Words I was Afraid to Hear

Chapter 222: 222

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Verdan Zhou woke up to a fairly familiar environment.

As he recalled, he noted that he is in his old condominium unit in City B.

'Was I not at home in City S with my wife?' he thought.
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To his surprise, he sensed something soft laying on top of himself.

'Did I go back to when I was in university?' He thought.

He smiled as he felt the person on top of him move.

Back then, he and Midori were adventurous and often sleep together.

However, he was startled to see another face appear from beneath the sheets.

The memory of Midori telling him that he cheated on her on her very birthday echoed in his mind.

"What are you doing?!" he pushed Ming Rushi away and did not even look back even though she fell from the bed.

Then he heard running sounds. He remembered that Midori would be coming over.

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He dashed out of his room and out to the hallway.


As he chased after her, he felt something landed on his face. She is crying!

"Dori!" Because his strides are already larger, running after her was easy.

He grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him.

"What?!" she spat.

Her teary face was awful.

"I didn't! I don't know how I got into the bed and why she was there, but I did not cheat on you!"

"Heh! So you're naked for nothing?" she had a mocking smile.

"I was preparing dinner for your birth-" he paused as if remembering something.

Then she grabbed her wrist as he dashed back into the apartment. "The chicken galantina!"

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"What?! Hey, quit dragging me! I'm gonna trip!"

This was the scene another couple witnessed as they came with light baggage and gifts.

"Eh, Midori?" Jiang Mei Ling was confused.

She and Lu Shaoting just saw Midori being dragged by a half naked Verdan into a unit.

"Should we..." Mei did not know what to do.

"No. Let's just pretend not to see that. Let's check into a nearby hotel. Then I'll call him later if it's alright to come over."

The future Lu couple went back into the elevator.

When Dan and Midori got back to the condominium unit, there was no trace of Ming Rushi.

Dan locked the door after checking the whole unit. Then he immediately checked the oven.

"No!" In his panic, he reached out to get the pan out but burned himself. "Ow!"

Midori, who was not sure if Ming Rushi being there was just an illusion, was startled when she noticed that he burned himself.

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"What are you doing?!" her voice was full of worry.

"But the dish is gonna burn!"

She took the mittens and took out the pan, settling it on the counter to cool.

"Not yet burned, but your hands are!" she scolded.

He looked like a puppy whose foot got stepped on.

Her worried face was back. She took some ice from the freezer and wrapped them in her handkerchief.

She gently placed it on his burned palm and fingers.

"Ow!" he jerked his hand.

"Stop whining like a baby..."

Her next words were swallowed back as he kissed her passionately.

The next moment, he took out a birthday cake and lit up the candles. He slowly went up to her.

"Happy birthday, my Dori!" he greeted with his wonderful smile.

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Looking how he had prepared a lot and that his dish was almost burnt in the oven, she believed that he would not cheat as what it seemed to be awhile back.

She swore to get back on Ming Rushi later, but right now, the candles are melting fast on the frosting.

After making a wish, she blew them.

Dan placed the cake on the kitchen island.

Then he hugged her, hugged her with all his might that it was suffocating.

She huffed and tapped on his chest.

"Oh, sorry!" he placed his palm over his nape.

She giggled. The next moment, she placed some icing on his nose.

"You!" He took a small portion of icing from the side of the cake and messily ruined her makeup as some are immediately smeared on her cheek.

They tickled and giggled and made a mess of themselves.

Then he carried her into the shower and drenched them both with their clothes still on, only removing their shoes.

He kissed her under the shower.

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