Wife Doting Addiction:My Abducted Tsundere Husband

Chapter 134: Xiao Jing, aka Prince Zhao

Chapter 134: Xiao Jing, aka Prince Zhao

The dusk sun had set completely, leaving behind a smear of amber glow that lingered in the sky.

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To the east, the crescent moon had risen above the treetops. Its radiance was faint and soothing, intertwining harmoniously with the sun’s afterglow.

Fewer and fewer pedestrians could be spotted in the street. On either side, shopkeepers were closing their stores, wrapping up a busy day’s work.

“Are you happy now?” Ji Yuxian asked with a faint smile, hugging the girl tightly.

It was dim and cozy in the carriage. The man’s face was obscured, with only his alluring eyes visible, glimmering like the tranquil moon.

Still tipsy from the alcohol, Su Jiu cuddled up to him. “I’m happy. Both Qiao An and Hu Dapao have been promoted. Of course, I’m happy.” She nodded, unable to conceal a joyful grin.

The main chuckled and said, “You get carried away whenever you’re happy.” His handsome face feigned disapproval, yet his voice conveyed indulgence.

Su Jiu sat up straight. “One of these days, Hu Dapao will become a first-rank general, and Qiao An will be a senior minister. By then, our Dragon Conqueror Gang will be a powerful presence in both the military and the court.”

“Talk about getting more and more carried away!” Ji Yuxian snickered. “If someone overheard what you’d just said, you would be found guilty of treason!”

Su Jiu giggled and melted into his embrace. “Then, Eldest Young Master Ji would be implicated too.”

“Rest assured, I’m not afraid. With my wife keeping me company, hell or high waters don’t mean a thing,” Ji Yuxian whispered, caressing the girl’s inky black hair.

His words softened Su Jiu’s heart to no end. She turned her head slightly and kissed his refined cheek. Feeling even tipsier, she lifted both arms, shoved the man onto his back, and leaned down to kiss him hard. The two roamed around in a tight embrace, seemingly becoming one.


In the restaurant, Hu Dapao had waited another two hours. Nangong Bi finally descended the stairs, massaging her temples along the way. “Where is everyone?” she asked, startled upon seeing the empty establishment.

As Hu Dapao recalled their intimate moment under the osmanthus tree earlier in the afternoon, heat rose in his cheeks. Fortunately, the dimness in the restaurant obscured his bright-red face.

“The great General left to take care of some official business. I… I shall accompany Lady Nangong home!” He hurried onto his feet and stood ramrod straight.

Nangong Bi pouted in displeasure. “What a bunch of heartless fellows. They all ran away and left me alone here!”

Hu Dapao wanted to say that he had stayed and waited for her. The words tumbled up in his tongue, yet they were swiftly swallowed back down.

Suddenly, Nangong Bi let out a yelp as she looked out of the front door. “It’s getting so dark. My parents must be worried sick! I have to get home at once!” she exclaimed aloud.

The girl’s anxiety made Hu Dapao tense up further. He promptly declared, “I’ll see you home!”

“All right!” Nangong Bi hurried out of the front door.

The effect of alcohol on the young girl had gradually dissipated, but she didn’t appear to remember the intimacy they had shared under the osmanthus tree earlier. She didn’t even bother to look directly at Hu Dapao, who could only follow her out. It felt like his heart was eaten away by a growing hollowness.

It was completely dark outside. A gust of wind whooshed down the deserted street. Fallen leaves tumbled and swirled, vanishing along with the hustle and bustle of the daytime.

Nangong Bi sat in the horse carriage, while Hu Dapao served as the driver. The wooden wheels of the carriage rumbled down the cobbled street, heading straight to the Nangong Manor.

Both the man and the girl stayed silent. Hu Dapao suspected that Nangong Bi had dozed off, and he repeatedly felt the urge to turn back for a peek but managed to stop himself short.

The carriage was moving at a measured pace. Neither too fast nor too slow. Hu Dapao didn’t ride too fast, because he didn’t want to make the drunken girl sick, nor did he want the trip to end too soon. He didn’t ride too slowly either, as the girl was eager to get home.

Amidst his jumbled thoughts, the carriage continued to move. It turned into the inner city, fast approaching the Nangong Manor.

No matter how fast or how slow, one had to keep on moving forward. Eventually, the journey would have to come to an end.

The carriage stopped outside the manor. Hu Dapao opened its door to help the girl out, fearing she would trip in the pitch-black darkness.

Nangong Bi avoided his hand and hopped off the carriage by herself. “Thank you for seeing me home,” she giggled. It was impossible to discern whether the girl didn’t see him or merely pretended not to.

