After one night had passed in the city of Driadria, the noisy commotion yesterday had died down, the surrounding troops and adventurer groups have been on high alert.

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On the southeastern side, a commercial fleet from the trade association that they had announced had gathered on the road, preparing to head towards Gazzetta’s city.


The current state of affairs was done by Trent Rietta’s government, in order to prevent the spreading of the modded beast which escaped from the facility, the army was brought in to seal the area. At the same time, they issued a formal emergency notice to every country.


The Darkness God Corps had already sent information regarding the current situation near Driadria to Fonclanc, thus when the government of Trent Rietta announced their emergency notice, early in the morning in Volance palace a meeting regarding ways to support them was being held.


“But well….it’s laughable that it has continued up to this place.”



Violet who goes wherever she wants was once again full of admiration towards Yuusuke’s divine attribute as she saw the storage room which the Rin lamp was stored and how it had lit up the room.


At the same time, the villagers of Rufk village, the soldiers who were stationed there and also Zeshald was being alerted about the magical beasts. A mere coincidence, or the real nature of the Evil God, to call upon disaster.


“We need to consider how we are going to receive the people that are taking refuge from another village.”

“Ung…..there is still some plots of land, it should be good enough for housing them.”


“If Yuusuke was around we would have saved all that trouble” Bahana said as she knew about Yuusuke ultra-fast architecture customization capabilities, while Zeshald replied with a “yes” and a sigh.




After establishing the old divine temple of Patrucia Nost as the centre of Gazzetta, King Shinha gave command to the guard troops coming from Trent Rietta to secure the circumference of the forest, as he was demanding to know why he wasn’t informed sooner by the spies which had a different set of information.

It was about the information that the Darkness God Corps had headed towards Driadria, as the spies put off this information deeming the magical beasts facilities of more importance, when Shinha had heard about it, it was already one day late.  


Determining that the scale of danger of the leak of these magical beasts around Driadria being truly dangerous, Shinha decided on assisting the Evil God Yuusuke.


While trying to ascertain the qualities of the Evil God Yuusuke, he had recouped some of the 2000 years white clan empire’s great city and territories, now, after confirming the powers of the Evil God, he wasn’t going to lose the key to sustain the prosperity of Gazetta which is also known as Yuusuke.


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As a result of withholding the information, the Darkness God Corps were plunged straight into a danger zone, placing Shinha in a worse condition.


“I hope everything goes well.”


Originally, Shinha’s aim was to slowly gather information about the facility and spy on how Trent Rietta and Fonclanc will move while surveying both of their forces, determining how seriously will they take the magical beast threat.


“Hey Shin boya, without any clear strategies and information to subdue and control them, you do realise that it might not go as planned right?”

“ then, when that time comes please instruct me.”

“By that time, the instructions might not help.”


The village oracle cackled and laughed, while Shinha sighed at her.


The city of Driadria is a divine art users city, the top people of the country had connections with various Blue garden’s supporters and there were those who were friendly with Fonclanc, due to that the policing of the city was difficult. Passing through the forest was an entirely different thing compared to approaching one of their cities.


“I’ll depart tomorrow, this time I will only bring my entourage.”

“What, are you planning to go to go by yourself again despite being a king? You should at least consider the position of your ministers and staff.”


“To gain the trust of the Evil God Yuusuke using subordinates is not ideal, as the opponents are magical beast, those without the skills to handle the magical beasts will lose their life.”

“No matter what age you were, you’ve been a composed person, even if you become an arrogant ruler once you sit on the throne,  I’m fine with it.”


Replying with sharp words while showing a big happy smile, the oracle was informing him in order to avoid unnecessary conflict she herself will accompany him to guide him.


“Will you meet with Yuusuke?”

“Yes, I am want to peek on him a little.”


“.....I understand.”




Luxury inn in Driadria~~

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“Well then, let’s meetup once for lunch.”


Yuusuke’s group split into 2 as half of them entered Dria’s(デリア) forest to harvest the solar moss the other half would  head to Rudia’s(ルディア) water stone mine.


Within the red alert city, equipped with the magic flutes the many mercenary and adventurers group have began to split apart, as they divided themselves to get ready to face the modded beast from the research facility that was in total lockdown. It seems that the objective of adventurers who were under temporary contracts with the leading mercenaries forces were to hunt for treasures in the facility.


“Hey look, seems like the Darkness God Corps are moving out.”

“No, they are just heading out to investigate the solar moss.”


A few members of the mercenary group began following the Darkness God Corps, as they were wondering where they were heading to, were disappointed when they found that the Darkness God Corps were heading to a different direction from the blockade.


