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They decided to head back to their room. Dan let Midori use the bathroom first.

She came out with her loungewear on, drying her hair with a towel, looking down as she walked towards the bed.

He glanced at her and blushed at the sight. He then stood up and proceeded to the bathroom.

Midori lied on the bed nervously. Suddenly, her phone beeped for a message notification. She tapped on it and revealed her mom's message.

"How are you guys doing? I bet you're having fun! Did he open his gift? Remember to always take care of yourself. Safe travels my dear!"

Midori was touched at her mom's thoughtful words. She replied accordingly. Then she shuffled towards the drawer containing the wrapped box.

She then took it out, went back on the bed, hid it under the sheets and pretended to sleep.

Dan came out of the bathroom and changed into his loungewear. He sighed on seeing her on the bed fast asleep. He carefully lifted the sheets on his side and lied next to her.

Then he turned to his side to better look at her, propping up his head using his arm.

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He smiled while caressing her cheek. "So you just decided to sleep without even greeting me." he whispered and sighed. He slowly moved to give her a kiss on her forehead.

Just when he was about to lie back, he felt her hand on his cheek. This abruptly opened his eyes.

Looking back at him was her pretty face with a big smile.

Much to his surprise, she kissed him tenderly on the lips!

He was so shocked to utter a word or make a move. When he leaned to kiss her back, a gift box came between their faces and she chuckled.

"Happy birthday, Verdan Zhou!" Her teeth sparkling and her eyes smiling at him.

Dan chuckled and moved back and sat on the bed. Midori also pushed herself up on a sitting position and stretched her arm to offer her gift.

He shook his head gently while chuckling. "What's this?" He looked at her while taking the gift.

"Open it." Midori pursed her lips shyly waiting for his reaction.

Dan undid the ribbon then opened the lid. He lifted his gift with an amused look. It was a taupe tie with crazy diamonds design. It looked formal enough for someone who might precede an important meeting or attend an exclusive function. Then he noticed a note inside the box.

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He silently read it after shooting her a glance.

"In the future, I wish to fix your tie every morning. I wish to take it off when you come home. I dream of tying the knot with you, but I will only do so if by then you still want me to."

His eyes watered. He dropped the gift and the note on the bed and he bolted towards her.

Cupping her cheek with one hand while holding her waist with the other arm, he kissed her lips passionately.

Midori was initially shocked with eyes wide open, but his warm lips devouring hers, she closed her eyes and kissed him back.

Feeling her surrender, he pried her lips open with his tongue and teased her mouth. He can already feel the reaction of his little buddy and his body felt like it is burning.

He pushed her gently to lie on the bed while they continued to kiss. His kisses went from her mouth to her jaw, down to her neck, where he could smell her scent.

His fingers roamed from her face to her neck and collarbones, finding the buttons of her shirt.

Midori was gasping to the passionate kisses. When she felt that he was undoing her buttons, she felt scared. Is this going to be their first time? She mustered the voice to speak. "Dan..."

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He stopped and looked at her with expressive eyes, as if asking if he could continue. His chest heaving and mouth gaping.

Midori was scared. She did not know what to do. However, she was more afraid that if she refuse him, he will be with someone else. She recalled the photos again as she closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she cupped his cheeks and kissed him again, challenging the passion he just showed her.

She did not show any signs of protest as she was stripped off of her clothes.

He also removed his own clothes then stared at her delicate body.

This is also his first time, but his friends abroad had made him watch some adult stuff before so he is not naive on what the situation requires.

He moved his hands to caress her shoulders, then they went down to cup one of her breasts and the other touching her waist and hip.

He kissed her neck again, sniffing her scent, then he went down to her breasts, teasing her nipples.

She let out moans as she felt every sensation with eyes closed.

He slowly parted her legs and positioned himself. His little buddy was teasing her entrance.

He kissed her lips and he tried to enter. She let out a cry. He shifted and moved gently. It was tight and it was difficult for him to get inside. He stopped as he saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

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He kissed her again while he thrusts inside her, earning more of her cries.

"It hurts!" she blurted out, still crying.

"Please don't cry." He wiped her tears with his fingers. He knew he was hurting her, but he thought that if he apologized, it would mean that he was considering this as a mistake.

He wanted her. He wanted her to be his and only his.

He moved gently, maintaining a steady pace.

She eventually stopped crying. This was replaced by moans and gasps which made him hard even more.

He increased his pace. Her moans became louder and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

His body seemed to collapse onto hers as he came.

They lied in bed with her head on his chest and his arm supporting her back.

Before falling asleep, he whispered to her ear, "I will make all your wishes come true."

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