Following Odis’ ‘attack,’ Qiao Qixi soon fell asleep after being comforted by his gentle coaxing. He was frightened and exhausted after a long day, so sleep came easily. 

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However, before he fell asleep, his heart was very restless. 

For a long time, he habitually accepted Odis’ meticulous care, which almost made Qiao Qixi forget Odis’ true identity, which was a lone king of the ice by nature. 

Odis’ combat prowess was indisputable, and he was competitive and ferocious in his bones. 

The reason why male polar bears liked to attack young polar bears, in addition to hunger, was that they naturally knew how to get rid of all threats and competition around them, even if it was just a cub that hadn’t grown up yet. 

This was the instinct of a beast, the subconsciousness written into the genes. 

Just like how a kitten would instinctively look for its mother’s milk even before opening its eyes. There was a vivid recollection called genetic memory, which was almost innate and difficult to erase. 

Odis’ penetrating roar not only scared Qiao Qixi but also reminded him of one thing: as a male polar bear, he would be Odis’ competitor in the future. 

This was not an overestimation of himself, but a truth. 

In the eyes of Odis, he was an enemy bear that stole survival and reproductive resources. It was already incredible that Odis hadn’t killed him and had even thought to raise him. 

But how long would this ‘abnormal’ phenomenon last?

It had to be said that Qiao Qixi’s speculation was correct. His thoughts were the same as most researchers’ conclusions. They all believed that the turning point of this ‘non-mainstream’ friendship would be Odis’ first heat. 

From summer to spring wasn’t far away. 

Perhaps in less than half a year, Odis would find that he had made a losing deal by raising an enemy bear that was useless and squeezed his living space. Then Qiao Qixi would be kicked out of the house in anger. 

Or Odis would beat him up before tossing him out.

“…” Ah, this was… too scary. 

Today, the little bear that rested in Odis’ arms was a little bear that had many thoughts in his mind.

Because of that deafening roar, Qiao Qixi felt that there was an inevitable gap between himself and Odis. 

That is to say, the appearance was inseparable but they shared the same bed with different dreams1. Odis guarded against him because he would become a competitor when he grew up. On the other hand, Qiao Qixi was wary that Odis would suddenly wake up and kill him. 

Just thinking about these things was torturous. 

Wasn’t this the case for kings and their subjects in ancient times?

It was too cruel. 

Qiao Qixi fell asleep as he thought about it. 

When he woke up again, the sun was still shining on the earth, and the sea breeze was still slightly warm, but the mother bear and little bear next door were nowhere to be seen. 

There was also no sign of Odis around. 

Yes, he was the only bear lying under the shade of the tree, guarding the empty sleeping space alone. 

This was something that rarely happened. See, once a gap occurred, he would immediately fall out of favor and would definitely be kicked out. 

Qiao Qixi turned his head and looked around for his little yellow bucket. That would be the only private property that he could take away. 

He heaved a sigh of relief when he found the little yellow bucket. 

In the process of looking for the yellow bucket, Qiao Qixi saw Odis’ figure. The other party was standing in the sea, quietly waiting for prey. It turned out that Odis had gone to hunt. 

Seeing the other party’s broad back view gave Qiao Qixi a sense of security. 

But this wasn’t right!

Qiao Qixi looked at Odis’ back in a daze and frowned slightly. Sigh, actually he didn’t want to rely on Odis so much. Moreover, he was an extremely petty fake bear. 

Yesterday, he had been so frightened that he forgot to be angry. 

Looking back now, Qiao Qixi was very sad!

How could Odis roar at him so fiercely and realistically? Now that he thought about it, he still had lingering fears. 

The petty little polar bear lay on his side under the shade of the tree. He hugged his feet and thought about whether he could survive after leaving Odis. 

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What were the chances of him surviving until winter?

Patting his fat belly, Qiao Qixi felt that there was hope. 

Although the days with Odis were very comfortable, it wasn’t conducive to him getting used to being alone as soon as possible. If he wanted to become a self-reliant bear quickly, it was a good choice to go out to gain experience. 

Of course, Qiao Qixi had to admit that the sudden idea of running away from home was partly because he was stingy and hypocritical. 

As an intelligent and thoughtful person, he couldn’t entrust his feelings to Odis, who relied on instincts to survive. This was unfair to him. Animals’ feelings were too unpredictable, and it was also unfair to Odis. The other party had no obligation to carry his expectations.

