After sharing and eating the food in the bucket, the two polar bears still felt unsatisfied. It was normal since the fish caught were only a dessert, a small snack after waking up from sleeping for more than a month.

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The taste was still very good though.

At this time, Qiao Qixi was looking at Odis to see if the other party had lost weight after a month of sleep.

The answer is yes. Even if the consumption of energy is reduced to a minimum during hibernation, Odis was slightly thinner. So this phenomenon will be more prominent in other polar bears.

However, Odis may have been distressed that the bear has become thinner. After eating the gift from the bear, he caught more fish from the sea.

For the next few days, they stayed in the bay to rejuvenate themselves, and then, like previous years, walked along the coast towards the cliffs where it was suitable for diving into the sea.

Because he left footprints everywhere, the route had become quite familiar and Odis who accompanied him has also changed from being a friend to a more intimate companion, giving Qiao Qixi a sense of security, a feeling like settling down.

To put it simply, he loves his life now.

Except for not finding much food to eat during summer, everything was okay.

As said earlier, although he swam in the wrong direction eight times while coming, he still wanted to lead during their return journey. It can only be said that Odis connived and continued to let him swim ahead without any objections.

At night, there was no more peeping from the drone. This meant not being seen as a joke and no chance of humiliation.

After entering into the water, Alexander felt that everything was fine- the temperature of the water, the climate, the feeling of paddling in the water on all fours with ease.

As for there being a ghost in the dark, bah, he is already an adult polar bear. That hurdle had long been passed.

Maybe it was because there was no psychological pressure, or maybe it was luck, but Alexander’s return trip was good and he went in the wrong direction only twice.

Qiao Qixi: “….” What’s there to be so proud of this?

Thankfully, the drone was not tracking them, otherwise it would be an increase in black history.

The sound of ice breaking was especially distinct in the silent night.

Qiao Qixi and Odis, who had just come onto the land, looked over. In the dimness of the night, they could see that it was a strong polar bear. It’s physique was similar to Odis’ but it was not as white as Odis.

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Observing closely, it can be seen that the other polar bear has a very powerful aura and strong features.

Qiao Qixi has seen only thin and sloppy polar bears after the summer. He finally saw a more fleshy polar bear. It shows that some polar bears, like them, can live well during the summer season.

It was probably due to the other’s lean physique, it was clear at a glance that this polar bear was a very good hunter.

The fleshy polar bear which was being spied on by Alexander, came ashore and shook its body hard to flick the sea water on its body. Then, it seemed to detect someone observing it from nearby. He turned his head and indeed found a bear.

But what he saw was not a polar bear cub, but a white and cute sub-adult polar bear with a faint male scent on his body, which was in sharp contrast to the adult polar bear beside it with a strong smell and aggressiveness.

The polar bear glanced at Qiao Qixi and then at Odis and returned his gaze to Qiao Qixi in a hurry. He didn’t like the strong aggression coming from Odis so he looked at the sub-adult bear next to him.

Some polar bears do not reject the same sex when they come across each other, and even come forward to express their willingness to become companions.

Odis and Alexander, for example, also went from being strange neighbors to being familiar partners.

The male polar they encountered is likely one that did not reject the same sex.

Seeing that the other polar bear was staring at Qiao Qixi, Odis’s actions were reasonable. He walked directly to the little bear and used his huge body to block the other polar bear’s sight.

However, the little bear is a curious one and rarely meets another handsome polar bear. So he sticks his head out with interest and continues to look at the other polar bear.

Alexander’s gaze is a gesture of goodwill so the next step would have been to come over and smell each other’s scent. If there was no Odis standing in the middle, the other polar bear probably would have already walked towards Alexander.

With Odis in the middle, the other had to stop where it was and instead wait for the equally curious sub-adult polar bear to come towards him.

Of course, Qiao Qixi didn’t know that the other party was waiting for him. He was just purely curious to see another rare robust bear.

Gradually, a strange atmosphere filled the air between the three polar bears standing on the ice.

Odis was originally just wary that the other party might hurt Alexander. But now his narrowed eyes suddenly became sharper and his body exuded a fierce hostility towards the other polar bear who refused to leave.

Very aggressive and intense.

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Qiao Qixi, who was behind Odis, felt strong dissatisfaction from him. But this hostility was not directed at himself but at the other polar bear they had just met by chance.

Why is that?

It has to be said that Odis was not like this usually. When they meet other polar bears, Odis would lazily choose to turn a blind eye unless the other party takes the initiative to provoke.

At this moment, there is no roaring or provoking from the other party. The other polar bear was merely looking.

What was wrong? Is Odis having a fit? Can’t he even look at another bear?

