The next day, after the Darkness God Corps had returned after completing their mission, Yuusuke was given permission to use his remaining vacation days, thus he decided to bring Sun back to Rufk Village. This time, due to his achievements at Paula, the King’s entourage and bureaucrats were deliberating on what reward should be given to Yuusuke.

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Should they give him a formal identity as a noble of Fonclanc? Or to fix him a place like a mansion in the noble district? Then, a problem had occurred during the deliberating, as there were reports from the local administrator about the appearance of the Gazzetta army in the villages of the [Artless] within the territory.


Due to the rumors about the Civil war in Paula, there was an unnatural amount of missing information about Gazzetta, which was enough to cause a problem.


“Well then, I will see you guys in around 3 days time.”(Yuusuke)

“Thanks for your work, Captain.”

“Take care of yourself along the way.”

“It’s okay to come again and play with me, Sun.”(Violet)


Violet and Yuusuke’s underlings were sending them off as Yuusuke and Sun boarded the carriage from the palace that was headed towards Rufk Village.


“Come to think of it, this is the first time I had a ride in a carriage with only Mr.Yuusuke.”(Sun)

“Seems like it. Anyways, aren’t you tired from Violet abusing her power?”(Yuusuke)


“No, it was very fun.”(Sun)

“I see.”(Yuusuke)


They began leisurely chatting about what happened, along the highway. Sun began summarizing the events that happened in the 6 days of her stay in the palace. Eating together, playing cards together, happily chatting till late at night which was followed by sleeping together.


In order to draw the attention of Violet, the fiance candidates who could not display their gentleman face to Violet had treated Sun cruelly, causing Violet’s mood to turn sour, as their “gentlemanly” actions were just superficial in order to come in contact with Violet.


“Yeah, that reminds me that the fiance candidates other than Hivodir didn’t show their faces around Violet.”(Sun)

“In any case, Hivodir, in order to become the center of the fiance candidates, restrained himself from getting friends…”(Yuusuke)


As there wasn’t a chance to appeal frequently to Violet, they had to spend their time quietly. When the Darkness God Corps had headed towards Deernook Fortress, both Yuusuke and Hivodir were absent and that provided them with a chance, thus they aggressively tried to self appeal to her.


“Have you gotten used to the Divine art users?”(Yuusuke)

“....still, a little scared…...but not as bad as last time.”(Sun)

“I see.”(Yuusuke)

“Ah, Do you know, Mr Yuusuke is like a teacher, as long as you are near there is a peace of mind?”(Sun)


And in that rhythm, they had steadily advanced on the highway, arriving at the Village around mid afternoon.

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“SUN! YUUSUKE!”(Bahana)

“Aunt Bahana, we’re back.”(Sun)

You aren’t in a rush for something are you?”(Yuusuke)


After entering the village, the carriage stopped in front of Zeshald’s house, and out of nowhere the restless figure of Bahana had appeared. A group of villagers, including the officer from the harvest festival, came up to us too.


“Thank god, you guys have really come back….you both came back safely.”(Bahana)


Yuusuke and Sun had a stunt look on their face, as they began asking the reason why Bahana and the villagers were relieved. Just a few days ago, on the day when Yuusuke was fighting at Paula, a group of [Artless] warriors came to the village claiming to be Gazzetta’s army and were looking for Sun.


After hearing that Sun was being summoned to the palace in Sanc Adiet, they began discussing amongst themselves, “they are one step ahead of us~” and “Don’t tell me they have the ability to predict the future~”, as they resigned due to the fact that they could not kidnap someone who wasn’t here and they then had  a wind art user to report to someone.


“Those who are dissatisfied with the current circumstances of living in this country, you can come with us to Gazzetta.”(Gazzetta guerilla)


After regrouping, they went to the village square and gathered the villagers, saying that their original purpose was to call out to all those who would like to seek refuge in Gazzetta.


However, in Rufk Village there was no divine art user controlling the area as Zeshald who was originally a Divine art user, had lived together alongside with the villagers. Thus, there wasn’t any tax collection, and there was Yuusuke, who recently became an officer under the conditions of favorable treatment which had improved the overall environment. Thus, there was almost no discontent from the villagers.


There were several people who were accosted to accept their proposal and had responded by following them. Also in the other villages, it seemed that a messenger claiming to be from Gazzetta’s army had visited and mingled with the neighbouring villages in the same way.


As Yuusuke had not heard about it in the palace, he thought that the only possibility was that King Esvobus was placing a gag order on this issue.


“I wonder if it is because of the protection ordinance after all.”


By the way, the ones who had joined the corresponder out of the villagers included Thalys. After the incident during the Harvest festival, he became docile around the village and had wanted a change in environment.


It seems like the terms for joining the Gazzetta army were to become the subordinates of the divine arts users.


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Yuusuke began to grasp the meaning of the parting words of Shinha. At the same time, he realised that Sun would be targeted in the future. From Hivodir’s analysis of Shinha’s behaviour, he felt that Shinha would do anything to get him to come to Gazzetta.


“I hope that he doesn’t use such overbearing methods.”(Yuusuke)


According to the contents of Gazzetta’s national policy, it is difficult to view them as a goodwill ambassador.


Gazzetta simply aims for the revival and prosperity of the white clan empire. In order for them to make it real, they had to collapse the divine arts user society and destroy the world in which the divine arts user dominate. But ~~


~ A deeper insight ~


This world has a Raison d’etre of it’s own. The knowledge of the evil god. In a sense it’s a kind of clue, and I might consider to go to the village of the white clan, which Shinha had talked about. But for the time being, Yuusuke decided to wait for Zeshald to come back and discuss with him about Gazzetta, Sun and the evil god.