Since separation was bound to happen and it was the fate between himself and Odis, it was better to take advantage of the moment before he let his emotions get the best of him!

Okay, that was a reasonable decision. Qiao Qixi took a deep breath and thought to himself:

‘Goodbye, Odis. Today, I’m going on a long voyage with my Little Yellow.’ 

The quiet little polar bear let go of the paw that he had unknowingly gnawed on, got up on his feet, and grabbed his little yellow bucket. 

The noise of the sea breeze and the waves apparently gave the little bear the chance to successfully sneak away. 

In order to not disturb Odis, who was hunting, Qiao Qixi resorted to using hunting techniques. He minimized his sense of existence, gently picked up the keg, and quietly…

Well, the direction of the long voyage hadn’t been decided yet. 

Qiao Qixi raised his round head against the wind and looked at the entrance of the tributary. Ah, he wanted to go to the opposite bank and escape to a faraway place, but the sea at the entrance was wide, and it was difficult to swim there. 

What about deeper in the tributary?

That direction led inland, and the width of the sea gradually narrowed, so it wasn’t difficult to swim over. However, the danger inland couldn’t be ignored. The little polar bear, who didn’t have any fighting power, might encounter an accident. 

After thinking about it, Qiao Qixi decided to return to the entrance of the tributary. There was a possibility that he could encounter the mother bear and her cub, and he didn’t know if he would be beaten up if he passed by her alone. 

But there was no perfect way in the world. He just had to do it. 

With the bucket in his mouth, the little polar bear tiptoed away. 

Secret message T-T please read at

At this time, Odis’ round, calm, and sharp eyes were focused and alert as he stared at the sea. To be precise, he was staring at the beluga whales swimming in the sea. 

Unlike the little polar bear who rushed out recklessly when he was only eighty percent confident, Odis was used to only acting when he was one hundred percent sure. This way, he could save a lot of time and energy costs. 

Moreover, it hadn’t been long since the last time he was full. Odis wasn’t that hungry. He was just worried that the little bear was hungry, so he came out to hunt while the cub was still sleeping. 

Odis, who was simple and didn’t have many emotions, would never have thought that the little bear he picked up would leave without a word while he was concentrating on hunting. 

Before catching a beluga whale, Odis’ attention would be on the sea. Unless there was strange movement behind him, he wouldn’t be easily distracted. 

Thanks to Odis’ single-minded concentration, Qiao Qixi quietly left the polar bear’s field of vision. On the way, he met the mother bear and her cub. 

However, they ignored him and didn’t do anything. 

This was great. 

Qiao Qixi took a small step on the shore, and at this moment, he felt that freedom was waving to him. The vast world was singing for him, and even the grass on the side of the road seemed to bow down to his brave decision. 

The wind was blowing, and the little horse in his heart was whinnying. 

It was so beautiful under the sunlight. 

With a crash, a pool of water splashed on the turbulent sea, and a large white figure plunged into the sea with abnormally agile and fast movements. 

The whales in the water panicked and fled in all directions. 

Only one of the beluga whales was Odis’ target. Even if the others bumped him, he wouldn’t take a second look. This was because he was determined to get the beluga whale he had his eyes on. He didn’t need to divert his attention to catch the other whales. 

Unlike Qiao Qixi who had to close his eyes every time he plunged into the water, Odis didn’t close his eyes. So after every hunt, his eyes would be faintly red. 

In order to reduce the damage that seawater caused his eyes, the only effective way was to increase the success rate of his hunt. 

Odis knew this by instinct. 

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After the age of four, the chances of him failing to catch a beluga whale were much less likely, but somehow today, he failed. 

The huge polar bear floated up from the sea and rushed out of the water with a splash. Then, he hurriedly shook off the seawater on his head. 

From Odis’ expression and gaze, one couldn’t tell how he felt after a failed hunt. However, it wasn’t difficult to guess his unwillingness and helplessness from the way he stared back at the sea. 

Perhaps he had been too anxious and was in a hurry to kill a beluga whale from the sea and drag it to shore to feed the little bear that was still sleeping soundly. 

Odis got out of the sea. His wet transparent fur clung to his strong body. The sun shone on his face, causing his pupils to contract involuntarily, turning from round to oval. 

