Chapter 4 - Late Night Captivity

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In the dark, one is on the bed, the other is beside the bed, and both sides are silent.


Just when Lin Yixue's patience is exhausted and is prepared to raise her dagger and kill the other, the shadow suddenly opened his mouth.


"Ben gong zi just wants to ask guniang for help, if you are obedient you won't be hurt, if you dare to resist, then ben gongzi cannot guarantee that you won't be hurt!" 


(ben gongzi -This son of nobility; guniang - young lady)


As soon as the other party spoke, Lin Yixue immediately recognized the owner of the voice, it was the young man who was laughing at her on the second floor earlier.


He is capable of sneaking into her room, indicating that his martial arts should not be bad, knowing her father is Lu Yuan must have asked many guards to protect them secretly.


After thinking for a moment, Lin Yixue tactfully collected her dagger and stood up, ready to obediently submit.


The matter of smashing a stone with an egg can't be done in less than a critical moment!


Being blindfolded, the whole journey was bumpy, Lin Yixue's heart and lungs were jolting out. Just when her patience is almost drained they finally stopped.


The man laid down Lin Yixue gently and pulled off the black towel that was covering Lin Yixue's eyes. Lin Yixue closed her eyes tightly for a long time before she adapted to the light.


They now seem to be in the corridor of an inn, and the door in front of it was semi-closed. The faint candlelight from the door showed that the owner of the room had not yet rested.


The man turned around and lifted his arms up and is about to push the door open.



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Suddenly a sound of porcelain breaking came out from the room.


"Eating medicine for so many years..., today is good, but after a few days, it will relapse... My weary old body is quickly being broken by that group of quack, are you my son? I think you are my enemy coming for revenge!"


A voice of an old woman yelling came from the room.


Suddenly, the old woman seemed to be choked by something that caused a violent cough.


Then, she heard everyone's flurry of pacifying voices.


"Mother, in any case, you must eat another dose, okay?"


"The only doctor in this town has gone out, and now we can't find a doctor at all. Your nose is bleeding all the time. After drinking the medicine, stop the blood first and wait until we reach Shen Jing and ask an imperial physician for treatment."


The voice of a middle-aged man persuading her was heard...


"Not eating…. not eating…."




Hearing this, Lin Yixue basically understood. After a long time of twists and turns, she is actually here to treat an illness!


Lin Yixue looked even more unsightly. She raised her head and glared at the young man in front of her.


Your mother, is she a machine to save the sick?

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In fact, he did not ask in advance whether she could actually do it? Whether or not she can cure it? What kind of man has this logic of a robber!


The young man seemed to have no concern for Lin Yixue's reaction, and stretched out his hand to open the door before him.


Lin Yixue peeked at the man's shoulder and saw a more than 50-year-old lady in the room, haggard and half leaning on the opposite bed, her eyes closed and covered her nose with her handkerchief.


At the bedside stood a middle-aged man and two maids, all of whom were worriedly frowning.


"Ze'er you stinky boy, where did you go at this critical time? You don't appear every day! Your grandmother is in such a serious condition now. Yet you still have the time to sneak out to play, What a scandal!"


Hearing the noise, the middle-aged man glanced at the door. After seeing the person, he began to scold loudly.


"Second uncle, I have thought of a way!" 


The young man said as he side stepped and revealed Lin Yixue behind him.


"You thought of a way? What can you think about in the dead of the night? Your thinking ways to cheat ghost is still the same!…."


The middle aged man has not yet finished scolding him, and suddenly he saw a young person behind him wrapped in a black cloak, Lin Yixue.


"Ze'er, what are you really up to?" 


The middle-aged man looked at the mysterious person and asked suspiciously puzzled.


"Second uncle, maybe this person has a way resolving grandmother's illness?" 


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The young man said as he lifted his hand and helped Lin Yixue unwind the cloak.


"Just nonsense! Where did you get this little girl in the middle of the night and come and talk about your grandmother's illness? I think it's just an excuse for your willfulness." 


The middle-aged man went to the door and saw a young woman wrapped in the cloak. He had not yet allowed the young man to explain himself, but already scolded loudly.


"Second uncle, you did not see how she treated that little boy bitten by a poisonous snake earlier. She was really very skillful, and she really had a medical skill..."


The young man wanted to argue and was stopped by a middle-aged man.


"Ze'er, it is not that second uncle had told you, you are really not the same as your eldest brother!"


"Look at you now... You are very unreasonable. It's like you take it as a joke, curing human life. You've even taken a little girl here! Hurry up and send the girl back from which building or house* and return her."


(TL: *I think he is referring to brothel buildings and houses)


The middle-aged man did not clearly see the appearance of Lin Yixue, but he felt that the woman he could bring out in the middle of the night would not be a good girl.


Go to your mother! What family is this!


What does this person think she is, lower than a dog?


Is her temperament like those in the buildings and houses*?


Although Lin Yixue was still unable to move, she had already greeted the eight generations of this family.


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"Lao Furen... Lao Furen... What's wrong with you?"


(Lao Furen - Old Madam)


Suddenly the anxious voice from the maid was heard.


"Second master, second young master, Lao Furen, she vomited blood, you two have a look quickly! What should be done? " 


The two gentlemen have not yet responded when a servant girl has already rushed over and plop to kneel in front of them.


Then, two gusts of wind blew into the house, leaving Lin Yixue only to be accidentally hit by the young man and fell down on the cold ground in the hallway, because she still had her acupuncture points sealed on her body she still could not move.


At this time it was the early summer, but at night, and only wearing a thin coat, sitting on the ground with a cold wind blowing, Lin Yixue felt the coolness spreading on her body.


So Lin Yixue, sitting on the ground, once again hatefully greeted the men's ancestors.


Just as she thought about whether to greet them a second time, the young man suddenly came back and freed her acupuncture points.


Are they going to let her go?


Lin Yixue was wondering whether she was going to walk back or will ask someone to send her? After all, the night is very deep.


Forget it, robbers like them will not agree to her request, she'll walk back, anyway, the inn is not far away.


Lin Yixue had not yet moved her feet and she was pulled by the young man.


"Where will you go?! Now go in and treat my grandmother. "

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