You Have Guts!

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

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“Ki… Kiss?” ZiJun looked at the guy in front of him as if he’d lost his mind, although the streetlights were brightly shining, it was dark inside the car. It was still possible to see the silhouette of a man. Regardless of what standard, this man was definitely handsome, his eyes were sharp, even his silhouette looked sharp, his gaze was piercing and serious. He definitely is someone you would joke with.. So he must be serious when he said to kiss to put things behind them, shouldn’t she be glad, after all compared to getting hit in the head, a kiss wouldn’t cause any damage…

Considering, ZiJun just nodded, looked at his lips, ZiJun told her brain to shut up and kept her eyes on him, ZiJun still didn’t feel anything after some time, Chu YanShen quickly let her go, his brows knitted together, “You don’t agree?”

“Huh? Oh, I agree.”  ZiJun looked at him perplexed. Chu YanShen groaned and pointed his finger to his head, “You hit me like this… All I’m asking for is a kiss to make things even and you can’t?”

ZiJun sheepishly asked, “Then… how do we…?”

A smile spread across Chu YanShen’s face but he replied with a serious tone, “You should know. Your son’s already this big. You can’t be that bad at it.”

ZiJun wasn’t really sure what to say of this conversation. To be exact, she didn’t even have a boyfriend. Even if she has a five year old son, her only experience with men was with Feng Yi’s nameless dad and that night they shared which she is trying her utmost to forget.

Originally, she couldn’t recognize people, add to that her extreme efforts at subliminal self-hypnosis, memories of that man were almost always of pain, to be specific, what two people did, what he kissed and didn’t kiss, ZiJun does not clearly remember…

Deep in thought, her mind suddenly remembered, the man leaned over her body, kissing her neck… showering her with light kisses. ZiJun unconsciously touched her neck, looked up to Chu YanShen and said, “That… Who said that one has to be good at it if one has a son?”


After hearing those words, Chu YanShen agreed that there really was no logical connection. He began feeling happy, albeit unexplainable. Chu YanShen looked at her again. This woman cannot possibly be an idiot, she could even make a reasonable argument. Could it be that although she has a five year old son, she hasn’t kissed anyone? Then how’s she end up with a son? Is she saying she’s the “Virgin Mary”?

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Chu YanShen felt anger rise inside him. If she wanted to fool him, she should put her mind into it. More so because she was trying to fool him… With that stupid excuse, how could she convince me…

He sullenly looked at her, “Are you saying no?”

ZiJun began to lose her temper. As a matter of fact, their conversation has seriously deviated from the main issue. If one considers carefully, she shouldn’t be the one to take the blame…

ZiJun confidently faced Chu YanShen and looked him in the eye though somewhat weak said, “I don’t care if you don’t believe. Anyway, I don’t have that kind of experience. Furthermore, I shouldn’t get blamed for today’s matter, my mistake would not have happened had you not dragged me out of the restaurant! Your actions made me misunderstand you. Otherwise I… Why would I hit you with a flashlight?”

ZiJun felt quite justified, because he really was the one who dragged her in the first place, that’s why she bashed his head.How could she be at fault?

But Chu YanShen obviously doesn’t think the same, he coldly replied, “The law simply looks at the result, whether one intentionally or unintentionally injures someone, someone still got hurt. The only difference between the two is the amount of punishment for the assault.”

“You can’t be thinking that the amount of punishment should be to hit you on the head, are you?”

“Why not?”

Chu YanShen coldly replied without changing his tone of speaking, “Just a moment ago you heard the doctor too… There could be serious effects. Even if everything seems to be fine, can you guarantee that there won’t be any ill effects?”

It seems his words had reason, fear again crept in ZiJun’s heart, with great difficulty she mustered up her courage and faced him..

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ZiJun looked at him in horror, “Well… What do you want to do?”

Chu YanShen continued to maintain the grim expression on his face but if one looked carefully they’ll discover his eyes were beginning to smile. It was the first time he found out that teasing a woman was interesting… no matter if this woman was an idiot or not, she was giving him such joy there was no way he’ll let her go.

 Chu YanShen once again looked at her lips, because of his extreme mysophobia, he didn’t like to kiss. So much that even if it was a must, he often skips it whenever he has that dream of his. He would only kiss her neck. But now, he very much wants to kiss her lips.


Just thinking of the feeling of his lips on hers felt right. However, if he forced her, she might  close her mouth shut and he didn’t want that so he told ZiJun, “I want you to cooperate with me.”

Cooperate? ZiJun froze for a moment, A moment ago, this man clearly wanted to kiss her, ZiJun carefully weighed the current situation, her son had told her that good things come after the bad things. So, for the time being, she’ll cooperate with him. In the future, this man will probably let her off. Besides, it probably wouldn’t hurt to cooperate.

But how to cooperate? ZiJun realized thinking about how to cooperate was useless. And so, she looked towards ChuYanShen’s eyes with quite a helpless expression. This look of helplessness, for a second, made Chu YanShen feel that she really didn’t know what to do.

