Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 562: 562 Envying Younger Brother

Keiren entered the Kings study and bowed to him. Though Keiren was an elder brother, Drayce was a king and his position was higher than Keirens. Keiren being the lord of one of the territories of the kingdom, he had to report to the king with the updates.

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Keiren bowed to the king, Keiren Ivanov greets Your Majesty the King of Megaris.

Drayce accepted it with a light nod and went to sit on his chair while Keiren looked at his younger brother who smiled at him awkwardly as if he was guilty of something. Though he had the support of the king, he was always wary of his older brother who was strict with him.

Drayce never backed Ruven when it came to Keiren and let Keiren deal with him the way he wanted. Drayce didnt wish to meddle in between his two brothers who showed their affection to each other in their ways. Drayce knew Keiren cared for Ruven just like how he used to care for him when he was young.

Buteverything changed when Drayce sat on the throne.

Drayce gestured to both of them to sit but Keiren preferred to stand as he didnt seem like he wanted to have a long chat session with the King. He put the scrolls in his hands on the Desk in front of Drayce and informed, These are the reports from the territory, and started to explain more of it to the king like a responsible subject.

Drayce didnt ask him much; he was already aware of his brothers activities and what he was up to these days. He simply heard what he said and nodded when he finished.

Keirens eyes didnt fail to notice the canvas roll that Drayce had stuffed inside its cover and put on the desk as if it was nothing important but Keiren knew his younger brother well.

As Keiren had finished reporting to the King, he looked at Ruven, Had fun while colouring your hands?

Ruven felt the chill run through his spine and said, Color? What colour, he put forward his hands with his lips curved into an awkward smile, My hands are clean.

So clean that they dont even look like you had picked up a sword in a while, Keiren commented.

Ruven felt like he was caught this time and looked to Drayce to save him but Drayce acted as if he heard nothing and didnt know what the two were talking about.

See me at the sword training ground in ten minutes, he heard Keiren and tried to say, B-But, Elder brother.

Keiren didnt wait to hear his excuses and looked at Drayce, I will take a leave, Your Majesty, and turned to leave after Drayce gave him an approving nod.

Ruven immediately turned to his second brother, Your Majesty.

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His Majesty would like it if his younger brother trained to be good with the sword, Keiren who had turned to leave, stopped and commented before Drayce could say anything to Ruvens pleading.

Drayce looked at pitiful Ruven who was going to suffer under their elder brother and said, Brother Keiren is right. Go and do your best.

Hearing it, Keiren left while Ruvens hopeful face looked like he would cry any moment. Brother Drayce

You need to learn to fight for what you want. Dont always hide behind me. Go do your best. There are always so many ways if one is determined to do it, Drayce interrupted him.

For a moment Ruven thought his second brother who he called as the best brother a while ago, now somewhat looked mean like his first brother.

You both just love to bully me, Ruven frowned and turned to leave, not bothering to bow to his brother. Drayce didnt mind even. For him Ruven was his sweet little brother.

Ruven stepped out of the Kings study and mumbled in a low voice, I am dead today.

Drayce heard it and smiled. He went through the scrolls Keiren had brought to him. Once he finished, he stood up from his chair and went out of the study where Slayer saw him and asked. Your Majesty, the training ground?

Drayce nodded and Slayer followed him. Slayer had heard the conversation between the brothers and it was nothing new for him to know. The moment he saw Drayce out, Slayer knew the King was going to enjoy the suffering of his younger brother under their dominating older brother.

They got on their horses and left towards the sword training ground where the other two had already left. When Drayce and Slayer reached there, they stood at a distance so their presence would not affect the other two.

Ruven was ready in front of his elder brother who looked merciless in front of his small figure.

Keiren looked at him and singled him to look somewhere. There was a stand where they saw one sword.

That sword is made by the best swordsmith in the kingdom. If you dodge or defend my five attacks, I will give that to you, Keiren informed as he pulled his sword out of the scabbard.

Five? Isnt it too much? Ruven complained and also pulled out his sword.

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Do you want me to make it ten? Keiren asked coldly as he didnt look like he would show any mercy on his brother even if he had to beg on his knees.

