Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 501: 501 The Great Lady Returned

The next morning, as per the Kings order Lady Saira was being prepared to be the Kings concubine in her quarter. All the servants in the Queens palace were aware that Lady Saira was going to be the Concubine. Esthers other ladies-in-waiting prepared her but the lady who was about to marry the King could not stop her tears.

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All her thoughts were about how the second prince was and how she could go to him. She preferred to be simple and only wore the necessary symbolic things for the bride as it was not a happy occasion for her but being forced to follow the Kings order.

Lady Saira, I am sorry that I can not help you in this situation, Lady Tyra said.

I am not worried about myself, Lady Tyra. I just worry for the Prince. He hadnt eaten or drank anything since yesterday and I dont know how he spent his night there alone.

I was by his side. He was not alone. Though he is still the same, he is fine. Once the Great Lady returns, everything will be fine.

Can we not try to postpone this wedding until the Great Lady arrives. She might stop His Majesty

I had talked to him but he would not listen to anyone. The preparations have been made and you have been ordered to be present in the ceremonial hall, Lady Tyra informed.

Having no other option, Lady Saira left to go to the ceremonial hall where only the priest and the kings knight were present. Theron didnt bother to show up for the wedding.

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His absence didnt bother Lady Saira and she simply stood in front of the altar. There were no wedding vows but it was conducted in another way.

As instructed by the Priest, she bowed to the altar table and then a servant brought a ring for her while carrying in the wooden tray. She had to wear it on her own and then the Priest read the Kings decree that declared that she was from now on Kings concubine.

The scroll was rolled back and was offered to Lady Clarisa which she accepted with a bow.

Before leaving, Lady Saira talked to the Kings knight, Sir Galien, can you ask His Majesty if I am allowed to see the Second Prince now?

I will, Sir Galien responded and left.

Lady Saira closed her eyes for a moment as she could not believe she would have to shift to Vermilion Palace which was meant for the Kings concubine. That was the last place she would ever want to go but the rules were strict and she had to obey them.

She was taken to the Vermilion Palace by Lady Tyra where the other concubines and servants were present to welcome the new concubine.

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Lady Clarisa was not happy with this incident but she was no one to object to it and she was aware of Kings anger and didnt have a wish to face it again.

Lady Sairas wish to see the Second Prince was denied by the King and she was ordered to not see him anymore. It broke her entirely and she locked herself in her chamber and could not stop crying. That lavish chamber for the Concubine felt nothing more than a prison to her.

Finally, by early noon the Great Lady arrived at the palace.

She got the news about what had happened in the palace and hurried back without a moments delay. The older lady avoided the rest in between as she wanted to return to her grandson as soon as possible.

Lady Tyra received her and they straightway went to see Drayce.

As per Kings order, no one stopped the Great Lady and allowed her to see the little Prince. The door opened and the older lady entered the waiting room of the Kings office where the little guy was sitting still the same.

Dray, his grandmother called him and hurried towards him.

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Drayce lifted his head from the circle of his hands and looked at his grandmother with swollen eyes. His throat was dry that he could not say a word, his eyes were so tired already that no tears could come out.

She hugged him. Tears rolled down her eyes, Sorry that Grandma is late. She continued to hug him and caress him gently. She looked back at him and cupped his small face in her hands, Now Grandma is here, you dont have to stay in this room. I will take you with me.

Drayce shook his head. It was the punishment given by his father for not controlling his anger and causing an earthquake and fire. He would not move till his father, the King allowed him to leave.

The Great Lady understood this and she said, I am here just because your father has allowed me. Otherwise, the guards would have stopped me. He wants me to take you away from here. Do you understand Dray? Lets go with me.

Finally, the little guy agreed to leave. The Great Lady took him to his chamber and took care of his needs. He had a bath and food. He was so tired that he fell asleep soon after.

Now it was the time for the Great Lady to finally see her son. She was angry and she needed to give him an earful.

Theron was in his chamber. He didnt step out since the previous night he entered his chamber. He didnt go to the wedding. He didnt have food and water either just like Drayce as if he had given punishment to himself as well. He only continued to sit in his chair with his eyes dried from having any tears in them.

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No one stopped the Great Lady when she entered the Kings residence and straightaway went to the Kings chamber after making sure where he was. She understood her son had already ordered to let her in when she arrived and he was also aware that his mother would be angry at him.

She entered the kings chamber and found him standing by the window, staring outside blankly.

Theron! she said angrily.

He turned to look at his mother but he was unusually calm as if he had already expected it and was ready to hear whatever his mother would say.

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