But Chu YanShen quickly rejected the idea, instead he felt  he was again thinking too much. From the start, the reason why he approached her was because of his dream… because she gave him that familiar feeling. His sole purpose was to get her in bed, and marriage was not a prerequisite to achieving that. So long as she fulfills the role, he’ll compensate her immensely. So he didn’t have to care about those trivial things.


Thinking of those things, he reached out his hand and held her neck, closing the space between them, he said “Open your mouth.” ZiJun was quite confused but she parted her lips slightly. “Close your eyes.” ZiJun obediently closed her eyes…

Then, she tasted him as his lips touched hers, ZiJun found herself not liking what was going on, because she didn’t know what she should do, because the kiss was producing saliva and she didn’t know whether to swallow it or spit it out, so she swallowed it, and felt a little sick, as if wanting to throw up, but this man was blocking the exit, it was impossible…

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During the whole time he kissed her, ZiJun was at a loss, until the time Chu YanShen let her go, until all that extra fluid on her mouth was gone… ZiJun doesn’t know why, but when he let go of her, ZiJun felt her mouth tasted odd…

Reluctantly, she swallowed and looked at Chu YanShen, “That… This should be enough…”

Chu YanShen relished in the aftertaste of the kiss, the kiss felt very good and it didn’t make him feel sick . Moreover, he was beginning to be convinced that she was saying the truth. The way she reacted to his kiss was impossible to fake and she didn’t seem to have skills. To sum up, from beginning to end, this woman just obeyed what he said. But even if that was so, the kiss was still wretchedly good… So good that he was lingering in the memory of their kiss…


Chu YanShen believed it was inevitably a good start and that they can continue slowly. It didn’t matter if she were stupid or something else, he won’t nitpick so long as she lets him savor this wonderful feeling…

But he didn’t expect that she would continue where their conversation left off. What does that mean? President Chu couldn’t help but think that she was unsatisfied with the kiss and that meant any hope for continuing what they were just doing was gone.

The man beside her was not in a good mood. Not to mention, he is the almighty and invincible President Chu. So one can imagine how ruthless he can be that ZiJun felt that being near him was certainly dangerous.

Moreover, Chu YanShen didn’t answer her question and kept on driving. The car wasn’t as fast as it was earlier but it also wasn’t slow, the thing was she didn’t know where he was taking her. Add to that his scowling face, She didn’t dare open her mouth to ask.

ZiJun thought her son’s words were quite reasonable. “One who appears weak will definitely get bullied by the strong.” Feng Yi and her brother are the only people she could bully. Regarding this Chu YanShen, she doesn’t have guts. Expecially the way he looks at her. Her intuition told her that if she said even a word he would probably throw her off the car…


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After finding out that he was Chu YanShen, ZiJun’s initial kidnapping idea died because the President of YangZhai didn’t have any reason to kidnap her; she knew that much. However, she really didn’t know how she ended up offending him. He suggested to let the matter go for a kiss, she agreed. He suggested she cooperate with him, she complied. Why was he still dissatisfied?

ZiJun remained puzzled until the car stopped, Chu YanShen coldly said, “Get off.” ZiJun looked and realized they have arrived to her home…

ZiJun stumbled, hastily got of the car, barely shutting the door when Chu YanShen sped so fast that in a moment even the car’s  shadow was gone, ZiJun blinked a couple of times, she felt certain again that this man was absolutely crazy…


She turned to find the key to open the door and realized that her bag was in the car, her phone too was in her bag, ZiJun bit her lips, In this situation what should be done? She should find Chu YanShen, but she doesn’t know where to look for him, even if she didn’t want to, the only thing she could do was send her son a distress signal.

She went to the community’s management office, requested to borrow the manager’s phone and dialed her son immediately picked up, it seems ZiJun has found her life saver, and told her son of the events that occurred that night.

Feng Yi did not expect this rapid development, it seems that God is on his side. From the way JunJun described things, Uncle Chu should be awfully fond of JunJun, at the very least he seems to want to pursue her… But his JunJun is quite dense, it’s possible that Uncle Chu would end up in a fit of rage from humiliation. That was quite a possibility since the “interested parties” would almost never leave JunJun alone…

To summarize, he as her good son will do everything necessary to help his JunJun out. In the end, he hanged up turned the phone off and stashed it in his uncle’s bag. The event won’t be finished until two hours later. The small time he’s giving these two people should be sufficient for his mother and Uncle Chu’s relationship to progress some more.

Qiao Yun glanced at him, “What did your mother say?” Feng Yi waved his hand, “She wanted to know where the snacks are…” Qiao Yun nodded, if ZiJun was asking that question then they have nothing to worry about.

So her son answered the phone and now she couldn’t get into the house,  Feng ZiJun stood outside, looking next to the iron-fenced garden, considering whether she should just climb. She could spend one night in the Garden, tomorrow she’s going to find a way to get inside…


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