Happy Thursday guys~ Hope you enjoy this chapter hehe. As a QQ x Odis CP stan, I’m glad that my CP train is finally taking off! (*≧∀≦*) Hope you enjoy this funny chapter as Qiao Qixi tries to figure out Odis’ feelings for him!

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Qiao Qixi didn’t know how long he was in a daze before he finally regained his senses. Just now, he had been completely focused on the fact that Odis had feelings for him, which was too shocking. 

His ability to sense the outside world had significantly reduced. 

But now that he had pulled his thoughts back to reality, he smelled a faint fishy smell in the air. 

Even though Odis had cleaned up most of the smell, a polar bear’s amazing sense of smell could still detect the scent a little bit. 

Qiao Qixi’s slightly calmed thoughts turned messy once again, and he didn’t know what to say. This wasn’t the first time that Odis had touched him. Of course, he knew that it was the big bear’s smell. 

The little bear, who was so embarrassed that even his toes had curled up, told himself to hold his breath, not to breathe it in, and even if he breathed it in, he should not pay attention to the indescribable smell in the air. 

However, sometimes, the more you forbid yourself from doing something, the more likely it was that you would lose control. 

In the end, the little bear couldn’t control his nose and tried to distinguish the smell in the air, and when he actually distinguished the smells, he picked up on the scent of…other smells. 

And this scent was super familiar. It was coffee. 

He was shocked…

How could there be the smell of coffee out here mixed in snow of the Arctic Circle?

The little bear, who was immediately attracted by the smell, got up from Odis’ arms. He rested his chin on Odis’ back and blinked his round eyes as he looked in the direction of the smell. 

It smelled so good. 

The first thing that came to the little bear’s mind was that coffee was delicious and he hadn’t had it in a long time. Then, he thought of the most important question; the smell of coffee here meant that there were humans nearby. 

He just didn’t know who they were. A scientific research team or an animal research team?

Thinking of this, Qiao Qixi was suddenly stunned because he himself was now an animal. 

Damn, could it be a documentary team?

Thinking about the fake stone camera and the GPS tracking that was in the hands of the rescue station, Qiao Qixi felt that he and Odis were probably the main characters of the documentary. 

Qiao Qixi was petrified on the spot, and there was only one thought in his mind: this couldn’t be an animal documentary team! If that was the case, then he might have to kill them to silence them; otherwise, this matter wouldn’t be good. 

Of course, that was just a joke though. It was just an exaggeration to express his current volatile mood. 

First of all, they had to confirm if those people were filming a documentary, which shouldn’t be difficult. They just had to get closer to take a look. 

It wasn’t that Qiao Qixi didn’t consider these nearby humans as bad people, but his senses told him that they didn’t seem to have ill intentions. 

They didn’t seem like poachers either. If they were poachers, the other party would’ve taken the chance to attack long ago. 

Moreover, Odis had suffered from poachers before, so he should be more sensitive to danger. 

In short, Qiao Qixi was very concerned about whether the humans were filming him and Odis, so he decided to take a look. 

The little bear climbed over his back, and Odis, who hadn’t finished cleaning up yet, immediately followed. When he realized that the little bear was moving towards the humans, he bit the back of the little bear’s neck and refused to let go. 

At the same time, he let out a low warning sound from his throat. 

Qiao Qixi translated the meaning: Don’t go, it’s dangerous.

Through this experience, he was surprised to find that Odis could lie. 

First off, if there really was danger, Odis wouldn’t have been so focused on him just now. He would have taken him away long ago. 

Secondly, if there really was danger, there would have been many opportunities to leave. However, Odis had stayed firmly in the sleeping place that he had found after searching for a long time. It was as if those humans weren’t enough for him to get up and find another place to sleep. 

“Wu wu.” Odis could lie, but couldn’t he also fake cry?

“…” Odis looked a little confused and helpless at the little bear who was rolling on the ground with his limbs in the air.

As a young polar bear, in his current knowledge, there was no concept of a drama queen. 

Those humans really didn’t have any ill intentions, but Odis warned the little bear that it was dangerous because he didn’t want the little bear to come into contact with humans. 