Without waiting for Hu Dapao’s reply, she hurried towards the manor.

Just as she was about to enter the front gate, Nangong Shu appeared and blocked her way. “I just got back home and I didn’t see you!” He heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing the girl. “I was just about to go to the restaurant and bring you home.”

“Dapao accompanied me home,” said Nangong Bi.

Nangong Shu turned to Hu Dapao, who stood quietly by the carriage and nodded with a smile. “Thank you!”

“You’re most welcome, General,” Hu Dapao replied with the utmost respect.

“Is Father angry at me? How about Mother?” Nangong Bi grabbed Nangong Shu’s arm, and both of them walked towards the front gate.

“It’s already dark and you didn’t come home. Of course, they’re worried sick!”

“Is that right? So they’re going to scold me again. You have to help me, Brother!”

“Let’s see if you dare to get drunk again in the future!”

“It’s my fault, all right? Please be a good brother!”

The siblings’ voices faded away, as the manor’s front gate slammed shut, leaving behind only remnant echoes of the girl’s sweet giggles.

Hu Dapao remained still. The last glint of light vanished in his pupils, turning his eyes dark like the night street.

After a long while, he smiled bitterly. What else was there to do? His wish would never come true and he knew it only too well.

He turned around, hopped back on the horse carriage, and rode away. Hoofbeats clattered into the black night, stomping his heart and muddling his mind.

The next day, being the newly promoted Guardian General of the fourth rank, Hu Dapao once again went to the Nangong Manor to report to Nangong Shu.

The guards at the gate showed him into the manor. Before long, boisterous cheers could be heard coming from the drill field.

As Hu Dapao walked past the field, he saw two soldiers in a wrestling match, surrounded by a crowd of hollering and clapping onlookers.

Dapao’s gaze locked onto a yellow figure amongst the boisterous men.

A young girl in a bright yellow shirt was standing on the bleachers, hollering with the men, and cheering the wrestlers on. Her eyes glistened as if they had absorbed the essence of the sun, bright enough to melt away the autumn’s melancholy.

Hu Dapao slowed down his steps, his gaze following the girl. He could feel his heart pounding out of control.

“Come here, Dapao!”

A soldier in the crowd recognized him and called out aloud, thrilled to see a war buddy with whom he had spent much time on the battlefield.

Beaming with a smile, Hu Dapao changed course and veered toward the drill field.

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The wrestling match came to an end, and the winner chortled with arrogance.

Hu Dapao’s war buddy was not pleased. “I dare you to challenge Dapao, Zhou Zhi!” He hollered at the winner. “Dapao will destroy you!”

All heads turned, their gazes locking onto Hu Dapao. It was common knowledge that Dapao had been promoted to be the Guardian General of the fourth rank, shortly after enlistment. Not all the soldiers found it justified, and some began to shout aloud.

“Zhou Zhi ought to wrestle Dapao!”

“Yes! A new match!”

“Whoever refuses is a coward!”

Zhou Zhi had been in the army for over ten years, yet he was only a fourth-rank deputy general to this day. Naturally, he was irritated by Hu Dapao’s promotion, which he saw as nepotism on Nangong Shu’s part. Seizing this opportunity, he wrapped both arms before his chest, and he blatantly sized Hu Dapao up. “It’s up to General Hu. Whether he dares to take on the challenge, that is!”

“Take him on, Hu Dapao!” Nangong Bi shouted out from the bleachers. “You’ve got to win!”

Her words instantly filled Hu Dapao with vigor. “Let’s do it,” he sneered.

Without a moment’s pause, he removed his battle robe, exposing his bulging, muscular torso wrapped in tights.

With a despising grunt, Zhou Zhi immediately lunged over and threw a powerful punch at him. Hu Dapao cautiously ducked aside and proceeded to retaliate.

The new wrestling match ensued. The onlookers circled the two men, hollering thunderously.

“Use your left hook, Hu Dapao! Give it to him!”

“Watch your feet, Zhou Zhi!”

Within moments, the two fighters each unleashed more than a dozen moves, but neither could gain the upper hand. Both their stances were skilled and masterful. The onlookers’ cheers soon became deafening.

A decade of military life had endowed Zhou Zhi with an overpowering physique and a great deal of combat experience. Meanwhile, Hu Dapao had lived for over ten years as a mountain bandit, which had also resulted in his formidable strength and paramount tenacity. The two were evenly matched, and neither could defeat the other with ease.

“Hu Dapao!”

