Chapter 114: Xie Ying’s Death

Naturally, Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu had to host the guests during the feast the next day within the manor, as they were the masters of the household.

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The guest list had included businessmen and shopkeepers in the city, as well as imperial officials. They have all come to meet and flatter Ji Yuxian, as they were aware of his promising future and were eager to please him. Their hypocrisy was disgusting and unpleasant.

The Second Mistress was the most excited person on this day. Overwhelmed with elation, she went around to serve and talk to the guests in a frenzy, with a huge smile plastered on her face.

Zhu Hecheng, the head of the Zhu household, had arrived together with his nephew to offer his congratulations. He clenched Ji Ze’s hand persistently with so much pride as if his son was the one that became a scholar.

“I’ve always thought that Ze’er had the potential to achieve big goals, and now he has brought glory to our Zhu family at such a tender age!”

The Second Mistress watched and nudged Ji Ze. “Ze’er, your uncle has doted on you the most since you were young. You must not forget your uncle when you have been posted as an official in the future.”

Ji Ze nodded and replied, “Yes, Ze’er will keep this in mind!”

Zhu Hecheng was delighted upon hearing his words, “Good! You are indeed my nephew, and you will achieve greater things than your cousin in the future!”

Zhu Hecheng’s son, Zhu Zhi, was a good-for-nothing rich man’s son. Even though the Second Mistress was proud of her son Ji Ze, for the past twenty years, she had always felt upset that Ji Ze could not be compared to Zhu Zhi due to his status as a concubine’s son. She was overjoyed to hear Zhu Hecheng highly compliment Ji Ze on this day.

She remained speaking humbly despite the thrill deep down in her heart. “Ze’er is also an outstanding and nice boy. He is just overly pampered by Brother, but he will become a great man after going through more training and experiences to toughen him up!”

Zhu Hecheng nodded. “I will be content should he be half as sensible as Ze’er!”

After the three of them chatted for a while, Zhu Hecheng went to drink with his circle of fellow shopkeeper friends, while the Second Mistress continued to bring Ji Ze around to toast to other guests.

Su Jiu stayed in the hall to host the female guests, feeling weary as their chatter continued non stop beside her ears. Ji Yuxian entered and brought her to give toasts to the other elders. They noticed someone with a pair of sparkling golden teeth among the crowd, as they passed by the lobby.

Recalling the incident when Young Master Liang had recommended the ‘Big Golden Teeth’ man to run as head of the Merchant Organization, Su Jiu asked Ji Yuxian, “Is ‘Big Golden Teeth’ the head of the Merchant Organization now?”

Ji Yuxian shook his head. “No!”

Su Jiu raised her brows and teased, “Didn’t you speak up for him? Or were your words ineffective?”

Ji Yuxian held onto his wine cup and grinned as he said softly, “Your husband’s words were effective, but I did not speak solely for him at the Merchant Organization. I also spoke up for Shopkeeper Liu, Shopkeeper Zhang and Shopkeeper Chen, and it’s not up to me which candidate the Merchant Organization picked!”

Su Jiu was stunned for a moment, before chuckling loudly.

Ji Yuxian could not reject Young Master Liang’s request, but he would also have to help the others once he helped Young Master Liang. Speaking up for him was futile since he had already spoken for every candidate.

Su Jiu gave the man a side-eye. He was indeed a cunning demon!

Ji Yuxian saw that Su Jiu was getting bored after giving several toasts and found an excuse to let her return to her pavilion to rest.

They were not the main highlight of the day anyway, which fulfilled the Second Mistress’s intention to make Ji Ze the focal point.

Su Jiu returned to her bedroom and sat cross-legged on the couch, flipping through the ledgers. The nanny entered the room with several of Su Jiu’s favorite dishes, served on a red wooden tray.

“The Young Master said that Miss did not eat much during the feast just now and hence specially ordered for the kitchen to serve some other food!” The nanny placed the dishes on the small table and took a glance at Su Jiu as she smiled and said, “The Young Master dotes on our Miss. I have served many other masters and have yet to see a man who treats his wife so tenderly!”

Su Jiu’s lips curled into a smile as she put down the ledgers. She picked up her chopsticks and put a shrimp ball into her mouth, relishing on its freshness and softness as she chewed on it slowly. She raised her head and said, “Nanny, the rest of them may not be aware, but you are the one who knows the truth best – I’m not the real Su Yuejiu, and I will have to leave the Ji Manor someday.”

She had always felt that she did not deserve such tranquil times, and she would have to return all these one day.

