After officially announcing Sorzak’s addition to the Darkness god corps, rumors of the Darkness god corps captain scouting civilians were spread across the palace and the city.

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Due to the influence of the rumors, Yuusuke abstains himself from going to the city, in order to curb this obstacle towards his mission, which was listening to the voice of the commoners, Violet’s next plan was to let him take a break from patrolling for the time being.


“Hmmm, to combine the gears and the shifting of the gear…..this is pretty interesting.”


5 days after the commotion subsided, Yuusuke visited Sorzak’s shop with a prototype of a simple gear box. Yuusuke isn’t really familiar with the full structure of this special machine, he only knows to the extend of a plastic model of a radio controlled car.


“For some reason after combining the items, the rotation became reverse, I do not know why it’s like this.”(Yuusuke)

“Affirmative, I will start researching it.”(Sorzak)


Sorzak is an accessories maker and he was deeply interested in the experimental product which Yuusuke had made, thus he was very willing to collaborate in the development of the motion power of the mechanism. As Sorzak’s purification technique resulted in high quality material, Yuusuke instructed him on the concept of making the form, thus Sorzak began to carry out a series of Research & Development to reproduce it.


As there wasn’t any problem gathering the required materials, Yuusuke and Sorzak only had to make the parts based on the image. They began to research day and night on this “mysterious power” which made the experimental motor move permanently, and had no hindrances since they were in an environment that allowed them to research as much as they wanted.

“My final aim is to make a motor which has the same speed of a soldier carriage.”

“OOhh, that’s incredible! It’s a really innovative idea.”


With Yuusuke’s plans of the development of a new kind of vehicle, Sorzak became greatly enthusiastic about it, due to his hobby of researching the unknown.




In the corners of the commoner district, the [Artless] cleaner groups could be seen moving around with their cleaning equipment. The supervisors whose responsibilities were to lead them, also have been observing the state of the inhabitants in the city. This was due to the recent raiding events which had occurred in the [Artless] villages.


People who own villages of artless within the territories of Fonclanc were not limited to palace officials, there was also the general public, thus the flow of information could not be suppressed. The story about Gazzetta’s army raiding an artless village was being spread around, as the recent events of Paula’s warfare was widely known, the citizens all began to reprimand Gazzetta.


There was no suspicion amongst the artless within the territories. It was because of the long term stable relationship with actual skilled artless warriors, although it seems that the overall excellent physical ability of the artless against the divine art users was not known, thus the sense of crisis was slim.


After exiting Sorzak’s store, Yuusuke went to check on the Artless cleaning groups before heading towards the stalls in the marketplace. As it was about time to give a new set of rings to the other royal knights, thus he came to purchase the appropriate rings.


Yet again, he began to restock materials in large quantities, in anycase he could just make shopping a part of his duties during patrolling. He also became familiar with the clerk as he always buys new stuff here every time.


After getting a certain degree of understanding of the market, there was certain advantages like the price and procurement of these goods.


“ah? Isotta, you’re off duty today?”(Yuusuke)

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After purchasing cheap rings as the base material, Yuusuke was scanning around the other stalls, when he spotted Isotta in her home clothes amongst the crowd. She seems to be stocking up on large amounts of food, as she waddled across the street holding a big basket. Her behaviour seemed very hazardous.



“YES? ~ ! Cap, Captain!”


Isotta who seemed to be in her absent minded mode, began to panic as soon as she heard Yuusuke’s voice. And then, without further ado, she began to entirely explain about her luggage even though Yuusuke hadn’t asked her.


“Jus~Just a little shopping, it is, this is, food necessity!”(Isotta)

“I, I see…… Erm….. it seems heavy, let me help you carry to your house?”(Yuusuke)


“Eh! Noo, It’s~It’s fine!”(Isotta)


Looking at Isotta’s plain frankness and nervous reaction as she waddled backwards, Yuusuke began to stare and approach her intensively. Moving backwards while stuttering, Isotta was eventually cornered to a wall of the alley.


