Yess & Yes

Chapter 2.7

Kang Inheon slowly straightened up. He just stood upright, but his tall stature and broad shoulders, almost touching the door frame, seemed to block the entrance.

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With his hands in his pockets, he slowly walked towards the table where they were seated. His steps were slow, but his stride was long, so it didn't take him long to reach them. A long, thick shadow slowly stretched over the table where they sat.

Team Leader Baek's breath was caught in his throat when he saw Kang Inheon walking towards them without making a sound. He hesitantly retreated by dragging his butt, unaware of how the soju dripping from the table wetted his lower half. But soon his back was against the wall and he could no longer retreat.

“I-Inhunter, when did you co...”

In order to escape from the shapeless pressure, Team Leader Baek struggled to move his uvula and opened his mouth. His voice trembled badly.

It was only for a moment, and soon he was unable to spit out any words.

Kang Inheon, who had, at some point, reached a very close distance, stepped onto the wooden floor without even taking his shoes off. He grabbed Team Leader Baek's fleshy neck with one hand and lifted him up.


Kang Inheon and Team Leader Baek were at eye level, but Team Leader Baek’s toes were far from the ground and he shook helplessly.


With a drunken, breathless, and red face, Team Leader Baek scratched Kang Inheon’s hand and struggled to break free from his grip on his neck. But he didn’t even leave a scratch on Kang Inheon’s hand. Even though he held Team Leader Baek, who weighed nearly 100kg, with one hand, he was bored like he was grabbing a doorknob.

“Gasp, u-ugh..!”

Suddenly unable to get enough oxygen, Team Leader Baek's toes thudded against the wall and struggled before stiffening again and again.

“Cough, ga... gasp...”

At one point, Team Leader Baek's white-socked feet hung limply in the air.

An odd silence fell over the funeral parlour, where neither screams nor shrill breathing could be heard anymore.

“Gasp! Ugh!”

It was Team Leader Yuk who broke the silence. Frightened by Kang Inheon's reaper-like appearance, Team Leader Yuk couldn't help but hyperventilate. Gasp, gasp, as he involuntarily breathed heavily, Kang Inheon looked down at Team Leader Yuk while grabbing Team Leader Baek's neck with one hand.

Team Leader Yuk made eye contact with Kang Inheon. His expressionless face and jet-black eyes were dusky. Grasped by extreme horror, Team Leader Yuk wrapped his hands around his own neck and squeezed. He squeezed his little eyes shut and couldn’t help but scream as if convulsing. “I-I! A-apologize! F-for the thoughtless remarks...!”


“U-ugh... gasp, ugh...!”

Breath blocked, Team Leader Yuk coughed. However, he choked himself because he wrapped his hands too tight around his neck.


The sudden dull crash made Team Leader Yuk stop in fright. Team Leader Baek carelessly fell to the floor and his body twitched.

“Gasp! C-cough!”

Team Leader Baek gasped, regaining his breath. The sound of Team Leader Baek's coughing made Team Leader Yuk widen his eyes. In his blurry vision, he could only see Team Leader Baek sprawled out in the funeral home, continuously scratching the floor, and still coughing.

Kang Inheon wasn’t in the funeral parlour. Once Team Leader Yuk saw with his own two eyes that there was no Kang Inheon, every tightened muscle in his body seemed to relax in an instant. Team Leader Yuk made a cross and muttered, “Pant, pant... God...”

It had been a long time since he had become a lapsed catholic, but at this moment, he looked for God without realizing it himself. Team Leader Yuk always took care of the drinking party or his superiors first, but today was different. Team Leader Yuk ran out of the funeral home on all fours, not even bothering to pick up his mobile phone on the table or his coat on the hanger, let alone Team Leader Baek.

“Pant, hu, pant...”


Team Leader Baek, who had finally regained his breath after a long time, also barely managed to stand up. Scared to death, Team Leader Baek also fled and only Lee Juwon remained in his funeral hall.




