Chapter 44 – Cannot cease being so polite

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The one that arrived was Ling Tao, Ling Zhan’s third brother.

Ling Tao walked firmly into the living room and took a long look around the room. His brow furrowed: “Where are big sister and the boy?”

Meng Xi Yun asked tensely: “What are you finding the boy for? He’s training behind the mountain.”

“Aye, the boy has caused such catastrophe this time. Currently the head of Li and Lan family are at the inner court requiring our head to give explanation. They insist on having Ling boy to pay with his life.” Ling Tao’s expression was harsh.

“What!” Meng Xi Yun was truly terrified.

“Big sister, do not worry. The boy is the Grand Superior elder’s disciple so the old man would surely not allow him to face any harm. But first, we must find somewhere for the boy to avoid the ruckus.” Ling Tao said casually.

“What did you say? What trouble has the boy caused?” Ling Zhan asked while walking from outside the room.

Ling Tao quickly informed Ling Zhan clearly the situation.

“Yu Xi, go and call young master back.” After hearing so, Ling Zhan immediately sent Bai Yu Xi.

“I can’t. We cannot tell the boy to come back and sacrifice his life.” Meng Xi Yun immediate pulled Bai Yu Xi back while she glared at Ling Zhan.

“What do you know. How can our Ling family be afraid of Li and Lan family, while even the Grand Superior elder would definitely stand by the boy. I want the boy back so that he could stand in front of the family head to explain things clearly. I also don’t believe that the head would not protect the boy.” Ling Zhan said angrily.

After listening to Ling Zhan, Meng Xi Yun contemplated for a while before she said firmly: “No matter what, I won’t let the boy walk into danger unless I’m dead”.

“Big brother, I still feel that we should not let the boy go to the inner court.” Ling Tao was advising.

Ling Zhan used his confused eyes to look at Ling Tao.

Ling Tao expressed his anger: “The second and fifth elder were very supportive of giving the boy to Li and Lan family.”

“Hmm, them again.” Ling Zhan squinted his eyes very irritably.

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In an instance, the whole room fell into silence.

At this moment, a servant hurriedly ran from outside the room to inform: “Master, there are two deacons looking for Ling Xiao young master”.

Ling Zhan frowned as he walked outside. Everyone behind was also following him.

The ones arrived were two middle-aged men dressed in cyan tunics: one tall and thin with eyes sharp like eagles, high cheekbones, and he looked extremely cool; the other one was a bit shorter and more plumpy and seemed to wear on his face a grave smile – he wore a huge Demon-Killing broadsword with size opposing his body.

“What is Ling Chong coming to our place for?” Ling Zhan looked at the cold thin guy as he spoke.

This man was Ling Chong, son of the fifth elder and father of Ling Rui – also known as the general manager and finance manager of the Ling family. He was an advanced level Xuan warrior and was one of those chosen as the head successor along with Ling Zhan. However, since he was young, he didn’t get along well with Ling Zhan and was always suppressed by Ling Zhan. Later on, as Ling Zhan’s bloodline was banished, he secretly sent people to cause quite a lot of difficulties for Ling Zhan’s family.

Ling Chong smiled gently and then said sadly: “I’ve come to pick up Ling Xiao back to the inner court, so please all of you step away.” In his mind he guessed “Ling Zhan now could be able to practice cultivating qi once again?”. As he glanced through, he could see that Ling Zhan was already low-level Xuan warrior.

“I don’t know what wrong has our boy caused, that even bothered even the manager like you to come for him?” Ling Zhan smiled faintly. Everyone knew that they could not get along. Even though his ability might not be the same as before, he also did not let Ling Chong have the advantage while speaking.

What Ling Zhan meant was that the guy was in fact a finance manager yet then he had also come to manage about punishment.

In fact, the chubby guy next to Ling Chong was the real deacon Ling Tang, in charge of punishment from the fourth elder Ling Wei.

“Hmm, I’m here to support Ling Tang to find Ling Xiao. Please quickly call him out as we must hurry back the inner court to inform of the law-abiding situation here.” Ling Chong growled unhappily.

