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The following day, Masaichi Xiu was startled to find a man in his office.

When the individual turned around, he was even more startled to recognize the face.

"Oh...good morning, CEO." Romina Ta, who just had a haircut politely greeted him.

"You...your hair..."

" it bad? I'm saving up shampoo." she chuckled.

"Did something happen?" He frowned.

She had a subtle smile. "CEO, this is my last day in this office. This marks as my fresh start."

"You're really leaving..." he muttered.

She did not catch what he just said, but she only tilted her head and knitted her brows.

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She will never dare to pry on his thoughts.

When he did not make a clear order, she straightened her back and smiled professionally.

"CEO, I had turned over everything to Secretary Ma. I will be leaving now. I wish for XCG to prosper."

With that, she bowed politely and went her way out the wooden door.

Masaichi Xiu had gaping mouth, but no word was spoken.

In the end, he had no right to make her stay.

In truth, he had known for quite some time that she held a torch for him.

However, he treated her as a sister, so he dared not confirm it. He was afraid that it would make them feel awkward and it will make the work environment tense.

When he got married, he knew that her eyes turned lonely, but at that time, he fell truly in love with his wife.

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As years went by, he appreciated how professional she kept herself, never crossing the line and maintaining her position.

When his wife came back to him after he woke up from his coma, he saw how Romina Ta tried to endure it.

He even understood why she tried to resign.

When he lost his wife two years ago, she paid her condolences but did not take advantage of the opportunity.

A year ago, he accidentally met her again. She was living off her savings.

He convinced her that it should not be the case and took her back as his secretary.

She agreed with hesitation.

Then a couple of months prior, she handed him her resignation letter.

She assured him that she will be working under her biological brother, so she will not be living off her savings.

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For the first time, he was truly troubled about this woman. For the first time, he felt someone had abandoned him.

However, who was he to object?
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When his son gave him the idea of chasing his happiness once more, he actually thought of her.

This morning, he was about to start another approach with her.

He actually forgot that he had approved her resignation, and that it was actually her last day as his secretary.

"CEO." A woman's voice snapped him out of his reverie.

He swiftly turned, but frowned when he saw Secretary Ma holding onto the tablet containing his schedule for the day.

He had a lot of chances. He had a lot of time.

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Yet he did not take them.

He will never get the chance, as he had never given her any.

Suddenly, as if an idea struck him, he strode out of his office, to the surprise of Secretary Ma, who was still briefing him with his schedule.

He reached the elevator as its doors opened.

He immediately went in.

Secretary Ma, who was wearing heels could not keep up with his large strides.

Before the elevator door closed, he told her, "Stay there."

When the elevator door opened again, Masaichi Xiu is already in the parking lot.

He strode towards his BMW with a smug look on his face, as if he was about to make a done deal.

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