In early July, there were no clouds covering the sky so the temperature gradually rose. Various insect eggs hatched, causing a sharp increase in mosquitoes on the shore. They became the biggest annoyance for polar bears other than hunger and hot temperatures. 

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The whale meat that was dried by the sea breeze wouldn’t grow insect eggs in a short period of time. But it would still attract the covetous harassment of all kinds of mosquitoes. 

Qiao Qixi didn’t want to share his food with the flies, so he ate all the dried meat as soon as possible, leaving only a small bucketful left to eat on the road. 

The flowers and plants on the shore had grown to arm’s length. Many small land animals frequently appeared, such as groundhogs, gray rabbits, and wild ducks that laid eggs by the water. 

Strictly speaking, these animals could also be food for the polar bears, but since they ran away so quickly, it was impossible for polar bears to catch up with these small animals on land. 

Especially since, in the summer, polar bears’ physical functions were almost stagnant. They even walked very slowly. 

Mosquitoes flying in the sky would follow and bite at stinky polar bears, causing many polar bears to become irritable from pain. From time to time, they would let out irritable growls, shaking their heads and so on, as they tried their best to drive away the little bugs that bit at them. 

Fortunately, Qiao Qixi and Odis liked to be clean. They groomed each other a few times a day, which made their body odor very light so they largely avoided the annoying flies and insects. 

Qiao Qixi could see that Odis didn’t like being disturbed by flies, especially when he was being awoken by their bites while sleeping. He would have a gloomy atmosphere all over his body. 

In order to solve this problem, Qiao Qixi paid attention to the surrounding grass when he walked, hoping to find plants with mosquito repellent effects. 

Root grass, peppermint, mosquito repellent grass, anything would do.

Among these plants, root grass usually could be found in the southern wildland and grew like weeds everywhere. Unfortunately, it was very difficult to find it on the coast of Greenland. Whether it could be found or not depended on luck.

As mentioned before, polar bears moved very slowly in the summertime. 

They would walk about ten kilometers a day, and even then, ten kilometers was only a drop in the bucket for the vast and endless coastline. 

As a result, the scenery around them remained unchanged for several days. 

The dried meat became a snack for the little polar bear to eat only when he was too hungry. Odis, on the other hand, refused to accept Qiao Qixi’s attempts to feed him anymore. Therefore, there were often scenes which depicted ‘I give to you and you give back to me.’ 

The drone clearly captured the modest action between the two polar bears. The emotional scene made people smile and sigh at the same time. 

The two polar bears’ relationship was really good despite their difficult situation. 

: In the blink of an eye, the polar bears have been on land for almost a month. The other polar bears are already thin and dirty. Although Odis and Alexander can’t find food, they are still so white. 

: Aha, sure enough, birds of a feather flock together. It seems that similar hygiene habits are also one of the conditions for becoming good friends!

: I really like watching the two of them~ I always feel that they can have a perfect ending. Watching other polar bears spend their summers only makes me feel uneasy…

: Two exquisite polar bears. I hope they can take good care of themselves and avoid any accidents. Sending well wishes~ 

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Qiao Qixi’s luck was very good as he searched through the grass. He saw wild peppermint, a plant that had a mosquito repellant effect that can survive even at -15°C. 

Peppermint also had a cooling effect. When the cold peppermint juice was applied around his eyes, which were prone to mosquitoes, Odis immediately felt much more comfortable, and his mood naturally improved as well. 

No longer troubled, he affectionately rubbed the little polar bear who had brought him relief and began to carefully think about where to find food to feed the little bear. 

The road ahead of them was long and full of uncertainty. 

The scorching sun, the wind that was no longer cool, and the sound of the waves accompanied the slow footsteps of the two polar bears. No one knew what would happen next. 

The only thing that was certain was that they were going to stay by each other’s side and together experience hunger while searching and so on. 

The small bucket was no longer filled with jerky and was instead filled with peppermint leaves, just in case there were no more wild peppermint that could be picked on the road. 

On such days, Qiao Qixi was quite used to this kind of life. He knew that his life wasn’t in danger, and the fat on his body could support him until the snow and ice returned. 

The same went for Odis. They were two lucky polar bears. 