At the back of the funeral home, in the already darkened mourners' car park, a row of hearses, limousines, minivans, etc. were parked. Kang Inheon could be seen through a small window in the back of the funeral parlour as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket.

He put the cigarette in his mouth and switched on the lighter. Click, the flame of the lighter lit up the darkness, casting an orange shadow on his face.

He inhaled the smoke deeply, his long fingers covering his cheeks, which were hollowed out. When his long lashes lifted slightly, his eyes darkened with ink.

At the same time, boom, boom, boom, the simultaneous sound of explosions sounded here and there in the darkness.


“W-what the...?”

The sound of the explosion was the shattering of the cameras of reporters and streamers who had been secretly taking photos and videos around Lee Juwon's funeral hall. Like exploding, the cameras broke, followed by the screams of those injured by the flying shrapnel.

“Uuu, u, uwaak!”

“Argh! Avoid it!”


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

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At the same time, something fell terrifyingly to the ground from the black sky.

The drone that crashed to the asphalt and exploded was a drone that had been filming around Lee Juwon's funeral. Dozens of flying drones, as if aiming for both the press and the civilians too, fell to the ground at random.


“H-help me!”

“119! Call 119! Reporter Choi, y-your arm...”

The drone slammed into the ground sharply, its wings and legs flying off and slicing through the air like blades. Randomly flying debris struck trees and stones, but also flew sharply towards cowering reporters and YouTubers with their heads clutched in their hands. What had been a hot spot for coverage quickly became an actual hot spot, with fires blazing everywhere.

The same people who had stayed near the funeral hall all day, risking their lives to cover the story and shouting about the public's right to know, were now immediately crawling to get away as they feared for their lives. When the last drone slammed to the ground, there was no one left near the funeral hall.

Lee Juwon found this strange sight almost as hard to believe as his own death.

Up until this point, Kang Inheon had been terrifyingly good at sticking to the hunter code, which stated that he must never harm a civilian, even if they are a vicious stalker clinging onto him, let alone a reporter. Some even said that the condition of his powers was that he would lose the ability to defend himself when he was not against monsters.

He personally lived by the saying that if someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer them your left one too. No one would actually dare to hit Kang Inheon’s cheek, but civilians were capable of touching the Kang Inheon who S-class monsters couldn’t even touch.

Even Kang Inheon had antis. They just couldn't proudly show it, but there were surprisingly many of them. Even when December’s legal team tried to sue the people posting malicious comments about him or spreading false information, Kang Inheon told them to just deal with it wisely. Frustrated, Lee Juwon tried to convince him otherwise, but he wouldn't budge.

‘Acting so softly, isn’t that disrespectful to Hunter Kang’s fans too?’

‘I don’t want to hear anything concerning manners from you, Mr. CEO.’

Kang Inheon spoke in such a rude way to Lee Juwon while telling them to deal with the haters wisely.

Because Kang Inheon was always so popular, he even had stalkers. It didn’t seem like he felt threatened by the stalkers, but they couldn’t be left alone because it was creepy how they secretly followed and watched him. Even Lee Juwon's suggestion to catch and torture them was rejected by Kang Inheon.

'They know in their head that this is not the way to go... but they can't help but go with their heart. They themselves must be frustrated, too.’

What a philanthropist, he even understands the feelings of criminals. Lee Juwon shook his head and helplessly moved past it. In Lee Juwon’s opinion, those who cross the line should be caught without Kang Inheon’s knowledge, but since he didn’t have the consent of the party involved, he couldn’t take care of it as cleanly as he could’ve.

It was a spectacle seeing Kang Inheon using his powers outside of a dungeon for the first time. The clearing behind the funeral home was silent as a mouse, except for the crackling of the burning fire.

Kang Inheon placed a second cigarette in his mouth. The flame of the lighter revealed his face again.

His normally neat hair was dishevelled from an all-nighter at the funeral home. Hair like darkness fell in disarray across his forehead and over his eyebrows.

