In a small relay town southeast of Fonclanc. On the west is the moon mirror lake, while being surrounded by woods. Close to the border of Trent Rietta, along the lake, a little south of the highway one could enter the territory of Trent Rietta.

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If one were to follow the road which heads towards the Northeast, they would reach a relay town in Trent Rietta which continues on to the capital “Rinvar”. Although the relay town was small, there were a relatively large number of trading associations composed of merchant guild branches.


Recently within the trade association, there have been a number of damage reports caused by magical beasts in the vicinity of the town. Nevertheless, since the destruction of Nossentes the trade route was destroyed, thus they were waiting for Gazzetta’s negotiations before reconstructing it.


As the trade association had suffered a blow from lost revenue, beside requesting for a deployment of soldiers from the capital, Sanc Adiet, they also had the adventurers advancing in their own investigation, in order to meet with the merchants demand for rapid response.


“It’s about time, that tree with a cloth is the landmark.”


“Will we really encounter a magical beast?”

“On the Fonclanc’s territorial highway, it is common sense that one must be careful of bandits rather than magical beasts.”

“But it would have had entered Trent Rietta’s territory through this area right?”

“This country just have too much forest, wouldn’t it be hard for anti-magical beast measures?”


This group of 5 adventurers were hired to survey the vicinity, their carriage had stopped in a location slightly beyond the border of Trent Rietta and they were preparing to enter the forest. As they were checking over their equipments, they seem to have begun commenting on the recovery potions which have been recently marketed in Sanc Adiet.


“So this is Fonclanc’s recovery potions.”

“I was told by the seller, that it was manufactured by using the old Nossentes purification technique by Fonclanc’s pharmacist.”

“Seems like it’s pretty stocked up.”


In order to process the full healing potion, he would require the healing adjuvants that are being held by Gazzetta. As it seems that the Artless country was lacking the manpower able to do the purification technique, the number of adjuvants available have plummeted on the market.

After gathering the information, the recovery potions are distributed among the members.


“Is this thing useful?”

“It doesn’t feel bad, it seems to be 20% to 30% more effective than the one sold by Nossentes.”

“Heh, and yet it is half the price…not bad right?”

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“Well, as long as we have a water arts member, there isn’t a use for it.”


It’s simply for emergency use, a low cost recovery potion that one could place in a pocket for quick use. Since the preparations were all ready, after dividing the ranks and roles accordingly, they began delving into the woods.


“I don’t think there is, if we were to find the nest we would annihilate it as usual.”

“If all the sightings were correct, there shouldn’t be anything unusual.”

“Let’s just perform the listed work in the contract. Quickly finish up and go to the moon mirror lake to look for treasures.”


As they advance slowly into the forest, they carried out a search operation using wind arts. While observing the movements of animals that were lurking around, they examined the surrounding area for any unnatural presence or suspicious locations.


“Tsu….! They’re here, and it’s 3 response, nearby.”

“Why are these 3 animals gathered at a place like this….?”

“Like I expected they had come from this sea of forest.”

“Be careful, there might be a nest hole nearby.”


In order to confirm the presences of the magical beast in the narrow enclosure, the adventurers proceeded with caution while being alert. The magical beast should have noticed the wind arts being used for a search operation, but it did not show any signs of moving from the location.

As they approached the location of the presence, a strange presence was mixed in it.


“.....? Oi, do you not feel a strange presence?”

“Yeah, I wonder it.”

“It feels a little dangerous, better safe than sorry, let’s head back for now.”


It felt like an artificially made wind arts transmission disruptor from a very strong divine arts presence, as the area surrounding them began to reverberate. The adventurers on site who felt disturb by the phenomenon began hurrying towards the camp near the highway they came from.




Volance Palace, A room in the upper floors ~~

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Yuusuke and Violet, who were in the usual room, began discussing Sun’s situation, Kreilov was also there giving his opinion.


“At the peak of the party, you left and headed into an empty room, seems like someone was very daring….”

“It wasn’t any dirty thing that occurred.”




What had happened was Yuusuke was pulled away from his position in the modest party by Sun to the next room as she wanted to “talk” about she herself wanting to join the Darkness God Corps. The reason she changed the location was because she was embarrassed to talk about it in front of everyone.


