Wife Doting Addiction:My Abducted Tsundere Husband

Chapter 222: Nangong Bi’s Worries

Chapter 222: Nangong Bi’s Worries

It was noon, and many people were entering the city. The horse carriage blended in with the crowd and was crawling at a snail’s pace.

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Su Jiu swapped horse carriages and sat in the Eldest Mistress’s carriage. She said modestly, “Your daughter left for one month. I’m sorry for worrying you, Mother.”

The Eldest Mistress stroked her black hair tenderly. “As long as you and Ji Yuxian return safely, I am willing to wait however long!”

“Has Mother been well during this past month? Did Madame Lin find you to stir any trouble?” Su Jiu asked worriedly.

“Not at all, don’t worry!” the Eldest Mistress reassured her, before asking her with concern, “Has Yuxian’s poison been detoxified?”

Su Jiu grinned. “It’s been resolved!”

“That’s great!” The Eldest Mistress could finally relax. She held Su Jiu’s hand tightly. “The hard times are finally over, and the good times are just beginning for you two children!” she could not help but choke as she spoke.

When she recalled the tumultuous and arduous journey that the two of them had gone through, the Eldest Mistress felt melancholic and happy at the same time.

“In the future, you must treat Ji Yuxian well.”

“Mm! I will!” Su Jiu nodded her head solemnly.

The horse carriage drove slowly into Shengjing City. At the city gates, a tall and noble-looking figure stood with his hands behind him. He watched nonchalantly at the passing horse carriages, the depths of his eyes filled with lovesickness.

She finally returned!

After entering the city, Wu Yi and Yan Shu bid farewell to the rest.

“Here in Shengjing, we’ll probably need to bother the Ji Manor for many matters in the future. I must implore the Eldest Mistress and Mistress to take care of us!”

“Master Wu, you’re being too courteous!” Ji Yuxian’s lips curved upwards. He was amiable and polite, yet a trace of indifference could be felt.

Wu Yi and Yan Shu did not speak any further and left after bidding them farewell.

When Su Jiu saw their departing silhouettes, she asked softly, “Did we get the wrong idea?”

The two of them left just like that. It seemed as though whatever speculations they had were simply plucked out of thin air.

Ji Yuxian held her hand and smiled faintly. “As long as it’s a fox, it will show its tail one day!”

After he said this, he turned his head and asked, “Are you going to accompany my mother-in-law back to the Su residence?”

Despite his question, he did not want to be separated from her for a single second.

Su Jiu shook her head with a faint and pure smile. “I originally wanted to go back, but my mother didn’t want to take me in. Will Eldest Master Ji be willing to take me in?”

Ji Yuxian’s phoenix eyes instantly shined, and his lips spread into a wide smile as he held Su Jiu’s hands tightly. “That’s exactly what I want!”

After Wu Yi and Yan Shu left, Shangguan Yunkun also scrambled off impatiently to the Chunhua Brothel.

Ah Shu and the rest had originally prepared a welcome feast at the Qingxin Tavern for Su Jiu. Qiao An then realized that she had traveled on the road for a whole day, and pushed the feast back by a day to give her time to head back first and rest.

After Su Jiu sent the Eldest Mistress back to the Su residence, she followed Ji Yuxian back to the Ji Manor.

The horse carriage stopped outside the gates. Old Yu had already brought all the servants and managers from the Ji Manor out to the gates to wait.

Furthermore, Ji Ze was there as well.

Once Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu alighted the carriage, Old Yu’s face quivered due to his emotional state. He stepped forward and choked on his words as he said, “This old servant greets the Eldest Master and the Mistress!”

“These servants greet the Eldest Master and the Mistress!”

All the servants stood on both sides of the main gate and greeted them in unison.

Ji Ze took a step forward and grinned. “Elder Brother and Sister-in-law have finally returned!”

Ji Yuxian nodded slightly. “Is everything well in the manor?”