They both were ready while Drayce and Slayer soon heard the clanking of swords and his brothers indulge in sword fights where one was dominating the other.

Five attacks? Drayce mumbled which Slayer heard and said, I dont think its possible.

As long as Ruven wont give up, Drayce commented as they witnessed Ruven failing to dodge or defend the first attack and his elder brothers sword was pointed towards his throat. Elder Brother is just testing him.

They were ready for the second round where Keiren mocked Ruven, Thats it? You could not even handle such a weak move from me?

Ruven, who acted as if he was being bullied a while ago, now had angry expressions on his face as if he could not wait to defeat his brother. Four rounds are yet left.

As Slayer watched them, he noticed Drayces eyes were following his elder brothers every move. No one could deny Keiren was really good with the sword and there was hardly anyone who could defeat him and Ruven was really pitiful to fall into his hands.

You still fancy the way the First Prince uses his sword? Slayer asked.

Drayce nodded. He looks exactly like father when he is holding his sword. Perfect balance and each move looked so graceful but deadly for the opponent.

Drayce observed him more and then remembered the days from their childhood when Keiren and he used to get along and Keiren was the best brother to him. Those voices from the past rang in his ears and the flashback played in his mind.

Dray, hold your sword like thisNo, Dray. Your footwork is wrong. You will lose your balanceDont be in hasteGrip your sword tightlyDray, you are doing good. Just like that, try to attack meOh, you are good, Dray. You will be better than me soon

There was a smile on Drayces lips and Slayer asked, What are you thinking about.

I envy Ruven, Drayce replied.

Then, why dont you go and join them?

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Drayce sighed. I wish I could.

You dont help Ruven intentionally, Slayer commented.

Drayce nodded, Not everyone is fortunate to have an elder brother who dotes on him this much. Let Ruven have that privilege.

As the two were talking, the two brothers in the sword practice ground were at the last round of their bet. Ruven looked tired while Keiren still looked the same and didnt lose even an ounce of energy.

Thats it? I expected better from you, Keiren mocked him again.

Ruven was turning angry and this time instead of waiting for his brother to attack so he could defend, Ruven attacked his brother. But the end was worse than the previous four rounds when Ruven was defending.

Keiren simply stepped aside and his younger brother was on the ground and found his elder brothers sword pointing at his throat once again.

Impatience! Unreasonable anger! Lack of planning and judgment! Clumsy moves! Keiren said as he still kept his sword pointed towards his brother, making him unable to move from the ground Do you want me to point out more? The artists are said to be calm creatures but I dont see that in you. Sword? Art? I see you are good in neither of them.

Do you envy this? Slayer asked as he saw how Keiren mocked Ruven so badly.

Drayce nodded, Even if it was worse than this.

Keiren moved his sword back and put it back in his scabbard, You are not worth getting that sword, and turned to leave.

Not like Ruven was interested in sword training but he could not take mocking from his elder brother. He looked at that sword kept in the stand and stood up while catching his breath, Another chance. I need another chance so I can get that sword from you, brother.

Keiren observed his tired brother, Train well then. Doesnt seem like in this condition you can even lift your sword properly. There was a clear mocking in Keirens eyes and had no sympathy for his brother.

Fine! In my next visit, I will defend your moves and be ready to give me that sword, Ruven agreed.

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Keiren offered him an evil smirk, I hope you can at least manage to dodge a single attack, Let alone all five, and left.

Ruven stomped his foot, Just you wait, Elder brother.

Keiren continued to walk facing his back to his younger brother and smiled pleasantly hearing his brothers determined words. But then he saw Drayce and Slayer and that smile disappeared from his lips as if it was never there to grace his lips.

He acted as if he didnt see Drayce and walked away.

Was the first prince smiling? Slayer asked in disbelief.

Drayce nodded as he smiled as well, Elder brother got what he wanted.

To make the third Prince practice more? Slayer asked.

Drayce nodded, He knows Ruven so well to know what works on him.

Sly Ivanovs! Slayer commented.

You should also learn that from us, Drayce said and turned to leave. He didnt stay back to console his younger brother.

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