In a room of the council halls, as Zeshald “handed” the sacred treasure to Risha, she showed a half relieved and half puzzled expression. After completing the takeover procedures, Zeshald visited her to return the sacred treasure and to retire from being an entourage, in order to return home to Fonclanc.


“Your Majesty from now on will face a lot of difficulties, this sacred treasure might serve some help to you.”(Zeshald)

“Really, is it really alright? And….”(Risha)


Zeshald had first declared that he will return home once things have settled down, on the contrary, Risha felt jealous in her heart. Prior to the meeting which will be conducted at Deernook fortress at a later date, she had to prepare to be confronted with whatever request that will come from King Esvobus.


“There isn’t a need to worry, Fonclanc neither wants the destruction of Blue Garden nor to turn it into a puppet.”(Zeshald)

“Nevertheless, I will never introduce the caste system into this country, understand?”(Risha)


It is a fact that Izapnar had strongly provoked Fonclanc to abolished its ranking system, now it might happen in the reverse, coming back towards Blue Garden as a demand. Considering the history of the number of damages that were inflicted, they might be forced into situation to inevitably compromise.


“In the talks, you will not be pressured into the ranking system, at any rate this king isn’t an ambitious person, he just wishes to be good allies. For example, if Blue Garden were to have plans to increase their power, he would sit there and do nothing about it, that’s the kind of person he is.”(Zeshald)


Zeshald laughed out loud while saying so in order to lighten the mood which had stiffened. Risha began showing a blatant expression of relief while her 2 ladies-in-waiting showed signs of anxiousness,.


“Well, isn’t it good to have this kind of king around? Such antithesis Kings exist as well.”(Zeshald)


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As the topic changed and turned towards the King of Gazzetta, Shinha, Risha’s facial expression immediately stiffened again. The world, which Shinha wanted to create, is one where the relationship of the Divine art users and the [Artless] were reversed. The might of Gazzetta is currently unknown, but they have enough power for people to discern that they have forces to bring into a battlefield.


“Someday~~there might come a day where you and him will have to decide….”

“What, I don’t think it would be that pessimistic?”


At the very least, despite his ambitious realization to power and presence, right now he is striving for peace. Zeshald also explained, that unexpectedly he might be convinced into coexistence and co-prosperity. Also he did not want to extend into the details regarding the Evil god.


“I hope to paint the best outcome, which will not neglect the day to day efforts that was placed.”(Zeshald)

Different ideologies of working hand in hand together, as it isn’t wrong to follow an Ideal that isn’t the same. Zeshald left these words to the queen as he walked out of the audience room.




After coming out into the hallway of the central block, as Zeshald was walking towards the exit of the council halls, he stopped as he felt a familiar divine arts wave. He felt a sign of life from the Supreme leader’s office, which should have been empty right now.


The dark office which lights have went out. A flag of Blue Garden hanging in the back wall, and the big office desk right in front of it. An Isolated shadowy figure could be seen standing in front of the desk, as Zeshald called out to it.


“What are you looking for over there?”(Zeshald)



The lady who should have been imprisoned in an accommodation facility in another location, slowly turned around and looked back.


“Izapnar and Volmes is no longer here you know?”(Zeshald)



Belushya hung her head down in silence. As she came here to report her failure in her mission and the person to report to wasn’t here anymore. She had lost her place, as the organization is gone.


“.....I have lost my place to return to.”(Belushya)



Zeshald took the hand of Belushya who was standing alone in the unmanned office and he headed towards the audience room which he had just left. Right now, Risha should still be there. The moment Zeshald touched her hand, Belushya’s body trembled in surprise, as she was being docily dragged along.


“It seems like you got back the senses of your body. Now I’ll give you another choice.”(Reshald)

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It’s been a long time since Belushya had remember the warmth feeling of someone’s hand. She hoped that this feeling would continue forever.




At the entrance of the Council hall, Zeshald met face to face with his disciple.

“Ah, Instructor Zeshald”(Plausha)

“Oh, Plausha.”(Zeshald)


Her previous dark expression had disappeared and now her natural clear and bright look could be seen. It seems that since the time she had a talk with Yuusuke on top of the Great Wall after the subjugation of the council house, she was able to finally organize her feelings.


“Are you returning to your home country now?”(Plausha)

“Hmm, to stop in the middle of my teaching, I’m sorry.”(Zeshald)

“No, Instructor’s teachings are very helpful.”(Plausha)


And at that rate, they slowly walked up towards the carriage stand of Paula, where they finally said their goodbyes.


“If you are coming back to Paula, please visit me.”(Plausha)
“Hohoho, If you’re passing by Fonclanc, come visit me in the village that I live in.”(Zeshald)

“Yes, at that time, please take care of me.”(Plausha)


Plausha readily answered Zeshald’s question with exact meaning to his words. From now on, whether the policies of Queen Risha might cause a negative impact on Blue Garden is unknown, but one will expect a huge change in the things to come.


Izapnar classified the [Artless] as demi-humans, placing them as an existence that is to be absolutely oppressed by the system, as there were countries dominated by abilities users who forced them into manual labour in order to reduce the resentment of its people and to divert the dissatisfaction.


Those who understand the efficiency of the meritocracy system and could make use of it will obtain a productivity and national power comparable to major countries.


From now on, the manual labour force obligation might ease up, there will also be an expected increase in commoner divine art user refugees. The change in treatment towards the [Artless], that which is different from the 4 great gods faith, will be expected to become popular through exchanges with other countries.


“Well then, stay healthy.”(Zeshald)

“Yes, Instructor take care of yourself too.”(Plausha)

Thus, the top-secret mission that was secretly entrusted over the years to Zeshald by King Esvobus, was finally completed.

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