Maybe she would feel more at ease going through the days of fighting and killing back at Yuhu Mountain!

The nanny paused for a moment, as she almost forgot the reason why Su Jiu was wedded into the manor. Su Jiu had been staying together with Ji Yuxian for this period of time, and they appeared to have a close relationship compared to other real married couples. The nanny had also long treated Su Jiu as the Young Lady of the Su family and Young Mistress Ji.

“Miss, no matter who you are, it is true that you have been through the wedding rites with the Eldest Young Master. Why can’t you stay for good?”

Su Jiu raised her brows and gave a cheeky smile upon hearing the nanny’s words. “Maybe!”

Maybe she would continue her life with Ji Yuxian just like the past few months in the Ji Manor when time passed quickly without any trouble, and she did not think about leaving at all.

Deep down in her heart, she was willing to stay together with Ji Yuxian as she felt reassured and relaxed whenever she was with him, something she had never experienced in the past.

Moreover, she was aware that they could go back to their old lives anymore. Qiao An had been posted as an official, and they had already established several restaurants in Shengjing City along with the Bodyguard Agency. Also, considering the bonds that they had established with the people in the Ji Manor, they couldn’t return to Yuhu Mountain.

The nanny nodded her head with relief, “Miss, you and the Eldest Young Master will stay married blissfully and grow old with each other!”

Su Jiu was too engrossed in her food to answer the nanny, but her eyes crinkled as she smiled.

The nanny cleared the bowls and utensils after Su Jiu was done with her food and left the room, shutting the doors lightly for Su Jiu to take her afternoon nap.

Su Jiu scanned through the ledgers for a while more as the sunlight shone into the room, inducing lethargy with its warmth. She gradually felt tired and fell asleep leaning on a cushion, after casually leaving the ledgers aside.

She felt somebody kissing her as she was half asleep. The person’s tongue delved into her mouth and lingered, the strong scent of wine being exchanged in the intermingling of their billowing breaths.

Su Jiu opened her eyes grudgingly and saw the man hovering on top of her, his body supported by his arms. He kissed her with increased passion when he noticed her waking up.

The man’s eyes stared at her with an inkling of wistfulness, glistening and sparkling, as if they were a reflection of the blooming blossom flowers in a pool of spring water. They were flirtatious, charming, and searching deep into her soul.

Su Jiu was still feeling groggy and sleepy as she mumbled his name in a slightly hoarse voice, “Ji Yuxian…”


The man acknowledged her with a strong nasal voice, his heart feeling all tender and affectionate as he heard her speaking softly. He continued to plant his warm kisses along her jawline and neck.

The man’s hand slipped underneath her thin clothing and gradually climbed up her soft and smooth back…..

Su Jiu lifted her head slightly, feeling goosebumps on her skin that the man had touched. She closed her eyes and was convinced that her heart was overwhelmed with joy at that moment.

It was Xie Ying’s birthday the next day.

Xie Ying rode on the fact that Ji Ze had successfully become a scholar, as an excuse to host a huge celebration for her birthday.

The day before the occasion, she extended her invitation to Shangguan Yu, a few other ladies and mistresses from the Ji clan, Su Jiu, the Second Mistress, and Chen Yuchan.

The Lotus Pavilion was decorated lavishly, with expensive jade ware showcased in the living hall, and the censer and folding partitions were displayed around the pavilion. The entire place was a scene of magnificence and grandeur.

Ren Zhi’er and Chen Yuchan had arrived early in the day and had offered their birthday gifts along with their congratulations.

Chen Yuchan had gifted a pair of gold-threaded phoenix hairpins, while Ren Zhi’er had spent a fortune on a child-bearing Guanyin Buddha jade statue. Xie Ying was thrilled by their gifts.

Shangguan Yu, along with the other ladies and mistresses, had subsequently arrived at the Lotus Pavilion and handed over their gifts, surrounding Xie Ying as they offered their birthday greetings. Everyone was in a festive mood.

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The Second Mistress came over when it was near noon and gave a pair of flower arrangements in sapphire vases. Xie Ying thanked in appreciation and ordered the servants to place them in their positions carefully.

The servants served tea after escorting the Second Mistress to her seat.

The Second Mistress was also in high spirits due to all the good news. She wore a piece of royal blue clothing outlined with lotus flower patterns, and her smooth and shiny hair was coiled up and accessorized with a jade hairpin embedded with gold. Her face was full of smiles and she appeared younger than her age.

“Why are Yuxian and Yuejiu not here yet?” the Second Mistress asked as she sipped on her tea.

