The shopkeepers entered the room one by one carrying thick ledgers and placed them on the table in an orderly fashion. Each person stepped back while waiting to be questioned, everyone, that is, except Qu Wenchang, who sat calmly in an old-fashioned wooden armchair on the side of the room.

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As the servants served tea, Qu Wenchang sipped it slowly while occasionally glancing at Ji Yuxian out of the corner of his eyes.

Behind the desk sat Ji Yuxian in a large carved wooden chair made of yellow pearwood, calmly inquiring about each shop’s business while skimming through its ledgers.

The respective shopkeeper then stepped up and respectfully answered his queries about the shop in question.

Gradually, everybody began to feel a bit surprised at Ji Yuxian’s business acumen.

He had taken over Ji Manor at the tender age of ten following the death of the former head of the household. Even though Ji Yuxian had managed all the Ji businesses, become the wealthiest family in the district, and stamped its mark all over the country, Jingzhou remained the oldest established business base. These shopkeepers had been following Qu Wenchang in developing Jingzhou’s business since its establishment.

They believed Ji Yuxian’s success and achievements were due largely to the support of his elder shopkeepers, who had been serving Ji Manor since the olden days. On top of that, Ji Yuxian was only a ten-year-old child when he gained power. That is why the shopkeepers were taken aback by his questioning just now, for he displayed his perfect and accurate understanding of the shops’ performance over the year.

With that, everybody gained a newfound respect for this head of the household.

“Jingzhou’s earnings have been stable, and this is attributed to all the shopkeepers’ hard work,” Ji Yuxian said. He gave a lighthearted smile as he flipped through the ledgers.

“This performance is only possible because of the sound management under Housekeeper Qu,” responded the shopkeeper of Yiliang Shop with a deferential nod.

“Young Master flatters us. We are merely doing our job. Housekeeper Qu is the person who deserves all the credit!”


As several shopkeepers gave humble comments, one after another, Qu Wenchang looked pleased and remained seated at the side.

Ji Yuxian nodded his head and continued to smile as he leisurely flipped through the ledger in his hands and then proceeded to put it back on the table. Looking up, he said, amiably, “Leave the ledgers here. I’ll call on the respective shopkeepers if I have any questions!”

“Yes, Young Master.” Everyone agreed.

Qu Wenchang stood up and said, beaming, “Young Master should be taking things slowly since you will be staying in Jingzhou for a few days. I have specially catered a feast at my home to welcome your arrival and hope you visit my humble home.”

Ji Yuxian looked worn as he rubbed the center of his brows and declined politely, “Thank you, Uncle Qu, for your kind invitation, but I’m afraid I’ll have to skip the feast today as I’m feeling fatigued from the long journey. I’ll visit you next time.”

“Sure, sure! It was inconsiderate on my part. Please rest well then, Eldest Young Master. Feel free to approach me if you need anything.”

After Qu Wenchang’s response, everybody began to say goodbye.

The old housekeeper of the estate followed Jin Feng and said politely, “I, the old slave, have come to see the Eldest Young Master.”

“There’s no need for formalities. We are blessed to have Old Mister Sun to manage the estate,” replied Ji Yuxian.

Housekeeper Sun bowed and said humbly, “I, the old slave, cannot afford to have such compliments from the Eldest Young Master. It is simply our job as servants to take good care of the premises when our master is not present. We do not dare take credit for this. The servants of the estate are all waiting patiently outside to greet the Eldest Young Master and Mistress.”

Ji Yuxian gave a slight smile and said, “There is no need for greetings, as the Young Mistress is not feeling up to it. We will meet them next time.”

“Surely,” replied Housekeeper Sun. Then he promptly left.

Ji Yuxian flipped through the ledgers lazily and asked Jin Feng, “Where is my lady?”

The windows next to the desk suddenly opened before Ji Yuxian’s voice died away, only to reveal Su Jiu sitting on the window ledge as she looked over and said, “I’m here!”

She sat with one leg curled up on the ledge and swinging below, seemingly rude and unladylike. However, she still looked beautiful and dazzling with her velvety eyes and alluring silhouette created by the lights shining behind her.

Ji Yuxian furrowed his brows as he stood up to carry her down from the window. He curled his lips into a smile as he asked, “Why are you climbing through the window when there is a door?”

“The door or window makes no difference to me,” Su Jiu replied.

Ji Yuxian closed the windows and proceeded to put his arms around her waist as he sat on the chair. Frowning, he asked, “Why are your hands so cold? How long have you been outside?”

