The alternation of day and night was just around the corner while spring had just begun. The land that was not usually favored by polar bears was now bustling with activity. 

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The foot of the snowy mountains was completely full of bear couples. Of course, this wasn’t an exaggeration. In short, if a pair of polar bears weren’t on a date, they were most likely making their way up the mountain. 

It was rare to see polar bears like Odis and Alexander who had already occupied the mountain’s summit. 

The light under the leeward cliff was rather dim, and the huge male polar bear used his strong body to encircle the white fluffy body in his arms. 

It was another polar bear. He was younger, with a round and cute body and fluffy white fur. However, this polar bear couldn’t be considered as a little bear. 

Regardless of age or size, it was no longer appropriate to continue using the nickname ‘little bear’ to call Alexander. 

In terms of age, Alexander was already a sub-adult bear. He had reached the age where he could leave his mother and live alone. Just like Odis back then, he was already independent at this age. 

Alexander, who was two and a half years old, had developed very well. Even a three-year old male polar bear might not be as big as him. 

Odis, who had been raising the little bear, didn’t seem to care about these small problems. It was as if he had never thought of developing a relationship with the little bear like how a mother would raise a cub. 

Whether Alexander was two and a half years old or three and a half years old, it was as if this big guy had never really taken it seriously. 

Perhaps that was what Odis thought. Even if the little bear was ten years old, he would still be his little bear. 

He needed to be fed, hugged to sleep, and accompanied by his side all the time. 

After a while, a glimmer of light rose from the horizon, finally bringing a touch of light to the land that had been covered in darkness for months. 

Of course, the sky wouldn’t be suddenly filled with brightness, so they would have to wait patiently. 

While waiting, it started to snow, and the sky became dark once again. 

Qiao Qixi woke up with a yawn. Hearing the sound of the wind and snow outside, he immediately felt that this location was really good. The wind and snow didn’t blow in at all. 

With Odis warming him up, he didn’t feel the cold at all. 

He turned his head to look at Odis. Odis had been resting with his eyes closed but immediately opened them and just like that, their eyes met. One pair of eyes looked sleepy and adorable while the other pair appeared deep and focused, undercurrents surging under the calm darkness. 

There seemed to be something hidden deep inside that gaze. 

Qiao Qixi blinked his round eyes in amazement. He rubbed Odis’ face and thought that if he hadn’t known Odis, he might have never realized that polar bears also had a mysterious side. 

Simple, honest, and clumsy. These things had nothing to do with Odis. 

When the little bear rubbed his chin, Odis’ eyes immediately lit up, and he looked very happy.

He had many ways to express his happiness. Usually, he preferred to express it through actions, and occasionally, he would also make short calls, such as today. 

Qiao Qixi couldn’t help smiling and feeling warm when he thought about Odis’ usual calls with his fierce voice when chasing away intruders, including the soft tone he used when seeking intimacy.

But as he was feeling happy, Qiao Qixi suddenly couldn’t smile anymore.

He didn’t forget the purpose of Odis’ trip to the mountain which was because he liked him and wanted to mate with him. 

Although Qiao Qixi had now accepted Odis’ love for him, it still made the little bear’s scalp tingle, but at the same time, he didn’t intend to reject this incredible love. 

This acceptance didn’t mean that he had a strong ability to just accept anything nor was it because of the feelings of brotherhood or guilt between them. 

It was because Qiao Qixi had accepted his new identity wholeheartedly. What was wrong with a polar bear falling in love with another polar bear?

Secondly, Odis was very good to him. They had a mutual understanding and communication, and they could live together. Odis was gentler and stronger than many of the humans Qiao Qixi had interacted with, and the big bear was also full of emotions. 

Being partners with him… should be very blissful. 

Qiao Qixi thought to himself. Even if he refused this relationship and insisted on leaving, would Odis let him go?

There was no doubt about the answer. 


It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried before. Thinking back to his previous experience, he was caught before he could run ten kilometers. 

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Qiao Qixi sighed slightly in his heart. How should he put it? Actually, it wasn’t a question of whether to accept Odis’ feelings or not, but more a question of whether he could withstand Odis’ heat. 

They had already built a nest at the top of the mountain, and even the little yellow bucket placed next to the nest knew that they definitely didn’t come up just to see the scenery before going back down. 

The problem was clearly in front of him!

It was because Qiao Qixi’s physique was too different from Odis’. If they really went all the way, the little bear would definitely be injured. 

Although Odis, who regarded the little bear as his life, might not even think about going in, Qiao Qixi still believed that there was a possibility of this. But he also knew that Odis was very smart and knew what could and couldn’t be done. 

He definitely wouldn’t let himself get hurt. 

