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Midori fell silent. Before she could answer, the bell rang, indicating the start of afternoon classes. The teacher went in and classes resumed, leaving Dan's question hanging.

In the interval between classes, just before Dan can ask her again, he saw Midori stand and immediately went out, thus hr was still kept hanging for the answer.

Before the start of the last class for the day, Midori went back to her seat.

"Where did you go?" Dan was being impatient for her answer.

"Why are you always so nosy when I go to the restroom? I don't recall having the obligation to tell you these things." Midori's tone was annoyed, but deep within, she is also trying her best to avoid getting flustered in answering his invitation. She acted as if she forgot that he asked her out during lunchtime.

He felt like he was stabbed. He definitely did not have the right to question where she has gone. It would also be too much to expect that she would voluntarily give this information to him especially since it was a trip to the restroom.

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Before he had the time to ask her again, the teacher came in and classes resumed.

This teacher has the tendency to write all about the day's topic on the board first before starting the discussion and everyone knows this.

Dan took the opportunity to write his invitation into sa piece of paper as pass it nonchalantly to his seatmate.

He wrote, "So, what do you say?" He tossed the paper to her.

She glanced at the note, then furrowed her brows.

"About what?" she wrote back then silently placed it on his desk.

"About going out this weekend..." he wrote back.

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She pursed her lips as she wrote, "Just the two of us?" then tossed it back.

The paper did not land properly and dropped in front of his shoes.

Midori's eyes widened on her mistake. She looked at him as if saying, "Don't pick it up!"

They both know that if he tries to pick it up, the movement of his chair will cause a noise loud enough to draw the attention of everyone in class, including the teacher.

Just then, Dan deliberately dropped his pen near the piece of paper. He then proceeded to move his chair to pick it up.

True enough, it caught everyone's attention. The teacher turned around towards the noise.

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Dan was seen picking up his pen off the floor. He looked up to the teacher with an apologetic face.

"Sorry. I just dropped my pen."

The teacher turned his back and continued writing on the board.

Dan excitedly opened the note as he was expecting her answer through the course of the conversation. His heart sank upon reading her clarification.

He looked at her. She pretended to be focused on her note-taking.

Truly, it would seem like a date. However, he was frightened of the implications if he does not handle this properly.

He was afraid she would reject him...afraid to hear-well technically, see since it is in writing-that she would never go out with someone like him. She would be the first girl whom he would ask out. He was always asked out by girls around him, even abroad. He has never pursued a girl before.

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'Wait, am I pursuing her?' He asked himself.

After some thought, he wrote back, "It's just the two of us having lunch together. Why should I invite others too?"

He carefully placed it back on her desk.

She took a peek on the latest reply. She was flabbergasted.

Before she could think of what to write, the teacher began the discussion.

She immediately slipped the piece of paper in her pocket.

Dan pursed his lips, hiding his victorious smile.

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