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Midori backed away and hurriedly replied, "I...I'll go first!" Then she bolted towards the ensuite bathroom.

Dan chuckled and shook his head. After she slammed the door, he went out of the room.

The bathroom was larger than the one from her bridal preparations. It housed a chandelier atop a seemingly small pool in the middle of the room. There was a shower at the corner with multiple showerheads throwing water from different directions. The toilet had a more advanced bidet while the sink was in a marble finish. There was also a vanity table with a large spotless mirror, complete with lights, equipped with various creams, makeup and other beauty products. The cushioned stool was kept under it.

As she took her dress off, she admired its dainty laces. 'It would have been a shame if it got ripped out.' She sighed in relief then snickered.

She went to the shower first to thoroughly cleanse herself. Then she took a dip in the pool-like tub, pouring some of the provided aromatic oils in.

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She took her time in the bath as it was so relaxing that she almost fell asleep. She dried her hair after putting on a robe. Then she finally stepped into the bedroom.

She saw him on the sofa, reading some documents. He was already in his robe, with his hair looking damp. "You're done with your bath?"

"Hmn." He replied, without looking up.

She walked towards him, then leaned in to check what he was so busy about that he was ignoring his new wife.

As her subtle scent wafted into his nostrils, he finally looked up to her.

Midori looked backat him. "Why? Is this confidential?" She asked pouting.

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He was staring at her, mesmerized, when he heard her question. " It's not much." He let go of the papers and arranged them on the coffee table.

Dan stood up, then he cupped her cheeks.

He was about to lean in for a kiss, when she blurted out, "The night is still young. I wanna explore the lake. Can we?"

He flashed an amused smile. "Sure." he said, then he turned to the closet to put on clothes.


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Black pumps were clicking with the strides on the floor of the meeting room. Aoi Xiu sat at the head of the table.

"You may begin." Her voice was clear. She leaned back on her chair and crossed her fair and smooth legs as she listened intently to the report.

"This is the design of the new model to be released in two months time." The director was showing the features of a new cellular phone through his presentation.

Suddenly, a phone rang. "Igarashi-shachou, Chen sensei ga denwa ni imasu(1)." Her secretary whispered.

Aoi Xiu's face was filled with worry, and the people in the room halted whatever they were doing to look at her.

She took the phone then she looked back at the executives before her. "Kaigi o enki suru(2)."

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Aoi Xiu, known in the Igarashi group still as Igarashi Aoi, the acting president for the headquarters, was known for her dedication and diligence on work. People also know that only one thing precedes over work for her. That was family.

As Aoi Xiu walked briskly to the elevators after taking the call, she turned to her assistant. "Get my plane ready."

"Hai, Sachou."

They exited the building and rushed into a white Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV which sped away to the surprise of the guards.

Aoi Xiu was tremblingly clutching her phone as she boarded her private plane. She had hesitated to answer Dr. Chen's call, afraid to hear that something might have happened to her son. However, at the moment, this was excitement.

Masaichi Xiu is awake!

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