Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 490: 490 I Want To Ravage The Insides

Esther squeezed that hardness a little, but he was so sensitive at this point he could not stop himself from letting out a guttural groan. He cursed inwardly but he pretended as though what she did was not enough for him.

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Do you want me to tell you what to do? he said with that annoying arrogant smirk. You have to do it firmly but slowly

Esther glared at him a little. They were being intimate after so many years of suppressing their desires. Shouldnt they get it done on the first round to at least relieve a bit of the tension within their bodies? They could start playing afterbut no, this man wanted to continue denying what their bodies needed. He continued to tease her when she was dying here to get him inside her.

In the past, he was always the one to be impatient and he couldnt wait to ravage her inside throughout the night, but now he was being so frustratingly patient. She knew she should not take him lightly though.

I will make you beg me, husband. Just you wait.

Esther went down on him as his gaze followed her, her hands holding his erect throbbing manhood in them. With his jaw clenched, he did his best to prolong his own release, but the next moment, his cheeky thoughts all disappeared as he felt her warm moist mouth around his erection. He could not help but throw his head back to lay on the soft pillow underneath him as he felt her tongue playing with him.

He twisted his body as his hip moved on its own, but the belt tying him to the bed dug into his wrists as he groaned, If you do that, Im going to peak harddammit!

Hearing her arrogant husband let out such a dirty curse, Esther smirked and stopped the pleasure work her mouth was doing on his throbbing hardness. She moved to look at his handsome face, particularly those angular jaws of his that were trying to stifle another groan.

Esther watched as his expression openly showed his desire, but her hands remained unmoving along his length.

Didnt you want me to please you? she teased, continuing to watch him as her thumb gently caressed the crown of his erection.

Theron hissed, trying hard to hold back his release. With gritted teeth, he forced out his words. Slow down.

What if I dont? she asked, the same way he was playing with her a while ago.

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You will pay for it once I am free, he warned, the muscles on his entire body tense.

Dont you want to let me finish pleasuring you? she asked slyly, deliberately lowering her head so that her smooth cheek would brush against the head of his manhood.

Theron harshly sucked in the air at her provocation. His dark eyes gazed into hers.

I want to, but inside you, was his bold response.

His wifes playful face turned crimson red, and that embarrassed blush wasnt missed by Therons gaze.

I want to be inside you and ravage you in every way possible.

His low voice, hoarse with lust, continued to stir her deepest fantasies, causing her entire body to heat up.

I want you to cry my name out loud and beg me to stopbut I wontOver and over and over again, I wont stop till I drain every ounce of energy out of you.I wont stop till I see you filled with me to the brim, till you are overflowing with me, every inch of your skin marked in my scent. Tonight, you will think about nothing else but me

Esther was breathless as filthy images of what was to come filled her head. Excitement, anticipation, lustit was as if his wicked promises had put a spell on her body, and she was left panting with desire.

This brazen and merciless Theron His dark eyes were dangerous, warning her how she was playing with fire, and she should give up or be swallowed whole. He had never talked to her like this before, and surprisingly, she loved the way he was treating her. She revelled in it, enjoying the other side of her husband.

The next moment, she was pinned under his hard, chiselled body, their positions flipped in bed,

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Without her realizing, Theron had already freed his hands from the belt.

Her mind went blank. T-Theron?

Scared already? he asked, that evil smirk not leaving his lips even for a moment.

I am not she said in a soft whimper as if she was consoling herself.

Lies. I dont like them.

Just as he said that, the next moment, she let out a cry of pleasure. Ahhh

Without any warning, Theron was already inside her, filling her with his throbbing length in one move, taking her by complete surprise. This sudden intrusion hurt her a little, but it felt so good she arched her back. The grip of her hands tightened on his shoulders, to the extent that her nails dug into his skin. While erotically biting her lower lip, her eyes turned moist as she looked at him.

Though he looked cold and calm on the outside, Esther knew better. She wasnt the only one feeling good. Her husbands restrained expression showed how he was struggling to delay his release.

His dark eyes looked into her caramel ones, and they felt as if the space around them sizzled with desire. And then he moved. Theron pulled out and repeated the same deep rough thrust, making her moan loudly with each move of his hip.


This is to punish you, he growled as he pulled out completely, making her feel empty, only to thrust roughly once again making her gasp. She held onto his shoulders tightly, causing her nails to leave scratches on his skin with each deep thrust.

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to punish you for not coming to me sooner.


for keeping me waiting for so long


for letting me yearn for you every single night.


for every single moment, you stood in front of me looking so achingly beautiful.

T-TheronI am

He cut her off with a crushing, punishing kiss, silencing her until she needed to breathe. Only when his lips pulled away did she get the chance to gasp for air.

After several more thrusts, Esther finally got used to his wild pace and she managed to speak, I amahhI am sorry.Ahh!

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He did it again, pulling himself out before fully thrusting deeply, and said, You cant be forgiven.

Then pleasepunish me more, she said with ragged breaths. She wanted more. Such a punishment, she loved it as much as he did.

Ahhahhyespunish me

Theron continued thrusting roughly inside her, holding her hands and pinning them in bed, taking control over her entirely. Her delicate body was pressed under his strong one, his hips moving between her legs while her legs were raised and wrapped around his waist, her ankles crossed behind his back.

Their intimate sounds loudly echoed within the Kings chamberher pleasurable cries, his suppressed groans, their heavy pants, the slapping of flesh and the rustling in bed. The entire room reeked of the intimacy they were sharing.

The two bodies indulged in intimate acts the whole night, forgetting time and rest, and they reluctantly stopped after they spent the last energy they had within their bodies, just as her husband promised. Therons sweaty body fell on top of hers after the last release. He panted heavily as he buried his face in the crook of her neck.


Still gasping for air, Esthers hands moved to caress his back and she hugged him tightly with her eyes closed in contentment. Theron moved to lay next to her and scooped her in his embrace. He too closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of her presence and assuring himself this night was not a dream.

I missed you, Esther.

She heard his quiet whisper over her head. She tightened her hold around his sweaty body, nuzzling her face below his neck and whispered back, I missed you as well.

Soon, the two exhausted bodies drifted to sleep.

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