Xie Ying had put in extra effort in dressing herself upon this occasion. Her dark hair was coiled up on top of her head, and each side was adorned with four gold-beaded jade hairpins with phoenix patterns. She had put on exquisite makeup, and wore a butterfly patterned dress gorgeously embellished with golden thread. A moire-patterned soft belt embedded with golden wires wrapped around her waist, complemented by a gold and silver moire-patterned perfume sachet which hung on her belt. She had dressed to impress, looking beautiful and ravishing.

Xie Ying smiled slightly upon hearing her question and replied, “Young Master is probably busy. I will send some people to invite him over right now!”

As for Su Jiu, Xie Ying had left her out on purpose, as she was confident that she would replace her as the Young Mistress soon after this day!

Xie Ying pursed her lips and smiled smugly, and was about to send her orders when one of her servants reported, “The Eldest Young Master is here!”

Xie Ying’s face beamed with elation, as she went out in a hurry to welcome him personally.

She stepped out of the hall to see Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu walking over, side by side. Hatred and jealousy flashed through her eyes, which were instantly hidden with a smile as she stepped forward to welcome them.

“Young Master, why are you so late? I have been waiting for you!” Xie Ying said with a pout.

Ji Yuxian was dressed in a wide red robe and looked suave as he replied casually, “I was tied up with something else. Sorry that it made Ying’er upset!”

“I’m fine as long as you turn up!” Xie Ying’s expression changed into glee as she laughed and stepped forward to hold onto Ji Yuxian’s arm. She raised her head as she said flirtatiously, “Young Master must accompany Ying’er properly, as today is my birthday!”

Xie Ying pretended not to see Su Jiu at the side and did not bother greeting her.

Su Jiu raised her brows and strode into the living hall.

Ji Yuxian glanced at Su Jiu’s composed expression out of the corner of his eyes and curled his lips into a smile. He distanced himself from Xie Ying without batting an eyelid, and said with a laugh, “Let’s go in and not make the guests wait for too long!”

“Sure!” Xie Ying followed Ji Yuxian into the living hall happily.

Five traditional square tables were placed in the living hall. Everybody took their seats when Ji Yuxian arrived. and the servants began to serve the dishes and wine to kickstart the feast.

Ji Yuxian sat on the main seat while Su Jiu and Xie Ying each sat on either side. Ren Zhi’er and Chen Yuchan, along with Shangguan Yu and the other ladies sat together with them, while the Second Mistress hosted the other ladies and mistresses at the other table.

“What did Young Master gift to Ying’er for her birthday today?” Xie Ying leaned towards Ji Yuxian and gazed at the man adoringly.

Ji Yuxian grinned and replied, “I will hand it to you later!”

Xie Ying lowered her head in bashfulness and said provocatively, “Sure, Young Master can give it to me later on when we return to the room alone!”

Ren Zhi’er watched Xie Ying being radiant with happiness, and subsequently lowered her gaze as she grinned mockingly.

Shangguan Yu’s gaze was filled with jealousy and anger. She had forgotten about the previous animosity between her and Su Jiu as she stared coldly at Xie Ying.

At the same time, one of the ladies from the clan had brought her daughter over to give toasts to Xie Ying. Xie Ying laughed demurely and gave a knowing smile. “Thank you, Lady and Sister Yun’er for your good wishes, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to consume any alcohol today!”

Her gaze shifted to Su Jiu as she spoke softly, “However, Lady is our guest today and I do not want to reject your good intentions, I shall let our Young Mistress receive this toast on my behalf!”

The lady and young woman who came to give their toasts looked at Su Jiu awkwardly and laughed. “We shall drink the toast ourselves since it is inconvenient for the Second Young Mistress to consume alcohol!”

Back in the past when the Ji Manor got into trouble, the families in the clan disassociated themselves from the Ji household one after another and moved far away. Some of the businesses also separated themselves, in fear of being implicated.

Subsequently, when Ji Yuxian resurrected the Ji household businesses and even obtained the position of the richest man in Daliang Country, those families hastily came back to butter up Ji Yuxian in an attempt to repair their relationships.

The mistresses and ladies of the clan were respectful to Xie Ying despite only being a concubine, and as such, they did not dare offend Su Jiu.

The lady raised her wine cup upon speaking, only to be interrupted by Xie Ying, “Hey! How can we look past the rules when the Ji Manor puts great emphasis on them, Young Mistress?” She turned around to look at Su Jiu and continued speaking arrogantly, “May I trouble you to receive the toast on my behalf?”

Su Jiu stared at her indifferently, and thought that this woman was not worth her attention at all!

