Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 474: 474 You Are Smart

5 Chapter today as its Drayce- Arlan day. The start of their sweet friendship.

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Arlan returned to the guest residence and excitedly narrated everything to his sister, especially about how Drayce saved him from falling into the lake.

Trust me, Sister! He has powers but he is not a monster. Monsters dont save people

You must be mistaken, Arlan. Alvira frowned, belatedly regretting why she followed him inside his room. How can a little boy like him have powers?

But I feel him pull me from afar

So what? Is he a witch? A sorcerer? Dont tell me you believe that dragons and fairies exist too? There is no such thing as magic in the real world. Youve been reading way too many childrens books

No! Its true. You have to believe me! I am not mistaken, Sister, Arlan insisted.

Fine, fine! I trust you. Now you should rest. Lack of sleep is not good. Alvira didnt argue with her brother anymore as she tucked him into bed. She was sure he was seeing things because he didnt sleep properly throughout their journey

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Lying in bed with a pout, Arlan remembered that incident, how he was lifted in the air on his own and pulled back towards the gazebo. When he looked at Drayce, his hand was outstretched, showing that what happened was his doing and his red eyes looked different. They sparkled like a red gemstone caught in sunlight.

I am sure he is the one who saved me. Arlan closed his eyes with the thought of meeting Drayce the next day.

The next day, the guests from Griven were granted an audience with the King of Megaris. Duke and Duchess Cromwell arrived at the Grand Palace, and while it was only the Duke who went to meet King Theron in the throne hall to talk about politics, the Duchess brought her niece and nephew to a separate drawing room where the Queen personally entertained them.

The Cromwell family greeted the Queen of Megaris and sat on the cushioned seats. While the Duchess and the Queen talked about interesting things about their respective kingdoms and the festival, Arlans eyes were staring at the door.

He whispered to his sister who was sitting in the chair next to him. Is the Second Prince not coming? His face looked disappointed.

Esther was observing him and finally decided to ask, Prince Arlan, is there something you want to say?

Arlan looked at her and then looked at his aunt. The Duchess gave him an encouraging nod, saying he should answer the Queens question.

Your Majesty, I am looking for the Second Prince. I want to meet him.

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Esther smiled. Thats it? Dont worry. I will arrange for you and Drayce to meet.

Arlan smiled happily. Thank you so much, Your Majesty!

As promised, the Queen immediately arranged for Drayce to meet Arlan. Arlan found listening to the adult talk boring, so he was glad to be able to leave the drawing room. On the other hand, the princess chose to stay and remain by the Duchesss side.

Drayce was with his older brother inside the Vermillion Palace when he was informed that Prince Arlan from Griven was coming. Being obedient to everything his mother said, he agreed to be nice to this prince who said his red eyes were scary.

Vermillion Palace was where the royal harem resides, and generally, males other than the King were not allowed, with the exception being children. This was also where Keiren resided with his birth mother until he came of age and was given his own side palace.

As it was the first day of the festival, Keiren had invited his friends and Drayce to his mothers residence to prepare for the incoming lantern parade. The kids were making their own lanterns since it was one of the traditions of the festival, where everyone would create lanterns bearing their wishes for the coming year. On the night of the third day of the festival, they would light these lanterns and release them on the large river that flowed towards the sea.

In the open area prepared in the backyard of the First Concubines residence, tables were set out with random materials laid on them. The children were seated in pairs and groups, enjoying this lantern-making process as they tried to come up with the most creative ideas.

Drayce was isolated with empty chairs around him, sitting on his own away from his brothers friends where only his nanny was accompanying him to make his lantern. Coloured papers were spread in front of him as he was first drawing something on them. When Arlan arrived there, he was greeted by the boys who recognized him, and he exchanged pleasantries with them and the First Prince. However, he was quick to excuse himself from them as the purpose of his coming was the little red-eyed prince sitting by himself.

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Second Prince, finally I found you! Arlan said excitedly.

Drayce merely gave him a glance before returning his attention on the papers in front of him. The Prince of Griven continued to talk despite that, Thank you for saving me yesterday.

Drayce didnt react to this and simply said, Have a seat.

Arlan was happy that Drayce offered a seat, meaning he welcomed his presence, and thus he took the chair next to him. Lady Saira and Arlans nanny relaxed seeing the two boys getting along.

What are you doing with these papers? I saw the others folding them.

We are making lanterns, Drayce answered.

Why? Arlan looked curious. Why not have the servants make them? Why

Knowing his princes personality, Arlans nanny answered his questions, explaining about the tradition of the end-of-year festival.

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That seems interesting. Arlan grinned. I want to make one too!

Drayce picked up an off-white-coloured sheet and placed it in front of Arlan. First, you need to draw the design you want on this paper.

Huh? But the others are already folding

Once you start making a lantern, it wont be easy to draw your design on the sheets and you will end up tearing the paper you wrapped around the frame.

Ohh, makes sense! You are smart!

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