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The curvy body of Madeline Song made her way into the CEO office on the top floor of ZFC.

She gave a wink at Michelle Park who was shocked from her desk, then nonchalantly entered the office without even knocking.

Michelle tried to contact the CEO from the intercom, "CEO, Ms. Song--"

"Is here." CEO Zhou completed her sentence. He was already looking up to Madeline Song in a fitted dress.

"Hello, Fiancé." Her voice was seductive.

"What brings you here." It was so monotonous that it did not sound like an inquiry. He looked doqn on his documents.

"Well, I miss my huaband-to-be." She leaned in so the man behind the desk could get a fuller view of her gifts.

Dan quickly gave her a glance then looked down again. "Cut the cr*p."

Madeline Song snickered. "My parents are pestering me about spending time with you. I thought I could show myself here and leave when you do. Then I'll leave the rest to the rumors."

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"I'm busy." He frowned.

She chuckled. "With such a neutral face, you deprive yourself from being able to take your asset's full advantage." She was talking about his smile.

"You and I know that even if I wanted to, it will not work on you." He looked up at her. "Get out."

"Oh please. Let me hang out a little. You have a sweet place here. Don't worry, you could treat me as a pet."

"If I would bring a pet into my office, I would've gotten a dog instead."

Her face became furious. "Are you calling me a--"

Michelle Park knocked on the door and came in after being given permission. She had brought tea.

After the assistant left, Madeline Song continued her nagging.

"You could take me out sometimes. It would give a better façade for us."

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"Not a chance."

"Why? Are you going out today? Tsk tsk tsk. When the cat is away, the mouse will play! Did Mrs. Xiu know what you're doing?" She was teasing him.

He looked at her sternly. "I'm flying to City T tonight."

"Oh!!! Bring me! I've never been to Country N! Bring me please! Oh, it will be the greatest front! You will be going abroad alone with your fiancée!" She gestured with her hands in the air, as if flashing a headline, "I can already read the headlines, 'ZFC CEO flies privately with fiancée!' Oh boy!"

She was still full of excitement when the door was kicked open.

Vanessa Zhou came barging in. "Verdan Zhou, when did you become a puppet?!"

However, on seeing the frightened Madeline Song beside her brother, Vanessa calmed down.

"Ah...I-I'm sorry. Were you in the middle of something?" She bit her lower lip in regret. "I'll be on my way. Go on..."

Dan's voice rang. "No worries. We were just talking." He had a glint in his eyes.

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"Indeed, Sister-in-law. We were just making plans for later." Madeline giggled.

Dan had got to give it to her shamelessness.

"We're going on a trip. Wanna come along?" Dan had a cunning smile.

"No...uhm, I..." Vanessa stepped back. She had landed on a trap.

"Oh come on, Sister-in-law...We'll have lots of fun!" Madeline persuaded, grabbing Vanessa's arm while rubbing her breasts on it.

"I don't have my luggage..." Because of the shock, Vanessa had a lame excuse.

"Don't worry. Dani Dearest will buy us clothes." Madeline Song had a mischievous grin.

Dan squinted his eyes, then he sighed. "I will indeed. Come along with us, won't you?"


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Mrs. Park kept pestering Michelle and Riley to get married.

Michelle was already bothered by the fact that her parents were living in a hotel room for a month now. Her mother was nagging her everyday while 'helping' to prepare for her marriage, even picking out dresses without her.

Well, to be truthful, Riley and Michelle are not keeping things casual. They were exclusively dating before they lived together. However, since they are still both busy and their relationship is still young, they had yet to take about marriage.

Riley was tapping his fingers on his desk. He could not focus at work for a few days now because of this wedding dilemma.

Suddenly, his phone rang. It was Michelle.

Luckily, Masaichi Xiu had left ages ago and he was the only one doing overtime, otherwise, it is not really appropriate to take personal calls at work.


"We need to talk."

Riley gulped. He might really need to marry her at this rate.

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