You Have Guts!

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

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It was the same restaurant, the same moment, the same woman… but that woman was sitting across from a strange man, unusually close, at least from Chu YanShen’s understanding, her elbow rested on the table and she was smiling at the man in front of her. She was wearing a one shoulder dress, showing her delicate shoulder and that cinnabar mole exposed for everyone to see. Chu YanShen felt angry. Subconsciously, he had already marked Feng ZiJun as his woman.

Actually, as Feng ZiJun sat across Zhou TianYu, she hasn’t heard a word he’s said nor is she interested. The reason why she was with him was because she had agreed to have dinner with him.

In the words of her son, Proper socializing is a must otherwise we would have to go cold and hungry. In some cases, ZiJun must go into battle. Today’s clothes were picked by Feng Yi. As a matter of fact, ZiJun’s entire wardrobe were all chosen by her son when they got back. Aside from those tracksuits which are her favorites, to her the rest of the clothes were battle gears.  Her son said that Zhou TianYu likes the hipster style with a little bit of sexy.

She had already submitted her designs but when she did the on-site inspection, she learned she would have to modify some details and Zhou TianYu is TianYu Groups’ young master… If she were going to make any changes, she needed his approval.

In other words, if he were to say no then the answer is “No.” These days, she’s had a lot of things to do and ZiJun felt lazy. She really wasn’t extremely fond of interior designing. She liked her previous major. It’s just that after she had Feng Yi, she didn’t want to continue her previous work, afraid that Feng Yi will end up meeting his father.

Even if that was next to impossible to happen but ZiJun did not want to take unexpected risks. Granted, she didn’t remember that man’s face but the way he made her feel, she remembered. Intuition told her, he wasn’t someone to provoke so she did her best in avoiding another encounter. Seriously, that man really is was at an advantage. He should feel lucky. He had a son that would continue his genes… Just that, he’ll never know.

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However, since six years have passed she considered whether to come back or not. Granted, if they were to encounter each other again, it was safe to assume that he’d already have married and had children. No one will ever speak up about the damage she’d cause when she stole his seed and that seed is now her son Feng Yi.

Throughout the entire dinner all ZiJun could think about was Feng Yi’s father. She herself wasn’t sure what was going on recently but she’s always thinking about him. And all that while, Zhou TianYu looked fondly at the woman sitting across him. This very young designer looked no older than those interns at his company and she wasn’t really that old…twenty-four years old. Frankly that is the best age for women but this twenty-four year old woman already had a degree from a top-ranking international school, furthermore, she had already received an international award. Just hearing these made him attracted to her more.

From Zhou TianYu’s experience with his girlfriends, women cannot be both beautiful and smart… Those with big breasts will definitely have no brains and only one in a hundred women with brains would be pretty. That was all before he met Feng ZiJun, now that he’s met her he felt that she might just be that exception. He liked ZiJun because she was extremely beautiful. She wasn’t one of those “common” beauties but one that stands out. Everything about her would make a man stop to look at her. Perhaps he would seriously consider dating her.

 He picked up his wine glass and tipped it towards ZiJun only to see Chu YanShen. As Chu YanShen came over, Zhou TianYu quickly stood up politely greeting his Big Brother Chu. Chu YanShen realized that the man with Feng ZiJun was Zhou Tian Yu.

Chu YanShen was very familiar with his father. He knew Zhou ZiShan wanted his son to enter the company and gain experience. Chu YanShen recalled Feng Yi’s words, Feng ZiJun is TianYu Resort’s designer. He also knew that TianYu Resort is being developed by Zhou ZiShan to give to his son. So, Zhou Tian Yu can be considered as Feng ZiJun’s boss. Even if that was true, looking at these two sit together, Chu Yan Shen still felt extremely out of sorts particularly because the boss has invited his designer for a meal by themselves at this restaurant.

In fact, Zhou TianYu suggested to have dinner at a Western restaurant but Feng ZiJun who was gone for six years and wasn’t able to eat this kind of cuisine firmly opposed. She wasn’t picky but she was already tired of western cuisine so they ended going here but unexpectedly encountered Chu YanShen. Since Feng ZiJun really didn’t recognize anyone in front of her immediately and Chu YanShen made no impression as to who he was. So, she looked at Chu YanShen as if she was looking at a stranger.

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Even that wary look on her face from their previous encounters were exactly the same. This made Chu YanShen rather angry. If this woman couldn’t remember him the first time, that was understandable… as is a second time. But a third time…Realizing this, Chu YanShen became extremely angry. Even if he didn’t show it, he had the urge to strangle her as he looked at her being wary of him.

