!” Magistrate Lin went on his knees and prostrated himself.

Everyone else behind him followed suit and sank to the ground.

“Greetings, Your Highness!”

Two rows of imperial guards lined the government office as Xiao Lie walked in leisurely. He was dressed in a blue robe; a jade ornament hung from his waist. He looked clean and handsome and exuded an air of nobility.

“You may rise.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.” Magistrate Lin got up and stood to the side. He ventured hesitantly, “Are you here in person because you have some instructions for me?”

“Is Su Jiu here with you?” Xiao Lie asked softly. His eyes were black as ink.

“Yes! Yes! I am aware that she was framed, and have already sent someone to Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency to investigate them and get the evidence of that. The moment they arrive back, we’ll begin the court session. We’ll definitely prove Su Jiu’s innocence! I will have her sent back personally before the day is over!”

This time around, even before Xiao Lie could ask anything, Magistrate Lin volunteered all the information without a pause.

Xiao Lie smiled, and his voice deepened. “How are you so sure that she was framed?”

“What?” Magistrate Lin looked up in terror.

Was Prince Rui on the side of Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency instead? Had everything he just blurted out herald the end of his life?

As Magistrate Lin was trembling in fright, Xiao Lie continued, “Indeed, she was framed!”

Magistrate Lin almost passed out.

Beads of sweat dripped off his brow. As the cold breeze blew over, his whole body shook uncontrollably.

He wasn’t going to be able to endure much of such torture.

“We’ll do it according to whatever you just said. I would like to go to the prison now to visit Su Jiu,” Xiao Lie said.

“You mustn’t, Your Highness! Given your esteemed status, how can you enter the lowly prison? This humble servant doesn’t dare to carry it out,” Magistrate Lin protested.

“It’s fine.” Xiao Lie announced as he strode in the direction of the prison.

Magistrate Lin quickly darted a look to the guard behind him. The guard caught his meaning and hurriedly retreated, running over to the prison using the pathway at the back.

Magistrate Lin followed behind Xiao Lie, and bowed forward as he said with a smile, “Allow me to show you the way.”

Magistrate Lin deliberately took a long way, detouring around the garden at the back. After all, Xiao Lie didn’t know the way, and the prison was in a flurry of activity at that very moment.

More than a dozen civil guards rushed in. The few in front were bearing a huge bed adorned with floral carvings. Those behind followed with an assortment of furnishings including a velvet carpet, a redwood table and chair with ornate carvings, and proper lighting. The guard right at the end brought in some fruits and snacks, and a variety of dishes in addition to some wine.

The line of guards entered the prison hurriedly and squeezed their way into Su Jiu’s cell. The other inmates watching from the sidelines were dumbstruck.

When Su Jiu was shocked, too, when she saw the crowd entered. What was going on?

The guards requested for Su Jiu and Chang Huan to step out of their cell for a moment while they quickly laid all the furniture out. First, the rug, followed by the bed, and the table and chair…

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Soon, the formerly dark and shabby jail cell was transformed.

The floor was laid wait a thick and luxurious carpet, and against the wall was an ornately decorated bed that was covered with a thick quilt. On the opposite side was a chaise lounge with a redwood table and chair beside it. Laid on the table was an assortment of mouthwatering dishes. Light was hung on all four corners of the cell, illuminating the cell with a royal glow.

Su Jiu was stunned!

Were they intending to keep her for the long-term?

“Please enter!” the guards stood in two rows and respectfully invited Su Jiu back into the cell.

Su Jiu and Chang Huan exchanged puzzled looks. They stepped in, and the guards dispersed instantaneously.

Su Jiu looked at the door that was left unlocked, and yelled out, “Hey! Aren’t you guys forgetting something?”

The head warden stepped forward with a fawning smile on his face. “We won’t be locking the door. If you feel bored and restless inside, you’re most welcome to come out and stretch your legs.”

Su Jiu was dumbfounded.

Had everyone in the government office lost their minds?

Chang Huan looked at the delicious spread on the table, and asked in astonishment, “Boss, is this supposed to be our last meal before they execute us?”

He had heard that before criminals were executed, they would first be presented with a meal comprising of meat and wine. He hadn’t realized the meal would come with a makeover for the jail cell as well.

Su Jiu laughed without a care in the world. She sat on the chair and picked up a pair of chopsticks.

“To hell with it! Let’s just eat our fill!”

On the other side of the walls, Magistrate Lin led Xiao Lie to the entrance of the prison. He asked hesitantly, “Your Highness, are you sure you want to enter the prison?”

“Yep!” Xiao Lie replied breezily. However, the closer he got to the prison cell, the more urgent his steps became.

“Please allow me to show you the way. Please watch your step! It’s dark inside!” Magistrate Lin said smarmily.

Xiao Lie paused in his tracks and replied, “That won’t be necessary. You don’t have to go. Just get one of your subordinates to show me the way!”