Jin Feng dared not look up as he listened to the man’s intimate tones. He felt awkward and relieved at the same time. It seemed as if the couple had finally made up. The others needn’t have worried about them anymore.

Jin Feng glanced at the woman’s lake-green colored clothes out of the corner of his eyes and left the room tactfully, feeling an immense wave of relief.

Ji Yuxian placed Su Jiu’s hands on his chest to keep them warm as he looked through the ledgers and said softly, “Sit with me for a little while before we have our meal.”

Su Jiu’s eyes were focused on the table full of ledgers as she grimaced and asked, “When are you going to finish looking through so many ledgers ”

“Well, my lady can look through them with me if she feels sorry for me,” Ji Yuxian responded lazily.

Su Jiu proceeded to flip through one of the ledgers and instantly felt overwhelmed as she shook her head at the small, crammed figures. “I do not understand them!” she exclaimed.

“I’ll teach you accounting once you are better versed in literacy. Understanding accounting ledgers is important if you wish to start a business.”

“Of course.” Su Jiu nodded her head and asked, “Are there any problems with these ledgers?”

Ji Yuxian lowered his gaze as he smiled vaguely. “These ledgers do not have problems since they dared to submit them.”

Su Jiu inferred the deeper meaning of his words. Her eyes twinkling, she asked, “So, there’s something fishy about these shopkeepers?”

“Why would I come all the way here if there were no problems?” Ji Yuxian said softly.

“Isn’t Housekeeper Qu an elder of your Ji Manor? Is he not to be trusted either?” asked Su Jiu as she raised her eyebrows in doubt.

“Nobody is trustworthy when personal interests are involved.” Ji Yuxian put down the ledger in his hands and looked up at Su Jiu. Under the lights, he held up her chin and said with a serious look in his eyes, “My lady, remember my words: The ones who harm you are usually your nearest and dearest.”

Su Jiu was initially stunned by his words, but he immediately proceeded to rebut with a laugh. “My people are different from yours. We have gone through life and death together. I swear on my life that they will not betray me.”

Ji Yuxian let go of her chin and gave her a smile. “I hope that’s the case!”

The weather was considerably warmer in the south-central part of Daliang Country, where Jingzhou is located. But the wind was still rather chilly as they entered the twelfth lunar month.

Because the servants had fired up the fireplace in the estate at night, Su Jiu didn’t feel the least bit cold even though she was only wearing a thin coat.

After his bath, Ji Yuxian casually covered himself with a robe and leaned against a couch as he looked through the ledgers while Su Jiu practiced her calligraphy on the wooden table.

The oranges on a fruit plate beside them gave off a fragrant fruity aroma, injecting a hint of sweetness into the tranquility of the winter night.

The young woman sat upright as she looked down and continued writing with her slim and smooth hands. Indeed, she looked like a young noblewoman….provided she did not speak.

Ji Yuxian felt an immense sense of achievement as he looked at her with a smile.

As darkness fell and melted wax began to accumulate at the base of the candle, Su Jiu finally put down her writing brush and got up to stretch. She looked up at Ji Yuxian seated across from her, only to find him asleep, with his forehead resting in his hand.

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With a gleam of mischief in her eyes, Su Jiu dipped her brush in some ink and tiptoed over, attempting to draw a mustache on Ji Yuxian’s face.

She had just put the tip of her brush under his nose when he awoke with a start. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her onto the couch. Then he pressed his body to hers as he looked at her seductively and smirked, “What a playful little girl you are.”

With that said, he pushed away the brush in her hands and held up her chin as he kissed her.

Su Jiu refused to comply–how dare he call her a little girl? She flipped over with all her might and sat on his body instead. The man’s robe slipped off, and his light purple middle coat loosened up during the tackle, revealing his delicate collar bones and fair, strong shoulders. His long, dark hair was provocative and enticing as it spread out under the warm candlelight. At the same time, his bright eyes looked alluring, as they reflected the candlelight and glittered like shining stars above the water.

Su Jiu’s heart skipped a beat. She lowered her head to kiss his lips and even attempted to imitate his style of kissing with her tongue swirling and going deep in, alternating between rough, aggressive, and gently paced light kisses. Both of them kissed so hard as if they were helping each other to survive.

The room was still and quiet as the chemistry in the air changed, and the sense of ambiguity was amplified by the sound of the night watchman’s drum outside the house.

After a long while, Su Jiu was jolted awake as the candlelight went out. She got up slowly as the man below her looked at her intensely with slightly unkempt hair, thin red lips, and misty eyes.

Su Jiu’s cheeks flushed very quickly as she was suddenly unaware of how to proceed.