Zhou TianYu saw him looking at Feng ZiJun and said, “Big Brother Chu, do you know ZiJun?” “ZiJun?”  This woman had the ability to attract all kinds of bees and butterflies. Chu YanShen held out his hand and looped it around Feng ZiJun’s waist and held her close, nodding at Zhou TianYu he said, “Excuse us. Let’s have dinner with your father next time.” Chu YanShen dragged ZiJun out.

Zhou TianYu looked blankly ahead. He almost made a pass on Chu YanShen’s woman! If his father learned about it… Just thinking about what can happen… He wiped his sweat and hurriedly settled the bill.

Feng ZiJun nevertheless followed Chu YanShen till they got to his car. He held the car door open and waited for her to get in. When she got it, he said “Wait here for me.” He went back.

Feng ZiJun felt confused. After making sure he left, she located the door switch and stole a glance at the chauffer sitting in front, motioning the man to open the door but it was as if he didn’t see or hear her. Feng ZiJun had no choice but to lean forward. “Sir, please open the door.”  “President Chu said to wait here…” He replied.

“President Chu? Are you telling me that nutcase is President Chu? I didn’t realize that was him.” The chauffer broke in sweat, it was the first time he heard a woman call President Chu a nutcase.

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The chauffer felt he couldn’t do anything about the matter, opening the door was definitely impossible so ignoring the Miss would be best. ZiJun began panicking, Is she getting kidnapped?! ZiJun looked at herself,  looked around the car and instantly blocked the thought. She wasn’t worth any money… Her looks? She was quite pretty… but not enough for someone to commit a crime so there was no way this was a kidnapping…

Well, if this wasn’t kidnapping then what is going on? ZiJun racked her head brains until the time Chu YanShen came back. He opened the car door and found her quietly sitting and Chu YanShen felt an odd sense of satisfaction. Perhaps Qing Fang was right… This woman was special to her, too special that he couldn’t bear to see her with another man, even just to have a meal.

This possessiveness he felt was new, even six years ago he never felt such emotion. He rarely got angry but seeing Feng ZiJun with Zhou TianYu having dinner he barely was able to control his anger. Then he heard her saying, “Who are you?” and he got angry again…

Chu YanShen gritted his teeth, “Do you really not recognize me or are you pretending that you don’t?”

ZiJun looked at him puzzled, “What do you mean pretending? I don’t know you.”

Chu YanShen reached out his hand and cupped Feng ZiJun’s  face and drew closer to allow her to see him up close. “You definitely don’t recognize me?” ZiJun tried to look hard on his face and shook her head, “I don’t know you.”

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Chu YanShen nodded, “Fine, you don’t know me.” He took her from the backseat and told the chauffer, “You can get off work now, I’ll drive the car back.” The driver quickly got off and Chu YanShen ushered her to the front passenger seat then got on the driver’s seat. He glanced towards ZiJun, “Seatbelt.” This man’s presence was quite strong, Feng ZiJun knew she shouldn’t disagree and put on the seatbelt. The car was already moving towards the exit. Afterwards the vehicle began to speed up, too fast that Feng ZiJun felt scared and the car’s speed continue to increase.

She couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped her as she grabbed the overhead  handrail and closed her eyes. Then she felt the car stop and slowly opened her eyes. In front of her was a very serene face, “I am Chu YanShen. Do you remember me now?” “Crazy pervert! Nutcase! Didn’t you know that was dangerous?! Who did you say you were? Chu YanShen? Chu Shi Media’s president who sent Feng Yi home that night?”

YanShen merely looked at her. He wanted to know what was going on in her head and what she would say next. ZiJun looked excited and grabbed his arm. Chu YanShen looked at her hand holding onto his arm realizing that he didn’t find her touch repulsive.

“I thought you were a swindler! Otherwise why didn’t we finish signing Feng Yi’s contract then? And nobody followed up with me.” That day after Chu YanShen left, ZiJun’s initial excitement wore off. Thinking of her son as a meal ticket made her feel quite sorry  for her son. Besides, it was very shameless to think that they’d get by with Feng Yi earning the money.

Feng ZiJun didn’t tell all this to her brother. Her brother loved Feng Yi dearly.  If he found out that she almost signed that contract… Qiao Yun had said that the agency wanted Feng Yi to play the son’s role on ‘Father and Son’ but Feng Yue didn’t agree probably because he didn’t know how much Feng Yi would be making. If he’d have known, would he have signed  him as soon as possible?

Well, what to do… This no-good mother would definitely settle matters for Feng Yi.

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