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Midori and Dan were sitting in the midnight blue Cayenne as they were fetched from the airport.

Suddenly, he brought his phone out of his pockets to receive an incoming call.

"Dan, are you back in City S yet?" There was a tone of urgency in the female voice.

"I just arrived. I'll be sending Midori home first. Van-jie, is something wrong?" he asked calmly.

"Head home right away. I'll tell you the details when you're back." She hung up, not wanting to elicit worry from her brother.

"Something the matter?" Midori saw the sudden change in Dan's expression.

Just then, they have arrived in the Xiu estate.

"I'm not sure. I need to head back now." He kissed her forehead and went back in the car after the driver unloaded her baggage.

He did not even notice her waving goodbye as he sternly instructed the driver to take him home immediately.

Midori, though a bit worried, shrugged it off as she made her way inside the house.

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Aunty Lan welcomed her at the foyer. Her personal maid carried her luggage to her room.

"Aunty Lan, where's mom?" she asked, scanning the rooms with her eyes.

"Shobe, the Madam, the Master and Young Master are in the family room. The..." her statement was cut off as the recipient ran, while carrying parcels, towards the other living room located in the west wing of the mansion.

"Otousan! Okaasan! Niisan!" she cheerfully called.

She saw her family and bolted towards her mom.

" was City H?" A warm smile on her mother's face made her smile back delightfully.

"It was beautiful, Mom!" Then she reached into her parcels. "I got you guys souvenirs!"

She handed her mom the pair pyjamas. "These are for you and dad."

"Oh! Anata*, it's a pair." Aoi Xiu motioned for her husband to look at the silk items.

Xiu Jin chuckled. "Silk is indeed a must-buy in that area."

"Oh, I also got these for mom..." She took out a hand-painted fan and jade pendant. "...and for dad." She handed a calligraphy set.

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"How thoughtful." Her brother sarcastically slow clapped.

Midori smiled back and rummaged through her bags.

"For my baka oniisan*..." She stretched out her arm to hand over a silk-covered herbal amulet as she sneered.

"Tch...not surprising. So, where is this boyfriend of yours?"

"Didn't I say that I will let you meet him if you bring your fiancée ho--"

Just then, a petite brunette in her 20s appeared before them. She is about 170cm tall, with straight long hair reaching her waist, porcelain-like skin, heart-shaped face, with delicate features--straight brows, hazel eyes, tall nose and thin rosy lips. A pair of dimples appeared near her laugh line when she smiled.

"Hello. Midori, isn't it? I'm Agatha Yang. Nice to meet you." She bowed slowly.

"Oh...uhm...hi!" She shot her brother an accusing look.

Masaichi looked back at his sister. "What? She will be your sister-in-law." he declared nonchalantly.

"I know that!" she glared back, then shifted to a gentle expression. "Onee-san*, you can address me with 'Imouto-chan*'." She flashed Agatha her brightest, sweetest smile.

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"Uhm...imouto...-chan?" Agatha tried awkwardly.

"Hai! Hai!" Midori was delighted to finally gain a sister. "Ah! I also bought you something." She took out a gift box from one of her bags and happily handed it to Agatha.

Everyone in the room was curious about her gift as the went over to take a peek.

Agatha opened the box slowly. She had a surprised expression as it revealed a fine jade bracelet.

"I hope you could wear it on your wedding." Midori smiled shyly.

"Why of course! Thank you, Midori!" Agatha was overfilled with emotions so much that she suddenly hugged Midori.

Aunty Lan smiled on this scene, then declared, "Dinner is ready."

Midori recovered from the shock of the sudden intimacy. "Yey! I missed your cooking, Aunty Lan!"


Meanwhile, in a tertiary private hospital, Dan was standing before a patient.

Vanessa was holding his shoulders as she let out sniffles.

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"His chopper went down in a forest. It was out of luck that they managed to pull him out before it exploded...but..."

Dan looked at his father in the hospital bed.

Victor Zhou was conscious. He was looking back at them, blinking his eyes from time to time, but he does not move an inch.

Vanessa took out a small box from her purse and handed it to Dan.

"This was found in his suit pocket."

Dan opened the box, revealing a set of keys. On the lid were words written in his father's handwriting.

"This will be your home when you enter H International Business School. Make us proud. Happy birthday, Son!"

Dan's eyes started to well with unshed tears. He is not very close to his father since he was always away, but they are not on bad terms either. He knew that his father is a good provider. He even prepared his place for business school even before he is accepted.

"Dan, the doctors said that he could still hear and understand us. It's just that he cannot move a muscle. They called it locked in syndrome."

Tears fell down his cheeks. He bit his lower lip to suppress his emotions. In between sobs, he asked, "Where's mom?"

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