“Yes!” Ji Ze nodded his head. “Everything is good!”

“It has been tough for Old Yu!” Ji Yuxian said warmly.

With his absence in the past few months, Old Yu was the one who managed everything within and outside the manor. Old Yu was the only person he could trust wholeheartedly.

“Master, you’re exaggerating. This old servant only did what my job entailed while waiting for the Master to return.”

Ji Yuxian’s eyes were kind as he nodded his head with a faint smile. He then grasped Su Jiu’s hand and walked through the main gates. Everyone behind him hastily crowded over and followed them in.

Inside the inner courtyard, Ji Ze returned to his estate. Old Yu followed behind them and said, “Eldest Master and Young Mistress have just returned, and the horses are fatigued. You both should rest for one day!”

Su Jiu knew that Ji Yuxian had been absent for a long time, and there were most certainly many matters in the Ji Manor waiting for him to sort out. She spoke up, “If you have something to attend to, just go ahead. I can go out later.”

“You still want to go out?” Ji Yuxian knitted his brows slightly.

“Hu Dapao said that Nangong Bi is going to give birth soon. Today, she was going to receive me at the gates, but Hu Dapao forcefully kept her at home. I want to go and visit her!” Su Jiu said with a grin.

“Alright then!” Ji Yuxian nodded his head. “Then return earlier tonight. I’ll wait for you to have dinner!”

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“Mm!” Su Jiu agreed with a smile.

After returning to her room to shower, Su Jiu changed into a new set of clothes before departing again.

At that moment, all the tables in the Qingxin Tavern were packed with customers. It was peak hour, and there was only one table at the corner of the second floor with one person seated. That person only ordered one pot of tea and had already been drinking for the past hour.

“Master, let me refill the water!”

The waiter walked over and attentively refilled the teapot on the table with water. He was not lacking in his service, even though the customer had not ordered any dishes.

The man who was gazing out of the window turned his head back. The pair of phoenix eyes on his handsome face was especially good-looking. He asked flatly, “Your Master Jiu is returning today. Wasn’t a welcome banquet being prepared for him in the restaurant? Why isn’t he here yet?”

The waiter hastily said with a smile, “Master, are you waiting for Master Jiu? Then you shouldn’t wait anymore. Just now, Master An sent a message to say that Master Jiu wasn’t coming today!”

Xia Huan’s eyes instantly dimmed. He nodded his head in disappointment. “Oh!”

She was not coming, but he was unwilling to leave. It was as though the places she dwelled at could bring him comfort.

Meanwhile, at the Northern Guard General’s Manor.

When Nangong Bi saw Su Jiu, she laughed and cried at the same time, scaring Hu Dapao so much that he almost bent over to support her abdomen, to prevent his son from dropping out in her excitement.

Nangong Bi pushed Hu Dapao away. “Go away! I’m speaking to Su Jiu, and you’re not allowed to listen!”

Hu Dapao chuckled. “What are you and our Chief talking about that I’m not allowed to hear?”

“You’re just not allowed to listen!” Nangong Bi’s elegant brows furrowed. “The moment Su Jiu came, did you gain a new backing? So you refuse to listen to your wife!”

“I’ll listen! I’ll listen!” Hu Dapao winced. “Then you can continue chatting with Chief. I’ll go and prepare the dishes!”

After he said this, he ordered the servants to take good care of Nangong Bi, before taking his leave reluctantly.

“It’s so boring and stuffy indoors. Let’s head out to the pavilions and have a seat there!” Nangong Bi tugged Su Jiu’s hand and led her out to the garden.

The pavilions were graced by jade lotuses, as well as a cool breeze. The mist carried the refreshing fragrance of lotuses and was certainly airier and more well-ventilated than indoors.

Nangong Bi was almost due, and she was much rounder than before. Her frame had always been petite and dainty, and now that she had to support a large belly, it appeared as though she had to expand a great deal of effort to move around.