Ji Yuxian looked intently: This was his first time seeing Su Jiu being embarrassed. Her flushed cheeks looked like a blush on her fair face, and this image rippled the still waters in his heart like a gust of wind in the spring. Shutting his eyes and opening them again, he flipped Su Jiu over and leaned onto her, kissing her deeply as he murmured, “Su Jiu!”

As Su Jiu got lost in his kiss, her brain became fuzzy and unclear.

His kisses felt scalding as they spread across the corner of her lips. His eyes glazed over as her lips slightly parted, revealing a hint of innocence along with the display of coquetry. Ji Yuxian hugged her tightly as his entire body went painfully stiff, craving to devour her to relieve that unfamiliar sense of lust and desire.

He slipped his hands under her clothes and stroked her smooth, satiny skin with his fingers as if he was caressing a cloud, a handful of water from the clear springs, a cube of oozing honey disintegrating into the mix of their disorderly and heavy breaths.

All of a sudden, Ji Yuxian’s finger bumped into the piece of jade hidden near her chest. The chill exuded from the warm jade ran through his fingers and cleared the mist in his eyes, successfully waking him up from the moment of passion.

Ji Yuxian took a deep breath as he became clear-headed. He retracted his hands from underneath her clothes, lightly pecked her face and hugged her tightly as he gasped for breath.

Su Jiu remained muddleheaded as she felt confused about what had just happened. She could only sense that the man was beginning to calm down while her heart rate reverted to normal. After yawning, she hazily announced, “Let’s go to bed!”

“Sure,” the man replied in a low voice as he got up and carried Su Jiu toward the bed.

After both of them lay down, Ji Yuxian’s arms circled Su Jiu as he said, “Go to sleep.”

Sensing the warmth and the faint hint of lotus fragrance from his body, Su Jiu felt a sense of security as she shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep with a murmur of acknowledgment.

Ji Yuxian extinguished the candle on the table with a flick of his fingers. turning the room pitch black as a tendril of smoke rose in the air.

At Qu Manor in Jingzhou the next morning, Qu Miao was ready to leave the house before seven o’clock after waking up early to make up and dress up.

Madame Lee had just arrived for a visit when she saw her daughter smartly dressed in an embroidered satin cloak as she was heading out. Madame Lee asked out of curiosity, “Where are you going so early in the morning?”

“Oh, I’m going for a spin,” Qu Miao replied as she averted her eyes bashfully.

Madame Lee smiled and asked, “Where are you going for a spin?”

“Feiyan Tower,” Qu Miao replied softly as she focused on fastening the straps of her cloak.

Madame Lee glanced up and scanned Qu Miao’s face dubiously. As a native of Jingzhou, Qu Miao had surely visited the tourist hotspots countless times. Why was she rushing off to Feiyan Tower so soon after returning from visiting her relatives?

“There’s no hurry,” Madame Lee said as she surveyed Qu Miao’s expression and led her to sit down on a chair beside them. “Did Miao’er meet anyone on the way back from visiting the relatives?”

Qu Miao’s eyes flickered as she attempted to hide her fluster by sipping on her tea. “What is Mother talking about? There is no such person.”

“I shall question Xiang Qin and the other servant if you do not tell Mother the truth,” Madame Lee snorted as she stood up.

“Don’t!” Qu Miao quickly ushered Madame Lee to sit down again as she blushed and softly said, “I have indeed met someone, a man.”

Madame Lee asked in alarm, “What man? What is his surname, what is his name, where is he from, what does his family do?”

Qu Miao’s face turned crimson upon hearing these questions.

“Mother, we only met for a short while on the way back to Jingzhou. I was embarrassed to ask for such details.”

“Do you at least know his name?” Madame Lee grilled as she stared in disbelief.

Qu Miao shook her head and replied, “No!”

“You are such a silly girl. Why will you even… without knowing his name?” Madame Lee sighed and continued questioning her, “Are you going to meet him today?”

Qu Miao shyly nodded her head.

“You are not allowed to go,” Madame Lee reprimanded softly.

“Oh? And why not?” asked Qu Miao urgently.

“Miao’er, our Qu household is considered a wealthy and influential family in Jingzhou even though we are not of noble blood. What’s more, you are your father’s only daughter. Do you want to embarrass him by causing trouble? Furthermore, you are strictly forbidden to meet a man in secret without knowing his name,” Madame Lee stated in a stern, dignified tone.

Qu Miao’s eyes were filling with tears as she retorted, “I don’t care! I like him and want to meet him!”

“Miao’er!” Madame Lee reached out for Qu Miao’s arm.