He stuck out his tongue and licked the seawater around his mouth, intending to switch positions and continue hunting. 

Before doing this however, the lone patient polar bear looked up at the shade of the trees on the shore as he moved slowly along the rocks in the sea. 

Then, his eyes widened a little, and at the same time, he was a bit confused. 

In his memory, Qiao Qixi should be sleeping soundly under the shade of the tree. However, there was no sign of the little polar bear there. Even the little yellow bucket that the cub liked very much wasn’t on the shore. 

Between continuing to hunt or going back to take a look, Odis only hesitated for a second before walking towards the shore with his paws. 

And the speed of his strides was getting faster and faster. 

It turned out that the shade of the tree where they slept was empty, and there was no sign of the little polar bear. He looked up and around, and as far as his eyes could see, there was still no sign of the little polar bear. 

This was unusual. 

Of course, it was also difficult to comprehend. 

Although Odis was at a loss, he didn’t think too much about it. 

The polar bear was able to track his target based on scent alone. With his wet fur, Odis immediately ran in the direction where Qiao Qixi had left. 

When Odis’ figure flashed by in front of the mother bear’s eyes, the mother bear and her child stared blankly at the polar bear for a while. 

As for the experience of this pair of mother and cub, it was quite special. After all, perhaps in their lifetime, other polar bears would never encounter a male polar bear chasing after another male polar bear that had run away from home. 

It was a bit ridiculous.

However, the ubiquitous drones, as always, recorded this scene. 

In terms of running speed, Qiao Qixi’s ability was limited for the time being. He secretly ran ten kilometers when Odis wasn’t paying attention. 

That’s right, a full ten kilometers!

However, he hadn’t escaped the range of the Odis’ nose at all. 

It took Odis less than half an hour to catch up with him, twenty-five minutes to be exact. 

Seeing the little bear’s back, Odis slowed down. With a puzzled and cautious look, he focused on the little bear in front of him and didn’t make any sound. 

This was the subconscious action of polar bears when they surrounded their target. It could be seen that Odis’ viewpoint of Qiao Qixi was that he owned him. 

Qiao Qixi finally discovered Odis’ figure when he was ten meters away from Odis. Suddenly, he heard a buzzing sound in his mind, signaling ‘It’s over!’

His first reaction was to run away!

The alarmed little bear fled in a panic. Odis immediately chased after him. A distance of ten meters was easy to conquer in his eyes. 

And that’s exactly what happened. 

Before Qiao Qixi could plan his escape route, he felt a shadow covering him. Oh no, a strong wind seemed to blow over first!

It tousled his fur. 

It also messed up his heart. 

Odis, who rushed behind the little bear, suddenly braked. Otherwise, Qiao Qixi might have been directly crushed by his huge body. 

This pain could be avoided, but the other torture was inevitable. 

Odis subconsciously bit the fur on the back of Qiao Qixi’s neck and pressed his body down, firmly trapping the other party under his body. 

Qiao Qixi’s small yellow bucket was innocently thrown far away during the dispute, and there was the sound of a collison! The scolding little bear’s heart bled when he heard it. Fuck!

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The back of his neck was bitten so painfully. 

Qiao Qixi was in pain and felt at a loss for a moment. Why did Odis do this?

Odis, who rushed over to catch him just now, had a fierce aura on his body. He seemed to be very angry. Was it because he ran away from home?

It couldn’t be!

Shouldn’t Odis be happy to have one less piece of trash to raise?

Why was he angry that he left?

Unsurprisingly, the other party couldn’t answer any of these questions. 

That wasn’t the point though. Ahhh, it hurt!

“Wuwuwuwu…” Polar bears didn’t cry, but the little polar bear really cried. 

Odis immediately loosened his teeth from the back of the little bear’s neck because of this crying. Then, he quickly licked the place where he had just bitten. 

There was no injury, and there was no broken skin. He hadn’t used a lot of strength. 

However, Qiao Qixi still made a lot of noise. Those who didn’t know would think that his neck was broken. 

Odis lowered his head and rubbed against Qiao Qixi’s face. He tried to look into the other party’s eyes, or maybe he was just analyzing the little bear’s condition with his keen sense of smell. In short, he was a little flustered. 

He had never encountered such a situation in his life. 

A little polar bear that was pretending to cry. 

As for why the cub wanted to leave him, Odis couldn’t understand it, not unless he one day developed the wisdom of human beings. 