However, she did not pay any attention to it herself. Every time the Old General’s wife came over to visit her, she would always voice her complaints against Hu Dapao and how he always micromanaged her, not allowing her to do this and that.

Initially, the Old General’s wife was not fond of Hu Dapao because of his humble background, and she felt that her daughter had been wronged. After the two of them got married, however, she realized that Hu Dapao was a brave and valiant soldier who was both capable and clever. At home, he was very docile and obedient to Nangong Bi and loved her dearly. Hence, she started to like her son-in-law more and more.

As a result, Nangong Bi’s complaints were met with her mother’s harsh scolding. On the contrary, she complimented Hu Dapao and sung him many praises.

Nangong Bi felt that her family members had abandoned their daughter after gaining a son-in-law. She vented all her anger on Hu Dapao willfully.

Hu Dapao simply assumed that she was irritable due to her pregnancy, and sympathized with her suffering because of that. He cherished her even more.

The two of them stepped into the pavilion, with five or six maidservants trailing behind Nangong Bi. They arranged cushions to pad her back, poured her tea, served fruits, and tipped her pastries. They served her meticulously without any faults.

Nangong Bi waved her hand and said, “All of you are dismissed!”

“The General told the servants not to leave the Mistress’s side at all times!” One of the maidservants in pink bowed her head in reply.

Nangong Bi threw her a glance. “You listen to the General’s words, but not this Mistress’s words?”

That maidservant hastily replied in trepidation, “That is not what this servant meant!”

“Take your leave. If there is anything, I’ll call for you!”


The few maidservants filed out, with the girl in pink walking at the very back. Her head was half-lowered, and her figure was sweet and graceful. Her countenance was also prettier and fairer than most other maids.

Nangong Bi stared at her departing silhouette, and only retracted her gaze after she saw that maidservant stop below a flowering tree a distance away.

Su Jiu picked up a lychee fruit and peeled it, before passing it to Nangong Bi. She smiled and asked, “What’s wrong with that maidservant?”

Nangong Bi was stunned. “You can tell!”

“I can’t tell anything from her. You’re the one who seems to be behaving differently!” Su Jiu said with a raised brow.

Nangong Bi picked up the translucent flesh of the lychee fruit and placed it in her palm. She said in a soft voice, “She was part of the dowry when I married over from the General’s Manor. Her name is Jing’er. Mother has already told me many times to promote her as Hu Dapao’s concubine.”

Su Jiu froze. “Why?”

“Mother said that every man would need to have a concubine. When my father was young, he would spend most of his time out in battle and didn’t lust. Hence, he only had one concubine. Amongst the other court officials, which one of them doesn’t have a throng of concubines in their rear court? Mother mentioned that it would be better for me to choose one of the people on my side, rather than let Hu Dapao bring one back on his own. It would be easier to maintain control!” Nangong Bi’s eyelids appeared to droop, and her expression was that of despondence. “Also, I’ve already been pregnant for so long, and even if I gave birth, I would not be able to share a bed with Dapao for a while. Mother is worried that he would…”

Her voice slowly trailed off, and it seemed to be accompanied by a trace of sorrow.

“Hu Dapao will not!” Su Jiu said resolutely.

Nangong Bi lifted her head, and her eyes sparkled. “But Mother said that even if a man only likes one girl, when the need arises, they won’t be able to control their desires to sleep with other women. Su Jiu, is this true?”

Su Jiu was stumped. She did not know.

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“Additionally, Jing’er seems to be affectionate towards Dapao. During this time, she served Dapao very attentively. I’m also in a dilemma…”

“Don’t be!” Su Jiu pressed against Nangong Bi’s hands. “If you like Dapao, don’t push him to someone else!”

“But… I’m afraid that he would not be able to hold it back and impulsively…” Nangong Bi bit her lips. She seemed to be in pain and at a loss.

If that was truly the case, she would hurt even more.

“Believe Dapao. He likes you so much, so why would he betray you?”