“Um… um…” Magistrate Lin frowned in consternation. “How can I allow Your Highness to enter the jail alone?”

“Just do as I have instructed! Upon entering the jail, no one is allowed to call me by my title, either!” Xiao Lie ordered plainly.

Magistrate Lin was shocked. What was the reason for that?

Was Su Jiu unaware of Prince Rui’s identity?

He didn’t dare speculate, and simply gave his word of assent before sending someone to show Xiao Lie the way into the prison.

Upon entering the prison, Xiao Lie was hit by a damp and acrid stench. The lamps on the wall were lit, and the flame glowed blue, adding to the cold gloom within the walls.

Xiao Lie’s brows knitted together as his footsteps sped up. A gust of cold wind blew across the dark prison.

“Sir, please watch your step!” the guard had changed the way he addressed him and held out a torch to light Xiao Lie’s idea.

All of sudden, a very brightly-lit room appeared in his view. The lights twinkled and warmers surrounded the place. The atmosphere within was worlds apart from its surroundings.

Xiao Lie was stunned. Upon entering, he observed the furnishing and Su Jiu, who was, at that very instant, happily drinking. The concern on his face dissipated promptly and was replaced by a smile that he couldn’t contain.

Xiao Lie dismissed the guard, made his way forward alone. Standing outside the cell, he watched as the young lady chowed her food down heartily. He shook his head in exasperation as his smile ebbed off. “Su Jiu, how are you still able to have an appetite at this time?”

Su Jiu looked up when she heard his voice, and her pleasure at seeing him was evident on her face. “Xiao Rui! What are you doing here? Come in and have a seat!”

Xiao Lie was speechless.

Did she think this was a time to be entertaining guests?

This lass was at times, scrupulous and conscientious to a fault. At other times, her loud and boisterous actions were really like those of a mountain bandit.

He opened the prison door and entered. He scrutinized Su Jiu from head to toe, and only when he was certain that she hadn’t suffered or been tortured did he finally relax.

Su Jiu poured him a cup of wine and asked with a smile, “How did you know that I was here?”

Xiao Lie stared at her silently for a moment before replying, “I happened to pass by your restaurant today and wanted to drop by to see if you were in when I spotted Qiao An rushing out of the door. That’s when I found out that something had happened to you!”

“Please help me tell Master An when you get back not to worry about me. I’m fine! I’m doing pretty well!” Su Jiu said with a carefree laugh.

Xiao Lie’s brows rose. She had more than enough to eat and drink. She did indeed look like she was having a good time!

“Well, I’ve already paid a visit to the magistrate. They will begin the court session soon to prove your innocence!”

“So, it was because of you! I was wondering why the guards seemed to have lost their minds!” Su Jiu laughed in realization. She looked up at him and said, “Even the magistrate listens to you? You must really feel flattered!”

Xiao Lie smiled good-naturedly. “He was only doing so on account of Prince Rui!”

Su Jiu nodded her head in understanding.

The two of them chatted for a while before Xiao Lie rose and said, “The court session is about to begin soon. I’ll have to keep away and won’t be able to accompany you. But I’ll be waiting for you outside the government office. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll settle it all!”

At that declaration, Chang Huan, who had been eating quietly at the side, suddenly looked up and glanced at Xiao Lie with a meaningfully.

Su Jiu nodded her head. “I’m upright and righteous in my actions and dealings. I have nothing to fear!”

“That’s right!” Xiao Lie said with a laugh. He patted her on her shoulder and turned to leave.

“Boss, what on earth is Young Master Xiao’s identity?” Chang Huan asked suspiciously.

“An aide to Prince Rui!” Su Jiu replied as-a-matter-of-factly. She suddenly recalled the fact that Ji Yuxian had told her previously that Xiao Rui hadn’t been honest with her regarding his identity. Then, she had been angry and had wondered if Rong Rui indeed had another identity.

However, regardless of who he was, it was all the same to her. They were friends, and their identities had nothing to do with their friendship.

When Xiao Lie stepped out of prison, Magistrate Lin was waiting at the door for him. He looked nervous, and when he saw Xiao Lie emerge, he heaved a sigh of relief. Rushing up to welcome him, he said, “Your Highness must have suffered!”

Xiao Lie walked out leisurely. “How is the investigation coming along?”

“Your Highness, the attendants just came back and reported that everyone in Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency that is related to this case has been brought back. They are currently being held in jail. The men from Qinglong Bodyguard Agency are here too, and they have found evidence that Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency set them up!” Magistrate Lin reported right away.

“Well done!” Xiao Lie nodded his head. “Begin the court session!”

“Yes! Would you like to sit in, Your Highness?” Magistrate Lin asked carefully.

“That won’t be necessary. I believe you will handle it satisfactorily.”

“I am honored by the trust you have in me, Your Highness!” Magistrate Lin replied.

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