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Midori was in a red Aston Martin Rapide S as she called her mother.

"Mom, could you pick up Manta today?"

"Sure. Are you going somewhere?" Aoi Xiu was not shocked, just curious.

"I received an invitation to the birthday celebration of Tang Fang."

"It's a 3-day cruise. So?" Indeed, Aoi Xiu's intel was efficient.

"I need clothes." Midori casually replied.

"Okay. Do you have a date?"

"I'll bring Riley."

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"Oh...Do you want me to get you a date?" Aoi smiled mischievously.

"No need, Mom. It's just a social function to build connections. I don't have to prove anything."

"Suit yourself. Happy shopping!" The call ended.

Upon arrival to the shopping mall, she handed Riley a platinum card.

"Go get 3 sets each of formal wear, casual wear and swimwear. You don't wanna look like a pet, do you?" She raised one of her brows.

Riley was shocked, but quickly regained himself. He took the card.

"I want the car at the mall exit after 4 hours." Then she walked away with her heels clicking.

Riley stared at the card. 'A pet?' He frowned then looked at himself. 'Do I look like a pet?'

In reality, Riley is presentable enough to pass as the date for socialites. However, even with a hefty salary, his wardrobe was simple, mostly in earth colors and he has only a pair of swimming trunks which he had only used once. If he will be going on a luxury cruise, his clothes will look shabby compared to the other guests and he cannot use being an assistant as an excuse. After all, he will be going with the CEO of XCG.

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While Riley was contemplating about his taste in clothes, Midori has already entered a boutique of evening gowns. She took a black velvet trumpet gown off the racks and turned to ask for assistance.

Suddenly, a female voice rang in the shop. "Midori Xiu! Is that really you?"


Meanwhile, Michelle reported back to CEO Zhou.

"CEO, we have started our investigation on Manager Ming." Seeing no change in his neutral expression, she continued. "As for the schedule of CEO Xiu..."

Dan's face suddenly lit up, but not enough to produce a smile. "Hmmm?" He looked up to her from his desk, seeming interested.

For a moment, Michelle was curious by the sudden change in his expression, but she managed to continue her report. "She cancelled her previous engagement for the week. She will be joining the 3-day cruise for the birthday of Chairman Zhang."

"Have you already replied on the RSVP?" His face turned serious.

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"I have sent an apology stating your absence to the event, Sir."

"Send another notice. We will go." Dan leaned back on his chair with glint in his eyes.

"W-we?" Michelle was stunned. She has never been in a cruise before.

"Yes. You and I." Dan looked down on the documents on his desk. Seeing from his peripheral vision that she remained standing in front of him, he added, "Take the rest of the day off and shop for clothes. That'll be all."


Midori went home with shopping bags on both arms.

"Mommy!" Manta ran towards her, then gave her a hug and kiss.

She returned the gesture then asked, "Where's obaachan?"

"She's having tea." His chubby finger pointed towards the family room.

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Midori looked in the direction of his finger and nodded.

"Mommy, are you really going on a cruise for days?"

"Hai, demo...sore wa taikutsu desu*." she playfully whispered to his ears.

Manta giggled and nodded. Then he acted like a grown up, modulating his voice and knocking his fist on his chest. "Don't worry, mommy. I'll take care of Obaachan* and Ojiichan*!"

Midori chuckled. The little guy is such a sweetheart.

"Did you drink your milk?"

"Hai!" He flashed a big smile.

"Very good. Now go upstairs and brush your teeth. No more gadgets. Sleep early." She nodded on the nanny.

"Good night, Mommy!" He kissed her on the cheek, then he skipped away.

Midori handed her bags to her personal maid then she went to find her mother.

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