Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 506: 506 Tonight, Fulfil Your Duty As

As informed by the royal advisor, at the next royal court session, the proposal of choosing the next Queen of Megaris was put on the agenda. With each passing day, the voices of the nobles grew louder and louder, with the majority of them supporting Lady Clarisas legitimacy to ascend to the position.

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However, when news of Lady Yavia, the Second Concubine, expecting a child spread everywhere, the united front of the faction backed by Duke Walter began showing signs of fracture.

Some of the royal court members supported Lady Yavia who was expecting the Kings child as a possible candidate as well, especially considering the weight of having the Kingdom of Hatha backing her.

In the next royal court sessions, the infighting worsened, and it became obvious there were three campsthose who favour the First Concubine, those who vouch for the Second Concubine, and the neutral parties. With divided interests involved, the King could reject the proposal with more ease.

Queen Esthers whereabouts are unknown, but she is still alive. As long as she is alive, that title remains hers and eyeing her crown will be considered treason, was what the King declared, his statement a warning to his royal court subjects pushing for the interests of his other wives.

With the opposing sides unable to gain leverage between the First and Second Concubines, they instead kept each other in strict check, and thus, the issue of having a new queen had reached a stalemate.

Once again, Lady Tyra was summoned to the Kings study, and this time, the older woman received quite a shock from the Kings order.

Greetings, Your Majesty

Arrange the consummation dates for the Third Concubine, she heard the busy king say as he perused over work.

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Lady Tyra felt speechless. For a moment, she was unable to respond, but after giving it some thought, she could understand his reasons.

Yes, Your Majesty, she said. I will send the schedule to you in the afternoon at the latest. Is there anything else?

She heard the King add, No need to tell her about this.

It surprised Lady Tyra once again, but she could only agree to it without asking any questions.

As she stepped out of the study, her eyes looked at the quiet woman standing outside like a doorman. This will be good for her. It will protect her and her position. It proves that His Majesty cares for her though he shows otherwise.

Lady Tyra made conversation with her as usual, but as per the Kings order, she didnt mention anything about the Kings intentions to Lady Saira.


One fine night, Lady Saira came in bringing a fresh batch of liquor to the Kings chamber. Theron was drinking as usual while sitting in his armchair that faced the window. She made her presence scarce, simply putting the new bottles on the table near him. Just as Lady Saira was about to leave him on his own like every night, she heard him speak.

I didnt allow you to leave yet.

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Lady Saira froze in place but then asked, Is there anything His Majesty needs?

The King didnt answer, and instead, put the glass in his hand back on the table without finishing it. Help me get to my bed.

Lady Saira didnt think much and went to him. But when he stood up, she felt something was off because he looked perfectly fine walking without her help. She observed the empty bottles on the table and the clean carpet underneath. Compared to how much he drank every night, she found them less than half the usual.

Hesitantly, she held onto his arm to help him walk even though she knew he didnt need it.

Why is he behaving like this? She had that passing thought.

They walked to the large bed and she helped lay on the sheets. Once he settled in bed, she pulled the blanket over him and bowed to him.

Good night, Your Majesty. She was ready to leave but he held her hand to stop her.

I havent permitted you yet, she heard his emotionless voice say.

She looked at his hand on hers then at those pair of dark eyes peering at her with a profound gaze.

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Something is really off. Not knowing what to say or ask, she merely stayed, neither pulling her arm away nor questioning his intention. Why is he acting so strange? Is there a special occasion tonight related to Her Majesty

But then, she heard something so shocking, words that she thought shed never get to hear entire life.

Tonight, you have to fulfill your duty as my wife.

His words were devoid of any emotion, as if he was just ordering her to fetch another round of drinks. Yet those simple words caused her thoughts to be in chaos.

She lowered her head, as she tried to calm herself. Y-Your Majesty, I She didnt know how to refuse him.

She knew he didnt feel anything for her, and he didnt need to be a good husband to her. He only loved his first wife and being with others only made him feel disgusted. She knew she was nothing but a servant; there was no necessity for them to be intimate like a real husband and wife. He had to spend the night with Lady Yavia due to political reasons, but that wasnt the case for her.

He didnt have a reason to spend the night with her. No one even would care if she would spend her entire life as a lowly servant, and truth be told, she wouldnt mind it either. But if their night happens to bear fruit and she becomes pregnant with his child, her quiet life would change

Do I need to tell you about a wifes duty? His sharp words cut through her panic.

She calmed herself as she took a deep breath. Your Majesty, there is no need for you to force yourself on something we both know you do not wish to do. My family and I dont seek any favor from Your Majesty, and there is no political pressure on you unlike how it was with your other wives. I am content with you treating me as a mere servant. Please rest for the night, Your Majesty. You must have been more exhausted than usual.

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He sat up in the bed and scoffed. Do you think a king only sleeps with his wives because people tell him to? Even if you are not my wife, do you think I cant sleep with my servant if I feel the need? Are you such an ignorant woman?

Of course, that wasnt the case. History had a long record of ordinary servants turning into mistresses and concubines after spending a night with a king. In fact, as long as one was unmarried, as long as one was a subject of a kingdom, no sane woman would dare deny her kings advances unless shes asking for trouble, much less Lady Saira who was legally wedded to one.

She felt anxiety creeping into her mind. Y-Your MajestyI wish you to reconsider.

Do you dare say no to your lord husband, the King? he said in a tone that showed his growing temper.

She gulped and shook her lowered head.

The next moment, she was on his bed. It only took him a strong pull for her to be facing him, looking into his intimidating eyes that gazed at her without any tender emotions. Before she could react, her delicate body was already flipped in bed with a strong muscular body hovering over her.

Theron stared into that pair of scared blue eyes without much thought. He only remembered that tonight was one of the dates recommended for consummation on that document given to him by Lady Tyra. Seeing how scared and unprepared Lady Saira looked, he felt a small amount of satisfaction that Lady Tyra had not informed her about anything as per his order.

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