Yohan Loves Tite

Chapter 1.1

“Look there. It’s the crazy girl of the Rivero family.”

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I was walking, but you see, I heard people whispering while looking at me. I glared at where the voice came from, and the person, who insulted me, ran away without being able to let out any sound.

Hmph—I snorted. I can’t believe that insolent insulted me from behind when she didn’t even dare to speak in front of me.

You are really lacking! I don’t listen to the insults said by those weaker than me! I also don’t listen to the insults said by those who are lacking more than me! I am Tite Rivero, the oldest daughter of the Rivero family! The most beautiful and talented woman in the Holy City!

I shouted loud right there and all the people ran away. That is the foolish people who don’t know the truth for you. Since I’m different from those ignorant people, I laughed elegantly. I felt better. I was feeling sour just now because it was hard to walk, you see.

That’s right. I walked. It wasn’t a stroll in the mansion’s garden or in the central park of the Holy City. The hem of my expensive skirt was covered in dirt, and the soles of my precious silk shoes were tattered, but I didn’t care regardless. My pretty feet appealed to me by crying in pain, and there were beads of sweat flowing down, but I didn’t feel tired.

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Because the one I love was at the end of the road. I can’t complain that I feel tired on my way to my beloved person, can I?

You know, the one I love is the most beautiful and precious person in the world. I think the proverb saying what looks good in my eyes looks good in other people’s eyes too is really true. Other people besides me also desired that person, you see.

Fortunately, that person is my fate so even if other people desired him, they couldn’t rush to approach him. The reason is that person is really, really precious that even God noticed and acknowledged his preciousness.

Thanks to that, he had a clean, pure body and soul that shut him from the common young child’s puppy love and the rising sexual desire of adolescence. Everything was purity arranged for me.

God’s consideration that protected him lost its use once he met me. Because his fated person has appeared! It means he no longer needed to have his purity! The only person for him to present his purity, the one to trigger the thread of fate! This Tite Rivero has arrived in his life!

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However you see. What kind of quirk of fate is this? Or is this God’s jealousy? Or maybe everyone thinks it is no fun if our love is achieved so smoothly? You won’t believe how many people that disturb and envy our love. Haaah. Really, no one will know.

The obstacle that was jealous of us that day was the holy knights on patrol in front of the temple. The holy knights in white armor with a sword that gleamed blue light in their waists faked a cough—ahem—and blocked me.

“Lady, you are prohibited from entering the temple.”

Look at that! Does that make sense? Is that possible in this world? The temple is a space open to everyone!

“God’s house is open for everyone. You’re claiming to be God’s sword, but you don’t know that?”

Do you know what the holy knights did after I said that? They gave me, this Tite Rivero, a very, very scornful look. I thought I had to immediately report this discourtesy. To whom should I report the holy knights’ discourtesy? It is to their superior, the captain of the holy knight order. If I want to meet the captain, I have to enter the temple.

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I got another business to enter the temple besides meeting the one I love. But the holy knights didn’t understand that.

“Move, I will go in.”

“As Lady said, the temple is an open space under the protection of God for everyone. However, it’s not for Lady Rivero. Please go back. His Holiness ordered this exceptionally.”

“I’m not going to meet His Holiness. I’m here to meet Yohan.”

“You can’t meet His Eminence. Please go back.”

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“Oh my? I’m sure Yohan wants to meet me.”

I fidgeted because I wanted to meet my beloved person. It is obvious. My love was waiting for me inside this white and shining building. He was likely waiting for me for so long, but these bad holy knights were blocking me from seeing him.

It was really an outrageous treatment. I even doubted if God was perhaps disturbing our love. Even though God takes care of us, humans, love is an individual’s feeling, and it’s a feeling greater than survival instinct, right? Interrupting love isn’t something that even the demons’ king or their lord will do.

Conversely, I heard they encourage individual desire or love. We are in a ceasefire after a long war with the Demon Lord and are still hostile, but I think we should actively bring in and learn such good things.

“That is impossible.”

Dear me. The holy knights looked at me as if looking at a crazy girl. Sending such a gaze to a visitor? Everyone would surely think they were disqualified as holy knights.

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