“Knock him down, Hu Dapao!”

On the bleachers, the young girl cupped both hands around her mouth and yelled at Hu Dapao.

Unable to control himself, Hu Dapao reflexively peeked over at her. Taking advantage of the brief distraction, Zhou Zhi sped up his assault and landed a powerful punch on Hu Dapao’s left cheek, which sent the man tumbling.

The outcome of an evenly-matched competition is always decided within a fraction of a second. Being the more experienced fighter, Zhou Zhi knew this better than anyone. Not holding back his strength, he had aimed at nothing but a total knock-out.

The onlookers all heaved in astonishment. Cowering on the ground, Hu Dapao struggled to prop himself up with both arms. However, his vision went black and a dizzy spell again sent him sprawling in a cloud of dust.

Pleased with himself, Zhou Zhi raised both of his arms high and glared down at Hu Dapao.

“Get up, Hu Dapao!” The war buddy cheered on in the crowd.

The young girl’s concerned voice also came from afar. “Hu Dapao, get back up!”

“Hu Dapao!”

Like a gush of soothing wind, her crisp voice swept away the dizzy spell. Biting his lip, Hu Dapao abruptly leaped up, and he once again lunged at Zhou Zhi.

Having not expected Hu Dapao to regain his strength after such a fierce punch, Zhou Zhi scrambled to fend him off.

The two again engaged each other in combat. The crowd burst into thunderous cheers once more. Amidst the crowd, the young girl’s excited hollering could be heard.

Dispelling all distractions, Hu Dapao concentrated fully on the fight. His fists swung faster and harder, gradually forcing Zhou Zhi to stagger backward.

Unbeknownst to all, Nangong Shu had appeared at some point behind the crowd. Folding both hands behind his back, he stood tall and studied Hu Dapao’s every move. A sharp light glistened in his eyes and his lips curled into a faint smile.

Su Jiu was grateful to him for having helped Hu Dapao, and Nangong Shu was fully aware of that. Now, it seemed that it was his turn to thank her for having gifted him with such a formidable general.

Hu Dapao’s moves were measured and composed. With more time and continued training, he would surely become a world-renowned general one day.

Some soldiers saw Nangong Shu and hurried over to pay their respects. Nangong Shu replied with a casual nod, his eyes fixed on the drill field throughout.

The wrestling match was coming to an end, with Hu Dapao swiftly gaining ground. Zhou Zhi began to lose his cool, with his steps turning uneven and his moves becoming ill-paced. Beads of cold sweat rolled down his cheeks, and the desire for victory vanished without a trace. His loss of momentum further exposed his vulnerabilities. Before long, he found it impossible to fend off his opponent.

Hu Dapao was in no rush. He throttled on steadily, aiming to shatter Zhou Zhi’s spirit once and for all.

On the bleachers, an exuberant Nangong Bi could barely sit still. “Good job, Hu Dapao! Defeat him!” she exclaimed loudly.

Hu Dapao was further emboldened. Deliberately displaying a flaw in his moves to lure Zhou Zhi closer for an attack, he managed to grab onto the man’s arm and swing him forcibly. Zhou Zhi was hurled over his shoulders, and he slammed down hard onto the ground.

Groaning in pain, Zhou Zhi sprawled on all fours, unable to get up. Deafening cheers erupted among the onlookers.

Hu Dapao was about to leap over to deliver the finishing blow when Nangong Shu’s calm voice rose behind him. “Enough. You’ve won.”

Startled and out of breath, Hu Dapao spun around and hurried to pay his respect. “Report to Chief General!”

Two colonels helped Zhou Zhi up to bow to Nangong Shu.

Zhou Zhi cast Hu Dapao a sideways glance. His hostility remained, yet the look of contempt had tapered off.

Nangong Shu was fully aware of Zhou Zhi’s unfounded pride and arrogance. Such an embarrassing defeat was a good way to cut down the man’s smugness.

Nangong Bi skipped over, her yellow robe fluttering gracefully. “You’re a great fighter!” She cheered while smiling at Hu Dapao.

The man chuckled, his cheeks flushing bright red.

“Thank you for having escorted my sister home,” said Nangong Shu. “It was already late last night. Why don’t you join us for lunch today?”

Hu Dapao instinctively peeked at Nangong Bi, who beamed a sweet smile at him. “Yes, sir,” he replied, quickly lowering his head to conceal his blushing cheeks.

At lunch, Old General Nangong also made an appearance, accompanied by two deputies.

Upon seeing the old general, Nangong Shu bowed with the utmost respect.