Qu Miao brushed off her hand in fury and tossed the cup of tea on the table to the floor. She said spitefully, “I shall die in front of you if you do not let me go out today!”

Being Madame Lee’s only daughter, and having been pampered since childhood, Qu Miao had grown into an arrogant and spoiled adult. Madame Lee invariably gave in to her daughter whenever she started to cry or have a tantrum.

“Miao’er, listen to your mother!” Madame Lee relaxed her tone as she did not dare to agitate Qu Miao further.

“No, I won’t listen!” Qu Miao screamed, covering her ears.

Madame Lee yielded and said, “Okay, okay. I will allow you to go.”

Qu Miao stopped crying immediately and asked excitedly with tears still swimming in her eyes, “Really?”

“Yes. Mother will let you go on the condition that you do not make any trouble,” Madame Lee said purposefully.

Qu Miao blushed in shame and dabbed the tears from her cheeks. Then she said annoyingly, “What are you talking about, Mother?”

“If you’re serious about this man, ask him where he is from and let your father investigate his background or bring him home for our review. Do not make any decision on your own,” Madame Lee instructed.

Qu Miao pushed her mother out the door in exasperation, “What are you talking about, Mother? Hurry, go away and stop bothering me!”

Madame Lee felt helpless as she left and worryingly called upon Qu Miao’s close servants to leave them with detailed instructions.

Noticing her smudged makeup after all that bickering, Qu Miao ordered her servants to tidy her up and redo her hair and face, hounding them repeatedly as it got late.

Two hours later, Qu Miao waited in anxiety at the bottom of Feiyan Tower.

Feiyan Tower, which was six stories high and surrounded by water, was only accessible by a stone bridge. Qu Miao waited by the bridge, but Ji Yuxian was nowhere to be seen. Her makeup faded as strong gusts of wind continued to blow against her face.

She paced uneasily while blaming Madame Lee for delaying her, worrying that the man had long departed before her late arrival.

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Amid such frustration, she suddenly saw a black horse-drawn carriage stopping near the river. Her eyes lit up in surprise as she quickly lifted her skirt and walked over to the river bank.

She was overwhelmed with excitement the moment she saw the man stepping down from the carriage by himself. Quickly, she took two steps ahead and curtsied. “Greetings to the Young Master,” she said deferentially.

Ji Yuxian appeared tall and charming, wearing a silver-stiched dark purple suit complemented by a black fur coat. He smiled at the young woman and said, “Sorry for making Miss Qu wait!”

“Oh no, I have just arrived myself.” Qu Miao smiled gently as she tugged the loosened strands of hair behind her ear and said, “After you, Young Master!”

Because it was cold and chilly, Feiyan Tower was relatively empty, with only a few scholars composing poems and enjoying the exquisite scenery.

Qu Miao enthusiastically gave a brief tour of the tower to Ji Yuxian as the two of them went inside. “Feiyan Tower has been around for three hundred years. You can find a collection of treasured porcelain and famous paintings here. They’re available for public viewing every day and have never been lost.”

There are, of course, no reported losses, since each item was globally renowned and recorded in the governing books. Only a fool would attempt to steal these works of art and end up on a wanted list. Besides, none of the works would be sellable.

Both of them proceeded to the third story while chatting.

The third story showcased several famous calligraphy paintings handed down from ancient times. They were glistening brightly, encased in glazed frames hung on the old wooden walls.

The eight windows surrounding the area were clean and bright, providing a magnificent view of the waters rippling in the gentle breeze. It was indeed an ideal location for a private date, for the space was quiet and serene.

Qu Miao stood closer to the man without being obvious and shyly asked, “Does Young Master like this painting?”

Ji Yuxian was viewing a landscape created by a famous painter, Wu Xuan, from the previous dynasty. He laughed lightly and replied, “This is a good painting. What a pity that Mister Wu Xuan retired early and only left behind a few paintings.”

Qu Miao took a look at the painting and was eager to please him. “I have a painting by Wu Xuan at home. I can give it to Young Master if Young Master likes it.”

Ji Yuxian expressed surprise and said, “Oh? Are Miss Qu’s words true? I am willing to pay a hefty price for Wu Xuan’s painting if it’s true.”

“There’s no need to purchase it. Young Master is too polite. I’ll go back and get the painting for you right now.” Qu Miao was flattered by Ji Yuxian’s display of interest and continued, “Please wait for a short while, Young Master. I shall quickly retrieve the painting and come back.”

That said, she left hurriedly.

Ji Yuxian’s smile faded slightly as he watched her go off. Then he turned around and continued viewing the other paintings.

