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"Midori, where are you going?" Masaichi was reading documents when she had just descended the stairs.

"Going out with my friends." she answered nonchalantly.

"Is it Mei?" He was testing how far she was willing to cover up.

"Uh-huh..." She fixed her collar as she looked back at the large mirror.

"Director Lu still allows her to go out with friends at night when she's in her last trimester?" He raised a brow and observed her reaction.

"We're eating out, not bar hopping." She did not look back at her brother and hurriedly went out before she is forced to make up another lie.

Masaichi glared and stared at her retreating back. Was it not enough? She is still going out with that guy, even telling lies now.

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She should know better. If she continued playing this game with a cheater, she will get hurt again. He cannot allow that!

He tapped on his phone and made an overseas call.


"Hi, Sweetheart. Ready to take over?"

"Until when will Dad stay there?" He wanted to tread carefully before revealing the bad news.

"Tsk. Your old man is like a leech! What a pain in the as*! He interrupts even when I was doing business with the clan!" Aoi Xiu's voice was raised, causing her son to distance the phone from his ear.

"Send him back if you can't deal with him." He nonchalantly replied.

"Masa-kun...I'm your mother. I know you. You didn't call just to listen to our bickerings. Say what you want to tell." Aoi Xiu reverted to her gentle voice.

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"Okaasan, it's about Imouto-chan..."


"Are you sure you don't want me to send you to the airport?"

The couple was cuddling on a woven rattan chair overlooking the backyard infinity pool with a view of the lake.

"Nah...Niisan would probably be there."

Dan held his wife tighter. "I will miss you so much."

"It's your idea." She looked at him, as if telling that it was his fault.

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"Also, we have yet to confirm your pregnancy." He caressed her lower abdomen.

"Why did you not buy another kit then?"

"You want another point-of-care test kit manufacturing company to go down in a day?" He looked serious and at the same time proud. He was really irritated of the inconclusive result that he ordered people to take down the manufacturer of the test kit. His people found out that it had other products which lack quality control. It was a piece of cake to shut it down.

Midori frowned, then pouted. She knew that her husband is a powerful figure in business. When she read the kit, she did not put much attention to details other than the instructions. However, when she saw the news, she recognized the company logo and had the idea that it was too soon to be a coincidence.

He knew she would figure it out even without directly telling her. This matter is very important to him. There should be no room for mistakes.

As to why they had yet to visit the doctor? Well, for one, the engagement happened. It was difficult for them if people caught them together in an obstetrics clinic. Also, she had been really busy with the transition. Her brother is also a good observer. It was really hard to sneak out.

Nevertheless, since she was going to Country N the following day, they made time to be with each other for the night.

"Darling, should we..." Dan had a suggestive smile.

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She frowned. "What if there's a..."

Her lips were sealed with his and the words she was about to speak were flooded with other thoughts and sensations.

"I'm really hoping that there is, but just in case..." He slid his arms to hold her and carried her like a princess into the house, straight to their room.

"But I might get stressed in City T. If I'm pregnant, I..."

"When you get pregnant, I'll face your mother." He seriously cut her off. He also changed the 'if' to a when, being certain that he could get her pregnant, and that it will only be a matter of time.

"Are you sure? My mother is a bigger boss in City T." She giggled.

"If I get killed, remember that I love you." He gave her a peck and he flashed his smile.

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