World God Empress

Chapter 1

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"Grandpa Qing, please tell me more about Lord Emperor Lin story during the First Realms War!" said a lovely six years old girl wearing luxurious silk-made pajamas with faint phoenix embroilment.

She had round cheeks with clear red shades, big eyes full of curiosity, and pigtails. The room was very spacious with carved top-grade woods imported from southern Ten Thousand Islands Empire. The wood had heat retention attribute and was very popular amongst the aristocrat families in Black Snow Empire.

"Sigh…. Erza, it's already 9 o'clock at night. You better go to sleep quickly otherwise Third Lady would smack your butt again", Grandpa Qing said while grinning and pointing to a nearby graceful lady.

The woman who seemed in her early thirties was walking to the bed with a mischievous smile. Erza shuddered a bit but then she quickly smiled and called "Third Auntie!"

"You girl should not disturb Grandpa Qing… Grandpa Qing, you can go back to take rest first. Thank you for today."

"No problem My Lady, your servant excuse himself then. Hope both misses will have a good night", said Grandpa Qing before leaving the bedroom.

Grandpa Qing was an old servant in the third household. He was once a warrior under late Emperor Lin and then started to serve the third household since the time the Emperor married with the Empress, Rose Valentine. Rose was the mother of the current Empress, Resha Valentine, who was also the First Lady of The First Household of Valentine Clan.

Valentine Clan was an ancient clan and also the most powerful one in Black Snow Empire. Together with the other three ancient clans, they represented one of the strongest forces in Human Realm. Countless sacrifice had been made, heroes rose and fell, nevertheless Valentine Clan still stood strong despite the trial of time.

In addition, the clan was famous for their beauties. Across four directions, the title of first beauty under heaven was often held by the ladies of Valentine clan. They often recognized by their distinct silver hair, jade like skin, clear blue eyes, v-shaped face, and elegant demeanor.

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"But I want to hear about the story of Emperor Lin before going to bed", pouted Erza.

"Then let Auntie tell you the story. However, it must be quick, and you need to promise Auntie that you will directly go to sleep after that." said the Third Lady while she started laying down on the bed and pinched Erza cheek a bit. The girl nodded.

"Tell me first what you know about the late Emperor."

Erza recalled for a while then slowly said "Late emperor full name is Lin Dong. He came from ancient Eastern Sage Dynasty. He reached Sword Knight before 16 years old and became Sword King by the age of 19. On his 21st birthday he shocked the world to become the youngest Sword Emperor in human history. He later broke through to Sword Saint and married Empress Rose Valentine by the age of 30. It was said that during the First Realms War, Emperor Lin stunned all of the three realms by breaking through and became the first Sword God. However, I do not know what happened after that."

"Looks like you have been pestering Grandpa Qing for a while." mused the Third Lady before continued "Emperor Lin indeed became Sword God. He obliterated legions of devils and demons, slaughtered countless fallen angels, and even stroke fear to those Gods from Upper Heaven Realm. He crippled Archangel of War, killed Archdevil of Flame, and was the main reason behind the fall of Archdevil of Darkness. Nothing less you can expect from someone who shook the entire Black Snow Empire by marrying its number one beauty and forced ancient Eastern Sage Dynasty to kneel down."

"So what happened after that? Was it true that Emperor Lin fell due to a betrayal?"

"Yes, he got betrayed by his own blood brother, Lin Feng, who was once one of the princes from Eastern Sage Dynasty and later known as Archdevil of Wind."

"What?! It's real?! How could Lin Feng betrayed Emperor Lin?" Erza cried out and gritted her teeth in anger. For her, Emperor Lin was her idol. She grew up listening to Emperor Lin heroic tales.

"That's a human nature. It's hard to find someone who you could trust your back…" Third Lady dazed for a moment before pulling the blanket to cover Erza. "Anyway, that's enough for today. You better go to sleep now as tomorrow will be a big day for you". The girl nodded and closed her eyes.

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Tomorrow indeed would be an important day in Valentine clan. It was an annual event for the clan to test and recognize the talent of their youths. It was called Ancestral Destiny Test.

There was no minimum age requirement. Everyone below the age of nine was allowed to participate. However, children usually waited until they were 6-8 years old before undertaking the test. It was due to the possible strains on their body and mind during the test.