Ji Yuxian reached out for Su Jiu’s hand under the table as he raised his wine cup. “My lady is not feeling up to it. I will receive this toast and hope that it does not disrespect the rules too much!”

The lady quickly laughed and agreed. “Young Master, you are too polite!”

She quickly finished her drink and hastily led her daughter away after speaking.

A look of discontent flashed across Xie Ying’s eyes as she watched Ji Yuxian taking Su Jiu’s side, but she did not dare to show her dissatisfaction in front of Ji Yuxian. She leaned forward to refill Ji Yuxian’s cup and asked bashfully, “Young Master, do you know why Ying’er does not feel comfortable to consume alcohol today?”

Ji Yuxian smiled and asked, “Is it because Ying’er is still feeling unwell from the cold?”

“Of course not!” Xie Ying replied with a sheepish smile. She bit her lower lips and said shyly, “Today is Ying’er’s birthday and I have a surprise for you, Young Master!”

Su Jiu clenched her teacup and raised her brows slightly as she shifted her gaze to Xie Ying’s bashful face.

“Oh? What surprise?” Ji Yuxian asked with a glimmer in his eyes.

Everyone turned around to look at them at that moment. The Second Mistress saw Xie Ying behaving shyly and felt her stomach drop. Her body stiffened as she wondered if Xie Ying had gotten pregnant.

Xie Ying grew increasingly embarrassed under the stares of the crowd, and lowered her gaze as she spoke meekly, “I’ve been pregnant for a month!”

The Second Mistress clenched her fist tightly and knitted her brows together, resisting the temptation to react. Her brows shivered in agitation.

The crowd quickly came forward to offer their congratulations.

However, before they could say their congratulatory words, Ji Yuxian’s smile faded and his expression turned icy. “One month?”

Xie Ying had her head lowered and hence did not notice his odd behavior. She continued saying mildly, “Yes, the doctor had just checked my pulse and said that it’s been a month!”

Ji Yuxian’s gaze swept across her face coldly as he flatly spoke, “But I have never been into your room for the past month. How could you be pregnant?”

Xie Ying received a shock and looked up abruptly. She stared at Ji Yuxian in disbelief. “Young Master…”

Ji Yuxian stood up all of a sudden, his eyes incandescent with fury. “You have been meeting other men behind my back and got pregnant with another man’s child! And now you are deceiving me and claiming that the child is mine? How dare you!”

Xie Ying’s face paled in an instant as she shook her head in horror. “No, no, this child belongs to you, Young Master!”

Everyone else was speechless by the abrupt change in the situation and stepped back quietly, holding back their congratulatory words. The previous festive mood had evaporated, and it was as if the air in the atmosphere was frozen.

The Second Mistress slowly sighed in relief and got up as she exclaimed fiercely, “Ying’er! Yuxian has always doted on you and pampered you! How could you be so foolish?”

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Xie Ying’s mind was blank as she continued to shake her head. “No, I didn’t!”

Ji Yuxian took a glance at Xie Ying as he said coldly, “Get my men here and investigate who the adulterer is!”

“Yes!” Jin Feng acknowledged as he rounded up a few other guards outside the hall.

At a loss, Xie Ying clasped her hands onto Ji Yuxian’s sleeves and sobbed. “Young Master, you have been into my room frequently for the past month! How could this child not be yours? I did not betray the Young Master!”

“I have been sleeping in my main pavilion every night. When have I ever been into your room?” Ji Yuxian retracted his arm and said cold-heartedly.

Xie Ying stared at Ji Yuxian dumbfoundedly as she wondered what had gone wrong.

Ji Yuxian claimed that he had never been into her room, so who was the man that she slept with every night?

A sudden wave of dejection and fear washed over Xie Ying as she stumbled backward. She received looks of curiosity and disdain from the spectators and felt severely humiliated. It was as if she was given a big, tight slap from everyone around her.

She noticed Ren Zhi’er all of a sudden and pounced on her, grabbing onto her hand as if she was her only hope. “My dear sister, you can be my witness! The Young Master was the man who went into my room and my child belongs to the Young Master right? Please explain to everyone quickly!”

Ren Zhi’er frowned as she looked at her with disgust. “Sister, you told me that the Young Master had gone into your room every night, and I was happy for you when you fell pregnant, but it turned out that you were betraying the Young Master behind his back! How could you treat the Young Master like this?”

Xie Ying’s eyes widened as she stared at her in disbelief, her body frozen in fear.

Jin Feng returned right at that moment as he grabbed a man dressed as one of the guards within the manor. The man collapsed to his knees with a plop as he shivered.