As if he had lost weight in that time, the lines of his nose ridge were sharper than before, his jaw similarly chiselled, his long, monolid eyes and even his dry lips holding a cigarette felt unfamiliar, though it was a face he had seen for a long time.

The white smoke exhaled by Kang Inheon rose like a sigh against the black sky.

Had Kang Inheon always smoked?

By all accounts, no. Lee Juwon despised cigarettes, so he had a ghostly sense of who smoked. He couldn't understand why anyone would smoke something so heavily taxed. He especially hated it when his employees smoked. He didn't even treat smokers like human beings because he didn't want them to waste work time in the name of smoke breaks...

“Since when did he smoke...”

Aside from the satisfaction of seeing the people he didn’t want to see disappear before his eyes, he was worried about the cleanup because he provoked the people that would be annoying to deal with.


Lee Juwon's ominous premonition proved correct. In less than a few minutes, the articles plastered on the portal about Lee Juwon’s death changed to articles targeting Kang Inheon. Thousands of comments instantly followed.



[Breaking News] Dozens of civilians are being hospitalized after Kang Inheon used abilities in violation of the hunter code


(Photo: Getty Images)

The image has no relation to the content of the article











huh???????? The kang inheon I know??????

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┕ This cant be this journalist has to be trash they have to be trash

┕┕ I hope this is some unheard-of f-class with the same name lol


So like a dungeon suddenly exploded and in the process of handling it he couldn’t help but injure people?

┕even kang inheon goes through hard timesㅜ


(youtube link) it says it happened at lee juwon’s funeral hall..

┕don’t believe the words of a wrecker tsk

┕┕I don’t wanna give it more views someone give me a tldr


An sclass hunter used their powers against civilians? Isn’t that crossing the line???

┕goodbye~ u wont go far~



??lets stay calm for now okay..






What the hell happened? It says breaking news but theres no content?




I’ve brought an article with info about kang inheon. I’ve checked, its official


December hunter Kang Inheon had violated the Hunter Code and endangered the public. At around 9 pm today, Kang Inheon broke all the cameras of the reporters attending the funeral of the late CEO Lee Juwon to get coverage and exploded dozens of drones. Numerous reporters and YouTubers sustained small and big injuries due to the shrapnel and were rushed to the hospital. The Korean Hunter Association and December said they would investigate and learn more about the situation and stated their stance.



Comments was real tremble tremble




That’s crazy, hes been pretending to be a hunter who lived a righteous life this entire time and it all turned out to be a pretense

┕I knew it there’s no point in putting those hunter bastards on a pedestal they’re no better than delinquents after all


He guarded lee juwon’s funeral hall until the end..

┕and its not like hes having a fight of spirit with the general public



No but I thought it was something serious, he’s not using his powers against people but exploding cameras and drones guysㅡㅡ

┕another damn lunatic

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┕if ur phone explodes while ur on call, don’t blame the manufacturer, just live with it lol its ur phone that exploded not ur head? Lmao

┕I cant tell if ur a defensive stan or an anti


The swarm of reporters was overkill in the first placeㅠ even if its lee juwon its still a funeral hall

┕that’s true. Do u want to hold onto a dead person?

┕▶◀just walk on the flower path from now on..

┕┕wut are u saying u lunatic the most pitiful thing here are the flowers adorning lee juwon’s funeral hall

┕┕sob sob, the flowers wanted to bloom beautifully tooㅠ

┕┕still, thanks for the wreath lineup(new!) that we need to filter out! I’ll remember it!


i.. just believe in Inhunter..

┕me too. The kang inheon I know isn’t that type of person.


Oh dearㅜ I’ve been feeling anxious since his fans started selling his personality, and as expectedㅜ

┕did it make u feel anxious that he donated tens of millions up until now and suppressed the dungeons other hunters all avoid for almost no price at all??


This is off-topic but why is kang inheon called Inhunter? Is his name in???

