In the underground passage of the central facility, council parliament Reifold was walking lightly. Beside him was a person from the women troupe who was guiding him while explaining things to him.

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“The atmosphere around here is a little weird. Don’t you think so?”

“Is that so? It hasn’t been long since I had joined the troupe, thus I am not very sure about it.”


Reifold is well known in the upper tier of Blue Garden’s government. Within the elite’s troupes he is known as a “shrewd intelligence activist”.


Because of that, his guide had distanced herself from the gossips within the organisation, as Reifold had a deep relation with the Divine arts instructor Zeshald who had once taught the rookie member, Plausha.


This time, Reifold had received a mission from King Esvosbus, thus he was visiting the facility through the normal route after obtaining the permission of Queen Risha.


“Just up ahead.”

“Thank you, from this point onwards it would be fine for me to be alone.”


Inside the underground central facility, the country’s greatest sinners AKA state-level felony prisoners were being housed in cell compartments.(TL note: Lol alcatraz?)


His objective, to visit Paula’s former supreme leader Izapnar. His question, to ask about one of their previous provocation operations against Fonclanc, about how they had managed to release a magical beast into the ranches of Sanc Adiet.


Although it is not known officially, it was revealed within the testimony of a former wind trouper that the magical beasts could receive orders to a certain extent.


“Yoz, it’s been a while.”

“, what you want?”


“There is something I would like to know, about the breeding of magical beast ~~ or maybe the seller of it? Something along that line.“


The breeding of magical beasts. Reifold came to interrogate Izapnar in the prison to know about the possible route for domesticated magical beasts. The moment Izapnar heard about the “ magical beast with anti-divine arts ability” he had a shocked look.


“Altering the magical beast array…”

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“Oh? Judging from that reaction, I can assume you already knew of it’s existence?”


“I have no idea where it came from, but a wind arts merchant was selling it. During that time it’s divine arts capacity was low.”


Originally, he wanted to use a relatively safe herbivorous type magical beast, but when he did the transaction with the merchant who trades in magical beasts, Izapnar was surprised when he was informed that the magical beasts weren’t captured but bred.


The merchant who came to sell was saying that once completed, it could eventually be used as a weapon.


“What’s the relation and whereabout of that merchant?”

“No Idea. I had Volmes to source for him, but when he entered Nossentes territory we couldn’t really track where he goes.”


Remembering the betrayal of his confidant, Izapnar grimaced his eyebrows slightly, and after hearing about the post details of the tracks of that confidant, he showed a complicated expression while twitching his nose.


“Haiz....that stupid guy.”


After receiving the necessary information, Reifold turned towards the door, Izapnar suddenly remembered something and said.


“Oh yeah….that merchant, from time to time he uses the Trent Rietta’s accent. Just like you.”

“....hmmm, I see.”


“Thanks for the consultation” as Reifold replied with his back facing him as he left the confinement cell.




While Reifold headed towards the underground cells of Paula, meanwhile in Volance Palace, Fonclanc’s royal room, a meeting with the king was held regarding the response to the inquiry that was sent by Trent Rietta.


The next morning, while Violet was having her meal, Krielov began filling in the contents of their involvement and the details of the conference regarding the incident. The matter had only involved the Darkness God Corps, which might lead to some other big event, but there wasn’t enough information.

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“Is there no way to create a connection with a state similar to Nossentes?”

“At the current stage, it is impossible to judge.”


Developing the magical beasts ability by making use of the external groups within the territories of your own country? The reply from Trent Rietta to that query was “an organisation which performs such a research activity does not exist in our country”, please make countermeasures related to this matter.


“An organisation that uses humans as bait to feed the magical beasts is dangerous, thus the Trent Rietta government will also began an investigation operation.”


In response to the inquiry from Fonclanc and the reports from the trade organizations, it seems that they are currently operating in full force to understand the situation.


“I wonder if it would be wise, any of the simple merchants of the trade association might accidentally be wrapped up in it.”

“Because we do not have the full picture of the magical beast incident this time,  findings from the investigation results for the scale of the incident weren’t clear enough.”