The hope of their elders, the future treatment of the clan, and the fates of the children would be judged and determined on that day. For those with top talents, they would be the future representatives of the clan. They would be given the utmost treatments to maximize their potentials, became the envy of millions of people.

As for those with average talents, most of them would become protectors for the chosen sons and daughters.

Lastly, those with poor talents often ended up being exiled to branch clans. Furthermore, those people could not pass on their surnames to their descendants which was why most of them would eventually choose to renounce their surnames.

The following morning, sun rose just like any other days but the atmosphere inside Valentine clan was boiling hot with excitement. People kept pouring into the clan main hall. All of them were from affiliated and branch clans.

One should not underestimate any of them. They were all formidable and influential figures representing each of their own clans. Once they were inside, each guests went to their respective factions.

At the front row, there were four Sovereign Beasts statues; Azure Dragon, Red Phoenix, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise. They were each radiating different kind of aura. The people were divided into four different factions corresponding with the statues.

"Fourth Household members have arrived." Suddenly there was a clear announcement from the gatekeepers.

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People shifted their eyes to see the new arrivals. Leading the group was a middle-aged man wearing black outfit with golden ornaments. There was no aura leaked from him. He was just like any ordinary man.

However, the people inside the hall were excited to be able to the person. He was Marc Valentine, the head of fourth household, Black Snow Empire's God of War.

His schemes, strategies and tactics made him dreaded by countless enemies. Standing besides him was a youth wearing a plain black outfit. The youth was tall and very calm which led people to think he was older than his actual age. He was eight years old this yesr.

"Third Household members have arrived."

"Second Household members have arrived."

It felt like a breeze wind in the summer, sunshine in the winter. Pleasant fragrances filled the air and some people did not even blink their eyes. Two main households coincidentally arrived at the same time and each had several heaven shaking beauties.

"Violet, why are you bringing outsider to our clan sacred ceremony?" said a fiery hot lady wearing a sexy red one-piece outfit which emphasized her amazing figure.

At a glance, she might look like a loose woman, however no one ever doubted her power and prestige. She was the head of second household, Victoria Valentine, also known as the Red Witch.

Valentine clan traditionally was a clan known for their powerful magics. In the entire human realm, if Valentine clan placed second, no clan would dare to claim first in term of magic.

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Victoria was a Flame Saintess, one of the few Saint realm experts in the entire Black Snow Empire. Since childhood, Victoria was always at odds against Violet. They were in the same generation and had been competing against each other since young. Violet Valentine was the name of the Third Lady. She was also known as Ice Empress. Their opposing magic attributes might also be the reason behind their frequent clashes.

"If you have any complaint, feel free to talk directly with older sister Resha." Said the third auntie while bringing Erza and the other third household members to the front row of White Tiger faction. She ignored Victoria rumbling.

"Who is the girl besides Lady Violet?" asked someone from the onlookers while pointing to Erza. He seemed a bit confused because Violet was still unmarried and there was no rumour saying she had a daughter.

Someone nearby the person replied "This must be the first time you came to visit Valentine clan. The girl is Erza Valentine. She is not Lady Violet's daughter. She is not even related to anyone in the third household."

"Huh?! Then how come she could attend this ceremony? Also, did you say her surname is Valentine?"

"Well, I'm not quite clear with the true story but it was said that she was the daughter of Empress Resha' sworn sister, deceased Sword Saintess Lin Qingzhu. As you probably know, Sword Saintess Lin Qingzhu fell during the Second Realms War while protecting the Empress. Later on, the Empress took responsibility and wanted to adopt Erza as her daughter. However, due to the implications and significance of the crown princess position, the Empress decided to acknowledge Erza as a member of the first household and let Valentine clan to raise her."

"Then why did she come together with the Third Lady?"

"It seems like despite the acknowledgement from the Empress, the first household refused to accept an outsider."

Talks like that occurred throughout the hall. The third lady heard that and became worried. She had a look at the girl but was surprised to see the nonchalant attitudes from Erza. Today, Erza let her smooth black hair loose. It provided a different feeling compared with her usual pigtails style.

"First Household members have arrived."

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