Qu Miao went straight to the study as she entered Qu Manor. Her father wasn’t around, so she took the painting and left without informing him or Madame Lee.

She thought her father, an avid collector, wouldn’t notice the missing painting, as he possessed an extensive art collection.

Qu Miao was quick in retrieving the painting and returning to Feiyan Tower within two hours.

Ji Yuxian unscrolled the painting and smiled as he nodded, “This is indeed Wu Xuan’s original artwork!”

Qu Miao raised her eyebrows and felt very pleased with herself.

“Wu Xuan’s paintings are invaluable. I will pay whatever price Miss Qu quotes if you are willing to part with such a treasure,” said Ji Yuxian.

Qu Miao shyly declined. “How can I accept Young Master’s money? I cannot accept credit on behalf of the painting in capturing Young Master’s fancy. Since we are now friends, I would like you to have this painting as a gift in return for Young Master’s remembrance of me.”

Ji Yuxian’s eyes twinkled. He replied after a brief moment of hesitation, “I will accept the painting then.”

“Yes, kindly accept the painting, Young Master!”

Ji Yuxian kept the painting and said amicably, “I shall get going as it is late. Goodbye!”

Qu Miao was reluctant to part company and asked, “May I know Young Master’s name and accommodation location?”

“Miss Qu will know when it is time.”

Qu Miao was elated upon hearing his words. “Does Young Master mean that we will meet again?” she asked.

“That is for sure!”

Her face flushed with excitement, Qu Miao shyly lowered her head and said, “I shall wait to meet Young Master then.”

Ji Yuxian curled his lips into a smile and walked off slowly.

Qu Miao stood still as the chilly wind blew and obsessively stared as the carriage rode off. She hoped to meet the Young Master again soon.

Upon arriving at the estate, Ji Yuxian went straight to the study with Jin Feng while holding on to the painting.

The study was empty; Su Jiu was nowhere to be seen. Ji Yuxian frowned as he turned around and asked, “Where is the Young Mistress?”

Housekeeper Sun responded with uncertainty, “The Young Mistress was still in the room when I served tea previously. It looks as if she has disappeared a short while ago.”

Ji Yuxian left the study and walked to the bedroom to find her while instructing Jin Feng softly, “Leave the painting on the study table.”

“Yes, Young Master,” Jin Feng replied entering the study.

As he was about to enter the bedroom, Ji Yuxian heard people talking in the garden, so he quickly turned around and went there instead.

Near a few plum trees where a rockery stood, he saw Su Jiu stooped beside two manservants as she watched them play and bet on dice. She was wearing a fox coat with a white fur that framed her fair and tiny face, accentuating her beauty and hinting at her tender age.

“Please include me,” the young woman coaxed excitedly with laughing eyes.

“Who are you?” One of the manservants looked up and subconsciously softened his tone upon noticing her good looks.

The other manservant made a guess, “You must be one of the Eldest Young Master’s servants?”

Su Jiu nodded her head immediately and asked as she held out ten silver ingots, “Can you include me in the game?”

The two manservants were astonished by Su Jiu’s ravishing beauty and the glow of the ingots as they asked in a daze, “Do you know how to play?”

“Yes, I do,” Su Jiu replied.

“Okay then, let’s play!”

The two manservants agreed as they shifted the dice toward the center and explained the rules of the game.

Ji Yuxian sighed out of exasperation as he watched while hiding behind a plum tree.

In less than an hour, the two manservants had lost all their possessions and were sulking as they looked at Su Jiu.

She kept all the winnings as she patted them on their shoulders with a smile and said, “We will continue tomorrow.”

The two manservants got up dejectedly and scanned Su Jiu’s face, wondering why a servant would possess such an outstanding ability at betting games.

Su Jiu returned the dice to them and got up smugly. She looked up to see Ji Yuxian standing not far away with plum blossoms sprinkled across on his black coat. She was not sure how long he had been standing there.

The two manservants also noticed Ji Yuxian’s presence. They immediately got down to their knees in a flustered manner, “Greetings to the Eldest Young Master!”

Ji Manor strictly forbade betting, yet their master had just caught them in the act.

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Ji Yuxian stepped up and held onto Su Jiu’s wrist as he turned back toward the room while ordering the manservants in a somber voice, “Go receive your penalties from Housekeeper Sun. You will be evicted from the manor should there be a repeated incident!”

The two manservants kneeled as they broke into a cold sweat and replied in a panic, “Yes, Eldest Young Master. We thank you for your mercy!”

