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Midori walked towards him, carefully carrying the soup. He took the blanket out and laid it under the tree. He sat down slowly then motioned her to sit next to him.

She slowly bent down then handed him the bamboo cup. She also had another cup with bamboo water in it.

He took the soup and took a sip, but abruptly pulled his lips away.

She worriedly looked at him. "Ah, sorry! Was it still too hot?" She exchanged the cup of soup with the one with water.

Dan drank some water, then pursed his lips as to cool them.

She patiently blew over the soup, at times stirring it with her makeshift chopsticks. Then she took a sip. Sensing that it had cooled down a bit, she offered it again.

He tried to take a sip but frowned.

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"Is it still too hot?" She was confused. She thought the temperature was just fine. Then again, she can tolerate steaming hot ramen quite well.

She took another sip on the soup. Before she could swallow it, he suddenly leaned in and kissed her, prying her mouth open to taste the soup.

Her eyes widened in shock. When he pulled back from her face, she frowned and pouted.

Dan smiled, amused by her reaction. "It's delicious." he remarked, as his grin became wider.

Irritated, she pushed the cup towards him, almost spilling its content on his shirt. Then, before he secured the cup in his hands, she had already stridden towards the area where she cooked the food.

He chuckled. He kept staring at her, totally forgetting to drink the soup.

She got back with her own cup of soup and sat beside him.

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He leaned in and saw that her cup was filled with more solid ingredients.

"How come you get to have more shrimp?" He sounded like a child who had been tricked.

Midori looked at him while raising her left brow. "I was not sure if you would have the appetite to eat solids since you're sick, but if you are hungry, there are more soup left. Finish your cup first. I will refill it when you're done." When she stopped speaking, she realized that she was talking to him like she did with Manta. She suddenly missed the boy.

Dan noticed her change of expression. "What's wrong?"

"They must be worried sick about us now." She looked into the now calm ocean.

He knew she misses her family, especially her son. He quietly sipped his soup to allow her thoughts to wander. In no time, he finished the contents of his cup.

Midori noticed this and took it from him. "I'll get you another serving." She smiled gently.

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He continued to stare as she poured the soup from her makeshift pot. He was really glad to be with her. 'If life would be like this, I don't mind being stranded for a couple more days.' He laughed at his own thoughts.

However, this little request from his heart was shattered when afternoon came.

While they were resting together on the blanket under the tree's shade, a motorboat emerged from afar.

Suddenly, familiar voices woke them up from their nap.

"CEO!" Riley and Michelle shouted in chorus.

Earlier that morning, a fisherman happened to notice a liferaft on the isolated island, with some people moving around. When he went back to shore, a couple were asking around, looking for missing persons. He immediately told then what he saw.

The assistants hurriedly went to search where the fisherman saw the liferaft, hoping to find their bosses.

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As their boat came closer to shore, they could fairly see their CEOs. Riley and Michelle delightfully waved towards them.

Dan grunted and squinted his eyes at them. 'These two get to ruin everything everytime.' he thought, quite annoyed.

Midori saw them and her face lit up. She waved back happily as she was glad to be rescued.

"CEO, I'm so glad you're alive!" Riley exclaimed. After being rescued, he managed to contact the Xiu household to relay what happened. He found out that search parties were sent out, others even coming from Country N.

Midori nodded to her assistant. Then she turned to Michelle. "His wound needs its dressing changed. He might also need antibiotics. Make sure he goes to a hospital." She knows that Dan could be stubborn at times.

Michelle gasped. "CEO, you're injured?!" Her face filled with worry.

"Hmmm. It's not much." Dan's face was indifferent, but his eyes were warm as he looked back at Midori who did not show any sign of protest when he held her hand.

When the assistants noticed that the bosses were holding hands while sitting on the boat, they looked at each other, puzzled. Just what happened in the island?

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