He had been hurt by humans yet also received help from them. He didn’t have any prejudice in his heart, but he also didn’t want to be associated with humans. 

But how could Odis resist the little bear’s coquettish behavior in the snow? Even if he encountered such a situation, he was used to comforting the little bear immediately or finding food to feed him, not to mention that he and the little bear had just been intimate in the snow. 

At this moment, even if the little bear bit Odis until he bled just to satisfy curiosity, Odis probably wouldn’t frown. 

Qiao Qixi felt Odis gently rubbing his belly. At the same time, Odis made a sound from his throat that said, ‘I can’t do anything to you.’ The little bear immediately stopped crying. Not only did he stop crying, but he also quickly got up. 

The chubby figure followed the aroma of coffee and walked over with small steps, curious yet vigilant. 

Odis’ every step was equivalent to three or four steps of the little bear, but at this time, he could only follow patiently like a bodyguard. 

At this time, the camera team had been in a daze for a long time because of the scene they had just witnessed. 

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About half an hour had passed from the initial moment when they had seen Odis pressing down on the little bear’s back until the last moment when it finally ended, but they still hadn’t completely digested the news. 

The English language was inadequate, and there were only a few words that they could use to express their shock. They spoke to each other countless times in private with suppressed voices.

Over and over again, it was too unbelievable. 

Now, the two polar bears, who had just finished their intimate act, were walking towards the camera. 

“Oh no, they found us.” The whole team began to cover their mouths and reflect on themselves. They must’ve spoken too loudly just now and attracted the attention of the two polar bears. 

“Leader, should we go?” A team member lowered his voice and asked nervously. 

“It’s too hard to decide…” The team leader kept looking at the camera and shook his head when he heard the words. The reason for saying this was because the Alexander who appeared in the camera was too cute. Ever since he had been lying on Odis’ back and looking at the, he had been the center of attention for the camera. 

Originally, they had a chance to leave or at least to return to the off-road vehicle. 

However, Alexander’s cute little steps and sneaky little expressions attracted the team leader’s attention. His heart almost melted. “Alexander is so cute. He’s obviously curious about us, but he’s afraid of danger. That’s why he’s walking over step by step, just like a cat on a hunt.” 

“On a hunt?” The team member was terrified. “Leader, you stay here, we will go back first.” 

“Coward, I heard that Alexander is very friendly to humans.” The team leader said. 

“What’s the use of Alexander being friendly? The key was Odis. Don’t forget that he is in an agitated state, so he should be quite unfriendly.” The team member reminded him helplessly. 

“But he just finished enjoying himself.” The team leader’s tricky words made it impossible to refute. 

Perhaps, this was the adventurous spirit that a team leader of the gold medal team should have. 

The team leader wasn’t blindly confident. He carefully observed Odis’ state. This big guy that had just finished enjoying himself was now looking at Alexander gently and had no time to pay attention to humans. 

When Qiao Qixi walked closer and closer, he saw the camera equipment with his good eyesight. 

He couldn’t believe it. Was it really a camera team shooting an animal documentary?

This was undeniably bad news. 

In addition to feeling embarrassed, Qiao Qixi also felt very sorry. Sorry that in the end, he still gave the world unreliable data. 

Ah, the main point was, can it be deleted!?

Please go and record some serious polar bears, I beg you.

Qiao Qixi thought that the two of them had never been serious from young to old. 

On the camera team’s side, the little polar bear suddenly stood up and made a scene with Odis, no longer walking forward. 

The behemoth that was guarding the little polar bear stood calmly in the snow, enduring the little polar bear’s paws that kept hitting his body and even turned his head to lick the little bear’s nose. 

The team leader said excitedly, “Come and see, Alexander is hitting Odis.” 

The team members who had just said that they were going back immediately gathered around in high spirits. 

“Odis doesn’t seem to be in pain at all.”

“Is this considered domestic violence?”

“No, it’s just acting coquettishly.” 

The people who were still tangled in the relationship between the two bears suddenly felt that even if Odis fell in love with Alexander, so what?

Even if Alexander was only two and a half years old, even if they were both male polar bears… 

If they really had feelings for each other, this should be a relationship worthy of blessings. 