Su Jiu frowned and thought of pleading for the two of them, but Ji Yuxian took a cold, hard look at her and told her off before she could do so, “What a disappointment! I thought were an ambitious person, not a loafer.”

Su Jiu bit down on her lower lip and replied coldly, “I was only playing for fun.”

“Only playing for fun? If you want to be successful, it’s a huge taboo to lose sight of your objective as you overindulge in play,” Ji Yuxian stated.

Feeling her chest tighten, Su Jiu lowered her gaze, shook off Ji Yuxian’s hand, and stood there without saying a word.

Ji Yuxian pivoted and stared at the stubborn young woman as he smiled and asked lazily, “Tell me, why are you unwilling to accept any criticism?”

Su Jiu said softly as her face paled, “Why would I be unwilling to listen when you were not wrong!”

Ji Yuxian took a deep breath as he softly caressed the young woman’s eyes and said keenly, “Su Jiu, you are no longer merely the gang leader of the Dragon Conqueror Gang. You are also the Young Mistress of Ji Manor and the Mistress of the Ji Family. On top of that, you will also lead the Dragon Conqueror Gang to supremacy in the future and be respected by many. Do you understand?”

Su Jiu looked at the man in front of her. She nodded solemnly after a brief moment and said, “I understand now.”

Then she took out all the silver ingots she had won from the betting games earlier and said, “I will return these and not get involved in betting anymore.”

“These will be confiscated!” Ji Yuxian reached out for the silver ingots and turned around to leave.

Su Jiu stared blankly for a moment and quickly caught up with him. “Hey, why are you confiscating them?” she asked.

“All betting resources will be confiscated once betting activities are caught in Ji Manor,” he replied matter of factly.

Su Jiu stared at the man’s back furiously and thought,

What a cunning merchant!

Su Jiu noticed the painting lying on the table when they returned to the study. She unscrolled it and thought it was no ordinary artwork. The painting portrayed magnificent mountains, mist-covered waters of the Jiang River, several pavilions and old pine trees in the mountains, and fishermen singing in the evening. The work was highly detailed, vivid, and realistic in appearance.

“Do you like it?” Ji Yuxian asked.

“Yes.” Su Jiu nodded.

“Which would you choose, this painting or silver ingots?” Ji Yuxian teased.

“Silver ingots,” Su Jiu answered without hesitation.

Of course! The answer is silver ingots because they will not let you starve, unlike the painting.

Ji Yuxian snickered and looked as if he had expected Su Jiu’s answer. “Sell this painting to the Shengyu Pawnshop tomorrow,” he said casually.

“Sell it?” Su Jiu startled slightly and asked, “Why sell such a good painting?”

He did not need the money anyway.

“I have my reasons. Just selling it will do.”

“How much should I sell it for?” asked Su Jiu as she looked at the painting softly with her fingers.

“Up to you. The shopkeeper will never bargain with you,” Ji Yuxian said with a twinkle in his eyes, looking ever so charming and seductive.

Su Jiu raised her eyebrows and got more curious about the plan. What’s he trying to do?

“What’s in it for me if I help you,” asked Su Jiu, leaning against the table as she wrapped her arms around her chest and tilted her head.

“We’ll split whatever you sell the the painting for. How about a thirty percent commission for you?” Ji Yuxian asked with a smile.


Su Jiu’s eyes lit up instantly with excitement. The painting looked valuable, an easy way to earn money by merely running an errand.

Shengyu Pawnshop opened its doors the next day and found a young, good-looking young man stepping in holding a scroll in his hands.

The assistant shopkeeper welcomed him and asked, “Young Master, are you looking to sell this painting?”

Su Jiu lightly nodded her head and replied, “My family is in urgent need of money and would like to sell this painting. Please take a look.”

The assistant shopkeeper, who appeared to be in his forties, sported a goatee beard. “Sure, our Shengyu Pawnshop belongs to Ji Manor, and our prices have always been fair and honest,” he said as he took the painting and unscrolled it slowly. Upon seeing the artwork, his expressions changed slightly as he raised his head and asked Su Jiu, “May I ask what is Young Master’s surname?”

“Su,” Su Jiu answered softly.

“You do not sound like a native person, am I right?” the assistant shopkeeper asked inquisitively.

“Does that have anything to do with my selling this painting?” Su Jiu countered.

“Not at all. I was merely asking out of curiosity.” The assistant shopkeeper gave an awkward smile and said while looking at the painting, “This is Wu Xuan’s painting. There are rare. Few have been down by him. I’m afraid I am not qualified to judge its authenticity and would like to get our chief shopkeeper to take a look. Will Young Master Su please follow me into the hall?”