Was he so crazy?

Qiao Qixi was not keen on fighting, he continued to watch the battle curiously. If Odis really showed a sign of starting a fight with the other polar bear, he would stop it in advance.

Everyone there was an endangered animal. What is the need to fight?

Fortunately, the other polar bear did not seem too interested in Qiao Qixi. He had just come onto land from the long swim and was still hungry. He only hesitated for a moment before deciding that he didn’t want to fight and then left.

Qiao Qixi didn’t realize what had occured even after the other polar bear left.

It is very likely that he will never know that in his life, there was another male polar bear who was interested in him other than Odis.

It is simply that Odis, who is very handsome and very famous in the Arctic, mercilessly blocks his peach blossoms.

It is worth mentioning that although polar bears have limited ability to process information, it is undeniable that they have excellent processing ability when it comes to two things-food and spouse.

If one does not touch these two reverse scales, they can turn a blind eye and everyone can be peaceful; but once you did, it seems that one can only die without any arguments.

Perhaps, for Odis, robbing his prey is not necessarily impossible and unforgivable. But coveting the bear he worked hard to raise is inexcusable.

Odis took the bear and started walking in the direction opposite to the other polar bear.

It wasn’t until they walked far enough and could no longer the smell the other polar bear that Qiao Qixi felt the killing aura surrounding Odis fade away slowly.

The temper was so big this time, was it because Odis encountered an opponent who is equal to him in strength?

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No, Qiao Qixi recalled the other polar bear. The strength is not comparable. The gap between the two was still quite obvious.

Qiao Qixi could tell at a glance that Odis would have won the fight definitely.

Odis came back to his usual behavior and affectionately rubbed the bear. Then he concentrated on finding the seal.

No one knew if it was a coincidence that the male polar bear reappeared when they were eating the seals on nearby ice.

Qiao Qixi cast a curious gaze and was worried that they would start fighting.

If the earlier standoff was tense, this moment seemed to be even more sensitive.

Qiao Qixi looked at Odis, and sure enough, he had stopped eating. Odis still had blood on his mouth and his body was tensed up, focusing all of his attention on the intruder.

Usually, Odis would simply roar a few times to scare off the other party who came with the purpose to grab their food. But seeing as Odis was reacting so strongly, it could only mean a different purpose.

The other party’s purpose seemed to make Odis angry and cause strong dissatisfaction which made him change his temperament from too lazy to fight to wanting to tear the other party apart.

Odis dropped the food and walked slowly towards the other polar bear.

Qiao Qixi was worried seeing this as he didn’t want Odis to fight. He also put his food down and walked to Odis.

Odis, who initially wanted to fight, soon found that the Little Bear was following him. So, he hesitated for a moment which caused his majestic momentum to be interrupted suddenly.

It seemed to be difficult to choose bringing the Little Bear to a fight.

Qiao Qixi clung to Odis tightly not allowing him to fight.

In order to stop Odis from fighting without being coquettish in front of another polar bear, Qiao Qixi subtly bit Odis’s body. The force was neither light nor heavy, just right for a reminder.

Seeing Little Bear’s limp body leaning heavily on himself and gnawing at the side of his neck, Odis inevitably thought that he was afraid of fighting.

Soon he suppressed his strong desire to fight.

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From the time he was a bear cub, Qiao Qixi knew that Odis was someone who avoided clashing with other polar bears.

This time was similar, Odis gave up wanting to fight but still looked a little disturbed. Qiao Qixi expressed a cold sweat for the other polar bear.

What did the other party do to provoke the usually Buddhist Odis into such anger?

It can’t be…..

Qiao Qixi was not stupid. After thinking about it carefully, he figured out the truth of the matter.

The reasoning inevitably surprised him.

“???” So it was this kind of thing!

As spring is arriving, polar bears are starting to get restless. Seeing that they couldn’t find a female polar bear, they are not even letting go a male polar bear with neat eyebrows.

This was so frustrating.

Or the other polar bear could have been a gay bear originally.

Qiao Qixi didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry.

At the same time, he was quite puzzled as to what attracted the other bear to him. Was it the attraction between male and male? Or maybe it was a special smell.

Qiao Qixi looked down and sniffed his paws. There was no specific smell on him, only the smell of blood left from eating the seal.

Speaking of eating, he hurriedly returned to eat the seal, taking Odis along with him. “Ao~Ao”

“Ao~Ao”, Odis, if you don’t eat quickly, the seal will freeze.

There is no need to fight with love rivals or anyone. Even if a thousand handsome polar bears come, he would never empathize with them.

I hope Odis will learn this truth soon.


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