Nowadays it’s highly unlikely for someone to encounter magical beasts on roads and due to this awareness, victims that had been reported were often being overlooked, thus a new number of verifications were to be carried out.


“We can only do nothing, but wait and see …”


Violet muttered while finishing up her breakfast as she chewed up the bird meat.




On the other hand, Yuusuke was having breakfast with Sun’s group in his mansion while discussing about the Rin lamp and the solar moss. Razshia who is known as Yuusuke’s slave, “slave in name” under his policy is sitting at the same table as them.


“For the moss cultivation, Rasa could you help with it please?”

“Ah, oh yeah. I should make her do something too.”


Rasanasha was no longer an national official singing princess, as she had dedicated her singing to Yuusuke, the royal family recognized her transfer as his belongings, thus it is established that Yuusuke as an individual owns a singing princess.

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So in order to purchase her one must go through Yuusuke, while Yuusuke’s stand is unless she herself is okay with the customer the answer is no, thus currently she is at the same position as Razshia, spending her days idling with spare time.


Yuusuke was thinking of taking advantage of Rasanasha’s connections to obtain the information of the researchers who were cultivating the moss. From here on, he would get these 2 people, Razshia and Rasanasha, to help in the research and development of the RIn lamp.


“Now then, let’s head over to the palace today.”

“Ah, yes. I will go prepare immediately.”


Yuusuke stood up from his seat, as Sun headed to her room to change into her attendant of Darkness God Corps clothes.




“Have a nice day”

“Have a safe trip”


After being sent off by his servants and Razshia, Yuusuke and Sun headed towards the palace using the mansion’s carriage. It seems that the new gearbox prototype was delivered to the palace yesterday by Sorzak and has been either brought to his personal room or the soldiers’ resting room.


“Sun, I entrust this to you.”

“I understand. This time it’s the Earth God Crop member.”


Yuusuke entrusted a ring which amplifies the earth arts to Sun. It seems that today was the set date for distributing the ring of divine arts. Ever since they had returned from Nossentes, it had became Sun’s duty to deliver these rings of divine arts to the members of the different God Corps. Because of this, the whispering of Sun’s presence in the Palace have died down completely.


Though Sun’s and Violet’s relation doesn’t seem to have changed even though she became an attendant, she was still counted as a member of the Darkness God Corps, thus people are realising that it might not have been a mere coincidence that it was a “princess’s whim”.


“Will you be practicing your bow today?”

“Yes, I will be alternating with the bow Aunt Bahana gave me and the one that Violet has loaned to me.”


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She was trying to grasp and correct her gripping of the bow Bahana gave her, a good and effective training method was to train her strength using a common bow.


“Ah~, so that method exists. I should train my physical strength by using some methods like…. a sword or something.”

“Yuusuke-san, sword is it…?”


Sun who was constantly staring at Yuusuke’s face showed a “I see” smile while tilting her head. As it seems unimaginable to her. The captain of the Darkness God Corps seemed to be stabbed.


“Ah ah I’m sorry! I didn’t meant it that way, because Yuusuke doesn’t seem to be the hot-blooded/ferocious type.”

“No, it’s just a problem as a man being a man….”


Looking at the burnt-out, boxer look a like, Yuusuke sitting on the pure white seat of the carriage, Sun was grinning as she gently held his arm while moving closer and whispering into his ears.


“Could I rely on Yuusuke-san?”

“Sun….is this a suggestion from Razshia?”


Seeing Sun being assertive while her cheeks were dyed red in embrassement, Yuusuke felt like he was suddenly poked in the heart.


“Eh! Noo it isn’t,  it’s... it’s a different thing….”

“Ahhh whatever, Sun is acting weird saying such strange things.”


“~uu….I~I am….also interested in such things.”

“Ng? Did you say something?”


Feeling sad, Sun muttered while she was looking out the window of the carriage, as she tilted her head towards Yuusuke and pouted saying “Nothing”.


Yuusuke and his group was riding the carriage through the streets of the noble district. Looking ahead was Volance palace shining as it bathed in the sunlight.


Today had begun as any other usual day in Sanc Adiet.

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