Ch 3: With All Due Respect, You Really Don’t Have a Good Eye For Beauty

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Li Guangzong tugged at Shao Si’s sleeve with his trembling hand. 

Alas, Shao Si didn’t even react a teeny bit. Instead, he dug out a slip of paper from his pocket, turning around to ask Li Guangzong if he had a pen, so he could leave his number with the makeup artist.

“Forget about the pen,” Li Guangzong was extremely dismayed, “look 45 degrees to the right of where you’re facing right now, behind that pillar, it’s Gu Yanzhou! Oh my God! I’ve actually been breathing air in the same room as my idol!

*literal translation: hate that iron can’t turn into steel at once; figuratively it means to have high expectations for someone, but be resentful/disappointed that they’re not meeting them, nor improving

Shao Si: “……I remember you brought a pen.”

Li Guangzong totally ignored his own artist, right now all his senses were honed in on Gu Yanzhou, now that the initial excitement had passed, he became very flustered: “When did he come? Did he hear everything we were talking about earlier? Daddy, did I say anything bad, think back to our conversation for me, I feel like I’m suffocating, can’t think…”

You dummy!

Shao Si turned back, giving the stylist a light smile: “Miss*, may I borrow your phone for a second?”

*The pinyin for this is “Gu Niang”, and it’s a polite way to address a girl.

The young lady was also evidently surprised by a certain film emperor, only coming back to her senses when she heard Shao Si talking. What she saw was Shao Si’s curved up, smiling eyes, solely focused on her, making her involuntarily get captivated by that look of concentration. It was like knowing what you were touching was a piece of ice, but somehow your heart unbelievably started burning up. 

And so without a thought, the girl passed her phone to him, and even took the initiative of unlocking it.

In Shao Si’s hand, the phone’s five-inch screen seemed to shrink a size. Shao Si dialed his own number with her phone and immediately hung up before his phone started ringing. The whole process was extremely fast, less than twenty seconds. Then he took out his cell phone and saved the number in the call log to his contact list.

   Makeup artist: “…?”

   Shao Si made up a random excuse: “I think your makeup skills are quite exceptional, hopefully we’ll have an opportunity to work together in the future.”

“Ah, really…” the girl’s cheeks turned red like apples,”It’s such a great honour, I’m so excited, I don’t even know what to say.”

Li Guangzong finished panicking and picked up the thermos cup from the ground, missing out on the interaction between the two. He gave Shao Si a small smack and whispered: “Stop playing on your phone, go over and say hi to Emperor Gu.”

“Why?” In all honesty, Shao Si was just too lazy to move. He sat on the chair with his legs up and said: “It doesn’t seem that great to randomly walk over.“

Li Guangzong kicked the back of his chair lightly and hauled him up.

Once they got closer, Director Wang finally noticed that the budding actor he had painstakingly chosen from the casting calls was also in the makeup room, slapping his head: “I totally forgot! You came over at the perfect time, Shao Si. This is Gu Yanzhou, don’t think I have to give an introduction… Yanzhou, this is Shao Si. Oh yeah, Xiao Si, I remember you graduated from Dong Hai Film Academy, right? He’s your shixiong*, graduated a few years before you.”

*Shixiong is used to refer to someone who is a few years older and walked the same path an individual is pursuing (so maybe they went to the same school, started in an industry/company earlier). The closest english equivalent is “senior”.

He was indeed a Dong Hai alumnus, but unlike other students, he had been busy uncovering all types of shady business to earn extra years of life, such as exposing some girl in the acting department with a sugar daddy, campus violence, academic directors being bribed, there was no shortage of missions like that. Hence, he had absolutely no recollection of this super famous shixiong from his university.

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… Mainly it was because he was face-blind. 

“Gu shixiong, I’ve heard a lot about you, it’s such an honour to finally meet you.*” He reached out for a handshake, not speaking coyly, but rather at a smooth, steady pace. When he finished, he gave himself full marks for his self-presentation.

*direct translation: Seeing for oneself is a hundred times better than hearing from others”

Damn, my mouth is arched up at a perfect angle, not too aloof and not overly friendly. 

After finishing his opening spiel, he finally had the time to size up the person in front of him, the legend…the man who stood at the top of the entertainment industry. 

Shao SI could never understand how Gu Yanzhou was considered handsome, and for this reason Li Guangzong had once almost hunted him down with a kitchen knife. There was this one time when the hardy Li Guangzong got a high fever and had to spend the day at home, lying down like a corpse. After work, Shao Si and the assistant went over to his house for a visit.