Su Jiu nodded. “Please show me the way!”

“Surely. Please follow me,” the assistant shopkeeper replied with extra courtesy while leading her into the hall.

They walked through a small door by the side and entered the hall, which contained red wooden furniture, a painted screen, and a censer. It was decorated elegantly and lavishly, obviously to host essential clients.

“Young master Su, please hold on while I call upon our chief shopkeeper,” the assistant shopkeeper said as he returned the painting to Su Jiu and ordered the servants to serve tea. He then half bowed his way out and headed toward the rear court.

The rear court was where the chief shopkeeper lived. Its doors opened after a short moment as a lean man dressed in a dark blue satin robe stepped out. He glanced at Su Jiu and held up his hands together as he greeted her with a smile, “Young Master Su. Your humble servant’s surname is Zhu, and I am the chief shopkeeper of this pawnshop.”

Su Jiu got up and responded, “Good day to you, chief shopkeeper!”

“I heard about the painting that Young Master Su would like to sell. May I have a look at it, please?” said Shopkeeper Zhu with a sparkle in his eyes.

“Of course!” Su Jiu agreed as she handed over the painting.

Shopkeeper Zhu was momentarily stunned after he unscrolled the painting. His face went from flustered to ghostly pale and then to a shade of sickly green before looking up and asking flatly, “Where is Young Master Su from?”

Su Jiu replied, “I am from Fuyang City.”

“Young Master does not sound as if you are from Fuyang City,” shopkeeper Zhu continued to probe with a smile.

“I’m used to traveling to all kinds of places with my master. That is why my accent may be mixed,” Su Jiu explained nonchalantly.

“Oh, I see!” Shopkeeper Zhu attempted to delve further by asking, “Wu Xuan’s paintings are incredibly rare. May I ask, where did Young Master Su obtain this painting?”

Su Jiu paused for a moment before answering, “To be honest, this painting belongs to my Old Master. He bought it a month ago and paid a hefty price; however, he met with an accident on the way through Jingzhou. He needed money urgently and ordered me to sell it.”

Su Jiu then asked, “Is this an authentic painting?”

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“Yes, yes. It’s authentic,” shopkeeper Zhu answered, laughing sheepishly.

The painting was authentic. It had been in the pawnshop two months ago and got switched with a forgery after it was gifted to Qu Wenchang.

He did not expect Qu Wenchang to sell the painting.

Abruptly, he remembered that Qu Wenchang had been to Fuyang City a month ago.

Shopkeeper Zhu maintained his composure as he asked with a slight smile, “What price is Young Master Su asking?”

Su Jiu held out a finger and said, “Ten thousand dollars.”

She was determined not to price it any less since she was instructed to decide on any price she wished.

Shopkeeper Zhu’s face changed as he gritted his teeth and said to the assistant shopkeeper, “Shopkeeper Feng, issue a pawn slip to this Young Master together with a ten thousand dollar note.”

The assistant shopkeeper stole a glance at shopkeeper Zhu and nodded, “Young Master Su, please follow me!”

Su Jiu pursed her lips in glee and answered, “Thank you, shopkeeper Zhu!”

With that, she followed the assistant shopkeeper out of the hall.

Shopkeeper Zhu’s face fell after Su Jiu left. He held the scroll in his hand as he turned green with rage.

The assistant shopkeeper returned after ten minutes and said softly, “He’s gone!”

Shopkeeper Zhu slammed his palm on the table and snarled, “I can’t believe Qu Wenchang!”

The assistant shopkeeper held his hands together as he frowned and asked, “Master Zhu, this doesn’t seem right. Housekeeper Qu is an avid lover of paintings. Why would he sell such a rare painting from Wu Xuan?”

The painting had formerly belonged to the pawnshop. Yet shopkeeper Zhu gifted it secretly to Qu Wenchang as a form of bribery.

Nobody expected Qu Wenchang to sell the painting.

Once Ji Manor found out about shopkeeper Zhu’s wrongdoings, not only would he be fired from his job but would also be evicted from Ji Manor. With his reputation ruined, he would not be hired anywhere else because of his misdeeds.

Qu Wenchang was trying to sabotage him.

Shopkeeper Zhu’s face took on a grim expression upon hearing the assistant shopkeeper’s words. He snorted and said, “He does love paintings, but he loves money even more. He even made his way to Fuyang City to sell the painting. The Eldest Young Master would be visiting us tomorrow if Young Master Su had gone to other pawnshops to sell the painting today.”

Wu Xuan’s paintings were so rare it would cause quite a stir if any of them were found on the market.

