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Midori pressed on her temple while sighing.

"This won't do."

"What did you say?" Dan leaned in again to come closer to her face.

"Too many people." Midori opened the door and walked out.

Dan followed behind, catching up to her in no time.

As his two bosses suddenly emerged from the office and continued towards the elevators, Riley was shocked and was not able to ask for instructions. The poor him really wanted to know if he could also take the rest of the day off.

While they were in the elevator, Dan was composing a message to Michelle Park.

"Tell your boyfriend he could also take the rest of the day off." He sent it upon stepping out of the elevator.

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When Michelle saw a message notification from her boss, she was in the restroom, reapplying her chocolate lipstick. Her brows furrowed and she had a pout. Her boss better not take back his words of letting her off.

As she read the message, her frown became a smile. To her excitement, instead of sending Riley a message, she called him.

"Did my boss kidnap yours just now?"

'Kidnap?' Riley thought it was fumny. "Well, she stormed out of the office first. I don't think he was bringing her somewhere."

"Anyway, my boss just messaged me to tell you that you can also take the rest of the day off."

Riley contemplated on it. 'Is CEO Zhou the one calling the shots now? He tamed the CEO of XCG?' Then he replied, "Got it. Where do you wanna go?"


Midori went all the way down the basement garage. Dan's car was parked at the entrance of the company. This would mean that they were taking his former car.

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"Give me the keys." Dan ordered her.

She clutched the keys to her chest. "Why?" she questioned him like a girl who was asking why a big man wanted her doll.

"I get to drive when you're with me. It's enough that you got my favorite car." His expression was akin to a guy regretting his decision.

Midori reluctantly handed him the keys, then she pouted until she had sat shotgun.

Dan smiled at her and patted her head. "Good girl."

To her surprise, they drove back to the Spanish mansion where they got married in secret.

"We're eating here again?" Her face lit up.

"Hmmm." He nodded.

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This time, he parked the car not on the ramp near the garden, but inside the garage.

"Do they even allow guests to park here? We're not even checking in one of the rooms."

Dan didn't reply. As her door flipped up, he stood just outside, holding out his hand for her.

They entered through a side door which opens into the kitchen.

The kitchen was spacious and tidy. The cream-colored walls complemented the dark wooden window frames. The counters were of the same color as the walls. The bronze sink was shiny and was perpendicular to the suprisingly modern induction cooktop, which was under a large hood with delicate hand painted design. There was a large kitchen island in the middle, with the same wooden cabinets and drawers and a black granite top. A hanging lamp was just above the island.

Midori's face was filled with awe. "Nice kitchen!" Then she looked further into the house. "But where are the staff? Please don't tell me they are close for today." She made her way to the hall where they had their small reception party.

To her shock, the tables and chairs were nowhere to be seen. It had no trace of the restaurant they dined in before. It simply looked like a still-to-be-furnished living room.

"Wha...Where are the tables?!" Midori looked back at Dan filled with worry. To her annoyance, he did not even follow her there.

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Thus, she returned to the kitchen. As she stepped into the curved doorway, she saw him preparing the chopping board and some ingredients atop the kitchen island.

"Hey, hey...wha- what are you doing?! You can't just use their kitchen as you please." She was panicking.

Dan took the knife and chopped a tomato on the wooden board. Then he looked back at her in a challenging way. "Oh, can't I?"

"Why you..! Now you've done it! You better buy this restaurant to excuse your behavior." She rolled her eyes at him.

"What if I did?" He resumed chopping ingredients.

"What did you say?!"

He sighed. "Sit down." He motioned towards the bar stool under the granite top.

She complied. "So, how much is a Spanish restaurant?" She propped her elbow on the granite top and rested her chin on her hand. "Such a shame, I really like their dishes. Now I only got..." She eyed him from his face to his hands on the board and knife. "You." she said pouting.

Dan chuckled. "Sorry for making you endure my cooking for tonight." Then he flashed his pearly whites.

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