Li Guangzong’s entire house was plastered with Gu Yanzhou’s posters. While the assistant went to boil some hot water, Shao Si stroked his chin in deep thought and said to his manager: “So your Prince Charming, he’s just like this? You might as well hang up my posters, I’m a lot more handsome.”

This remark triggered Li Guangzong, who briefly revived and jumped up to beat him. 

The past wasn’t worth mentioning.

Shao Si personally felt that there was nothing wrong with his eye for beauty, though everyone around him would beg to differ. 

But Shao Si stubbornly believed, since I think I’m handsome, and you all think I’m handsome, then how can there be something wrong with my judgment? Totally logical, right?

Gu Yanzhou really was plain looking!

“Hi.” At this time the “normal-looking” man smiled and shook his hand. Shao Si observed that he wasn’t wearing any accessories, his slender hands keeping a simple, warm, and clean aesthetic.

After three short seconds, Gu Yanzhou let go. The two gave each other a short nod, and didn’t say anything more.

Li Guangzong stood beside, cautiously interjecting: “Hello, I’m your fan…can I also…shake your hand?”

Shao Si stretched his hand behind Li Guangzong’s back to give him a squeeze as warning for him not to look at Gu Yanzhou with an undignified dreamy expression and googly eyes. As a consequence, his hand got all covered in the sweat from Li Guangzong’s back. 

Shao Si’s face froze and he wiped his hands on Guangzong’s pants in disgust. Li Guangzong also immediately froze: “Why are you rubbing my butt?” 

Things got awkward real fast.

Fortunately, Gu Yanzhou didn’t seem to mind, and initiated a handshake with Li Guangzong. 

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Shao Si looked at Li Guangzong, thinking about how he’ll probably go back home and chop off his hand to worship it.

Director Wang pretended to not hear the weird little exchange between Shao Si and Guangzong. He contacted Gu Yanzhou this time around because he had actually wanted him to be the second lead. This young man could be considered someone he watched grow up and was truly extremely talented. When Gu Yanzhou first started out in the industry they had worked together.

Though Gu Yanzhou constantly called him his teacher, Director Wang initially took it with a grain of salt. He had been in the industry for so long, and saw too many small stars who turned their backs on him after landing roles with more famous directors, telling him to book an appointment with them whenever he called. 

But Gu Yanzhou was an exception: these past few years, his salary had risen to sky-high prices, yet every time he took part in one of Director Wang’s productions, it would always still be for the same pay: one million for one film. One million.

What was the concept of one million?

One million was so low Director Wang felt embarrassed, yet every time Yanzhou would just comfort him by saying: You* should spend more money on the production, don’t think about anything else. As long as this film’s done well, I can use it to improve my reputation and increase my popularity. Look at it this way, and you’ll see that I’m not losing anything, what I’m earning are things that can’t be bought with money.

*TL/N: polite form of “you” was used here by Gu Yanzhou to show his respect for Director Wang

“Director Wang, if you had asked me just a bit earlier, I would’ve said yes for sure,” Gu Yanzhou continued his chat with Director Wang, tone gentle. His face was actually attractive in a way that demanded attention, but that sort of “in your face” vibe was forced down by his calm temperament, becoming just as toned down as his style. “It’s just that last week Director Feng just settled a role for me, so there’d be a scheduling conflict.”

“Hey, this Lao Feng, taking someone from me again.” Director Wang grumbled a bit, but got over it pretty quickly, saying, “It’s hard on you to have to come personally. Next time just tell me over the phone, I don’t want to inconvenience you when you’re already this busy.”

 Gu Yanzhou responded: “ Ah, that wasn’t the main reason I dropped by, I mainly wanted to come visit you, haven’t seen you in more than half a year.”

What a smooth talker, could very well be hiding a despicable personality*.

*Direct translation: beast in human clothing is the idiom used here. Used to describe people people who look civilized and well-mannered but are actually horrible people haha

Shao Si made this judgment about him internally. 

And then in the next second, he got dragged by Director Wang to the stand in front of this “gentleman”. Director Wang took Gu Yanzhou’s hand and put it on top of Shao Si’s hand, saying with a kind face: “I originally wanted you to give Shao Si a little direction, this boy’s got potential, and could definitely learn a lot if he followed your guidance, but looks like this was missed fate.”

Shao Si thought to himself, what is this talk about fate and all, why does this sound like a matchmaker trying to pair someone up?

Gu Yanzhou’s gaze seemed to slide casually over Shao Si, finally falling on their overlapped hands. Shao Si felt a bit unnerved from the glance and was about to withdraw his hand, when Gu Yanzhou said calmly, though it was evident that there was another meaning behind his words “How can there be no fate.”

Until Director Wang and his entourage collectively sent off Gu Yanzhou, Shao SI was still zoning out with a business card in his hand. 

