Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 518: 518 This Temper Runs In Your Kind

At the Crack of Dawn, Aureus opened his eyes. He could not sleep but only had his eyes closed. He was exhausted due to attacks of strong black magic on him and his body wished to give up to rest but he could not and fought with it.

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How could he sleep when the one he wanted to protect was still unconscious and he was not sure if they had passed the danger? Though this elf had helped them, he still could not trust him entirely. He didnt wish to trust anyone until he took Seren back to the Crystal Palace.

Serens delicate body pressed against his warm body and his majestic wings wrapped around her, her body no longer felt cold to him and he was sure she could make it back to the Crystal Palace.

We shall leave from here. Once I take her back, I will have Lady Tyra heal her. I am sure she can.

Despite still feeling weak, he stood up and carried Seren in his arms and stepped out of that cottage. A few hours had passed by and he was sure that the black witch and her companions must have left by now. He had to return to the crystal palace even before sunrise and someone woke up to notice his presence in the palace or find Seren missing. No one was aware of his real identity other than Lady Tyra and Queen Esther.

Just as he stepped out of the cottage, he saw the silver-haired elf was busy with two tigers which were much bigger than any normal tigers showing they were not just ordinary animals. Moreover, Aureus could sense the invisible energy emitting from their bodies that gave sense to them from being the race of the beasts.

You two did well. Aureus heard that silver elf talking to his pets as he continued to caress both of their backs with each of his hands.

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Aureus had seen these two tigers roaring and diverting the attention of those mysterious people wearing robes and now he understood it was the doing of this elf and he was probably praising them for their help.

The elf sensed Aureus presence and said without even looking at him, Leaving already?

Aureus nodded, Thank you for your help. We no longer wish to trouble you more.

We? She seems to be still unconscious to express her opinion, the elf commented, as he turned to look at him while his two pets remained on either side of him.

The elf looked at the woman in his arms who he was more interested in and then looked at the shapeshifter as he noticed his appearance- those golden orbs and armour like gold colour wings.

He could guess Aureus was a young shapeshifter and he was of the purest kind divine bloodline that made him more powerful than others of his kind. It was rare to have the one with such purest bloodline. Even if both or even one parent had such a bloodline, it was rare that It was passed to their child as well.

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Aureus! The elf called his name.

Aureus was sure he didnt tell his name yet to this elf and looked at him questioningly.

Sensing his thoughts, the elf replied, I heard your conversation with them. We high levels have good hearing senses and for the one with powers like me, its not a big deal.

This elf was surely boasting about himself. High elf? I thought you were a moon elf.

The elf smiled playfully, Good that you are curious about me. You can say I am both. But how? That I dont think I need to tell you.

Aureus didnt react as he didnt look that curious either but heard the elf again as he chuckled with a mocking smile, Your name, seems like it was given based on your appearance due to your bloodline that divine powers but sadly you dont know how to use them to their fullest. Tsk! Such a waste of divine power when you cant even use them to protect yourself. the elf looked at Seren, and the one important to you.

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His words reminded Aureus of the similar words the black witch said and he frowned, Doesnt concern you.

You and your temper remind me of someone named Morpheus.

Aureus felt like he had heard this name. Mother? Did I hear it from my mother? So familiar name

Morpheus? Aureus asked, feeling a little curious.

Someone of your king and the one I always disliked, the elf replied, not minding to hide his personal feelings, Maybe such a temper runs in your kind.

Aureus didnt have time to argue with this elf. The next moment he opened his wings and flew away while the elf didnt try to stop him.

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I wonder where that red-eyed man from last time is? Isnt he her husband? I hope he wont kill this shapeshifter after finding him out with her. This shapeshifter seems to care for her more than its needed.

The elf had seen how the entire time he was trying to protect her, not leaving her even for a moment. Even inside the cottage, that shapeshifter decided to sleep with her instead of leaving her alone.

The elf sighed and moved his attention to his pets who were looking at him with a displeased gaze as if blaming him for something.

Let her go this time. Its not safe for her here. Once she is fine, you two will have a chance to go to her but. he glared at them, Dont forget, I am the only master you have.

The two tigers wagged their tails as if they agreed with him.

Aureus returned to the Crystal Palace where he found everything was quiet and no one was around. Only if Lady Tyra was here, things would have been better but now he had to sneak Seren inside to her room quietly and then leave to get Lady Tyra here so she could take care of Seren.

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