The old man had survived numerous battles. His hair was turning white, yet his spirit was still as strong as steel, and his eyes glimmered with an intimidating light. He talked loudly and laughed even louder.

The military always favored the brave, and Old General Nangong was taken to Hu Dapao. “My son has mentioned you many many times,” he said, patting Dapao’s shoulder with an approving grin. “Very good. Youthful and full of promises. You’ll go far!”

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Overwhelmed by the old man’s compliment, Hu Dapao smiled nervously. “It’s all thanks to the Chief General’s excellent training!”

“Sit down.” The old general greeted everyone amicably. “All of you, please sit.”

Lunch was served and all the guests enjoyed themselves. Old General Nangong shared his war stories with the youngsters. Hu Dapao listened on, and he was utterly engrossed and immensely inspired.

It was already past three when the banquet came to an end. Hu Dapao returned home to prepare for his trip to the barracks outside the city.

Still embarrassed by her drunkenness the other day, Nangong Bi couldn’t resist the urge to pay Su Jiu a visit. On that day, after the old general had gone out to visit a friend, the girl swiftly sneaked out, taking a servant girl along with her.

It was close to noon and Qingxin Tavern was already over-crowded. The servers recognized Nangong Bi and led her to a quiet table by the window.

Li Tai came over to greet her, and eagerly wiped the table clean for a second time. “What would you like to have today, Miss?” he asked with reverence.

“The same,” said Nangong Bi. “Put extra chili in my beef!”

“Yes, Miss. The dish will be served right away.” Li Tai poured her a cup of tea and pressed both palms on the table.

“One more thing! Will Su Jiu be here today?” Nangong Bi asked.

“I’m not sure,” Li Tai pondered, “There are chores aplenty in the trading company. She usually spends more time over there.”

Nangong Bi nodded. “All right. You may go now,” she said crisply.

“Sure, Miss. Call me if you need anything.” Li Tai bowed and walked away.

Glancing out of the window at the roaming pedestrians, Nangong Bi sighed, feeling slightly disappointed. She ought to have gone to the trading company. Then again, her appetite had led her to the restaurant for the delicious beef dish.

“Don’t be glum, Miss,” said the servant girl. “We can go see Master Su after our meal.”

“We’ll certainly do that!” Nangong Bi beamed again. Sniffing the sweet aroma wafting from a pot of hot soup on the neighboring table, she again felt a pang of hunger, and couldn’t wait to devour her meal.

Before long, two figures entered the restaurant. One was an old man, and the other a teenage girl. They seemed to be father and daughter.

The old man had salt-and-pepper hair and a heavily wrinkled face. It didn’t take a genius to deduce that he had led a tough, poverty-stricken life. Although the girl was quite pretty, her cheeks were hollow and jaundiced, and her lips were chapped and sunken.

Hanging down from the old man’s shoulder was an erhu. The black paint on the old musical instrument glimmered a dull sheen that indicated years of wear and tear. The two appeared to be street musicians.

Reaching a table close to the front door, the pair stopped and bowed like lowly servants. The old man said politely, “Would you like to hear a song, sir? My daughter is a wonderful singer. Ten taels for a song. She can take any request!”

“Don’t want to hear no songs.” The customer at the table waved his hand in disgust. “Get away from me!”

The old man apologized and brought his daughter to the other tables. However, everyone turned them down. Even those who were curious about their performance decided to wait; maybe someone else would pay for a song and the rest could listen for free.

The father and daughter moved from table to table. A fat man sat at a table adjacent to Nangong Bi’s, wearing a colorful robe and a jade-embedded hat. His round face was covered in pockmarks, like a meat bun sprinkled with sesame seeds.

“Come here.” He turned and waved at the old man and teenage girl, who promptly walked over.

“What song would you like to hear, sir?” asked the old man.

“How much do I have to pay?” the fat man asked as his lustful eyes sized up the teenage girl, who hurried to hide behind her father.

“Only ten silver taels for a song, sir,” the old man replied, putting on a smile.

“I’ll pay ten taels, but the girl has to sleep with me!” The fat man widened his mouth and hollered with aggression. His buddies sharing the table all burst out laughing.

Nangong Bi frowned and peered at the fat man’s leering face. She found it hard to repress the insurmountable urge to pummel that face into a sesame ball.

The fat man’s flippant words further alarmed the teenage girl. Fearful and nervous, she clenched onto her father’s robe tightly.

“You must be joking, sir.” The old man forced a smile. “If you don’t want to hear our songs, we’ll go ask the other customers.” He led his daughter toward another table.