“But to a man, isn’t marrying three wives and four concubines a normal affair?” Nangong Bi choked as she spoke.

Su Jiu closed her eyes, without saying a word. Indeed, before she came, Ji Yuxian had also married three concubines. In a man’s heart, marrying wives and concubines were commonplace. Sometimes, it did not even matter whether they liked them or not.

At that moment, Su Jiu understood that this was the reason why Nangong Bi had been so irritable lately.

She was about to give birth and was already terrified. Now, she even had to be worried about such saddening issues.

“Let’s not talk about me anymore!” Nangong Bi wiped her eyes and smiled. “Su Jiu, during this period, I’ve been especially worried about you. Have you found the Eldest Master already? How is his ailment?”

“The poison has already been cleansed!” Su Jiu answered with a smile.

“That’s great!” Nangong Bi flashed a delicate smile. She was sincerely happy for Su Jiu. “Su Jiu, have you truly decided to become the Young Mistress of the Ji Manor? What about the Emperor…”

Su Jiu interrupted, “My relationship with him was a mistake. Everything is already in the past.”

“Oh!” Nangong Bi nodded her head inexplicably. “No matter what, it’s fine as long as you are living happily!”

Su Jiu’s lips curled into a smile. “You too! Don’t be restrained by other people. Just do whatever you like.”

Nangong Bi lowered her head and stroked her swollen belly. “Once you like someone, you start to worry about gaining and losing,” she muttered gently.

Su Jiu’s eyes darted towards that speck of pink in the distance. She raised a brow and suggested, “If you seriously don’t trust Dapao, why don’t we test him tonight?”

“How do we test him?” Nangong Bi asked.

“Just do as I say!” Su Jiu winked craftily.

The two of them chatted until the sky became dark. Hu Dapao walked over with big strides and called out to them, “Why do the two of you have so much to say? The dishes have been set, and the wine has already been warmed. I’ve been waiting for half a day!”

His wife did not send word, and he did not dare to come. But he could no longer wait.

“Perfect, I’m hungry! Let’s go and eat!” Su Jiu stood up first.

Hu Dapao hastily went forward to support Nangong Bi. “Today, we should call Master An and Ah Shu over to have some fun!”

“It’s too late. It’ll just be the three of us today!” Su Jiu flashed an honest smile.

Nangong Bi and Hu Dapao walked behind her. She asked in a low voice, “What about Chang Huan? He still hasn’t returned to the Dragon Conqueror Gang?”

Hu Dapao nodded his head solemnly. “Let’s look for an opportunity!”

The two of them exited the pavilion. The maidservant Jing’er immediately went over and supported Nangong Bi’s other arm. “Mistress, be careful of your footing!”

Nangong Bi noticed Jing’er secretly glance at Hu Dapao from the corner of her eyes. She was blushing, and her expression was bashful and vernal.

It seemed as though during this period, Jing’er had dressed more coquettishly than before.

Did she hear the words she said to her mother? Did this maidservant genuinely fall for him?

Nangong Bi’s eyes glistened, and when she saw Jing’er’s pretty side profile, her heart involuntarily became heavier.

When they entered the dining room, the servants were in the middle of arranging the cutlery. When they saw their masters walk in, they immediately bowed to pay their respects.

Most of the dishes were the ones that Su Jiu liked to eat. Although Hu Dapao appeared to be a very offhanded person, he was very observant in reality. He always kept all the likes and dislikes of the members of the Dragon Conqueror Gang at the back of his mind.

The three of them took their seats. Jing’er stood in between Hu Dapao and Nangong Bi, attending to them by helping to pick dishes and refill their soup bowl.

Hu Dapao stood up to pour out a glass of wine for Su Jiu first. “This wine was bestowed by the palace. I have always been reluctant to drink it, and I have been waiting for Chief.”

Su Jiu picked up the glass and sniffed it under her nose. “A reward from the royal family. Naturally, I can’t miss out on this!”