Within the allied group of mercenaries, there were skeptics who doubted the fame of the Darkness God Corps, and began to gossip about rumors.


“Somehow yesterday seems to be exaggerated.”

“After the turmoil had settled, it’s easy to stand out from the mercenaries group.”


In the morning, the number of stalls on the streets felt to be scarce, Vermeer was using his fire arts to illuminate the road within the thick morning mist while pulling the reins as he spoke. In the carriage, Razshia and Sun were still sleepy and half asleep.


“Isotta is fully awake.”

“Ah, yes….because usually, I wake up early in the morning.”


“Oh~~so the artless city life isn’t much different from Rufk village life.”

“Yes….from fetching of water to the preparation of a meal, I have been doing everything by myself.”


As the carriage rocked and vibrated into the dark forest towards the harvesting location, Yuusuke and Isotta were happily chatting.




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The area was surrounded with dimly visible light. The harvesting location of the Solar moss was a wetlands where the roots intertwined as the special trees grew above the water surface, and around the area of those trees, sparkling light could be seen.


The solar moss that had dislodged from the tree floats on the water surface which spreads around causing the entire region to be wrapped in light.


“This scene is like something from a fantasy~”

“That’s true…’s amazingly beautiful.”


The girls (across the board) sigh in admiration at the sight. The young and nervous worker guides for the Darkness God Corps after seeing the uncommon reaction of the happy faces of the girls began explaining the ecology of the solar moss and the tree in which the moss clings onto.


“This tree is known as “root tree”, as the name suggest you can see the roots protruding out.”



The Rin Lamp uses the combination of solar moss and a water stone, the light can be adjusted up to a certain amount and it seems that the water stones are the key to it.


Like the water stone, the roots of the tree absorbed a composition of materials from the ground and stores it, the solar moss takes the composition which then creates nutrients for the roots of the trees, this process causes it to glow.


“I see, so it’s a give and take relationship.”

“Eh, I was told that there would be some kind of secret to the geology of this region, to think that this was the reason why the roots tree would only grow in these parts.”


In conclusion, the condition to stabilize the solar moss for cultivation is to create an artificial environment for both the roots tree and moss to grow.


“How about crushing the water stones to use as soil, or bringing the soil that is around this area back~.....:

“Ah~, up until now was this method ever being tried when they were researching the cultivation methods?”


Eventually it might not proceed smoothly. Especially within this area, there will be many others opposing the method to take the soil of this area which might cause devastating effect on the environment, even 2 potted plants were not allowed.


“Well, that is to be expected.”

“.....thank you for your understanding.”


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The young guide who was hired by the Darkness God Corp Captain to lead them to the harvesting location had heard about something akin to the wide range area modification skills that corps Captain had under his disposal, thus he could not completely shake a fear that what he thought to be common sense would be overturned..


“So how Shia, did you understand anything from it?”

“Ng~, where’s the water source for this place?”


“Erm, it’s a little more deeper inside, there should be a spring there. It isn’t linked to the moon mirror lake, like I have said before.”



Razshia came up with a proposal to examine the tree, soil and water source, thus she began the list of activities to examine the entire ecology of the solar moss which attached to the root trees, from the soil to the nearby water source which provided the spring water and how it worked.


Yuusuke began his test by checking on the status of the water and soil through the customization menu, within the sliders for hardness and particles, the solar moss, roots tree and the amount of nutrients that are being used could be examined.


With the exact formula for the soil’s composition, as long as he had the materials to mix with ordinary soil, by cross referencing with the customization menu, mixing the soil to a similar type of state, and creating an exact copy of the environment, making a colony of it is possible.


“Just making only one copy of data should be enough.”


Most probably this place consists of a very delicate balance, if anyone were to tinker with it, it will affect the entire ecosystem. After recording the status of the water and soil, he gently closed the customization menu.


“Yuusuke~! We need to collect some of the soil in this area, go take a container~!”


After bossing Vermeer to examine the different type of rocks mosses and the nearby plant life, from between the trees, Razshia was waving at him.


“Okay~, but there isn’t any empty containers.”

“Ah, I will go bring it over.”


“Sorry for the inconvenience.”


Being troubled as Yuusuke had brought containers that were already filled, Sun immediately went to the carriage and retrieved new containers.


While requesting the servant girl who was wearing a black band, the Darkness God Corp’s Captain held an apologetic attitude which caused the youth guide to be bewildered by the strange side as he began staring with a somewhat strange look.

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