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Dan walked into a room painted with trees and forest animals. He walked towards the white crib and saw a sleeping newborn. He leaned in to stare at the baby more closely. As if sensing him, the baby woke up and started crying.

He tried patting his knees gently while trying to coax him to sleep, with no success.

Inexperienced as he was, Dan gently lifted the baby off the crib and into his arms, treating it carefully like some thin glass that could shatter at any moment.

He was gently and slowly swaying the baby back to sleep, with he himself swaying.

He thought about how he missed out on Manta's milestones--as a newborn, an infant, a toddler. Then his mind asked how Midori endured the years raising the boy alone.

Suddenly, a familiar female voice rang in his ears.

"If you want your own, then you will have to buy more maternity pads in the future." Vanessa let out a chuckle. Her short hair waving as she moved towards her brother.

She expertly took the baby from his arms and cradled it in her embrace.

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When the baby was sleeping again, she motioned for her brother to leave the nursery as she followed closely behind.

Vanessa noted his gloomy expression as they descend the stairs.

"What, you want a baby that badly?" she chuckled.

Dan's expression did not improve. "I had one. I just knew it, but she won't let me see him." he said in a single breath.

"What?! You had a baby?! When? With whom?" She adjusted her stance to intercept his gaze. "Don't tell me you slept with someone while you were wasted in a bar!"

She remembered how her brother had lost it when Midori left him without a word. He drank a lot, to the point that the bars owed him half their sales. He did not report back to the company and his absence in class almost caused him to drop out of school. He was so miserable that he was admitted to a hospital due to malnutrition and dehydration. They even hired a psychiatrist to help him recover. It took them 2 years to bring him back to his feet.

Dan shook his head. "Mi...Midori." he finally said after his minutes of silence. "I had him with her."

"What? No! Stop it! Don't lose yourself again! Did she tell you that she had your baby?! That..." In the end, she could not insult the only woman her brother loved.

"No. She tried really hard to hide it. I just...accidentally knew."

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"Are you sure that the child is yours?" Vanessa was trying to be realistic. It has been so long since the two were together. It was not impossible for Midori to be with another man.


The following day, Director Lu was continuing the taping as scheduled. Suddenly, his assistant whispered into his ear.

"Director Lu, the CEO of ZFC is asking for you. He is at the resting lounge." He was amazed by the director's influence. CEO after CEO were looking for him.

"Mhm." Lu Shaoting nodded in confirmation.

Coincidentally, the scene ended. "Cut!" he said. "Fifteen minutes!" he announced as he strode away with his poker face.

The cast and crew looked at one another. It was peculiar for the director to suddenly give them a break when they had just almost began shooting.

In the resting lounge, Shaoting saw Dan sitting with legs crossed on the sofa. His majestic aura was charming yet dominant. Director Lu nodded at his assistant and he was left alone with CEO Zhou.

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Shaoting sat on the opposite sofa. "What brings you here?" he casually asked.

Dan shot him a stern look. "You've met with her recently, haven't you?"

Shaoting was about to reply but held back. Feigning ignorance on the topic would be useless now.

"What does it have to do with you?" He adjusted his glasses and looked back at Dan.

"Do you know why she left me?" The intonation did not let Shaoting figure out if this was a rhetorical question.

"I just know that if was your fault." Shaoting replied bluntly.

Suddenly, Dan's aura became murderous. He bolted up and grabbed Shaoting's collar.

"I dare you say that again!" His gnashing teeth were full of hatred.

"It's your fault for cheating on her."

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This sentence earned Lu Shaoting a fist on his face.

The assistant director heard the commotion. He hurriedly went in. He saw the director on the floor and the fuming mad CEO.

"Stop it!" He tried his best to control CEO Zhou before he pounces on the director. "CEO Zhou, please calm down." However, it seemed like he was unheard.

"What lie did you tell her?!" Dan was furious. Gone were his smiles and refreshing face, struggling to free himself.

"I did not tell her anything." Shaoting wiped the oozing blood on his lower lip. "She saw it herself."

Dan froze. What is he talking about?!

Seeing his confusion, Shaoting continued, "On her birthday, I and Mei decided to visit. I saw her running from your room crying. When I checked, you were naked on your bed, and another woman was dressing herself up beside you." He pushed himself to stand up. "You cheated on her on her birthday! What nerve do you have to be mad?!"

Dan stopped struggling as his whole world did.

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