After a while, he spoke up, turning to ask Li Guangzong “Son, why do you think he gave me his business card?”

Li Guangzong: “To make a pass at you?”

Li Guangzong watched as Shao Si actually stroked his chin and started contemplating this possibility and had to suppress the urge to kick him: “I’m just joking! Don’t flatter yourself*. It’s because Director Wang wants to give you some opportunities to learn and grow, you think he’ll not give Director Wang face?”

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*TL/N: Author used an idiom here. The literal translation is somewhere along the lines of possessing 3 colours and opening a dye shop? It’s a phrase to describe people who think they’re all that and become arrogant just from a few compliments or nice words.

Shao Si: “Is that so, that’s a relief then.”

A relief? What sort of attitude is that!

How can this guy be so irritating!

How can the artist I manage be so shameless? You’re truly the most shameless person I’ve ever had to deal with!

Li Guangzong began to wonder what had supported him to survive till now. 

The first scene was relatively easy, and Shao Si had very few NGs. Director Wang estimated initially that it would take 8 hours to finish everything, but under Shao Si’s high efficiency the filming time was shortened to six hours. 

This young man was indeed even more outstanding than he expected. 

Director Wang took an extremely long time to prepare and plan for the production, including the aforementioned casting calls, which alone took three months to complete.

The movie “Undercover” was also a cop film. Unlike the anti-drug film, however, it tells the story of an undercover agent in the underworld.

  Director Wang’s productions were guaranteed high-class and top-notch. 

   Shao Si was very serious about this film, because he knew after this project, the company would most likely arrange for him some low-quality commercial movies with high pay but rotten plots.

   The only reason they let him take on a role in Director Wang’s film was really to ride the wave of his popularity from winning the film emperor award and reinforce his image as a “talented film emperor”. 

   Shao Si began to miss the times when he was able to freely choose his own projects.

  On the way back, he pulled himself together and started to discuss with Li Guangzong what was causing the entertainment industry to become more and more degenerate.

“Daddy, there isn’t anything wrong with your brain, right? Why are you asking something that would make China’s population of 1.3 billion people go silent?” Li Guangzong dug out a bottle of water from the box by his feet, handing it to Shao Si, “ You want water?”

Shao Si took the water, but didn’t give up on continuing the conversation, “ … The economy’s more developed, yet the human spirit’s getting more and more deprived, isn’t that so sad?”

Li Guangzong: “…..”

Shao SI: “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

Li Guangzong rubbed his temples “How about you go to sleep.”

Shao Si pondered for a moment, then threw the bottle of water away. He put Li guangzong’s suggestion into action right away. Sleep he shall.

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While filming earlier today, his mind was all tensed up, suppressing his sleepiness. Now that he was reminded, he started to feel sluggish* again.

*Author makes reference to “sleepy bugs”, which as the name suggests, are mythical little critters that fly into people’s ears making people fall asleep. Can also be used to refer to people who like to sleep.

Li Guangzong also decided to close his eyes and take a quick snooze too, but at that moment, he suddenly remembered: “Shao Si! You didn’t frickin’ throw away Gu Film Emperor’s business card did you?!”

“……right, Why’d I forget to throw it out.”

Shao Si was curled up in the back seat, with a huge blanket covering himself, including his face.

Li Guangzong watched as Shao Si’s hand rummaged around under the blanket, then one arm stretched out lazily, with a business card held between his fingers. 

“What are you giving me that for?” Li Guangzong asked in disdain, “Send him a text yourself. You guys just met, so while he still remembers you, you should hurry and say hello.”

Shao Si didn’t bother answering him. 

“You hear me? Hurry up.”

“I’m gonna count to three, move or you’re going to be in serious trouble!“

“Three, two……”

“Ugh I’m so annoyed,” Li Guangzong leaned backward and strained to grab the business card from Shao Si, admitting defeat. “ Gimme your phone, I’ll send it for you.”

Li Guangzong felt like he was basically Shao Si’s nanny, he just couldn’t help but fuss over him.

 ——Hello Gu shixiong, it’s Shao Si. We just met today. To be honest, I’ve always admired you a lot, you’re my idol. I hope shixiong will look after me in the future! [Cute emoji]

Text sent successfully.

Li Guangzong went the extra mile and opened Shao Si’s Weibo, searched up Gu Yanzhou, and added him. 

As he was about to throw the phone back to Shao Si, the phone vibrated twice.

—— Thank you, I also like you. Work hard on the new film, and hope everything goes smoothly.

Sender: Gu Yanzhou.

TL’s note:

Poor Yanzhou. His beauty works at all times except for when it matters the most

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