Words I was Afraid to Hear

Chapter 141: 141

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Verdan Zhou was sitting on his private plane, ready for take off, 15 minutes after receiving the call from his wife.

Montgomery Johnson, 'Monty' to his close friends, was a former pilot for fighter jets in Country A, but he decided to live better by being hired by the heir and CEO of the international group of companies, ZFC.

He had always been to the CEO's beck and call while duly compensated. However, it was the first time that he saw his boss this flustered.

Dan only ordered a glass of water, much to the surprise of the attendant.

He gulped it down in a single continuous tilt of his head.

"Uhm...would you like another glass of water, Sir?" The attendant was a bit scared of how frustrated and anxious he looked.

Dan glared at her.

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"Perhaps some wine or whiskey, Sir?" She still tried to maintain her professional smile.

Dan ran his finger through his dark locks, messing his hair. His suit was wrinkled from running and abruptly taking his seats as he rode the car and the plane.

"Scotch. On the rocks." he ordered, without looking back at her.

It was still too early for the baby to arrive. It can somehow survive, but it will be an early preterm neonate.

He could just imagine how frightened she must be right now. He started hating the distance and his absence by her side. He wanted to comfort her so badly. He could only wait for his plane to arrive.

Before his drink could arrive, he went striding into the cockpit.

"Monty." his steady voice rang in an otherwise quiet area.

The pilot almost screamed in surprise.

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"Boss! Do you need something?"

"How long?"

It seemed like the CEO wanted him to speed up. Since there is no heavy traffic as excuse, he did not know what to say. However, he could not compromise their safety. He is not driving a jet this time.

"Uhm...45 minutes."

Before he could know what will happen next, the CEO strode out, seemingly sulking.


"We will try to control the contractions. Please calm yourself so as not to aggravate your preterm contractions with too much stress." The doctor excused herself after checking on the rate of her drip and adjusting it with the machine.

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"Mom...I'm scared." Midori was almost in tears.

"Shhh...it's gonna be fine, Sweetheart. I was also in the same situation when you were inside me. Plus, your husband said he's on his way." Aoi caressed her head gently, consoling her daughter.

Of course, they did not tell their daughter about the trouble they had with Ming Xiaoyu.

They even made Xiu Lan take Masaichi away for awhile in fear that the woman would be back in their house.

Xiu Jin distanced himself from her thoroughly, even asking a temporary restraining order from the court.

Going back to the current scenario, Aoi Xiu did not inform her husband and son on what was happening on her daughter. She deemed it unnecessary.

"You shouldn't have buried yourself in work for three days. Why did you do that? Too much stress is definitely bad for the baby." Aoi scolded.

"I...I was preparing everything before I go on leave for the baby's delivery...but I..." Midori's hormones were not helping her calm down.

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"Doctor..." Aoi Xiu went out to call the resident on duty.

"Yes, Ma'am. What can I help you with?"

"My daughter is having preterm contractions and her emotions are making things worse. Can you give something to sedate her?"

"Sorry, Ma'am. We refrain from sedating our patients when it can still be avoided since it could affect the baby." The doctor had an apologetic and understanding tone.

"Oh...it's alright then. I'll just keep her company then." Aoi was enlightened and walked back to Midori's room.

Before she could reach it, a hand landed on her shoulder.

"Mom!" Dan was panting as he stopped her.

Aoi Xiu looked down at her watch. "You're pretty fast on closing the distance. Come, calm your wife."

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