Jin Feng stepped forward and handed over a piece of female undergarment as he said flatly, “Young Master, I have found this piece of clothing in this man’s room. He had already admitted to having an affair with the Second Young Mistress. Young Master, you may give your verdict!”

Xie Ying looked at the piece of clothing that had belonged to her as tears sprung out of her eyes. She stared at the man on the floor with a piercing gaze and shook her head fearfully. “No! That’s impossible!”

Ji Yuxian glanced at the bright red undergarment and shifted his eyes to the man kneeling on the floor. He yelled, “You! Speak up!”

“Yes! I will tell you all I know, please spare my life, Young Master!” The man sprawled on the ground with his tall and huge frame, as he spoke in panic. “I had been drunk that night and had gone into Second Young Mistress’s room out of a mistake, but the Second Young Mistress did not reject me, and as such…”

He took a short pause and continued, “Ever since then, I got obsessed with sneaking into the Second Young Mistress’s room every night.”

The crowd gasped audibly, as their eyes flickered and scanned across the man and Xie Ying’s faces.

Xie Ying was utterly stunned upon hearing his words, standing in a daze.

Ren Zhi’er said, “So you’ve gone into the Lotus Pavilion every night. Could Second Young Mistress have mistaken you for the Young Master?”

The man answered slowly, “The Second Young Mistress did not know who I was in the beginning, but I pleaded with her when she found out later on. However, she ordered me not to leak this matter out and told me to continue going into her room every night, until… until she got pregnant. She said…”

“What did she say?” the Second Mistress bellowed.

The man bowed deeper into the ground and replied in a shudder, “The Second Young Mistress said that as long as she is pregnant, her child will become the eldest child of the Ji Manor, and she will subsequently be able to step up as the Mistress of Ji Manor!”

Just as he finished talking, Xie Ying pounced on him and glared at him as she hit him out of pure rage. “You are a liar! I have not said such things! The Young Master was the one who went into my room! Who… who has instructed you to malign me!”

The next instant, she turned around and pointed her finger at Ren Zhi’er. “She was the one who instructed you!”

“Or was it Su Yuejiu?!”

The woman became hysterical and behaved like an insane person.

The Second Mistress stepped forward as she raised her hand.

A loud smack was heard as a slap landed heavily across Xie Ying’s face, causing her to fall to the ground.

“You had an affair with someone else and you even attempted to deceive us to become the Mistress of Ji Manor! What an evil heart you have! How dare you, Xie Ying!” the Second Mistress hollered fiercely.

Xie Ying covered her face with her hand as she wept loudly. Tears ran across her cheeks as she crawled to Ji Yuxian and held onto his leg. “Young Master, I have been maligned! I really am innocent! I don’t even know that man, he has wrongly accused me! Young Master, you have to redress my grievance!”

Ren Zhi’er gave a wistful sigh, “Sister, you are so muddleheaded. The Young Master has doted on you so much and it will only be a matter of time that you get pregnant. Why do you have to do these?”

Xie Ying turned around abruptly and stared at Ren Zhi’er with bloodshot eyes. “It’s you, it’s you! You were the one who wanted to harm me!”

She dived towards Ren Zhi’er the next instant.

Ren Zhi’er stepped behind Su Jiu in an attempt to hide. “Please help me, Young Mistress! The Second Young Mistress has become crazy!”

Xie Ying had indeed gone crazy. She had wanted to give Ji Yuxian a surprise the moment she knew she was pregnant, and she had dreamed of a beautiful future by becoming the Mistress of Ji Manor. All of a sudden, her dreams were crushed as she was accused of having an affair with another man, and she could not accept this reality.

What affected her the most was the fact that her child did not belong to Ji Yuxian, and the man who had spent every night with her was not him as well. This understanding had wrought her with pain and dejection.

She was convinced that Ren Zhi’er was the one who schemed this plan, and was determined to perish together with Ren Zhi’er.

Ji Yuxian’s brows knitted together as he saw Xie Ying becoming demented. He immediately pulled Su Jiu behind his back and as a result, Xie Ying landed onto Ren Zhi’er and bit onto her neck.

Ren Zhi’er yelped in pain and attempted to push Xie Ying away.

Xie Ying’s hair was in a mess and she looked menacing as she clamped her teeth tightly onto Ren Zhi’er’s neck and refused to let go. Blood had spurted out, covering her face.

Everybody watched in horror as they stepped back and looked nervously at Xie Ying.

Ji Yuxian held onto Su Jiu’s hand as he watched with a deadpan expression by the side.