As she no longer could back up due to the wall, she tried shifting her body side ways, but Yuusuke placed his hand on the wall to stop any chances of escaping and he began to approach her green diverting eyes with his face --

(TL note: KABE-DON! Really seriously. Seems like we can’t avoid that here too.)




“’s weird?”(Yuusuke)



“What are you being so panicky about?”, as Yuusuke pressed the question onto her, while his voice was mixed with the bustling noises of the street vendors from the market behind him.


( ´д)ヒソ(´д`)ヒソ(д` )* …. -- ara, isn’t this the darkness god corps captain -- why is he coaxing such a little girl? -- no, it seems like that child is related to the darkness god corps -- eh, then she is a underling -- come to think of it, it seems that Princess Violet’s hand was being propose -- I wonder who the hero prefers -- but then again it seems that they were all small kids -- ……   ( ´д)ヒソ(´д`)ヒソ(д` )


“THAT’s NOT IT!”(Yuusuke)


Hearing the comments of the citizens at the market that were directed at him, he turned towards them and shouted. Then, he grabbed half of Isotta’s luggage, and grabbed her hand to pull her away from the alley.





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The orange dusk light began to dye the streets of the artless as these 2 people walked along it. Bit by bit, they were approaching Isotta’s home while chatting amongst themselves. Because of the overly happy-go-lucky attitude of Yuusuke, Isotta confessed about why she was so timid.


“Really, there won’t be any problem….? My dad and my mum…. they are already rather old.”(Isotta)

“There’s no need to worry about that guy so much, I don’t think he would stoop so low and suddenly take hostages.”(Yuusuke)


While listening to her, Yuusuke arrived at the doorsteps of Isotta’s home where he previously visited. Yuusuke encouraged her as she began to show an uneasy look on her face.


“Mom, I am home~”(Isotta)

“Sorry to bother.”(Yuusuke)


“Welcome home Isotta, that was quick.”(Isotta’s mum)

“Welcome, Oh? Isn’t it the captain from before?”(Isotta’s dad)


As they walked through the cloth door entrance, they were greeted by Isotta’s parents. As Yuusuke placed the luggage that he was carrying on the floor, he saw a large sword that was placed at the back of the room leaning on the wall and a person relaxing--


“Take this Shinha!”

“Oh Yuusuke”


An attempted fist swing towards him, but missed terribly.


“Don’t Yuusuke me. What are you doing here?”(Yuusuke)

“Gathering intel. As usual this country is easy to sneak in and out.”(Shinha)


Leisurely avoiding his fist, Shinha blurted out his thoughts at the same time. It seems that he came alone, as there wasn’t any escorts/guards around.


“A king like you spying alone.”(Yuusuke)

“Fue, this degree for me, is nothing.”(Shinha)


In actual fact, Shinha judged that it was easier to move alone. It had just been only 3 days since he left the Gazzetta’s warrior training facility and had arrived here yesterday night, he entered sanc adiet through the artless street on the outer city.


But this does not mean that Fonclanc’s security is lousy, it’s just that the artless doesn’t really have a divine arts presence to get detected. By using the cover of night, the presences of an artless are completely being covered, thus the average divine arts user would not be able to detect them. Furthermore, this fella is an accustomed warrior artless who had been trained.


“And, why are you living at Isotta’s house again?”(Yuusuke)

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As Isotta is also part of the divine god corps, she knows of Shinha identity. Thus Yuusuke came up with a theory, that in order to reduce his danger by just a little he came to a place where there was a lot of people and none who knew who he was. While listening, Shinha replied with a smile, ” Do you think she will hand me over to the soldiers?”


Yuusuke’s turn and look towards Isotta, as she was standing there with her shoulders trembling.


“Ahhh, my... parents! Because he is also a benefactor... like captain! So I thought, but, it’s all so sudden.”(Isotta)

“Hmmm…..I see, so it’s like this.”(Yuusuke)


Isotta was biting her lips while trying to explain to Yuusuke.