Yes, every time he thought about his encounter with Odis, Qiao Qixi felt extremely grateful and fortunate!

For example, while immersed in his thoughts before going to bed, Qiao Qixi would remember this matter and suddenly kiss Odis on a whim. 

At that time, even if Odis was drowsy from sleep, he would instinctively rub against the cub for a while. Sometimes, he even woke up and played with the cub for a bit before falling back asleep. 

Odis probably felt that the little polar bear was too bored to sleep and needed to be coaxed. 

They were probably the only ones who had such a leisurely life during the summer!

As for filling their stomachs, well, it was natural to play and have a good night’s sleep first before making plans. 

The next day, not knowing whether it was morning or afternoon, Qiao Qixi felt so hungry that he didn’t want to move anymore. Ah, ah, ah, he missed the taste of whale meat, missed the taste of seals, or even walruses that had a more chewy texture. It would be best if he could eat some soon!

In short, it was fine as long as he could eat!

Damn, he was really too hungry!

“Ao ao ao…” The world was unfair, where did all the food go?

The little polar bear was so hungry that he suddenly fell to the ground and rolled around to vent his anger. He refused to take another step forward!

“…” Odis immediately stopped and looked back at the little bear. His dark and deep eyes seemed to be filled with a hint of distress and endless doting. He walked back to Qiao Qixi and made a low sound, hugging the little cub. 

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“Wu wu…” So hungry.

Qiao Qixi just wanted to vent his negative energy. If he kept trying to be optimistic and positive, he felt that he would soon be suffocated to death. 

This was a very serious problem, okay?

No one could face this kind of situation, where they were hungry for several days, with a smile on their face. At least they had to curse and vent their anger properly. 

As for whether it would bring a psychological burden to Odis, well, Qiao Qixi felt that… a pure polar bear shouldn’t be affected by the poor mood of other polar bears?

Generally speaking, only environmental changes and blood relationships could have a psychological impact on animals. 

Of course, this was Qiao Qixi’s own theory, and there was no rigorous scientific basis for it. 

The chubby cub laid on the ground and observed Odis’ reaction with his round eyes. 

Would Odis discipline him?

No, the other party still had a calm expression. The subtle emotional changes were hidden under the furry face, making it difficult to discern them. However, after being with Odis for so long, Qiao Qixi already knew how to judge the other party’s mood by the changes in his gaze.

In the face of his shameless behavior, Qiao Qixi guessed that Odis was probably feeling a bit helpless…and also distressed. 

In addition to making low sounds to comfort him, Odis also lowered his head and bumped the little bear’s butt with his nose, obviously hoping that the little bear would continue walking. 

Only by moving forward could they find food. 

Staying here would only make them hungrier. 

For a polar bear with strong attack power, this gentle force was really pampering and doting, even more so than a usual mother bear’s treatment of her cubs. 

In nature, some mothers with irritable temperaments would have very limited patience with their children. 

Gentle pampering was limited to when they were breastfeeding. If it were a mother bear facing a two year old child like Qiao Qixi, she would have already disciplined him long ago.

The little cutie, who weighed a few hundred pounds and laid heavily on the ground, gave two meaningful snorts and then stopped acting crazy. He got up, shook his fur, and then continued on his way. 

Secret message T-T please read at

They didn’t know how long it took until they arrived with weary steps onto a rocky beach.

On the quiet rocky beach, deep and shallow puddles were revealed after the tide had receded. Although these puddles weren’t impressive and had a lot of silt, where there were puddles there would be fish. 

Odis was very experienced, so he knew that there would be fish here. Of course, Qiao Qixi also knew. He had always been searching for such an environment. 

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Otherwise, he wouldn’t be starving like a bear. 

The little polar bear, who usually loved cleanliness, was driven by hunger and dipped his white paws into the mud and hunted quietly. 

Odis went between the rocks where the currents were more intense. With a clear goal, he quietly stayed on the rocks, lowered his head, and waited for an opportunity to strike. 

His huge figure was reflected on the water’s surface, and his serious expression was faintly discernible as the waves passed. 

When the fish flashed by the surface, Odis quickly dipped his head and caught the prey in his mouth in one bite. His movements were very concise. 