If the little bear was a bit more selfish and didn’t care about the other party’s suffering, he could just contribute his chubby back and be done with it. Then, they could survive this breeding season. 

However, Qiao Qixi wasn’t such a selfish person. 

Usually, he would complain, but when it came to serious matters, he was also a man who could take responsibility. 

Sigh, wasn’t it just a breeding season? Let him think about the short movies he had seen, besides the usual way, there were still many other methods to try. 

Odis was just a polar bear who had never seen the world, and now, he had just stepped into the door of a new world. 

At the very most, the big bear had only experienced the feeling of rubbing twice before. He couldn’t be more pure.

As a pure bear with a low threshold, he might be able to be fooled with a little trick. Qiao Qixi thought as he held his forehead with his paw. 

Perhaps it was because the little bear had been very resistant to rubbing before, but after he woke up, Odis didn’t immediately want to do that kind of intimate act. In fact, if it wasn’t for the difference in his body temperature and breathing, Odis wouldn’t seem any different from usual. 

However, Qiao Qixi still knew that if Odis turned his abdomen over now, he would definitely see the thing that made him most nervous. 

Even so, Odis didn’t seem to intend to do anything other than lick his fur occasionally.

Although Qiao Qixi didn’t understand why Odis didn’t even want to rub, he knew that it definitely wasn’t because Odis wasn’t interested in that kind of thing. 

Maybe he was just holding back. 

Because the big bear knew that he didn’t like it. 

Idiot Odis, if you knew this would happen then why didn’t you accept the goodwill of those female polar bears from before?

Now you have to work so hard to hold in the urges. 

The bad little bear thought gloatingly but also with a bit of heartache. 

At first, he was too embarrassed to do anything else. It wasn’t until the snow storm became heavier and the surrounding environment became darker that he felt a sense of security. 

The little bear, who wanted to seriously accept the big bear’s feelings, finally made a move. He turned around in Odis’ arms. His head was originally facing up, but now it was facing towards Odis as he moved down. 


This action alarmed Odis, and the big guy, who couldn’t take any stimulation, immediately raised his head and arms, trying to imprison the naughty little bear in his embrace. 

However, Odis only moved a little bit before Qiao Qixi’s next action immediately made him widen his eyes and stop abruptly. 

It was rare for Odis to be in such a situation. Even when he was shot by poachers and was bleeding all over the ground, he had never felt as if he was facing a powerful adversary then as he did now. 

But he had to admit that he didn’t dare to move now, for fear of disturbing the little bear. 

At this moment, the little bear that had been pampered since he was young was now doing the cleaning just like how Odis used to help him clean up in the past. 

Now, the little bear didn’t seem to mind much… But well, at first, he still wasn’t used to it. 

He felt very shy.

But the truth was that Qiao Qixi thought that he should’ve gotten used to this kind of thing long ago. If it wasn’t for Odis helping to clean him this past year, he would’ve probably been a dirty-looking bear. 

But there was still a difference between the two actions. Odis simply cleaned the little bear while the little bear was responsible for more than just cleaning. 

It was just that he wasn’t sure if what he was doing was really useful or not? 

Of course, it was. Odis’ eyes, which were originally wide open, slowly narrowed during this moment, leaving only a deeply lit gaze to watch the little bear’s back. 

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Obviously, he was very focused. 

Because only his forearms were free, he sometimes moved cautiously, as if he wanted to touch the little bear who was close at hand, but he was afraid of disturbing the other party. 

The round bear paws could only grasp the air lightly. 

After an unknown amount of time, Odis turned his neck uneasily, and his eyes were no longer fixed in one direction. 

If one looked closely, they would find that his eyes were no longer calm and focused but slightly absent-minded. 

A little later on, Odis’ throat made a low sound, which filled the narrow yet comfortable cave. 

In order to achieve his goal as soon as possible, Alexander had temporarily forgotten his shyness and bottom line. After all, he knew that this kind of thing would continue for the whole spring. 

The little bear froze abruptly, and then immediately moved away from Odis. 

Odis got up immediately and lowered his head to finish the cleanup by himself. 

“…” The little bear with white fur fortunately had black skin underneath, otherwise he might have become a red-faced little bear by now. 


Alexander’s shyness soared to the peak in an instant. Then, he crawled out of the den and plunged into the snow, trying to use the thick snow to cool himself down. 

In his mind, as he was recalling the moment just now, the little bear’s world seemed to explode. 

Pa! (Hitting sounds.) Couldn’t Odis have informed him in advance!?

“Wu wu wu wu wu wu.” Qiao Qixi strongly requested that he be a dead bear at this moment and didn’t want to be disturbed by the outside world. 

Whoever bothered him was a dog! 

Odis quickly finished cleaning his fur and immediately looked for Qiao Qixi. Then, he quickly saw a white butt sticking out of the snow. 