‘Homosexuality’ was not uncommon in the animal kingdom. Currently, more than 1,500 animal species were known to have such behavior. 

The only surprising thing about Odis and Alexander was that before this, Odis had been raising Alexander like a cub. 

No one expected that their relationship would become like this. 

Thinking that the ‘rubbing’ clip might appear on world-wide television, Qiao Qixi felt suffocated and almost fell in the snow. He was angry and couldn’t help but vent his anger on Odis. 

After all, Odis was the main culprit. 

Qiao Qixi wanted to leave the camera as soon as possible, so he turned around and walked back. 

Obviously, he couldn’t stay in this place any longer. He picked up the small yellow bucket that was about to be buried in the snow and left overnight. 

Odis didn’t mind the little bear’s willfulness. He followed the angry little bear closely, no matter where the other wanted to go. 

The figures of the two polar bears gradually faded from view of the camera. 

This was the tenth hour of tracking. The team would temporarily camp, sleep, and continue the tracking tomorrow. At the same time… they would report the latest news to the research station. 

Odis rubbed Alexander’s body in his agitated state?

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Yes, it was very surprising, but at the moment, they couldn’t make any conclusions. They would continue to follow and see. 

The research station’s attitude was the same as Qiao Qixi’s. He also felt that once or twice probably didn’t mean anything. 

It was too rash to conclude that Odis had feelings for him just because of this, and who knows, maybe in a few days, Odis would meet a female polar bear that he liked. 

At that time, his conjecture would seem ridiculous. 

Therefore, Qiao Qixi felt that it was better to wait and see, and instead of rushing to run away from home, he should actively find a partner for Odis. 

If he could, he didn’t want Odis to like him. 

Having a chance encounter with a female polar bear once a year was the right path for male polar bears. 

Liking someone of the same sex would have no future development because he couldn’t give birth to cubs. 

Qiao Qixi thought: Fool Odis, there is no such thing as love in the Arctic. Wouldn’t it be better to be a polar bear ice king?

After leaving the humans’ scope of observation, the two bears found a new place to sleep. 

They were able to sleep soundly. 

Secret message T-T please read at

After the two polar bears woke up, they continued to move towards the snowy mountain. 

Polar bears looking for a mate relied on smell to find the one they liked. This smell wasn’t the same as the stench of not bathing all year round, but it was actually a unique smell of hormones that every polar bear had. 

Female polar bears were also looking for partners of the opposite sex. Just by smell, they could tell whether the male was strong or not and whether he was suitable to be their mating partner. 

For example, Odis had just matured and experienced two sexual outbursts which changed the smell on his body. 

If he had not attracted the attention of females before he matured, then now that he had the ability to reproduce, he had become the target of many females’ active pursuit. 

Female polar bears, who were about to enter estrus, scented Odis from afar. They liked this polar bear who smelled very strong. 

They even abandoned their modesty to come looking for him. 

When the three polar bears met on a narrow path in the snow, the female polar bear, who had finally found the person she liked, was a little confused. She didn’t seem to understand why there was a sub-adult bear here. 

Qiao Qixi sniffed the air and quickly recognized that it was a female polar bear. Yes, it could be seen from the other party’s smaller size. This was a good thing, and he felt that the situation was pretty good. 

The little bear caught up with Odis, who was looking straight ahead, and bumped his body with his butt. “Ao ao!” 

Your wife has appeared! Why are you still hurrying on the road?

Hurry up and go have a date! (The word used here actually translates to something ambiguous along the lines of “to get off with a sexual partner” so basically I used the innuendo to make it sound less explicit and more playful as QQ is trying to say.)

Odis didn’t react at all however. It seemed that he wasn’t interested in the female polar bear. 

Male polar bears also had standards for choosing a mate. If those standards weren’t met, then they wouldn’t approach the female. 

Qiao Qixi looked at the cold and heartless Odis and then glanced at the female polar bear who had come across thousands of miles to meet, thinking that this was an unfortunate missed opportunity. 

Well, there was nothing he could do. 

He could only say that in the animal world, there was no need for a woman to chase a man. 

The female polar bear didn’t pester the big bear. Seeing that Odis didn’t seem to like her, she turned around and left. 