Unexpectedly, the fat man grabbed onto the teenage girl’s arm and forcibly yanked her into his lap. “Let me kiss you! I’ve got tons of money!” He chortled while squinting his eyes.

Whack! The teenage girl panicked and slapped the fat man with the back of her hand. She struggled away and stumbled backward.

The fat man gawked at the girl in shock, holding his bruised cheek. He hollered in seething anger, “How dare you slap me?!”

His companions also hopped onto their feet. “You insolent beggars! How dare you disrespect Master Chang?!” They also hollered, their faces contorting.

“My daughter is only a little girl!” The old man apologized frantically. “Sorry for having offended you, Master Chang. Please forgive her!”

A reddened palm print could be seen on the fat man’s cheek. He abruptly lunged over, seized the old man’s erhu, and tossed it on the floor. “You want me to get slapped for nothing?” He bellowed as he began to stomp hard on the instrument.

“Don’t! Please, don’t! I need that instrument to make a living!” The old man knelt down and desperately clenched onto the fat man’s elephant-sized leg.

“Out of my way!” The fat man cruelly kicked the old man aside and marched toward the girl. “Like it or not, I’ve got my eyes set on you today!”

Petrified, the teenage girl threw herself atop the old man. “Please spare me! I was wrong to be disrespectful. Please let us go!” She knelt and kowtowed, her face ghastly pale.

The fat man reached out a hand and again grabbed onto her arm. “Stay with me, and you won’t need to be a street singer no more! I’m giving you a way out, you stupid girl!”

All the other customers looked over in stunned silence. No one dared to interfere. No one wanted trouble.

The fat man and his buddies were getting more carried away. The teenage girl’s apparent horror only fueled their perverted excitement.

Witnessing the entire episode, Nangong Bi was getting increasingly incensed. No longer able to hold herself back, she abruptly sent a fierce kick to a wooden bench, which slammed hard into the fat man’s buttock.

“Who did that?!” The fat man spun around, grimacing in pain.

“So you’re human after all.” Nangong Bi folded her arms with a cold grin. “For a moment I thought you were a pig. A smelly pig that ruined my appetite.”

The fat man studied her gorgeous face for a moment. “Say whatever you want, pretty lady,” he sniggered. “If it pleases you, I’m more than happy to be a pig and let you ride me all day long!”

His companions again burst into lewd laughter.

“How dare you!” Nangong Bi’s servant girl bellowed in anger.

Having never encountered such vulgarity, Nangong Bi knitted a frown and hurled a teacup at the fat man. “Despicable pig!”

The fat man ducked. Crack! The teacup shattered on the floor, its contents splattering everywhere.

“Well, aren’t you a firecracker?” The fat man marched toward Nangong Bi with a crude grin. “I can get used to that!”

“Get used to this!” Nangong Bi swiftly leaped up and tapped her feet on the table. Tumbling in midair, she pulled out the long whip wrapped around her waist and slashed it hard at the fat man.

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Whack! The whip sent the man staggering backward. Shocked and infuriated, he held onto his neck and turned to his buddies. “What’re you waiting for? Go get her! Whoever grabs her first will get the first dip!”

Furious and indignant, Nangong Bi swung the long whip at the fat man’s face again and again. The man ducked in panic, but his movements were slowed by his hefty bodyweight. Within moments, he took a slew of whipping, causing him to shriek in agony.

His buddies also lunged at Nangong Bi, only to be attacked by her fierce whipping. They stumbled back in fear.

All the utensils on the table were soon shattered. The fat man kept on ducking and finally ended up under the table. Biting his teeth, he abruptly rose onto his feet and lunged at Nangong Bi, shouldering the table.

With a graceful backflip, Nangong Bi hopped aside and once again slashed the long whip, which promptly wrapped around the fat man’s leg. With a forceful yank, she sent the man tumbling, and the table slammed down onto his head.

All the other customers rushed to flee. Some couldn’t help but chuckle at the fat man’s embarrassing disposition.

The customers on the upper level also gathered along the railing to cheer the girl on. Among them, a young man in an expensive blue robe glanced down intently. His face was chiseled, and he waved a gold-embroidered paper fan gracefully with his hand.

Studying the fighting girl downstairs, the young man smiled and turned to his servant. “Who is that girl? She’s surely a handful.”

“She is from the Nangong family, sir,” answered the servant.

The young man was none other than Xiao Jing, also known as Prince Zhao. He froze for a brief moment, his thoughtful gaze locking on Nangong Bi. The last time he had met Miss Nangong, she had only been a little girl with an adorable face and two cute pigtails. Who would have thought that the little girl had grown into such an attractive young lady?

