Re-Summoned Hero Episode 9

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Next morning, after he finished eating his breakfast, Souta heads to the guild to receive the payment from material purchase.

Many adventurers take the request in the morning, hence the bulletin board and request counter was crowded while the material purchase counter was free because people selling material mostly in the evening.
In order to avoid the morning bustle, Souta went towards the material purchase counter where no one is in line.
「It’s Souta, I came to receive the reward of yesterday material.」
Saying that, I submit my guild card. The guild staff were the same staff as yesterday, so the talks supposed to have progressed quickly…. or so I thought.
「Oh, Souta-san, thank you for yesterday, please wait a moment.」
Normally, it should be only confirming the card then giving the reward, but he went quickly to the stairs in the back without giving the reward instead.
「Huhh?, I feel like this will be troublesome.」

「Thank you for waiting. Souta-san, please go to the room on the second floor.」
When the guild staff comes back, he takes Souta’s hand and guide him to the stairs behind the reception.
「I refuse, give me my reward quickly.」
「It-it will take time to prepare the reward, because we prepare it in the second floor, please go to the second floor.」
In confusion, the guild staff give a poor excuse and try to guide him to the second floor again.

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「Then, please prepare it soon, I will wait here.」
「No, that’s, but … ….」
「If it suits you, I will come back in the early afternoon, could you prepare it by then?」
「No, that’s.., yes we can, but that’s not it, that guild master … ….」
His voice keep getting smaller until it’s inaudible, his forehead also sweating.

「Please forgive me for that, he was just being ordered by Guild Master.」
For him, it would feel like getting a helping hand from a goddess, he hand it over to Milfa.
「Yeah yeah, so I’d like Souta to come to the second floor today too.」
「I will refuse, it probably just troublesome discussion again.」
「Please make do somehow, I’d like to talk about your rank up.」
Sota frowns at her words.
「Why? I just registered yesterday, I haven’t even received any requests.」
「Ssshh~, that’s including it.」
Milfa lower her voice.

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「Haahh~, It can’t be helped. I will leave right away if it’s a disadvantageous to me.」
「Yes, then, please follow me.」

After knocking guild master room’s door, we enter under her lead.
Guran sits on the sofa first and prompting Souta to sit in front of him.
「You came, it’s so slow … No, it’s fine. I’m thinking of talking about your treatment.」
「Ahh, Milfa was mentioning about rank up.」
「That’s right, I’m going to rank you up to rank D.」
My eyes widen in surprise from that words.
「What? I just registered yesterday and the rank is supposed to be the lowest F.」
F-ranked ranking up to D-ranked is possible, but it needs the adventurers to demonstrated their ability by performing a certain number of requests or showing certain achievement.
「That’s right, your rank will be increased by my judgement, the amount of material you bring yesterday wasn’t an amount that F-ranked can bring, furthermore you also have King class magic stone, It will be troublesome if we don’t change your rank.」
「Is that so, I will count this as my luck and accept it then.」
「But, I don’t mean soon, I would like you to take a simple exam.」
「Yeah, you will still an F-rank.」
「Hahh~, I thought so.」

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Milfa sighed, and Guran wrinkled his the eyebrows.

「Eh, I got it, you rank up with my authority, I won’t complain! That’s it.」
「… Are you sure?」
「Ahh, that’s fine, isn’t it better than getting kicked out of this town if thing got complicated.」
「That’s right, isn’t it.」
Sota scratches his face.
「Ummm, could you talk about that sort of thing when I’m not around?」
「It seems that the discussion is going to progress smoothly if we are just being blunt, if we have some ulterior motive, the subsequent opposition seems to be strong.」
「Maybe so, this time … I decided to do as I wanted to do」
「This time?」
Milfa respond to Souta’s murmur, but Souta just waving his hand like saying it’s nothing.
「So, is the talk only about the rank up?」
「U-mu, I wanted to ask about the magic stones again, I’m sure you will speak.」
「I don’t want to talk though, I just killed them in the forest, of course I will also not talk about how the fight goes.」
「I thought you will say that, I guess I will issue forest survey request for now, I don’t doubt your words, it’s just in case.」

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Souta shrugs his shoulders.
「Do as you like, can I go now?」
「Yes, thank you for your hard work., I’ll keep the guild card, I’ll update it to D rank so lets go back to the material purchase counter below, I think that you can also receive your payment.」

The same guild member was waiting as soon as I returned to reception.
「Oh, I was waiting for you, I was able to prepare your payment, here is the detail, only the magic stones for the orc and goblin species, magic stone and fur and meat for the boar species, magic stones, fur and fang for the wolf species, adding the 15% to the total amount of magic stones purchase, it will be 44 gold coins, 95 silver coins, 78 coppers coins and 7 iron coins, here.」
「Oh, thank you. I made it a hassle for you.」
I put it away in the backpack after receiving it.
「N-no, it’s a job, I’m saved with mass delivery actually.」
「Yes, Souta-san, this is the updated guild card.」
I put it in the pockets of my pants just for a show, both the rewards and the cards have been stored in the dimensional storage.
「Oh yeah, I will be saved if you do not call me up next time.」
「Fu-fu, it’s up to Souta-san.」
I shrug my shoulders and show expression like a grieve but I leave the guild without saying anything more than that.


After leaving the guilds, Souta plan to explore around the City of Adventurers, but not long after, there is a sign that someone kept following him.

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