Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 605: 605 What Are White And Black Witc

p Anda nOve1.cO,m Inside their room, after dismissing their servants, Seren approached her husband and helped him out of his coat. Earlier in the marketWhy did you suddenly run off? Is something the matter, Dray?

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Trivial stuff. Dont think about it, he replied, not willing to worry his wife.

But didnt you leave to follow that strange power? she asked as she made herself comfortable on the bed.

Drayce, who was putting his sword away, looked at her in surprise. Did you feel that as well, my Queen?

Hmm. She nodded. It is powerful yet strange. Other than you, I have never sensed such strong powers from anyone. But then again, aside from when I was abducted, I have not come across many supernatural beings.

Hearing her, Drayce was reminded of Aureus and realized the essence of his powers was still suppressed by his mothers magic spell whenever Aureus was in his beast form. This was the reason Seren couldnt feel the existence of his divine powers despite being so close to him.

Seeing him go quiet, Seren probed, Who was it? What kind of supernatural being is it? An elf? A witch? Did you manage to talk with them?

Drayce walked towards her and sat next to her at the edge of the bed. First, tell me if you are hurt somewhere.

Seren turned to face him with an impatient gaze, aware he was trying to change the subject. What are you talking about? No, I am not hurt. Now tell me, who did you go after?

Seren wasnt normally the type to ask a lot of questions, but after the things she had gone throughfrom Drayces powers, to the stories about Esther as well as meeting Divine Eagle Aureus and High Elf Yorianthe supernatural world had piqued her interest.

She was curious to know who could be so powerful that it even got Drayces attention.

She seems to be a young Black Witch, he answered.

A Black Witch? Her eyes widened. They are evil creatures! Why did you go after her, Dray? What if something had.

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I am stronger than you know. Nothing will happen to me. Drayces caught one of her hands and squeezed it. And not all Black Witches are evil.

But the one leading those who abducted me is a Black Witch, isnt it?

Drayce narrowed his eyes as he recalled that dangerous incident, but then shook his head. It just happened that one of our enemies is a Black Witch, but she doesnt represent everyone belonging to her kind. The black among witches is different from the black among black magic practitioners. The black in a Black Witch refers to the elemental attribute of darkness.

But still

I also possess the power of darkness. Though my mother is a White Witch, my elemental attribute is darkness which I got from my birth father. Does that darkness make me evil as well?

Seren immediately shook her head and clasped his hand. Anyone can be evil but you, Dray. I know you can never be evil.

Same for the Black Witches. We cant just generalize that all of them are evil just because they have the power of darkness. It depends on the intentions of that person how they want to use that power.

I understand she sighed. Does that mean everyone who holds the powers of darkness belongs to the same race or? I dont know what to ask exactly

Drayce understood her confusion. Let me explain to you. It has to do with the creation of supernatural beings.

Serens eyes brightened as she listened to him speak.

According to legends, when the world was created, many races were born, but the race said to be blessed the most by the favor of the pantheon of the heavenly realm are the witches, the ancient seekers of truth. Thus, the progenitors of the witch race were given powers by the pantheon, and these powers are divided into white and black, light and darkness.

Those who received the blessings of the Primordial Gods became the first White Witches, meanwhile, those bestowed the favor by the Keeper of All Darkness became Black Witches. So based on the kind of powers witches possess, they are divided into white and black. White Witches are born with the power of light, while the Black Witches are born with the powers of darkness.

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That I understood, Dray, but that Black Witch who tried to abduct me, she was terribly dangerous. We dont even know if there is any relation between her and the Black Witch you saw today

You are not wrong about her, but just because she is evil, does not mean the entire race of Black Witches is evil. Isnt it the same for humans? Some choose to become law-abiding citizens, while others commit criminal acts. The one who abducted you, she was corrupted by her greed and opted to use evil ways to increase her powers. Rather than simply relying on the power of darkness, she dabbled into the taboo black magic.

