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"Would you like to recreate what we did after you gave me this tie?" Dan had a provocative look and an alluring voice.

Midori blushed for a moment, then as if regaining consciousness of the issue at hand, she frowned while gesturing with her hands on her hips.

"Wait! Your memories are back?!" her voice had a mixture of surprise, joy, and a little bit of feeling betrayed.

"I...I was working on it..." his smile had a tinge of regret.

"You tricked me!" She landed a light punch on his chest.

Then she paused, as if realizing something. She grabbed onto his shirt to pull him near.


"I get off work earlier for quite some time now. I attend therapy sessions."

She frowned. He had always fetched her after work.

"What therapy?"

"With Dr. Long...she works wonders."

Midori pouted.

"Hey, what's wrong? Aren't you glad that I can remember things now?" Dan tried to lean in closer to her pouting face.

From crossing her arms over her chest, she tried to push him.

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"Get away from me." she muttered.

"Hey...don't be like that...we're on our second honeymoon..." he tried to coax her.

"You knew but you're still talking about another woman!" she snapped at him.

"I just told you how I got some of my memories back. Why are you making a big fuss about it?"

Midori turned her back on him and tried to get off the bed.

Dan reached out to pull her back. As he grabbed on the tie of her robe, it went loose and at the same time the movement made her spin a little towards him.

His eyes widened as she landed on him in her teddies.

"When...when did you own such a..." He could not even continue what he was about to say.

"Not like it? I thought you knew this was a honeymoon?"

"Hmmn...I remember that..." he started to kiss her.


"Sis-in-law, you are so organized! The set usually looks like a dumpster." Jiang Mei Ling praised and insulted in one sentence.

Romina Ta chuckled. "It's a force of habit."

"This industry might tire out a busy bee like you." Jiang Mei Ling gave a little wink and went up to do a take on her scene.

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Suddenly, Romina Ta's phone notified for a message.

"Come up to the office." said the message from her brother.

She had a slight frown as she had accomplished most of her tasks for the day. It might be something important.


Meanwhile, at the topmost floor of Luxe Entertainment, two gentlemen in fine suits are seeing eye-to-eye.

"CEO Xiu, if you are indeed sincere, then why are you too late?"

One corner of Masaichi Xiu's lips went up to a smirk. Indeed, he had been a fool for years.

"Didn't they say, 'You don't know what you got 'til it's gone?"

Lu Shaoting chuckled. "Then what makes you think you deserve to get her back?"

"Why do I feel like I'm talking to a rival in love?" Masaichi had challenging eyes.

"Don't get me wrong. My sister is the closest blood relative I have. She had been through a lot. I would not just hand her out in a silver platter."

"Then tell me your terms." Masaichi's gaze turned to determination. He will do whatever it takes, even pleasing this cunning future brother-in-law.

Lu Shaoting chuckled once more. "I want all your endorsements exclusive to my artists."

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Without batting an eyelid, Masaichi Xiu answered, "Sounds reasonable. Deal."

This made even the famous director and now entertainment enterprise president, who held full control of his emotions, reveal surprise in his eyes.

"Surprised? Yes, I love your sister that much. I am even willing to give everything I have to her. All she needs is to ask." Masaichi had a gentle smile.

"Heh, you knew she will never ask for too much. You're too lucky. But you know, even if I approve of you, the decision lies with her."

Just as Lu Shaoting spoke the last word of the sentence, there was a knock on the door and came into view is the fair face of Romina Ta.

"Oh, sorry for the intrusion." Pretending not to notice and keeping her head down, she retreated from the room and quickly shut the door.

She went for the elevator in hurried steps.


At the CEO's office, Masaichi was already on his feet, ready to dash after her.

"Mr. Xiu..." Lu Shaoting called out to him.

Masaichi Xiu stopped on his tracks and turned to face him. He waited for what he was about to say.

"If she accepts you, I will too. Good luck."

Masaichi Xiu smiled and nodded to him before chasing after Romina Ta.

The elevator door shut before he could reach to stop it.

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Masaichi headed for the stairs.

Romina Ta felt confused. 'Why is he here? It was so hard for me to decide to not see him again. Why did he appear before me when my life just started to become normal?!'

As she was deep in thoughts, the elevator had arrived to the ground floor.

She continued her strides and reached the paved sidewalk.

Before she could hail a cab, her wrist was grabbed and the force turned her towards a tall man.

"What do you want?" she managed to spat between clenched teeth.

"Don't be mad. I just wanted to see you." Masaichi answered patiently, but he just would not let go of her wrist.

"You made him trick me! You're too much!"

He sighed. "Mina-chan..."

She laughed in disdain. "Indeed, I am just like everybody...I can be compared to just anybody. So don't waste your time on me."

He chuckled. "Iie. Everyone together could never compare to you."
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"I...I can't love you anymore. I want to love myself now." She was almost in tears.

"Then don't. Just love yourself. I will be fine with it...just...let me love you this time."

He cupped her face and kissed her passionately.

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