Not long after, a female polar bear with a taller physique bumped into them. 

Qiao Qixi compared her seriously to the prior female and felt that this female polar bear was better-looking. Not only was her fur white and cute, but her personality was also bolder. 

The other party, who had taken a fancy to Odis, walked over. 

Ah, this…

Little Qiao bear was quite nervous. He immediately considered whether or not he should hide first!

He looked around, but it was bare landscape. He had no choice but to put on Little Yellow, leaving only a gap to peek. How did polar bears go on blind dates?

He saw the cute female polar bear walk to a position three meters away from them. She lay down coquettishly and turned her belly to look at Odis. 

Qiao Qixi was dumbfounded. This sister was really awesome!

He learned something new. 

Who could withstand this?

The little bear’s gaze turned to Odis. He thought that if the big bear didn’t go for such a good partner, would he wait for the next one that was better?

How picky was Odis’ taste?

Besides, male polar bears could choose more than one to mate with. If Odis was willing, he could go on a date with this one and that one just now. 

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Qiao Qixi was not the only one waiting for Odis to accept the female polar bear’s goodwill. The camera team was also waiting. 

At this point, if Odis accepted this cute female polar bear, then the previous conjecture that he was a gay polar bear would be invalid. 

On the other hand, if he refused…

Then that would be a bit of a big deal.

Qiao Qixi held his breath. At this moment, there was no prayer or hope. Anyway, no matter what Odis chose, it wasn’t something that he could control. 

“Roar…” Odis growled at the little bear who was standing still behind him and urged him to keep up with his footsteps. 

Other than that, he didn’t look at the female polar bear lying in the snow. 

The entire camera team was silent and surprised. 

Generally speaking, male polar bears weren’t so picky. Even if they didn’t like the other, they would at least scent the female before making a decision. 

Looking at Odis, he wasn’t even interested in the scent of the opposite sex. No matter how you looked at it, he was a complete homosexual. 

At the same time, Qiao Qixi followed Odis’ footsteps somewhat absent-mindedly. He didn’t like such a good-looking female?

Then what did Odis like?

The questions in his heart changed and merged into one, finally focusing on the most central question: Did Odis really like the little bear who was still underage and of the same sex?

As the saying goes, true knowledge comes from practice. 

If he wanted to know, couldn’t he just ask him?

Although polar bears couldn’t communicate with words, they could still communicate with their bodies. 

The little bear already had a way to find the truth in his heart. However, as he walked, he looked at Odis’ huge back and hesitated. Should he really do this?

But what if he was caught by a camera?

The little bear looked around. He didn’t believe that there would be a camera on the road. 

Besides, the quality of pictures taken in this kind of light was limited. 

It was still possible to be thick-skinned. 

The main thing was that some questions were still stuck in his heart, and if there were no answers, it would feel very suffocating.

As Qiao Qixi thought about it, a voice in his heart said: If Odis really likes you, then is it an acceptable result for you to be deeply loved by a polar bear?

This was indeed a problem. 

Qiao Qixi thought about it seriously. If there were no accidents, Odis would be the closest existence to him in his polar bear life. After all, it should be impossible for him to meet a second bear as special as Odis. 

If he had to grow old with someone, Qiao Qixi wouldn’t refuse Odis. 

The premise was that Odis firmly chose him. It had to be love, not other feelings, and it couldn’t be fickle, liking one person today and liking another tomorrow. 

… It would be too ridiculous to be emotionally hurt as a polar bear. 

The little bear thought about it all the way until the third female polar bear appeared and took the initiative to ask Odis out on a date. Qiao Qixi hadn’t noticed her and directly bumped into Odis. 

Huh? Really? There was a third one?

“…” Should it be said that Odis’ charm was boundless?

In such a short period of time, the big bear had already attracted three female polar bears from afar. 

The photography team hidden on a nearby snowy ridge also thought so. As expected of Odis, who was favored by fans all over the world. This polar bear was indeed favored by many female polar bears during the breeding season. 

The third admirer expressed her goodwill and looked forward to Odis’ reaction. 

The little bear also felt the same. He had mixed feelings as he walked behind Odis so that Odis could better appreciate the female polar bear. 