Nangong Bi pouted and said, “The two of you are drinking in front of me! I know you guys are trying to tempt me. No way, I also want to drink!”

After she said this, she was about to reach out for a wine glass, when Hu Dapao stopped her hand. “Don’t make a fuss! You’re not allowed to drink!”

Su Jiu smiled and said, “For the sake of your child, just endure! But you can get Hu Dapao to drink whatever you can’t drink on your behalf!”

“No problem!” Hu Dapao said forthrightly with a grin. “Let me toast the three of us first!”

“Fine, you help me drink my share!” Nangong Bi pushed the wine cup towards Hu Dapao.

Hu Dapao gulped down three glasses without any hesitation. His face did not flush, and his heart did not palpitate. It was as though he was just drinking water.

“Dapao’s alcohol tolerance is getting better and better. On the contrary, ever since I got injured, my alcohol tolerance has been getting worse!” Su Jiu mocked herself as her eyes turned. “So, drinking like that is not fair to me. Servants, exchange your General’s cup for a larger one!”

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“Sure, I’ll drink according to what Chief says!” Hu Dapao laughed without a care in the world and got his servants to swap his cup for a huge bowl, before filling it to the brim.

“General, be mindful of your health!” Jing’er, who was behind him, suddenly spoke up in concern.

Su Jiu looked up and glanced meaningfully at that girl. It appeared as though Nangong Bi’s intuition was spot on. This girl had indeed set her eyes on Dapao.

No matter whether she sincerely liked Dapao as a person, or whether she desired to become a Master, these were all feelings that should not have existed.

Even though she was still an amateur when it came to the matters between a man and a woman, from her perspective, the relationship between a couple should be unadulterated, and there should not be the interference of a third party.

To hell with three wives and four concubines. After all, if Ji Yuxian dared to take a concubine, she would immediately pickle him before kicking him straight to heaven.

“It’s fine. I’m in a good mood today!” Hu Dapao took a swig of wine, before refilling the bowl again.

Su Jiu picked up several dishes for him and raised her wine glass. “I haven’t congratulated you yet! You’re about to be a father. You must drink this cup!”

The moment the child was mentioned, Hu Dapao became even happier. He inverted the bowl and gulped everything down in one shot.

Nangong Bi raised her cup of tea. “I must also congratulate Su Jiu and the Eldest Master. Here’s a toast to you!”

“What’s the point of drinking tea? I don’t accept that! You can’t drink wine, so get Dapao to give this toast!” Su Jiu smirked.

“Alright, I’ll give this toast to our Chief on behalf of Bi’er!” Hu Dapao grinned goofily.

Following which, Su Jiu and Nangong Bi took turns refilling Hu Dapao’s wine. Very soon, Hu Dapao became intoxicated and muddleheaded.

Nangong Bi turned her head and instructed, “I still have things to talk to Su Jiu about. Jing’er, send the General back to the room to rest and get the servants to brew some hangover tea for him. Also, the General reeks of wine, so let him sleep in the study room next door.”

“Yes!” Jing’er immediately acknowledged.

However, how could she shift the towering Hu Dapao on her own? Even after calling out to him a few times, he did not wake up.

Nangong Bi could only summon the guards outside, before ordering them to support Hu Dapao into the study. Jing’er followed behind them.

After Hu Dapao and Jing’er left, Nangong immediately stood up and walked towards the door. When she saw the shadow of Hu Dapao’s back, her eyebrows furrowed tightly.

She could not help but turn around and asked, “Su Jiu, do you think Dapao will…”

“Don’t worry, I can guarantee that he won’t!” Su Jiu lazily reclined on the chair, laughing with utmost confidence, “But let’s agree on this. As long as Dapao doesn’t touch that maidservant, then you should never doubt him anymore. From today onwards, you must put your heart at rest and have faith in Hu Dapao.”

Nangong Bi nodded her head. “As long as he passes this test, I won’t brood over the matter of a concubine anymore.”