The Second Mistress was concerned that this would escalate into a life-endangering incident. She told Jin Feng hastily, “Quick, restrain Xie Ying!”

Jin Feng looked at Ji Yuxian and, upon seeing him nod his head, ordered for the two other guards to get a hold of Xie Ying.

Ren Zhi’er’s neck had become a bloody mess as her eyes rolled over and she fainted.

Xie Ying’s mouth was stained with blood as she gurgled and struggled with her might.

“Quickly bring the Third Young Mistress back and get the doctor-in-residence to treat her!” The Second Mistress commanded Ren Zhi’er’s maidservant.

The maidservant was frozen in shock and sprung to her feet upon hearing the Second Mistress’s order. She quickly helped Ren Zhi’er back to her room.

Ji Yuxian remained composed and calm as he watched with indifference. He announced frostily, “Madame Xie had an affair with another man, and was caught red-handed with the presence of evidence and witness. She will be temporarily confined to the Lotus Pavilion, and a verdict will be made after informing the Xie family!”

Xie Ying fell to the ground and bawled loudly. “No, I didn’t! I did not have an affair! I am innocent!”

The outcome of Xie Ying’s affair appeared to be certain. Everybody else was convinced that Xie Ying was arrogant and haughty, as she had behaved disrespectfully towards the Young Mistress. She had thought of replacing Su Yuejiu as the Mistress of the Ji Manor, and hence it seemed reasonable for her to commit such a crime.

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“This man has committed the crime of adultery and cannot be forgiven. He shall be dragged out and be beaten to death!” The Second Mistress pointed at the man kneeling on the ground.

Jin Feng replied politely, “He will need to be kept as a witness as the Xie family is not here yet. May the Second Mistress postpone his punishment till then!”

The Second Mistress’s face had turned pale from fury and nodded. “You are right. He shall be locked in the woodshed until then!”

“Noted!” Jin Feng let his men drag him out of the hall.

The other guests were originally present to attend Xie Ying’s birthday party and were not expecting to witness a scandal. Frightened, they quickly took their leave one after another.

The Second Mistress was deeply infuriated and had let her servants usher her back to her pavilion.

Chen Yuchan felt despondent as she saw Xie Ying’s disheveled appearance, unkempt with bloodstains all over her body. She retreated out of the hall quietly.

In an instant, the hall was only left with Xie Ying, Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu.

Xie Ying grasped onto the corner of Ji Yuxian’s robe desperately, her exquisite makeup long ruined, as tears ran down her face. She cried loudly, “Young Master, I am innocent! I am innocent!”

Ji Yuxian looked down at her as his lips curled into a smile, and asked softly, “How could you be innocent when you tried to harm my lady?”

Ji Yuxian held onto Su Jiu’s hands and slowly walked out of the hall upon speaking, his back view appearing coldhearted without any hint of sympathy for Xie Ying.

Xie Ying was stunned, and could not comprehend his words for a moment.

Su Jiu turned around and peered at the woman as her gaze darkened.

As the doors shut and the hall fell into silence with Xie Ying all by herself, she finally understood the meaning behind Ji Yuxian’s words and the reason why she had ended up in such a plight.

When she was wishfully thinking about becoming the Mistress of the Ji Manor, Ji Yuxian was already planning on taking action against her!

The man who once treated her with such tenderness and affection must have driven her up the wall using such a method!

Xie Ying laid on the ground as tears streamed down her face and started to laugh hysterically. A sense of eeriness filled the hall as her laughter echoed within the room, sending chills up one’s spine.

Su Jiu appeared emotionless on the way back to the main pavilion, washed by numbness from Xie Ying’s incident.

She had seen many battles and killings in her life and was aware of the extent of humanity’s cruelty, but she had yet to see such despondency and dejection on a woman’s face as she was betrayed by the man she loved the most.

These matters about love and relationships were indeed frightening.

She knew that Xie Ying was innocent.

The incident that happened on this day had revealed the brutality and harshness of Ji Yuxian.

“What’s the matter?” Ji Yuxian noticed the unusual behavior of the woman beside him and stopped to caress her head.

Su Jiu looked up at the man and saw his tender yet unfamiliar eyes.

He must have looked at Xie Ying this way previously, right?

And yet he had personally pushed that woman into the deepest part of hell.

It was the most humiliating way to treat a woman!

“Nothing!” Su Jiu lowered her head and pursed her lips as she said softly, “I feel lightheaded after a few drinks, and I would like to go to bed now!”

“Sure, go ahead. I have some other matters to settle and will join you later!” The man’s voice sounded melodic and soothing as he leaned forward to plant a light kiss on Su Jiu’s forehead.