Then, Ling Tang started to say: “Yes, Ling Chong manager and I were at the same place at the same time, so we traveled together. Now please help us call Ling Xiao out.”

Ling Zhan glanced through just to realize they were both the same. He also knew that stalling for more time couldn’t solve anything so he said: “The Grand Superior elder had told him to go practice at the moment; If you wish, you may go to see for yourself.

Ling Zhan had even given the name of the Grand Superior elder out, with its meaning so clearly expressed.

Obviously, both Ling Chong and Ling Tang appeared extremely suffered.

Eventually, Ling Tang said “Ling Zhan, don’t make it hard for us. We have also taken orders from the elders to come here asking Ling Xiao to come back. So I urge you to call him to return.”

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“Haha you deacon, your words get serious. Didn’t I tell you that unfilial son of mine is behind the mountain? If you would like to find him then go, I won’t stop you.” Ling Zhan smiled faintly.

At this time, Ling Tao pretentiously reminded: “The location behind the mountain is the place where Grand Superior elder practices.”

Then, Ling Chong and Ling Tang’s expression turned pale.

Those words “Grand Superior elder” at either Jiangxi City or Ling family could repress anything. Who could help it that Grand Superior elder was still the most powerful of Jiangxi City; his strength was so powerful that it made no one dare to casually provoke him.

“Let’s walk toward the mountain. I believe that Grand Superior elder would understand the situation.” Ling Chong patted Ling Tang to say reluctantly. His glance stopped on Ling Zhan’s body and couldn’t hide its sharp and ferocity in them.

“Zhan darling…” Upon hearing Ling Chong, Meng Xi Yun pulled on Ling Zhan’s sleeve nervously.

Ling Zhan looked past his wife as he patted the back of her hand: “No need to be nervous, we have the Grand Superior elder here. Nothing will happen to the boy.”

Right at the moment Ling Chong and Ling Tang turned on their way, Ling Chong stopped and asked casually: “Who here is Ling Xiao’s handmaid?”

Bai Yu Xi spoke out without thinking: “It’s me.” Ling Xiao had been so dearly ingrained in her heart so she considered being Ling Xiao’s handmaid an honor. Thus when Ling Chong asked, she responded right away.

“Yu Xi, don’t talk nonsense. You’re our stepdaughter.” Ling Zhan shouted lightly.

Ling Chong’s face broke out a smile: “Deacon Tang, take her back as well. Didn’t you hear all the elders request to bring back even those involved with him.” Ling Chong felt so glad. As Ling Xiao could kill people from both the Lan and Li family for this woman, thus he believe the boy could get out from the back of the mountain for her too.

Ling Chong had calculated well. His move could be called “Force snakes out of its cave!”

“She’s my stepdaughter; who dares to touch her would be messing with me, Ling Zhan.” Ling Zhan naturally could guess Ling Chong’s intention thus he took his stance.

“Ling Zhan, so you’re not obeying the elders’ decision.” Ling Chong yelled loudly towards Ling Zhan.

Ling Zhan said unyieldingly: “If you’ve enough guts, then bring out the patriarch of the head or fourth elder, otherwise I won’t let Yu Xi come with you.”

“Clearly you do not want to give up. We are both here under order from the head, so if you still want to hinder us, don’t blame us for not being polite.” Ling Chong said coldly.

“Come on, who’s afraid of who!” Ling Tao nearby was always the type preferred the softness rather than tough. Yet upon hearing Ling Chong wanted to make a move, his long spear immediately turned in hand.

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Ling Chong didn’t wait long, a long sword curved like rainbow flew from his back.

This time, Ling Tang quickly reconciled: “Please all refrain from taking things out. If there is anything, just say it out.”

Ling Tang, though he had a close relationship with Ling Chong, it wasn’t easy for him to turn his back from Ling Zhan and Ling Tao. After all, the latter was the son of the head, and currently they had the Grand Superior elder backing them, thus for a hundred times he didn’t dare to cause trouble to the Superior elder.