Otherwise, he would only rely on instinct to survive and deal with things. 

Did Odis hate to part with him?

Qiao Qixi suddenly stopped pretending to cry because he was also thinking about this problem. Why did Odis chase him?

Was he really reluctant?

He didn’t know, but he had to admit one thing. 

Odis had done a lot of things that didn’t conform to his instincts, such as raising a little polar bear. 

Being the little polar bear that was raised by luck, Qiao Qixi slowly turned around and met Odis’ dark and focused gaze. It turned out that the other party had been looking at him all this time. 

Looking at each other, their eyes made contact. 

Qiao Qixi still couldn’t tell what Odis was thinking. 

Blinking his eyes, the little polar bear pretended to struggle for a while, but what he got in return was the weight of a mountain as Odis directly laid down on him. 

At this moment, not to mention struggling, even breathing was strenuous!

Alright, Qiao Qixi knew that Odis was afraid that he would run away. 

“Wu wu wu wu…” 

As soon as the delicate and soft cry came out, the ‘mountain’ on top of him paused and relaxed to give him a little more space. 

“Wu wu wu wu…” The little polar bear seemed to want a mile when given an inch, and tried to cry for more room to move around. 

Odis lowered his eyes and looked at the little bear that was being suppressed by him. After a while, he was still fooled and loosened more space. 

Knowing that Odis still cared about him, Qiao Qixi felt a little better. After all, he had also scared the other party enough. 

But he hadn’t completely vented his anger yet. 

To completely eliminate the grievances in his heart, he suddenly bit the big polar bear’s arm in the same position and with the same strength!

No, this time he bit even harder!

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Odis squinted his eyes as he felt the pain, but this time, he didn’t use the ferocious roar to scare the little bear. 

Polar bears had good memory and logical skills. Perhaps, he had already understood the reason why the little polar bear ran away. 

Once was enough to scare the little bear. 

Odis didn’t respond. 


Could it be that it wasn’t because of the pain but because of ‘cursing’ out loud?

Qiao Qixi let go of his mouth and glared fiercely at Odis. 

He thought about it and decided to copy and paste the curse words from yesterday: “Ao ao!”

This time, Odis still didn’t show any signs of getting angry. He even lowered his head and licked the cub’s mouth where he had just finished cursing. 

The big bear seemed to be encouraging him, telling him that he could scold him more if he was unhappy. 

Damn it…

Qiao Qixi felt that he was crazy. Otherwise, how could he decipher such a complicated meaning from a polar bear’s expression?

He must be crazy. 

However, the other party was indeed no longer fierce. Forget it, forget it. He knew that he was in the wrong. How could he argue with a polar bear?

Qiao Qixi comforted himself generously in his heart. Then he raised his head and licked Odis’ mouth. 

A signal to shake hands and make peace. 

After all, this was the most direct way for animals to express their friendliness. 

Odis’ dark eyes glowed slightly, and he seemed to be extremely happy. After being licked by Qiao Qixi, he immediately pressed down the little bear with great enthusiasm. 

Soon, Qiao Qixi’s face was smeared with Odis’ scent. 

Then, not only his face, but also the places on his body that were usually groomed were all taken care of by Odis. 

The enthusiastic and meticulous care made Qiao Qixi feel that he was okay again. 

It turned out that after going around in circles, he was the only one thinking so much. Odis didn’t have so many thoughts. 

Liking was liking. Favoritism was favoritism. 

It was very direct and pure. 

It even gave people a fiery illusion, so Qiao Qixi couldn’t help but wonder if the other polar bear’s emotions were really so strong?

The little polar bear clung tightly to Odis’ chest, feeling the other party’s heartbeat that was different from that of humans’. 

Yes, it was different from a human heartbeat, but now the two of them were the same, right?

So it wasn’t sharing the same bed with different dreams. 

No matter what happened in the past, anyway, they were companions at this moment. They relied on each other for survival and trusted each other. There was no need for so much worry and suspicion. 

Qiao Qixi rubbed against Odis who had calmed down. The other bear didn’t need to think and directly rubbed back against him. 

In the end, the small eyes seemed to be asking him, was this enough?

in literature: to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners with different agendas


I imagine this is what Qiao Qixi fighting with Odis looks like. QQ being angry and Odis trying to cuddle to calm him down lol~

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