“That’s right!” Su Jiu chuckled.

In the study, Jing’er waited for the guard to place Hu Dapao onto the bed. Afterward, she dismissed the two guards.

She glanced left and right, before shutting the door of the room.

After preparing a basin of hot water, the girl knelt on the ground on one knee at his bedside and carefully wiped Hu Dapao’s face.

Hu Dapao’s chest had been scorched by the warmth of the wine. He groaned unbearably and lifted an arm to loosen his collar.

The man was originally handsome and gallant, with a tall and sturdy figure. Once his clothes were loosened and his firm chest was exposed, his body exuded manliness under the glow of the lantern.

Jing’er’s face flushed red involuntarily. Her heart began to palpitate, and the hand that she was using to wipe the man’s face also started to move down uncontrollably. She brushed past his neck, his Adam’s apple…

“Bi’er! I want you!” Hu Dapao swooped over and grabbed Jing’er’s hand as he mumbled with his eyes closed.

The man had stayed celibate for a few months, and his voice seemed to be wrought with emotion.

Jing’er’s face flushed even more. She shyly retracted her arm and said coquettishly, “General, you have recognized the wrong person. This servant is not the Mistress!”

When she lifted her head again, the man was still sleeping. He was just talking in his sleep.

The girl’s heart was filled with an indiscernible feeling. She could only stare blankly at the man on the bed as she fell into a trance.

Creak! The door opened, and a little maidservant came in with a bowl of hangover soup. “Big sister Jing’er, the hangover soup is ready!”

Jing’er immediately rose, startled. “Put… Put it there!”

“Yes!” the little maidservant sounded in acknowledgment, before placing the bowl of hangover soup on the table.

Jing’er was a maidservant that came as part of the dowry, and she had a higher status in comparison to the other servants in the manor.

“Alright, you all may take your leave. Just leave me to attend to the General!” Jing’er instructed.


The little maidservant bowed before taking her leave, shutting the door behind her.

The room was quiet once again.

Jing’er picked up the bowl of hangover soup and placed it near her lips, before blowing on it. She walked to the bedside and cooed, “General… General!”

Hu Dapao was snoring in deep sleep, and he did not hear her at all.

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Jing’er walked even closer. “General, wake up. Drink some hangover soup before going back to sleep. Otherwise, you’ll get a headache tomorrow morning!”

She stretched her arm out to shake Hu Dapao’s shoulders. “General, wake up. This is the Mistress’s instructions!”

When he heard that this was his wife’s instructions, Hu Dapao opened his eyes groggily. He asked, still slightly intoxicated, “What’s the matter?”

“The Mistress wants you to finish drinking the hangover soup!” Jing’er said.

To Hu Dapao, Nangong Bi’s words were like an imperial decree, and he would never dare to disobey her. When he heard that his wife wanted him to drink the soup, Hu Dapao sat up unsteadily.

Jing’er hurriedly tipped the bowl over to him.

Hu Dapao received the bowl and finished the bowl clean in a few gulps. His consciousness also became slightly clearer.

He widened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. “Why am I here?”

Jing’er smiled and explained, “General, you got drunk. The Mistress is still chatting with the guest, so she got this servant to send you back to rest and attend to you.”

“Oh…” Hu Dapao lifted an arm to knead his groggy head.

He was in a good mood today, and he did indeed drink a lot.

A glint flashed past Jing’er’s eyes. She leaned forward and said, “This servant will help you remove your clothes, General.”

“No need!” Hu Dapao blocked her arm. He said nonchalantly, “I can do it myself! I still need to go out and see my wife and Chief later on. I’m not going to sleep now!”

Jing’er nibbled her lips. “General, don’t you understand the Mistress’s intentions?”

Hu Dapao furrowed his brows. “What are my wife’s intentions?”

“That day, this servant heard the Old Master and Mistress say… say…” Jing’er lowered her head, her face reddening. She stammered, “…Say that they wanted to give this servant to you as a concubine.”