In an instant, Odis’ eyes filled with warmth, and then he recovered his laziness and stretched comfortably, all while his gaze was fixed on Qiao Qixi. 

But occasionally something would flash across his gaze, and he would glance elsewhere. It seemed that the little bear wasn’t the only one who was shy.

Odis, who had been pleasured for the first time, probably had a similar feeling to Qiao Qixi. 

Who knows?

Odis laid down at the door of the den and waited for a while, but the little bear still didn’t return. He had to get up and intervene. 

The fur on his back was rubbed, and the little bear immediately poked his head out of the snow to see which dog disturbed him. 

Unsurprisingly, it was the dog named Odis. Wait, didn’t that make him the bear? 

(Qiao Qixi is referring to the idioms: Don’t poke the bear & Let sleeping dogs lie which basically mean “don’t make it worse, stay away from trouble.” In context, he is the bear, and Odis is the one causing trouble by ‘poking’ him.)


He didn’t care. He didn’t want to play with Odis right now. It was still too embarrassing!

Secret message T-T please read at

The photography team, who had been paying attention to the situation, was overjoyed. Odis and Alexander had finally come out. 

After a while, a team member asked, “ Leader, did you see anything?”

The leader said with mixed feelings, “I saw Alexander hitting Odis again.”

Another team member reminded him again, “Leader, that’s not hitting, that’s acting spoiled.”

Everyone thought about it and felt that it made sense. Could a -5 hit damage still be called damage?

Obviously not. 

One morning in early spring, the two polar bears flirted in the snow at the door of the den. After about half an hour, they once again entered the tightly enclosed den that was difficult to spy on. 

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When the weather was slightly better, the photography team used an expensive drone to go up the mountain despite the risk of breaking it.

Fortunately, the drone successfully approached the mountain’s summit and found an opportunity to shoot from an angle that wasn’t easily spotted by the bears inside the den. 

In the image sent back, Odis and Alexander were indeed being intimate. 

They could clearly see Odis’ body moving, but they didn’t know to what extent he was doing. Was he simply rubbing against Alexander like before, or was he having a stronger desire with the arrival of spring?

They wanted to see more clearly. 

But it was very troublesome because Odis was too cautious. The other party kept using his huge body to block the view of Alexander. Only occasionally could they get a shot of Alexander’s face or one of his chubby legs. 

That was it?

Anyway, they couldn’t get any more intimate photos. 

After three days, the team members were all extremely anxious. “Shit!” Odis you waited for so many days and this is all that you showed us!?

At the very least, they should have taken a full-body photo of the little bear for a report. Unfortunately, Odis was like a possessive husband who liked to get jealous. He didn’t even allow such a humble request. 

“Odis’ body is too big. I’m a little worried that the little bear will get hurt.” One of the team members watched the video and said in a worried tone. “I hope he’s just rubbing against Alexander.”

“Probably not.” The team leader said, but then added comfortingly, “You have to believe that Odis knows what he’s doing. I believe that he’s a reliable man.” 

It was an strange yet wonderful thing for a group of people to believe that the big polar bear would rather hurt himself than hurt the little bear. 

In the den of the two polar bears that were being spied on, romantic scenes played out intermittently over the past three days. 

Odis seemed to have gathered all his needs this spring. 

He, who couldn’t calm down, wanted to pester the little bear all the time, but he didn’t act on his urges. He was still rational.

This was very different from other polar bears. Whether it was during normal times or during the restless spring, Odis didn’t seem to have the trait of indulging in his urges. 

He was quite introverted.

Even if he frequently pestered the little bear, it was mostly because he couldn’t suppress it anymore. 

It was because of this strong desire to reproduce that male polar bears would mate with so many female polar bears throughout the springtime. 

But Odis only had Qiao Qixi. Other than Qiao Qixi, he didn’t want to find anyone else. This would inevitably place a burden on the little bear. 

Fortunately, this fake little bear had a lot of knowledge that other bears didn’t have. Otherwise, this spring trip to the mountain’s summit might have ended right then and there. 

Also fortunately, Odis’ character was steady and restrained even during the most torturous times like when his irritation was bad enough that he could probably smash the rock wall to pieces with just one hit. 

But he would never use any more force on Qiao Qixi, and his actions of licking the little bear’s fur were still so gentle. 

In the bears’ den at the top of the snowy mountain, there was a strong air of romance and sweetness. 

Slowly, Qiao Qixi understood a little bit, and he no longer called Odis a dog. 

Odis wasn’t a dog. Odis knew everything and also loved him very much…

Qiao Qixi felt sorry for the other party and obediently accompanied Odis through more and more intense suffering and torment. 

