Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 549: 549 Without Clothes

Seren found herself waking up in her husbands comfortably warm embrace. Not bothering to open her eyes, she further snuggled into those arms like a baby, as if wanting to go back to sleep but

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Good morning, my Queen.

Hearing Drayces manly voice, still slightly hoarse from sleep, made her smile under her veil. It was the kind of sound shed want to hear first thing every morning. She opened her eyes, wanting to greet him back, but she forgot that thought when the wonderful view of his bare muscled chest welcomed her.

That should have been normal given the difference between their physiquesbut, to her surprise, she realized she was snuggling her face against his naked body with her hands even feeling him up.

Are you finally awake?

She heard his voice again, his tone with a hint of amusement, and immediately, she retracted her hands and moved her face up to look at the expression donned by the owner of that chest.

As expected, he was staring at her as if he was holding back a smile, and she blinked at that handsome face, somewhat distracted before she found her gaze trailing downwards from his face towards his chest.

Recalling the fact that the man in her bed was naked, Seren was so flustered she tried to escape from his embrace.

W-Why are you not wearing clothes?! she asked, as if accusing him of something wrong he did.

He could no longer keep his smile, and an amused laugh escaped his naughty lips. Is my wife the only one allowed to sleep without clothes on? His gaze deliberately moved down from her face to her bare chest, mirroring what she did to him earlier.

As their movements caused the blanket to move down a little, she realized something and moved her gaze down to look at herself. Realization hit her, seemingly causing all the blood in her body to rush to her head.

Ah!!! She immediately yanked the blanket to cover her bare chest. W-Why am I not wearing clothes?

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The sun was already up, and the curtains were drawn, allowing the sunlight to brighten the entire bedchamber. It made everything clear for both of them to seethe clothes were strewn about, their mutual nakedness, the love bites on their skins, everything.

Though they had been intimate before, they did it in the dark and she was more used to seeing her body during her morning bath. For him to see her like this and vice-versa in broad daylight, she was yet to get accustomed to such experience.

Why? Is it so surprising? he asked, as being naked didnt matter to him.

He moved closer to her and wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her close enough to have their naked bodies pressed against each other.

The flustered woman exclaimed. D-Dray! What are you doing?!

Her reaction didnt stop him. Instead, a playful smile appeared on that handsome face, showing how much he was enjoying this moment with his adorable wife.

To think of it, I realized just now that I have never seen my wife without her clothes on. How disgraceful for a husband. Seems like we need to remedy this failure of mine.

The way he looked at her, she was sure he was up to no good and she tried to push him away, hoping that would change his mind. D-Dray, its late We slept for a long timeYou need to go, or else you will be late for the court session

I am the King. Who would dare complain even if I am late?

Still, II need to get up, she insisted, trying to get away from his hold. To be naked in the darkness was her current limitas a dignified lady, shes yet to prepare her mentality for something as obscene as to be seen naked with Dray during the daytime.

Drayce didnt wish to force her to do what she didnt want and eventually let her go. Fine, but you should get more accustomed to this level of intimacy with me, my Queen. Next time, I wont let you go so easily.

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Next time, I wont be naked anymore, Seren corrected him inside her head, but on the surface, she obediently nodded to what he said.

But since Drayce could see through her, he simply smiled. Her innocence could never hide her cute little schemes.

Stay in bed longer if you wish to. I will get up now, he informed her and stepped out of bed without waiting for her response.

Seren let out a squeal as she immediately looked the other way. She didnt have the guts to look at her husbands naked body.

I dont mind if you look at me, Drayce said as he picked up the torn clothes he had thrown on the floor last night.

But I mind, Seren replied while still looking the other way.

Then next time you have to stop him from tearing my clothes. If you wont, later I wont wear any.

Fine, she agreed, and as she waited for him to bid her farewell, or at least ask a servant to bring a robe to cover his body, she found herself confused to hear no other sound from him.

She peeked at him with one eye open to check what he was doing but found her chamber empty.

Did he leave already?

She looked around carefully, and upon making sure she was on her own, Seren gave out a sigh of relief.

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Drayce and Seren started their work that day with improved moods, which was so obvious in the way they treated their subordinates that those people too were affected and became more spirited. The people of the palace were in a happy mood, and such was the case until the two royals had their midday meal together in the Kings residence, only to receive unexpected news as soon as they stepped out of the dining hall.

Slayer bowed to them, seemingly having waited for a while for the King and the Queen to come out. Greetings, Your Majesty the King and Your Majesty the Queen. Pardon my rudeness, but I bear urgent news from the Obsidian Palace.

Drayce paused without a change in his expression. Slayer continued to keep his head low as he informed them, His Excellency King Theron has returned to the palace with an injury on his royal body.

What? How could that be? Seren asked immediately. Her mind jumped to her recent abduction, and she felt agitated, wondering if those hooded people targeted the previous king too. What happened?

There was a momentary worry flashing in her husbands red eyes, but it disappeared just as quickly, as if the news didnt matter to him.

Slayers response luckily denied her wild speculation.

His Excellency left his knights behind and wandered off their camp in the forest when a wild boar attacked him

Make sure the royal physicians do their work properly, Drayce interrupted Slayer as if he didnt wish to hear more and looked at Seren. My Queen, shall we?

But Dray, are we not

Dont worry about it, he cut her off and gestured for them to start walking.

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Despite her reluctance, she quietly walked with him in that hallway and glanced at Drayce once in a while. Before getting the news, he was happily talking to her, but now, his silence made her feel uncomfortable. He felt cold and distant, his face bearing a cold expression that made her not dare talk to him.

She could feel that though Drayce implied that he didnt care for his father, deep inside him, the news of his fathers injury bothered him.

They finally stopped at the hallway connecting the Kings Palace and the Queens Palace. Seren gathered her resolve and looked at him. Dray, are you sure we should not go visit His Excellency?

My Queen, Drayce started, his eyes staring at something in the air, you must have heard about my past from Grandmother. Do you think I still need to be worried for such a man, to the extent of going there personally when its not even life-threatening? Hes a swordsman like me. His body is strong despite his age. Do you want me to go there and fake concern?

Seren didnt know what to say to him as she knew he was upset with his father. It was a difficult decision to not side with Theron without offending Drayce, and at the same time, it was hard on her conscience to side with Drayce as she knew the truth of their past. She felt sincere worry for her father-in-law and felt bad for him, knowing how much pain he had gone through.

I understand, was all Seren could say and turned to leave.

While walking in the hallway, she wondered if there was a way to reunite these father and son who had grown distant from each other despite their real feelings.

The news of King Theron being injured had reached everywhere within the Royal Palace of Megaris, even to the distant Crystal Palace of Great Lady Theodora.

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