“What?” Hu Dapao widened his eyes abruptly. The effects of the alcohol had already subsided significantly.

Jing’er became increasingly shy. “General, you don’t need to be so shocked. As a maidservant who was part of the dowry, this servant is meant to warm the master’s bed. The Old Master and Mistress have treated this servant with much love, and this servant is extremely grateful. This servant is willing to serve you, General!”

However, Hu Dapao’s expression changed. “Is this really what the Mistress intended?”

Jing’er nodded her head shyly. “When the Mistress asked this servant to send the General back, this was what she meant.”

Hu Dapao’s complexion instantly became ashen, and his eyes were brimming with pain. His wife had pushed him to another woman!

Unless she never liked him from the start.

If she liked him, why would she allow other girls to climb onto his bed?

If she liked him, she should be jealous and unhappy if he gave another girl a second glance.

Were the love and affection fake all this time?

Hu Dapao’s eyes were filled with disappointment. He did not dare to believe this!

How the girl looked when she smiled sweetly at him, the loving affection when she was pressed under him; all these moments started to become foggy.

No! He did not believe it!

He wanted to ask her personally!

Hu Dapao stood up and attempted to get off the bed. But even with a slight movement, his mind became blurred, and he could not help but sit there with his head lowered to catch his breath.

“General!” Jing’er hastily supported him. She massaged Hu Dapao’s head tenderly and said in a gentle voice, “General, are you dizzy? This servant will give you a massage.”

“Don’t come near me!” Hu Dapao abruptly lifted a hand to push the girl.

He was a man with herculean strength; how could Jing’er withstand his push? She stumbled back a few steps, before falling onto the ground at once. She lifted her tear-stained eyes and gaped at Hu Dapao, feeling wronged.

“Get out! Even if the Mistress agrees, I won’t agree!” Hu Dapao’s voice was cold and indifferent.

However, Jing’er, who was sitting on the floor, could not reconcile with the idea of his rejection. She slowly unraveled her clothes, and her blouse slipped off, revealing her snow-white shoulders and the fair skin over her chest. Under the glow of the lantern, the girl’s vernal eyes, her jade-like skin, her slender waist, her lithe figure, as well as her red undergarments were all accentuated. She walked slowly up to Hu Dapao, her face akin to a cooked shrimp. “General, please take a look at this servant!” She gently caressed Hu Dapao’s shoulders.

With his head lowered, Hu Dapao was in a trance. He did notice the girl who was inching closer, and when she touched him, he abruptly lifted his head. He was instantly stupefied there and then.

“General!” Jing’er squeaked softly, before throwing herself into Hu Dapao’s arms.

Hu Dapao’s eyes changed from shock to ice-cold. He stood up abruptly and shoved the girl away. “Shameless!”

Jing’er collapsed by the bedside. She gawked at Hu Dapao in astonishment. The man had pushed her away, even though she had been so seductive and enticing – this was completely out of her expectations. His attitude seemed to be resolute, and it did not appear as though he was rejecting her insincerely.

After the man chided her, Jing’er was ashamed and humiliated. She hugged her shoulders and began to sob.

“I already said I don’t agree! Hurry up and get out, in case I make another move and injure you!” Hu Dapao frowned and put on his boots on the way out.

“Which part of this servant is lacking?” Jing’er’s tears streamed down like a flood. She appeared melancholic and pitiful. “General, you will need to take a concubine sooner or later. This servant is the Mistress’s personal maidservant and is also someone that the Mistress approves of. Why would you want to push this servant away?”

Hu Dapao was standing, and when he heard the line that mentioned his wife’s agreement, his expression became even more unsightly. However, he spoke without any hesitation, “I don’t care how many concubines other men have. I am Hu Dapao, and in this lifetime, I will only marry one person, and that’s Nangong Bi!”

Outside, Nangong Bi was standing at the door. When she heard the man’s words, tears streamed down her entire face.

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