Su Jiu hid away from the kiss subconsciously and took a step back. “I’ll head back first!”

She turned around and strode towards her room right after.

Ji Yuxian remained affixed on the spot as the shadows from the trees landed and flickered on his body. His gaze darkened and gradually faded into the lonely night.

Su Jiu walked through the corridor towards her room slowly. The blossomed flowers in the courtyard had withered and fallen from the trees, floating and dancing in the air before gently touching the ground.

Frustrated, Su Jiu paused in her tracks to watch the blossom flowers before she continued her way.

Jin Feng walked towards her from the opposite direction, and quickly stepped to the side as he greeted her politely, “Greetings to the Young Mistress!”

Su Jiu’s expression remained unreadable as she nodded lightly. She stopped in her footsteps abruptly when she was about to walk past Jin Feng and asked, “Was Xie Ying the culprit of the fire incident in the Perched Phoenix Pavilion previously?”

Jin Feng startled for a moment before replying, “Yes!”

Su Jiu nodded and turned around to leave.

She had taken two steps before Jin Feng called out for her, “Young Mistress!”

“Is there anything else?” Su Jiu stopped and turned around.

Jin Feng stood tall and calm as he remained composed amongst the dancing blossom flowers, saying gently, “Young Mistress, you may not be aware, but the Young Master was bent on killing Madame Xie to seek revenge for you. But he was concerned that the Xie family may shift the blame to you, so he decided to be seen as being betrayed by his concubine committing adultery!”

How could it not be humiliating for a man with so much pride and dignity, when it was revealed in public that his concubine had an affair with one of his guards!

Su Jiu was shocked, feeling a pang in her heart.

Jin Feng lowered his gaze, appearing relieved as he turned around to leave the moment he finished his words.

Su Jiu stood on the spot as several emotions surged through her heart. She was at a loss of what to do until a gust of wind blew onto her and swept the blossom flowers across her face. She jolted and hurriedly walked towards the study room.

Her footsteps were quick and even used up some of her internal energy.

The man was headed towards her from a distance away as he walked through the winding corridors in his red robes. He had appeared uneasy until he saw her, and slowed down his footsteps as he watched her through the fallen flower petals.

Su Jiu’s eyes lit up as she looked at the man’s good looking face and quickly dashed towards him.

Ji Yuxian opened his arms and hugged the young woman tightly as she ran into his embrace.

The man looked charming and attractive as his dark eyes clouded over and his lips curled up into a smile.

“Su Jiu…” he murmured into her ear.

“Yes!” the young woman shut her eyes as she answered meekly, the wind blowing past her ears as she was engulfed in her surging emotions.

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Ji Yuxian kissed her face softly as he said in a deep and tender voice, “Su Jiu, I just want you to know that you were the only one who went through the wedding rites with me. You are my only lawful wife, and we go through thick and thin as one! The rest of my concubines had entered my manor due to all kinds of reasons which were not up to me to decide. I can allow them to enjoy their life in the manor without any worries for their living, but I will kill them should they try to harm you!”

Su Jiu felt like her heart was going to explode and was at a loss of words. She suspected that her strongly pounding heart would be heard should she open her mouth to speak.

For the next few moments, only the man’s deep and melodic voice could be heard echoing through the corridors, touching Su Jiu’s heart deeply.

Su Jiu looked up after calming herself down and teased, “It was also not up to you when you married me!”

Ji Yuxian’s eyes glinted as he looked at her intensely. “As of now, you have already become my obsession!”

He was not aware of his obsession when it first started, and now it was too late to turn back!

Su Jiu felt a slight tremor went through her body as if she was stung by a bee and felt numb. She raised her head and kissed onto his chin as she said, “Ji Yuxian, you are so nice to me. All of a sudden I don’t feel like leaving anymore!”

Ji Yuxian chuckled as he looked at her. “If you dare to leave, I will chase after you no matter where you go!”

Su Jiu rested her forehead on his chest, her lips curling into a smile.

The manor had sent people to inform the Xie family of the incident the next day.

Vice Minister Xie almost fainted when he heard about the news. His face was red with embarrassment from the scandal.

The Eldest Mistress sat on the wooden chair without a movement, sneering as she said enigmatically, “Indeed a slut could only be birthed by a slut!”

Vice Minister Xie’s brows knitted tightly when he heard her and he glanced at her annoyingly.