Evil ways? Taboo?

Drayce carefully drew circles on her palm as he explained, To tell you the truth, the power of darkness is more powerful than the power of light. Black Witches are the combat force of the witch race, as their powers are destructive in nature, as compared to White Witches who focus on scholarly studies like magic spells, potion-making, healing, scrying, among others.

Witches like exploring the truth of the world the most, and in order to understand magic more, they need to grow stronger. The stronger their powers, the more their intelligence grows, the more they understand the truths they sought. For more chapters, please visit pand(a-n0vel.c)om

The thing is, there is a more efficient alternative way to increase the strength of the power of darknessand that is through using life as sacrifice. It is a taboo, but some witches still opt for this evil way in order to grow their magical powers in a shorter time.

Because Black Witches are more prone to fall to temptations of evil, this is what makes others wary of them. In turn, this affected the others who also have the attribute of darkness. Others became scared that one day, they too would opt for evil ways and harm others.

And they really do thatI mean opting for evil ways to increase their powers? Seren asked.

Hmm! We cannot control someones greed for power, just like that Black Witch who you came across. My mother told me before that nobody was safe even White Witches turn to black magic as well when they become desperate for strength, and this too will corrupt them and turn them into Black Witches.

Really? Thats too awful. They already have powers but still want more. She sighed. I dont think I can even understand what kind of mindset they have. All I know is that I want to live peacefully.

Drayce patted her head. You are my innocent and adorable witch.

It was the first time Drayce called Seren a witch and she smiled, Never in my dreams did I expect I would like hearing someone call me a witch. You are the first.

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She remembered how upset she used to feel whenever people would despise her and call her a witch as an insult, but it was different with Drayce. This special man said it in a way that made her understand he accepts her for what she is.

Then, I will often call you like that, my Queen.

Why dont you call me by my name instead? Hmm? Hmm? Please? She blinked her eyes like an adorable kitten, deliberately acting cute to make him do what she wanted.

He chuckled lightly. Who taught you to act like this?

Act like what?

To act cute like this.

Is it cute? Am I cute? she asked and tilted her head to one side, slowly blinking her lovely purple eyes again. So will you call me by my name, Dray, hmm?

Drayce could not help but laugh loudly, and Seren found her heart racing. For the first time, she saw him genuinely laughing like thisand hes way too handsome!

With a glimmer in her eyes, she did it again, tilting her head to the other side. Will you, Dray? Will you?

Haha! He was so tempted to pinch her cheeks. Fine, my Seren. I will call you by your name.

She was happy to hear her name smoothly roll off his tongue. Now, thats better. Also, I discovered what I have to do to make you listen to me.


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She blinked her eyes. I have to act cute.

You are cute even without trying to be one. You dont have to do anything as I promise to obey my wifes words. I do whatever my wife says since whatever my Seren says is always correct.

She offered him a sweet smile which he could feel only through her bright eyes and she hugged him.

After enjoying their midday meal together, he asked Seren to rest. Drayce left the inn to search for that young Black Witch who he came across in the alley. Though he didnt want to barge into another persons affairs, especially since that person wasnt hostile with him, Port Hope was still part of the Kingdom of Megaris. He needed to find out what was going on this small island.

For such a powerful Black Witch to be here, there must surely be a reason. The only coincidence was that he discovered her.

What if she belonged to the same group who abducted Seren? What if she was hatching an evil plan using the people of this island as a sacrifice?

After all, many of those who came here were travelers, and with these many strangers on the island, public order was quite poor and having one or two missing person cases was normal.

Though Drayce had assured Seren that not all Black Witches are bad, when it came to the safety of his wife, he could not trust anyone so easily. That tinge of doubt, he could not get rid of it.

Slayer, protect her. I will be back soon, Drayce instructed before disappearing.

Slayer asked no questions, aware that Drayce would tell him things he needed to know in due time.

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