Like father like daughter, as the saying went.

Xiao Jing pondered, then turned and proceeded to descend the stairs.

Just then, Li Tai came out from the back. Confounded by the chaotic scene, he bolted over to stop the fight.

“Please calm down, everyone. Please don’t fight. The meal is on me. Please stop fighting!”

He bowed and pleaded. If something bad were to happen to Nangong Bi here in the restaurant, he would surely lose his job.

The drinking buddies dragged the fat man out from under the table. His hat had fallen off, and his tangled, matted hair covered his face. His robe was also badly torn.

Utterly embarrassed and no longer able to maintain a civil façade, the fat man shoved Li Tai aside, grabbing a wooden bench and swinging it at Nangong Bi.

“Miss!” the servant girl yelped in horror.

Li Tai hurried to shield Nangong Bi. The wooden bench was about to slam down at him.

At this very moment, a blue shadow suddenly flashed across and descended onto the fat man. A fierce kick to the chest sent the fat man tumbling and landing hard onto his back. The wooden bench hit his stomach, causing him to shriek in excruciating pain.

Xiao Jing landed on his feet right before Nangong Bi. Spreading his paper fan nonchalantly, he shot the fat man a cold stare. “Bullying a girl in the capital city? How dare you? Now get out of my sight!”

What a hero! What a timely and triumphant rescue!

The fat man’s buddies quickly helped him up. They could tell Xiao Jing was no ordinary civilian, and he was not someone to be messed with. Without saying another word, they frantically dashed out of the restaurant.

“Good job!”

“Such amazing martial art skills!”

“That fat man was despicable. I was about to kick his *ss!”

“Indeed. He was lucky to have fled so fast. Otherwise, I’d beat him to a pulp!”

Everyone looked over and showered Xiao Jing with praises. All the faces, which had been plagued by utter fear just moments prior, were now filled with indignation and uprightness.

“Thank you for your help, sir!” Li Tai rushed over.

Arching a brow and fanning his paper fan, Xiao Jing casually glanced over at Nangong Bi. “It’s not a big deal. Miss, you’re not hurt, are you?”

“No.” Nangong Bi put away her whip. “Thanks.”

Her voice was crisp and soothing, and her face was cute and lovely as always. Her perfect balance of beauty and strength made it impossible for Xiao Jing to look away.

It took quite a while for him to regain his composure. “Not at all. It’s good you’re not hurt,” he beamed a smile.

The old street performer and his teenage daughter hurried over. “Thank you for your help! Thank you both!” The old man’s words were filled with gratitude.

Li Tai produced a couple of silver coins and handed them to him. “Take the money, and go see a doctor.”

The old man took the money with trembling hands, his face overwhelmed with emotion. He thanked Xiao Jing and Nangong Bi once more, then led his frightened daughter out of the restaurant.

“Are you alone?” Xiao Jing turned to look at Nangong Bi. “Would you like to join me for a drink upstairs?”

“Thanks, but it’s not necessary,” Nangong Bi answered coolly and sat back down at her table.

She was not sure whether the man had recognized her, but she had surely recognized him. He was Xiao Jing, also known as Prince Zhao, the man who had gone to His Majesty and proposed to marry her. He was the last man on earth that she wanted to share a table with.

Deep down in her heart, she began to suspect the mere fact that he had come to her aid today was for some ulterior motive.

It was already winter, but why was the man still holding a paper fan? She despised anyone who could be this pretentious and tasteless.

She turned to look out of the window, paying the man no more heed.

Xiao Jing was not at all offended by her aloofness. He grinned again and headed out of the restaurant.

Li Tai ordered his men to clean up the shattered table and utensils. “Sorry to have you startled and put you in harm’s way, Miss,” he apologized to Nangong Bi profusely.

“No worries!” The girl smiled. “That fat pig deserved a beating.”

“Yes, Miss. I’ll ban those men from this establishment. I promise!”

New dishes were served, and Li Tai placed them on Nangong Bi’s table.

Xiao Jing exited the restaurant, the young girl’s cute face still etched in his mind. “Back to the palace.” He turned to his servant with a grin.

Once he was back in the palace, Xiao Jing headed straight towards Imperial Concubine Xian’s quarters.

Imperial Concubine Xian was taking an afternoon nap. Xiao Jing waited in the outer chamber for a while, until the concubine finally woke up and came out to greet him. “Fancy seeing you this time of the day,” she said, still sleepy-eyed. “For what reason am I honored with this visit?”