“So are you going to read me now….or is that an evil god’s art?”(Shinha)

“.....Didn’t I warn you not to look down on Noble Gamers.”(Yuusuke)


From Isotta’s point of view, Shinha was a benefactor who saved her parents life.

Due to the recent attacks on the artless villages which had happened in Fonclanc, Shinha said that it was unrelated to Gazzetta and he came to do an investigation, thus believing him, Isotta promise to harbor him for the time being.


So that was the secret behind why she was being so panicky in front of “Captain Yuusuke”. As She didn’t know how and what to explain to him when she saw him, she was stunned and surprised.


“Are you fully aware of your place(Gazzetta) in the entire forces yet?”(Yuusuke)

“Tentatively. Although there are those whose ideals differ from my principle and policies, none of them would prepetrate this kind of stupid behavior.”(Shinha)


The investigation team that was sent by Gazzetta had suffered considerable amount of damage. According to the survivor, they had been attacked by troops clad in Fonclanc’s army uniform while they were crossing Blue Garden’s territory. His aides believe that it is a conspiracy of Fonclanc, but Shinha doubted that King Esvosbus would do that. And Yuusuke agreed with him.


“So it happened in Blue Garden’s territories.”(Yuusuke)

“It did, but I don’t think Risha would have the balls to do it.”(Shinha)



“Don’t say balls, I also do not think that the queen would command such a thing.”(Yuusuke)

“Then…..Could it be….the remnants of the Izapnar faction?”(Shinha)


While Yuusuke and Shinha were discussing about the identity of the assailants and their purpose, Isotta began dinner preparations with her parents. It seems like new guests have arrived. “Arrived”, more like “appeared”, as a young green hair man manifested in front of them.


“Good evening, I wonder if Mr. Yuusuke is around?”


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Isotta was immediately petrified with surprise. Although Reifold had a familiar wind art wave, his presence could not be felt at all, and he appeared right in front of her without warning. Her tension was loosened up when she felt her “Captain Yuusuke’s” unique wave, as he placed his hand on her shoulder.


“Ah, did I startle you~?”(Reifold)


“It’s been awhile, self proclaimed people of the forest.”(Yuusuke)

“People of the forest - “(Isotta)


After a weird warm greeting between Yuusuke and Reifold, Shinha who was taking a stance of readiness began to relax. The distance between the large sword leaning against the wall was much shorter than earlier, thus a depth of warning could be felt.

Reifold on the other hand did not show any worries about Shinha’s presence, as he was here with an important notice for Yuusuke.


“There’s an armed Gazzetta Army that seems to be moving in Fonclanc’s territories.”


Yuusuke and Shinha looked at each other. The direction it’s heading is a decent large scale artless village. It seemed like the target village is owned by the prestigious Volace family, whereby Hivodir had went to stay over for a visit.


“That reminds me, that guy did say he was going there….”


“I tried contacting the private military soldiers who were located at the village, but it seems that the wind art transmission isn’t reaching.”

“Don’t tell me, there is a interference?”


Apparently, they would like to send a group to examine the situation, but there isn’t any “usable” forces in the area, as the main groups are all on the opposite side of Fonclanc’s territories accessing the damage.


“That means it’s time for the darkness god corps to shine.”(Reifold)

“So this is the sortie orders from Violet?”(Yuusuke)


Reifold responded by shaking his head, Yuusuke looks at him with a ‘what are you thinking about’ look.


“I’ll be informing the princess later, this time it’s an emergency dispatch instructions from King Esvosbus.”(Reifold)


While saying so, Reifold points towards the cloth door, as the cloth vigorously flung up, Vermeer and Fonke could be seen jumping in fully prepared in their god corps equipments.


“Captain! The orders of sorties!”

“Uwaa, He really is at Isotta’s place……”


The Sun had already set, as the grounds of Kaltico began to bathe in the night sky.

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