At almost the same time, Qiao Qixi picked up a fish from the shallow water puddles. 

However, he didn’t manage to bite the fish to death, so the fish shook its head and tail violently in his mouth. This caused mud to shower down like rain drops…

In an instant, his whole body was covered. 

Qiao Qixi was dumbfounded. He blinked his eyes and stared in a stunned manner. A flow of curses began running wildly in his heart. 

Damn, my beautifully handsome and clean white image has been ruined!

After Odis caught the fish, he immediately turned around to look for Qiao Qixi. It was then that he finally saw a little polar bear covered head to toe in mud. 

Odis was also stunned. He almost dropped the fish in his mouth back into the water. Well, it was probably because he had never seen Qiao Qixi so dirty before. He was a little surprised. 

It was too uncomfortable to be covered in the mud flung by the fish, so Qiao Qixi quickly came to the edge of the water with the fish in his mouth. He plunged straight into the splashing water, letting the cool waves wash away the mud on his body. 

In this way, the fish was tossed to death and became ready to eat. 

After being hungry for so many days, Qiao Qixi saw that there was a fish in both their mouths, so he happily enjoyed the fruits of his labor. 

However, Qiao Qixi didn’t expect that after he finished eating the fish in his mouth, Odis still held onto the fish he had caught. After the little bear finished eating, Odis effortlessly fed the fish into the mouth of the little bear. 

“!!!” How could this be?

Qiao Qixi couldn’t accept this fish no matter what. He was extremely touched, but he shook his head and urged Odis to eat it himself. 

Odis probably didn’t understand the rejection. In his mind, the little polar bear was in a very hungry state. 

One fish definitely couldn’t fill his stomach. 

However, he was a male bear who did things decisively and didn’t spend much time mulling over problems. Since Qiao Qixi didn’t accept the fish, he quickly devoured it and left to catch the next fish. 

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The wet little polar bear stared at Odis’ back in the water as the latter seriously hunted for more fish. He had the urge to smile in his heart. 


What a fool. 

After feeling emotional, Qiao Qixi got up from the water and continued to explore the shallow pools filled with treasure. 

It was easier for him to get food there. 

After about five minutes, Odis caught another fish in the flowing water. It was bigger and fatter than the previous one. 

He stepped onto the rocks scattered around the water’s edge and walked quickly to Qiao Qixi’s side. Lowering his head, he fed the fish to the little bear. 

This time, Qiao Qixi didn’t refuse. He felt that if he refused again, Odis would be very worried about him. 

A bear that couldn’t be fed with food was someone that was on the verge of death… So, he had to accept the fish happily! 

He also called out twice to express his gratitude. 

Odis paused and then licked his mouth. No one knew what he was thinking. In short, when hunting, he would always eat the smaller fish while feeding the bigger fish to Qiao Qixi. 

The two polar bears hunted fish by the water all afternoon. After eating dozens of fish one after another, they finally felt full. 

Qiao Qixi’s fur was damp all afternoon. Sigh. He was also very tired after finishing this meal. Now that his stomach was finally satiated, he could finally find a flat rock to lie down on in order to dry his fur. 

Odis’ fur was also wet. His fur clung to the shape of his body, which looked strong and burly. His whole body exuded a strong sense of strength, which was completely different from the chubby figure of the little bear. 

He sat down next to Qiao Qixi, lowering his head and licking his paws. Then he started licking the little bear beside him. 

In the end, he decided to lick the little bear dry first, then he would take care of himself. 

After tossing and turning for so long, Qiao Qixi was already sleepy. Feeling Odis grooming him, he threw away his shame and stretched his limbs aside, exposing his fragile belly. 

Under the drone’s camera, the little bear was lying on his back with his four feet lifted towards the sky. His four black paws were very cute, and the strong Odis licked and cleaned the little bear’s paws with his mouth without any disdain. 

Ah, Alexander was such a pampered and spoiled little bear, enough to make all the other little polar bears very jealous!


‾͟͟͞(((ꎤ >口<)̂ꎤ⁾⁾⁾⁾Qiao Qixi throwing a tantrum because he is hungry. Big mood!

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