“The transaction of ten thousand dollars today cannot be recorded in the accounts. I will replace the expenses with my own money,” shopkeeper Zhu said full of heartache.

To avoid attracting Ji Yuxian’s attention with such a significant transaction now that he was in Jingzhou, he had no choice but to cover the expense with his own money and return the authentic painting to its rightful place in the pawnshop, as if nothing had ever happened.

Ten thousand dollars!

Shopkeeper Zhu was grief-stricken at the thought of the money and his hatred for Qu Wenchang rose.

Su Jiu, on the other hand, returned to the estate feeling pretty smug about earning a three thousand dollar commission so quickly. Of course, she would have been crestfallen if she realized that Ji Yuxian was getting seven thousand dollars without putting in any effort.

It had been two days since the arrival of Su Jiu and Ji Yuxian in Jingzhou. Ji Yuxian alternated between staying in the estate and checking on the shops’ ledgers, seemingly doing the same as what other officials had done when they were previously here to check the ledgers.

Su Jiu mostly stayed in her room to practice her writing, leaving the premises only occasionally for a spin or when shopping for novelty items for her nanny and Chang Huan back in Shengjing City.

Ji Yuxian called upon shopkeeper Zhu two days after Su Jiu sold the painting at the pawnshop.

Shopkeeper Zhu had a guilty conscience ever since the incident and felt uneasy when he realized that Ji Yuxian had only asked to see him.

Ji Yuxian remained stoic as he handed over a ledger to shopkeeper Zhu and said, “Take a look at this detailed ledger that Housekeeper Qu submitted to Shengjing City earlier on and check if there are any discrepancies.”

“Yes, surely.” Shopkeeper Zhu received the ledger with both hands and retreated respectfully.

“You are dismissed!” Ji Yuxian said with a smile.

“Goodbye!” Shopkeeper Zhu was secretly relieved that Ji Yuxian did not mention the painting incident. He simply wiped the sweat off his forehead without batting an eye and sauntered out of the room.

Coincidentally, he bumped into Qu Wenchang, who was about to enter. Both of them were taken aback when they saw each other.

Shopkeeper Zhu hated Qu Wenchang because of the painting incident and did not display his usual warm greetings.

On the other hand, Qu Wenchang felt perturbed about shopkeeper Zhu meeting Ji Yuxian in private and leaving with a ledger in his hands.

The two men did not spend time making small talk since the door was open. They exchanged simple greetings and went about their tasks.

Qu Wenchang gave a side glance at shopkeeper Zhu before entering the room deep in thought.

He said politely upon entering the study, “Good day, Eldest Young Master!”

“What is the matter, Uncle Qu?” Ji Yuxian leaned back in his chair as he smiled and asked idly.

“It is nothing urgent. I would like Eldest Young Master to do me a favor by attending a feast at my humble home tonight since you have already arrived in Jingzhou for three days,” Qu Wenchang replied cordially.

Ji Yuxian thought momentarily and agreed, “Certainly. I will bring my lady along tonight!”

“I will patiently await for Eldest Young Master’s arrival,” Qu Wenchang replied ecstatically before biding him goodbye.

Ji Yuxian watched as the man left. He took a sip of his tea and got up to leave the room.

Su Jiu was reading on the couch in the bedroom, She was now able to read and understand simple opera excerpts, and would consult Ji Yuxian from time to time if she failed to recognize certain words.

Ji Yuxian entered the bedroom while she was reading and circled her with his arms as he sat down beside her. He smiled gently as he asked, “Is my lady bored?”

Su Jiu tilted her head slightly to look at him and asked slyly, “Are you in need of my help again? Will it still be a thirty percent sales commission?”

Ji Yuxian said light-heartedly, “You will be accompanying me to attend dinner at Qu Manor tonight.”

Su Jiu felt disappointed at the absence of money-earning errands and replied with flagging interest, “Can I not go?”

“Of course not. I depend on my lady’s protection during dinner,” Ji Yuxian replied calmly as he leisurely played with Su Jiu’s hair.

Su Jiu looked at him curiously. “Is Qu Manor a dangerous place?”

Surely her protection was not needed at just a simple dinner?

“I am not sure either, but I’d like my lady to have faith in me and help me out in times of difficulty regardless of what happens then,” Ji Yuxian said coyly as he winked at the young woman.

Su Jiu chuckled, “With me around, rest assured that no demons will dare to harm you even if they exist in Qu Manor!”

Ji Yuxian rested his head on Su Jiu’s shoulder and smiled slightly as he shut his eyes. “I am not worried as long as my lady is beside me!”

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