Qiao Qixi was worried that Odis might be tired of the old tricks and that it would become harder to deal with the urges, so he clenched his teeth and changed to another trick. 

This kind of trick was very dangerous. If he wasn’t careful, the fake could become real. If he hadn’t had complete trust in Odis, he wouldn’t have dared to try it. 

It turned out that even the honest Odis liked novelty, and he really seemed to like this new trick…

The atmosphere in the bears’ den was extremely thick. The unique smell and the temperature of spring intertwined in the air, as if it was a different world apart from the world of ice and snow outside. 

Qiao Qixi was very tired, but Odis still hugged him and occasionally rubbed his nose, as if to comfort and apologize: I didn’t do it on purpose. I like you a lot. 

The little bear felt that he might be sleepy and confused. Otherwise, how could he translate such a meaning?

But thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. It was normal for Odis to confess his feelings, and it was by no means a fact that Qiao Qixi was thinking too much. 

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Qiao Qixi persisted for a while longer, but in the end, he couldn’t hold on anymore and fell fast asleep. 

Odis, who had calmed down a little, didn’t sleep at all these days. Even if he closed his eyes to rest, he couldn’t fall into a normal sleep at all. 

When the little bear was sleeping, he would either quietly hug him or help clean the little bear’s fur. These days, it was easy for the little bear to get dirty.

Every time he cleaned up a part of the little bear’s immature body, Odis would stop for a moment and use his sense of smell to confirm. Unfortunately, the little bear wasn’t mature yet, so he had to continue to wait. 

This was something that Qiao Qixi didn’t know about. It turned out that Odis’ standard for judging whether the little bear could do it or not was whether the little bear was mature yet. 

But it was obvious that there was still a long time before the little bear matured, so Odis could only wait patiently. 

It might not be too difficult for him. 

After a long period of tenderness between them, the two polar bears had an urgent need for water. When the little bear woke up, they went outside to eat fresh snow. 

Qiao Qixi cherished the hard-won time to get some fresh air. Luckily, they were able to see the sunrise atop the mountain’s summit. 

The polar sky, without wind and snow, finally brightened up. The warm sun shone on their bodies, making them feel very comfortable. 

Even Odis, who hadn’t seen the sun for a long time, seemed to like this kind of weather. 

With the bright sun, Qiao Qixi accidentally saw that Odis’ eyes were bloodshot. Under the sun, the other party leaned his face against the rock and squinted his eyes, looking a little tired. 

Under the rare sunlight, the big polar bear gently rubbed against the rock to scratch himself. 

Qiao Qixi didn’t want to disturb Odis as he hoped that Odis could sleep comfortably. 

As he wished, within this warm comfortable environment, the recently relieved Odis slowly closed his eyes. 

For the first time since spring, Odis slept for four or five hours. Although it wasn’t a long time, it still brought him a comfortable relief to his body and mind. 

Seeing that Odis was also lazy after waking up, the little bear naively thought that the restlessness of spring had passed so easily. 

He excitedly picked up his small bucket and sent a message: Odis, do you want to go down the mountain?

Odis and the little bear looked at eachother, blinking twice, but there still was no answer from the big bear. 

What did it mean to pretend to be dead and not answer?

The two and a half year old Alexander knew that it meant that the big bear didn’t want to go down the mountain. 

“Wu wu wu.” Alexander let go of the bucket and threw it away. He threw himself over and pretended to cry: I’m hungry, let’s go down the mountain to eat seals. 

Didn’t Odis feel that the fat on his body had deceased? Was it comfortable to hug him like this?

Being hugged by his beloved little bear, of course Odis was clearly happy. This time, he chose to express his happiness through his actions, such as dragging the little bear back into the den. 

The big bear had just woken up, and now his body was full of energy. 

Since the little bear took the initiative to provoke him, why should he be polite?

The camera in the distance clearly captured the video of Odis driving the little bear back into their love nest. 

The two male polar bears were pulling and flirting along the way, and the sour smell of love overflowed from the screen. 

“Odis is so domineering. The little bear obviously doesn’t want to go back to the nest…”

“Haha, because the little bear doesn’t have those urges right now.” One of the team members accidentally revealed his wretched thoughts: “I can’t wait to think about what will happen two and a half years later when both of them reach the restless period. Will they fight?”

When Alexander matured physically, he would also be a huge polar bear. At that time, would he still be willing to be bullied by Odis?

One of the team members replied, “They definitely won’t fight. Personality determines who is in charge. The calm and wise Odis is definitely the top.”

The little bear was delicate and soft. Even if he grew up, he wouldn’t be able to get rid of his squeamishness. 

Unless Odis was willing to let him go.

(The author has something to say: Domineering Husband Odis: Let him go? No, I’ll pester him forever.)

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