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Next day...

Aunty Lan was sizing a young man standing at the foyer. He was wearing a plain white shirt underneath a slim-fit dark gray blazer with black lining, paired with black chino pants. He was wearing a pair of taupe camp mocs with no sign of dirt, as if he did not walk on any form of soil. His dark brown hair was neatly parted and swept to the side with some strands reaching his forehead. Overall, he looks clean and carefree. He does not have flowers or any obvious gifts on him. He keeps his hands in his pockets and keeps a polite smile on his face.

It was 0905H.

Midori's personal maid knocked on her bedroom door. Midori was sitting on a cushioned stool in front of her mirrored vanity table. She always had cosmetic products ready, but she seldom uses them. The last time was during an unexpected gathering for a business tycoon. That time, there was not enough time to get their makeup artist to come so she had to do her own. This time, she does not want to overdo it so she searched online how to do a natural look. Luckily, no pimple breakouts are evident on her face at this time. Still, she has a thin layer of foundation on, with little work on her brows, a bit of blush and barely discernable eyeshadow. She lastly applied a pinkish nude shade of lipstick on her lips, which she decided to keep in her small bag for possible retouch later.

Upon hearing the knock, she stood up, walked and opened the door normally. Her maid made an 'o' figure with her mouth upon seeing her young mistress.

First of all, her mistress seldom go out on weekends, unless it was with family. Second, the little amount of time that she did with friends, she would dress casually, wearing a blouse and jeans. Lastly, she never went out on a date!

Midori was wearing an off-white, boat-neck, A-line, knee-length, georgette dress, slimmed at the waist by a rose gold braided cord ribbon, with rose gold leaves and flowers seemingly blooming up from the hem of the skirt. She paired it with white modified mary janes with rose gold T-strap and buckle. Her hair was tied in a tight ponytail, her black wavy locks dangling with her movements. She secured her side fringe with 2 rose gold hair pins. Completing the look were rose gold climber earrings with vine leaves design and diamonds and a white wristwatch with rose gold framed face.

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She descended the stairs looking down on the neat-looking boy at the foyer.

Seeing her, Dan felt like everything but her froze.

'Hey, this isn't a date! Is it?!' He was trying to ask himself.

He can hear his own fast and loud heartbeat.

He tried to breathe deeply to calm himself to no avail.

He almost choked on his own saliva when Midori was then standing in front of him.

She flashed him a natural smile. "Let's go?"

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Dan coughed slightly and nodded. He saw a middle aged woman looking at them. He also nodded towards her as if to bid farewell.

Midori noticed this and waved towards Aunty Lan. "Aunty Lan, we'll be going now."

Xiu Lan smiled and waved back to their retreating figure.

Dan opened the back passenger door for her then he sat on the opposite side.

"Let's go." Dan told the driver.

The moonlight blue metallic Porsche Cayenne pulled out of the residential area and moved towards the main road.

It will take them about half an hour to arrive at their destination.

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Dan tried to break the icy silence in the car.

He cleared his throat. "You look...different today." He had the urge to say 'beautiful' but decided against it before it left his mouth. It might become too awkward if he suddenly say something shameless.

Midori glanced at him. "You don't look too shabby either." Her words were uttered nonchalantly. However, deep inside, she was suppressing her thoughts for it might reveal a smile ready to squeal.

Dan let out a chuckle. He stared at Midori intently. He might deny it all he wants, but he is definitely falling for her. Actually, even if she was wearing a shirt and jeans with sneakers, he would have still fallen hard.

Midori was looking out the window, then she turned to him. "So, where are we going?"

Dan had the corners of his lips to curve upwards. "'ll see."

Midori squinted her eyes at him and had a hint of a pout.

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Dan laughed a little. As he looks at her more, he was enticed by her lips.

She had well-defined thin upper lip and plump lower lip, making them look kissable together.

Dan leaned his body towards hers, not breaking their stares.

Midori was scared. She did not know how to respond. Should she close her eyes? Wait, what?! Why would she close her eyes?! It would mean that she's anticipating a kiss! She was frozen on her spot but she kept staring unto his hazel eyes.

Dan's lips were half an inch from hers when the car stopped. The driver did not make a sound. But the change in the car's movement retrieved them from their little moment.

Dan cleared his throat and moved away from Midori. "We're here."

He opened his side door and got out.

As Midori was about to open her side door, Dan beat her to it with a polite smile.

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