Xiao Jing bowed to her. “Has father mentioned anything more about the marriage proposal recently?” he asked, unable to conceal his eagerness.

Ever since the warfare on the northern front surged, Xiao Jing did not dare to irritate his father with the mention of the marriage arrangement. Although the northern war had been over for days, no news had been delivered from His Majesty, much to his dismay.

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Xiao Jing was in fact on the verge of giving up. If the Nangong family didn’t approve of the marriage proposal, he could always find another suitable match. After all, he was a prince who didn’t need to beg for a woman’s attention.

However, the encounter with Nangong Bi earlier had rekindled his passion for the girl. A burning passion that could no longer be contained. It was precisely the reason that had led him into the palace.

“Your father hasn’t mentioned a thing.” Imperial Concubine Xian sat down, knitting a frown. “In my opinion, you should forget about the proposal. You can marry anyone you desire. No need to be obsessed with the Nangong girl.”

Slightly disappointed, Xiao Jing didn’t want the concubine to continue making fun of his obsession. “The Nangong family controls the military and is extremely powerful in our kingdom. I have everything else except for military power. The marriage with Nangong Bi will ensure my status as the royal heir,” he explained straightforwardly.

“But from what I see, His Majesty is reluctant about this marriage.” Imperial Concubine Xian pondered, “Maybe he finds the Nangong family too powerful. Why do you insist on offending your father?”

“The Nangong family is like a fierce tiger,” said Xiao Jing. “It needs to be tamed and utilized, not feared. Once I marry Nangong Bi, I’ll make sure the family pledges loyalty to me. It’s the only way to turn the tables and regain control.”

“You may be right. But what will you do if your father disagrees?” said Imperial Concubine Xian.

“I’ll need your help, Mother.” Xiao Jing knelt on one knee and gently drummed the woman’s leg with both fists. “Father cares about how you feel. A little pillow talk will surely change his mind. When I become the heir and succeed the throne, you’ll be the most respectable queen mother. Your efforts will not be forgotten by me.”

Raising her eyebrows, Imperial Concubine Xian poked a finger at Xiao Jing’s forehead. “You always try to flatter me with sweet talk.”

“You’re my mother. Who else would I flatter?” Xiao Jing raised his head, flashing a playful smile.

“All right, enough with the coquettishness. If His Majesty comes to see me in the next couple of days, I’ll mention to him again about your marriage to Nangong Bi.”

“Thank you, Mother!” Xiao Jing was thrilled.

“Don’t jump ahead of yourself. There is no guarantee your father will agree.”

“With your assistance, we’ll be halfway there.”

“Let’s hope.”

The mother and son chatted for a while longer. Xiao Jing then got up and bid his farewell.

Once he was out of the concubine’s quarters, his servant huddled up and whispered in his ear. “Would you like me to bring Lady Zhaoyi over, Your Highness?”

With Nangong Bi’s face still lingering in his mind, Xiao Jing was in no mood to entertain Zhaoyi. “That’s not necessary. Let’s leave the palace.”

“Yes, sir.” The servant followed suit.

Just when Xiao Jing was about to exit the palace, he promptly bumped into Xiao Yan, also known as Prince Yu. Beside Xiao Yan followed a new face, who was none other than Qiao An, His Majesty’s new favorite courtier.

Engrossed in conversation with Qiao An, Xiao Yan was laughing amiably, showing not a hint of arrogance that was typical of a royal family member.

Among the three princes, Xiao Yan was the oldest, which would naturally make him the heir to the throne. However, his lack of intelligence had seriously infuriated the Emperor, who had consequently refrained from deciding on a suitable heir till this very day.

Being Xiao Yan’s mother, the queen had not urged her son to study harder and regain his father’s favor. Instead, the queen had put all the blame on Concubine Rong and Concubine Xian, for having hijacked His Majesty’s attention. She had complained to the Emperor multiple times, which had only made His Majesty dislike Xiao Yan even more.

The queen then took out her displeasure on Empress Dowager Xian, whom she had deemed as the culprit to her son’s unfavorable disposition. Her daily greetings to the Empress Dowager was brief, cold, and devoid of warmth. In private, she bickered nonstop about how shamelessly Imperial Concubine Rong had kissed up to the Empress Dowager. Every time she went to visit the Empress Dowager in Fushou Palace, she could barely conceal her disdain. Rumors had spread fast in the palace, and His Majesty had soon become aware of the unpleasant situation. This had intensified his displeasure, resulting in his reduced visits to the queen, as well as an escalated frigidity toward Xiao Yan.