However, the ignorant male bear Odis thought that the little bear was afraid and misunderstood that the female polar bear had scared the little bear. 

He was immediately unhappy. 

In the snowy night, no one saw Odis’ fierce eyes, but all the people and animals heard Odis’ angry roar. 

The target of the roar was the female polar bear. 

All the people and animals were stunned. The first to react was the female polar bear who had just expressed her goodwill. Because it would be dangerous if she continued to stay, she immediately left. 

And the photography team nearby, although they couldn’t see the bear’s expression, could still hear Odis’ anger. 


Odis was really an unromantic and cold man. He actually rejected three females in a row who expressed their goodwill to him. 

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If they hadn’t witnessed him rubbing against Alexander’s body last night, everyone would have thought that he maybe couldn’t do that, okay?

Now it seemed that he could, but that his object of affection wasn’t a female polar bear but a cute male polar bear instead. 

Thinking about it this way, Odis’ taste wasn’t bad. Alexander was indeed the cutest. 

Qiao Qixi was also stunned. Why did Odis chase another female away again?

He could still comfort himself with the previous two, saying that it was a matter of probability because looking for a partner meant comparisons of course. 

But Odis didn’t even give the other party a chance to interact with him. This was very unreasonable, okay?

The previous idea of testing the big bear once again appeared in Qiao Qixi’s mind. 

Fine, he would press his luck. It was better to throw caution to the wind. 

He was going to give it a try. 

The little bear took off the small bucket on his head. After all, this silly bucket would affect his performance. 

He recalled the second female polar bear’s behavior. To be honest, even he was tempted at that time. 

Ah, no, no, he was still too young. 

The little bear suddenly ran in front of Odis, throwing his bucket away, and then laid on the ground, exposing his belly and tilting his head to look up at Odis. 

“…” Odis: Speechless.jpg

Not only was Odis stunned, but the entire photography team was also stunned. 

Oh my god! Oh my god!

The scene was once unimaginable. 

The team members had already shouted crazily in their hearts: Oh my god, Alexander and Odis are in love with each other. This is great, this kind of relationship is really good!

Even if they were two male polar bears, they fell in love after meeting each other. 

This couldn’t be denied as a miracle. 

Their love transcended gender and age. 

Alexander wasn’t even a full adult yet, but he already knew how to use the adult female polar bear’s way of expressing goodwill towards the opposite sex, acting coquettishly to Odis. 

Who could withstand this?

People guessed that Odis, who had received the little bear’s passionate and sincere confession, must be full of bliss at this moment. 

People were even more looking forward to Odis’ reaction than the previous few times. 

This was the moment to verify the truth. 

Qiao Qixi and the photography team all thought so. 

Odis, who was in the spotlight, was stunned for a few seconds, then made a pleasant low sound from his throat. The tone was full of happiness and willingness. 

Next, he walked towards the little bear and laid down with his huge body to hug the little bear, rolling them in the snow. 

Qiao Qixi’s face and nose were enthusiastically licked by Odis. 

At this time, Qiao Qixi could still comfort himself while playing. Odis was just playing with him. 

Usually, they did this a lot!

However, after rolling around twice, his chubby legs pressed against little Odis, who had appeared at some point. 

This made his mentality collapse, and at the same time, he panicked, afraid that he would crush little Odis. 

Odis didn’t care, as if he could bear the weight of the little bear’s chubby legs. 

It was obvious that he was indeed very happy at this time, and it was completely different from the way he looked when he was roaring at the female polar bear just now. 

Qiao Qixi didn’t know that this action wasn’t just a simple gesture of goodwill, but a more accurate translation was that it was a request for sex. 

If the male polar bear agreed, they could immediately find a place to date. 

This was obviously not a good place to be intimate. 

Odis wanted to get up immediately and continue to climb the mountain with the little bear. 

However, he couldn’t bear to give up the opportunity to kiss and hug the little bear, so he hugged the little bear and played intimately in the snow for a long time. 

And the proof of his passionate love was always blooming in the snow for his beloved little bar. 

The ironclad truth was in front of him, so the little bear finally admitted it. 

Odis clearly loved him.

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