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Midori took the sleeping Manta directly into his room. Aoi Xiu saw them coming in and had wanted to interrogate her daughter, but seeing her grandson asleep, she chose to wait for Midori to tuck him into bed.

Midori went downstairs and into the kitchen to get herself a glass of cold water. Aoi Xiu followed her.

"How did you find him?" she asked with a worried tone.

Midori almost choke on the water. How could she tell her mom that the guy she was avoiding for years accidentally found Manta?

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"Did something strange happen?" Truth was, Aoi Xiu's intel was fast enough to find out who found Manta. She was just testing waters by asking her own daughter.

"An unknown man reported finding him through customer service." she lied.

Before her mom could inquire further, she put down her glass and started walking.

"Mom, I need to go back to the company. Please take care of Manta for me." She hurriedly went out of the house and in no time, her car sped away.

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Aoi Xiu looked into the spot she was standing in as if in a trance. 'Don't even dare come near her again, Young Master Zhou...or I'll make sure even your mother can't do anything about it.' she thought. She recalled how she picked up her daughter as Midori arrived from her private plane, with disheveled hair, teary face and trembling body. Her quick decision to send her daughter to Country N made it possible for Midori to escape from the hurt. As of now, she hopes that her daughter could handle meeting that terrible man again.

Midori entered her office. After signing some documents, she went to the resting lounge and lied on the bed.

As she closed her eyes, memories came flooding back. The scene wherein there were two people naked on top of each other...the question, "So, was I better than Miss Xiu?" resounded in her head. Recalling his response with a barely audible "Hmmm." from where she was standing made tears fall from her eyes. He cheated on her! And even did it on her birthday!

She cried for a while. Another memory came. She was enrolled in a renowned business school in City T. It was fortunate for her that they accept students in different times of the year. A fair guy with slender body sat next to her as classes begin after politely asking if the seat was taken. She remembered his prominent canine teeth which made his smiling face more adorable. She could clearly recall how he confessed to her, but she hesitated, maintaining their status as friends.

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Then the memory shifted to the recent scene of Dan carrying Manta. She noted that he dropped the contents of his shopping bag onto the floor. It was a pack of maternity sanitary pads.

Midori opened her eyes, sighing. Did his wife just give birth? Was it Rushi? She felt the hurt again. The pain was coming back. She wanted to run away again, but the responsibility kept her where she was.


Dan called his assistant. He felt the need to know if Manta is his child. As the call went through, he paused.

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"Yes, CEO. What can I do for you?" An alert female voice was heard.

"I...uhm...find out where a child named Manta...Xiu...Manta Xiu...uhm, that's right. Find out the school where he goes." He thought Midori might not want him to see the kid again. He recalled her expressions when she saw him.

"Only the school, Sir?" The assistant probed. Usually, the CEO would order thorough investigations on individuals.

"Yes. That would be all." he hung up. He did not want an investigation. He wanted to know everything from Midori's mouth. He was determined to one day find out everything he needs to know.

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