Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 434: 434 Witch, Destined For The Devil

These 2 bonus chapters are dedicated to the reader DespinaNY for gifting the castle to the novel. XOXO

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King Esteban and Queen Theodora merely stared at Esther, waiting for her to continue.

Father, Mother, I am destined to have the Devils child.

Before anyone could open their mouth, Esther spoke in a low voice.

This is my destiny. Having the Devils child will happen one way or another. The Devils curse falling on Megaris is precisely to force me to fulfil my destiny. If it werent for meif I wasnt here She let out a soft sob. I cant sacrifice Theron when its all because of me. I should be the one to suffer in place of him but my destiny is causing him suffering. If only I could bear that curse in his stead, I would have done it but there is no such way

She didnt know what the older couple were thinking as they stared at her in silence. Were they blaming her now? Was there disgust in their eyes? Anger? Hate?

With a bitter smile, she put out her hand that had a delicate flower symbol drawn on it like a tattoo, allowing them to see it.

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This flower is called Ashrin, and to carry this mark shows I am the soulmate meant for the Devil Her voice trailed off with sadness, and when she raised her head to meet the old couples concerned gazes, the weakness in her eyes had already disappeared. I am willing to bear the Devils child, not because I am fulfilling my destiny, but because I want to protect my husband from being sacrificed.

The former King and Queen of Megaris remained silent as they digested everything Esther said.

The older man let out a heavy sigh. You say that it is your destinybut perhaps, your coming to this kingdom is destiny as well. Your meeting our family and marrying my son, it must all be part of this destiny you speak of. The same way, it must be my sons destiny to sacrifice himself for your sake and the sake of this kingdom.

Father, dont you understand? It is going to be a meaningless sacrifice!

Esthers beautiful face was tainted with distress.

Even if he sacrifices himself and prevents me from carrying the Devils child, it will be nothing more than him delaying the inevitable. Destiny will not let me escape until I fulfil it. Again and again and again, something will happen that will force me to fulfil my destiny.

Say, Theron carries the curse today, then next time, another tragedy will befall those around me to force me to fulfil my destiny. We will lose my husband, your son, for nothing. Should I keep watching innocent people sacrifice themselves for me? Who will pay the price next time? Megaris? Another Ivanov? Would you damn our entire family just so I do not have to carry anothers child?

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I dont wish more troubles to fall on those I care for, Father. Please help me get rid of everything at once. Help me protect Theron. I am not worth it for him to sacrifice himself. Without Theron by my side, what am I even alive for? If I am not alive then there is no meaning for him to sacrifice himself to protect me.

She looked at her mother-in-law. Mother, you understand me, dont you? If you were in my situation, wouldnt you do the same thing I want to do now?

The older woman was unable to answer and closed her eyes. She wanted to say no to discourage her sons wife, but she didnt have the heart to lie in front of the desperation Esther was showing. Queen Theodora knew that deep in her heart, she too would have done anything to protect her husband from bearing such a cruel curse.

She heard her husband gasp. No, you!

When Queen Theodora opened her eyes, she saw the young woman kneeling on the floor. The Queen of Megaris, on her knees, bending her back. The sight horrified the older lady.

Esther! Stand up! You shouldnt

However, Esther ignored the two of them. Carrying the Devils child is a small price to pay if it will keep Theron alive. If Theron is gone, I will follow him, and if both of us are no longer among the living, then wont his sacrifice be nothing more than a foolish useless farce?

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Esther let out a bitter laugh.

What is the use of me possessing powers when I cant use them to protect my beloved? My existence is worthless if I cannot even save the one I care about and love the most. If only I were born humanIf I were human, none of these would have happened

King Esteban frowned as he heard her mumbling. When he turned towards his wife, her expression seemed to say she had known this all along. Shes not human?

Queen Theodora let out a helpless smile. It is her secret to tell, so I never told you.

I am not a human, Father, but. a witch. The one who is destined for the Devil but can not be with him. Esther replied with a trembling gaze.

King Esteban looked at his wife who gave him a light nod. He was surprised but not shocked. As the King who had ruled Megaris for decades, he had known many things that normal humans werent aware of. Although he never spoke about it, he wasnt blind, and even among those serving within the royal palace, wasnt there another witch?

A witch he repeated.

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She tried to speak, Father

Does it matter? he asked.

What? It surprised Esther.

Whoever you are, you are the wife of my son and the daughter-in-law of the Ivanovs. Being a witch doesnt change that. If Theron wishes to protect you then

Father, I am begging you. Please, pleaseplease Please dont let Theron sacrifice his life! Dont let your son suffer for nothing! Large, heavy tears rolled down from her eyes, staining her cheeks and dripping on the floor. I am meant to give birth to that child. Please let me fulfil my destiny so no one will ever be tormented again. Not just for Therons sake, but I am begging it for myself. Please, Father

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