Xie Ying was the child of Vice Minister Xie’s concubine who had originally been his maidservant who served him at night. She was given a title in the household after she had given birth to Xie Ying, and was very much pampered by Vice Minister Xie. As such, even though Xie Ying was the child of a concubine, she had become arrogant and haughty in personality within the manor.

However, Vice Minister Xie was so infuriated by Xie Ying’s scandal that he was tempted to beat her to death!

“It is my fault for not educating my daughter well. I will offer my apology personally to the Eldest Young Master next time!” Vice Minister Xie spoke to the Ji Manor’s representative gravely.

The representative from the Ji Manor was Mrs. Liu, who was serving the Second Mistress. She asked, “When is the Xie Manor intending to fetch Madame Xie back home?”

The Ji Manor could not possibly let Xie Ying remain as a concubine since she had an affair with a guard!

Vice Minister Xie frowned deeply as he replied, “She is an embarrassment to us. She can come back herself if she dares to come home!”

Mrs. Liu lowered her head as she retreated. “Noted, I will head back if that’s the case!”

“Have a safe trip back, Mrs. Liu!”

Mrs. Liu exited from the Xie Manor and returned to the Ji Manor. She made a pit stop at the Lotus Pavilion and conveyed Vice Minister Xie’s message word for word to Xie Ying.

Xie Ying laid on the bed, staying still.

Mrs. Liu snorted in disdain and turned around to leave.

Ren Zhi’er woke up in the middle of the night and stared coldly at her injured neck, which was now wrapped with layers of medical cloth.

Xie Ying indeed refused to let her off even at the brink of death!

The next day, Ren Zhi’er dressed up in a flowery patterned dress with a high neck collar, and put on exquisite makeup, after which she headed to the Lotus Pavilion.

All the servants had been sent off when she entered the Lotus Pavilion, and Shao Yao had been redeployed to the laundry wing. The courtyard was filled with deafening silence as withered flowers and dried leaves littered the entire place.

When Ren Zhi’er arrived at Xie Ying’s bedroom, she yelled loudly before entering, “Sister, I heard that you are leaving today! I am here to send you off on the account that we have been sisters!”

She pushed open the doors as she spoke, but the door had seemed to knock onto something before it rebounded. Ren Zhi’er looked up subconsciously as her expression changed. She screamed as she dropped to her knees and looked up at Xie Ying’s lifeless body, who had hanged herself from the beam in the room. Xie Ying was no longer breathing and her face was eerily pale. Ren Zhi’er fainted in the next instant.

Her maidservants and nanny ran over to support Ren Zhi’er to her feet as they yelled, “Madame Xie has committed suicide!”

“Is there anyone?!”

The Lotus Pavilion was once again in chaos.

Su Jiu heard about the news of Xie Ying’s suicide and let out a small sigh.

Ji Yuxian turned around and smiled. “Why, are you taking pity on her?”

Su Jiu tilted her head as she practiced her calligraphy. She shook her head slowly. “No.”

She was just taken aback that Xie Ying would commit suicide judging from her prideful character.

“She was born from a concubine and would certainly be outcast by her family if she returns to the Xie Manor in this manner. Killing herself would be a better choice!” Ji Yuxian said nonchalantly.

Su Jiu took a glance at the man and nodded lightly.

The Xie family only sent two representatives to collect Xie Ying’s body upon receiving the news about her death. They allegedly did not even bring the body back to the manor, and instead sent her body out of the city inside a simple coffin and buried her in the woods.

Madame Xie, the Second Young Mistress of the Ji Manor, had disappeared entirely.

The servants within the Ji Manor dared not talk about the scandal, as if Xie Ying had never existed in their lives.

However, her previous maidservant Shao Yao ended up in a worse plight, as everybody was aware that she had served Xie Ying and had bullied the other servants in the laundry wing together with Mrs. Qin. The rest of the servants bore hatred towards her, and now that she had been banished to become a lowly servant serving in the laundry wing, her life had become hell.

Sometimes, the more a person has suffered, the more he or she will bear grievances and end up as a cruel and ruthless person.

Ren Zhi’er became critically ill as she came down with a high fever the night she discovered Xie Ying’s body, on top of the fact that her neck was still wounded.

For the next consecutive nights, she would scream hysterically in the middle of the night that Xie Ying had come to retrieve her life. The servants in her pavilion became paranoid and frightened.

The Second Mistress was concerned about the impact of this situation and called for a priest to conduct a religious rite. She also sent several older nannies to serve Ren Zhi’er, which helped to slightly improve her condition.

However, Ren Zhi’er’s condition deteriorated day after day, and eventually, she was bed-ridden. She could no longer muster enough energy to get out of bed.




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