┕the heon in hunter kang inheon repeats so it was shortened to inhunter or kang inhunter

┕┕ah I was also curious about that but it turned out to be an acronym, thx


I think we should listen to kang inheons pov too


┕33 go into neutral gear first

┕4444 everyones going crazy after only hearing one side

┕5 they have no learning capabilities...


When an s-class dungeon explodes everyone will change their attitudes again, aren’t u embarrassed..?

┕do they need a dungeon to explode in front of their houses to get come to their senses? Lmao

┕┕you’d come to ur senses too if ur giant head got broken by kang inheon lol


Huh?? There’s obviously been victims but people are really saying stuff like neutral gear at a time like this??

┕Ikr.. whats the point of going into neutral gear on an uneven playing field..? to an s-class murder weapon... stans pretending to be objective are gross..

┕┕really LMAOOOO champions more like losers lololol stick to ur concept lol

┕┕┕3333 I was so damn proud bc it was the fan name kang inheon gave us himself but why am I so embarrassed here haha


Even if u don’t hear kang inheons side isn’t it obvious? This confirms that they’re close to each other, its no fun, birds of a feather just flock together

┕that’s what im saying lol they both have no parents, no personality, they’re just on the same level lol

┕┕yeah,,, again I realize the importance of family education,,,

┕┕┕the old saying was not wrong, u shouldn’t raise a black haired beast[1]

[1]a saying meaning beasts always try to repay the grace they receive, but humans swallow it when it is sweet and spit it out when it is bitter, so they often betray and even harm the person who helped them

┕┕┕┕are u crazy lmao?? Did u raise kang Inheon lolololololol


My nephew has been living by memorizing the who is kang inheon book but I should stop him from reading it now

┕I’m also a championㅠㅠㅠㅠ as much as I believed in him, im as disappointedㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

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┕as an ex-champion, if i had to say one thing, it’s that I knew this would happen


Y’all compliment my discerning eyes I knew from the moment I saw that guy that his pulse was weird

┕when others liked him I was also... idk... even his physiognomy was ominous..


He’s finally revealing his true colours huh. I’m a middle school classmate of his and that bastard’s so fucking.. ha.. I cant say..

┕omg... ㅜwat is it wat??

┕┕everyone knew he was an orphan. He was a kleptomaniac, gloomy and anyway total fucking trash,

┕┕thanks for the self-introduction

┕still, lies like these are kind of;;;;

┕┕my graduation album to confirm. (picture)

┕┕┕and what if it’s a graduation album u bought from some reseller


┕┕┕his face and frame are totally different from right now? Isn’t it just someone with the same name?

┕┕┕┕omg.. it’s always obvious when a kid grew up without receiving any love.. ㅜ


Is this the time to spread rumours or what? Everyone came out after lee juwon died lol

┕u can trust lee jwon when it came to financial treatment but he went and diedㅜㅜ

┕3333 I’m disillusioned really


Guys, I’ve made a pdf^^ I’ll be getting some fresh air after so long now^^

┕my son is finally going outside!!!!

┕┕but what would u do if I went to the police station? haha

┕didn’t comment much but the mouth’s shut now huh


Up until he prevented the Gangjin incident three days ago everyone kicked a fuss calling him god inheon and ingod?? Now hes a murder weapon??? Lmao

┕so many reporters got injured today, isn’t murder weapon correct?

┕┕idk if trash reporters or wreckers get hurt or not but the problem is that its obvious the HA cant control their ability users

┕┕everyone can die if kang Inheon feels displeased, isn’t murder weapon right? lmao


Yeah this is how he renewed his contract with December every year

┕lolololol and the people who said he was helplessly adjoined to December bc they had his weakness? Is he being threatened by lee juwons soul right now? LMAOOO


Ha..Inheon..was just a victim of gaslighting..



┕4 die lee juwon! Ah he actually died lol


┕┕ no but still don’t say such rough things about the dead;;;;;




Translator notes:


kang inheon experiences cancel culture (real)

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