“It will stand out too extensively.”

“Really I wonder….”(Aka loli + yuu)


Though, it seems almost too natural that for the first time Yuusuke and Violet’s view matches.


“But, why did she so suddenly do this?”

“Hm, actually~~”


Razshia is adept in handling medicine with her knowledge of it, while Rasanasha had quite a huge information network. If one were to include the members of the Darkness God corps, those around Yuusuke, all of them help him in some way or another. Feeling that she wasn’t useful, Sun felt anxious.


Previously, in Rufk village he had spoke to Sun “to prepare work and a position that is suitable for her”, but Yuusuke had been brooding over it, thus Sun petitioned to be placed into the Darkness God Corps if possible.


“I see… just to be closer, so what do you think about it.”

“Sun actions is unexpected despite her demure.”


Come to think about it, when she was living in Zeshald’s mansion, she headed to the shrine of the Evil god all by herself to place an offering, she even headed into the forest to forage for firewood and nuts, she even went to the city and had been actively moving in a big area around the village.

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In the village she had Bahana who she is intimate with, who is a little like a heroine, there is also Zeshald who himself is retired and is someone who had accomplished many feats. Sun who was brought up by these 2 people didn’t seem to be influenced by them.


“As you can see she is the total opposite of Violet.”

“Nng? What do you mean?”


“On the surface you look lively and filled with valour, but inside there are places where you’re easily hurt.”


As he said it without hesitation, Violet’s face immediately turned red and in order to hide her embarrassment she threw the dishes at him. Repeatedly.


“(coughing) …however, it isn’t as easy like that."

“As I thought it does seems like that.”


The title of knight is a position only bestowed by the king. No matter how much the Captain of the Darkness God Corps Yuusuke is being praised as a hero, it wasn’t a suitable reason to allow an artless into the palace knight corps, thus it poses an expected problem.


More so, the current timing wasn’t good. The destruction of Nossentes, the place known as the birthplace of the 4 major god faith, and is now currently under the rising power, Gazzetta a Artless country, thus if the rumor of the king were to enlist an Artless into a knight corps, it would spout criticism of the king being frightened and trying to curry favor with Gazzetta.


“We need some reasons.”



Yuusuke plan to create an ideal foundation for Sun in Darkness God Corps, thus he approached to consult Violet and company.


Starting from the Darkness God Corps members, the people around Yuusuke knew of  the close relationship that Sun shared with him. There wasn’t any disdain particularly of the Artless, thus there should be no problem working together.


“Hmmm. do you have any good ideas Krielov?”

“Finally you notice me… well, first~~”

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According to Krielov proposal, Sun would be appointed as the Darkness God Corps exclusive attendant and after having piling up on actual results she could be officially enlisted.


“To obtain support from more people for the results of the tasks done, the number of people against it will decrease.”


Right now, there is an dispatch request from the soldiers corps for the investigation on the happiness level of the people, as Krielov mention.


As there were witness and damage reports of magical beasts going up in the southeast region. Since more than a decade ago, it was impossible for magical beasts to do damage so close to the city. Most likely it’s a story known as “Monster extermination” that was well received by the public.


“Monster extermination eh.”

“If it isn’t that dangerous, will you go ahead with it? Sun is good with the bow.”

“Princess, first we need the authorization of King Esvosbus to appoint her as an exclusive attendant, else we can’t continue with it.”


Immediately having a decided look, Violet was brimming with an appearance like she would come back full of stories to tell, as she looks at her trainer and dedicated guard in a cool manner. Although he himself also seems to be filled with pride, but his self-awareness make it seem unlikely.




“Let’s permit it.”


Violet had prepared “Eating together” and “taking a walk together” cards to challenge and negotiated with her father the King, but Sun’s appointment was easily permitted. Puzzled by the anticlimactic results, Violet came back to inform Yuusuke and Kreilov.


“I believe the people that were surrounding him that needed convincing were all gone.”

“Gone you say….”

“I believe that the King is also thinking about things.”


In any case, Sun was appointed as the Darkness God Corp’s exclusive attendant.

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