The throne’s succession, therefore, had become an even bigger, more complicated mystery.

And right now, it was more than obvious that Prince Yu was trying to recruit Qiao An to his aide. Observing their interaction, Xiao Jing sneered discreetly. His brother was indeed dumb as a pig. Surely it wasn’t his idea to befriend Qiao An. Official Lyu, Prince Yu’s father-in-law, had to be the ultimate kingmaker hidden in the shadows.

With his daughter marrying Prince Yu, Lyu had no choice but to support his son-in-law, the fool of a prince. What a hopelessly pathetic situation!

At this moment, Xiao Jing walked over to the two, sporting a sarcastic grin. He said, “What a coincidence! Fancy bumping into my brother and Master Qiao here!”

“It seems Prince Zhao is finally gracing us with his presence.” Prince Yu cast Xiao Jing a cool glance, his demeanor overflowing with arrogance and contempt.

“It’s an honor to be in your presence, Your Royal Highness,” Qiao An turned around and bowed with the utmost respect.

“That’s not necessary.” Xiao Jing hurried to stop him. “I heard you’ve been promoted to be Director of the Ministry of Revenue. Too bad I haven’t had an opportunity to properly congratulate you.”

Unexpectedly, Prince Yu lifted his chin and turned his head away with an audible snicker.

Qiao An was taken aback, baffled by the prince’s odd behavior.

Xiao Jing, on the other hand, was already familiar with his brother’s eccentricities. “Since we’re all here, may I treat you two to a meal? Think of it as a celebration for Master Qiao’s promotion.”

Before Qiao An could decline, Prince Yu abruptly butted in. “It’s so very presumptuous of you, Prince Zhao. I’m taking Master Qiao home to celebrate as we speak. What makes you think you are in a position to hijack the occasion?”

“I see. I wasn’t aware that you’ve already invited him. Forgive me, Brother,” Xiao Jing replied coolly.

“My wife expects me to be home after my palace duties every day. Therefore, I can only hold banquets at my abode,” Prince Yu continued, condescending as ever. “I understand that you must be a busy man, Prince Zhao. With that, I shall not keep you any longer.”

His reasoning and lapse of logic were unintentionally farcical. Qiao An had to try hard to stifle a chuckle. He quickly collected himself and plastered on a solemn face.

Prince Yu’s wife was the daughter of Official Lyu. Heavily reliant on his father-in-law’s counsel, Prince Yu was intimidated by his wife, and he had to follow her instructions at all times. He had to go home early every day and was forbidden to fool around outside even in his spare time. The fact of the matter was, the prince ought to have kept these family matters to himself, instead of announcing to the world how much he feared his wife.

Moreover, it was rude and unbecoming of him to not extend an invitation to Prince Zhao at this juncture. Occasionally, Xiao Jing suspected whether or not Prince Yu was truly Prince Rui’s half-brother, simply because they were so different. Then again, not all sons could be expected to match their father in terms of intelligence and capability. Not at all.

As he was already accustomed to Prince Yu’s impertinence, Prince Zhao did not lose his temper. “With that being the case, I shall then celebrate with Master Qiao some other day,” he said nonchalantly, his sarcastic grin deepening.

“Thank you both for your kindness, Your Highnesses.” Qiao An bowed once again. “Regrettably, I have some official matters to take care of today. It seems to be an inopportune time for a celebration meal. I shall invite you both another day, to show my sincere apology.”

“It appears Master Qiao is busy today!” Prince Zhao peered over at Prince Yu. “Again, with that being the case, it would be ill-mannered of us to keep him any longer, right?”

Prince Yu snickered once more and abruptly walked away, his hefty physique wobbling comically like a top.

“Did I say something that offended His Highness?” asked Qiao An anxiously.

“Not at all. My brother is always like this,” replied Prince Zhao amicably. “He always loses his temper when someone declines his offer. He’ll be fine tomorrow, don’t you worry!”

“I see.” Qiao An was somewhat relieved but soon tensed up again. “I didn’t mean to decline His Highness’s invitation. I do have some prior engagements. Really!”

“It’s alright. Don’t take it to heart!” Xiao Jing said to him with a reassuring smile.

“In that case, I shall bid you farewell!” Qiao An was more than ready to leave.

“Take care of yourself, Master Qiao.”

Prince Zhao watched as Qiao An swiftly left the palace. Recalling Prince Yu’s inappropriate behavior moments beforehand, he couldn’t help but let out a faint snicker. What an idiot Prince Yu was! There was no reason to fear him in any way.




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