Ling Chong had risked everything. This time it was the best chance to eliminate Ling Xiao and at the same time, the chance to provoke a party of the head. Basically he didn’t take notice of Ling Tang’s words, and he certainly would force Ling Xiao to appear. As he yelled out, he carried out his move.

“Anyone who’d want to fight for win or loss in front of my house is really without any quality!” A lazy voice came from behind everyone.

It was no doubt Ling Xiao, and behind him there was the one-eye Solitary Eagle.

Yesterday after he had killed people and returned to the back of the mountain, he didn’t resume cultivating but chose to rest in silence for half a day. At first, he meditated half a day to restore his qi, then in the evening, he immersed himself in the bathtub to absorb the herb’s power.

After a night, Ling Xiao had restored almost fully.

He had killed people from Li and Lan family, with the belief that none of these houses would leave him alone. Thus he soon let Solitary Eagle go around to collect news.

Hence, the news about people of both Li and Lan family was coming from Solitary Eagle.

Ling Xiao didn’t want to cause trouble for his parents, and he didn’t even feel afraid of both families coming to cause trouble. Thus, he now took the initiative to appear.

“Ling Xiao master!” Luo Qing Shuang and Bai Yu Xi both cried in surprise.

“Ah little plump lady, how come you are here?” Ling Xiao was quite startled seeing Luo Qing Shuang with such pretty makeup.

“You… You bastard!” Luo Qing Shuang stomped her feet angrily. She didn’t understand why every time this guy provoked her until she felt so itchy. However, she also didn’t know why there was a sweet feeling born from inside her.

“Did you miss me? I’ve already said that by becoming a servant beside me, you would be able to see me everyday. Really.” Ling Xiao couldn’t help teasing her.

In his eyes, Luo Qing Shuang and Bai Yu Xi were both rare beauties: one tough and one gentle, while both were easy on the eyes.

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“Humph, you could still laugh like that while already sinking deep in trouble.” Luo Qing Shuang’s face was red with discouragement as she reminded Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao just smiled as his eyes fell on Ling Chong and Ling Tang who were staring at him.

“Oh, isn’t this the general manager? Why are you causing commotion in front of my house, is it because my father does not invite you in for tea? Father, anyone that arrives is also a guest, you cannot just be impolite like this.” Ling Xiao changed into a funny look while he said cynically at Ling Chong.

“Puff!” Luo Qing Shuang couldn’t help it and laughed out first, then she used her lovely hand to cover her mouth.

Ling Chong seemed wanting to say something, yet Ling Tang got in: “Ling Xiao, all the elders want to invite you to the inner court, so let’s quickly be on the way and we shouldn’t let them wait for too long.”

Ling Tang sighed with relief since it would be best for Ling Xiao to appear by himself.

“Boy, you shouldn’t go!” Ling Xiao hadn’t responded before Meng Xi Yun immediately took the place.

Ling Xiao didn’t pay much attention to the words of his mother, but he contemplated as he looked at Ling Tang and Ling Chong: “Ah, so the elders sent an invitation. I’ve already told you that coming to my house for tea this early in the morning is not possible; all the more, my house does not have that much tea to serve you like that.”

“Stop taking nonsense, quickly follow us!” Ling Chong irritatedly commanded upon hearing such cynical voice from Ling Xiao.

“Haha, if I just go as you wish, wouldn’t I just lose my face.” Ling Xiao spread his hands as he smiled.

“You want to go against the elders’ order?” Ling Chong said coldly.

Ling Xiao paid no attention to Ling Chong but turned t Ling Tang “Ling Tang deacon, so the elders sent for me?”

Ling Tang nodded: “Yes, it’s true. Quickly follow me.”

“Sure, if Ling Tang deacon truly wishes so, I would just try to come with you then.” Ling Xiao appeared very reluctant.

These words from Ling Xiao made Ling Chong so angry that he couldn’t stab him dead with his sword! This was clearly making him lose face in front of everyone.


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